233. Meeting with thy rest!

[The Dueling Exam: Arc 11]

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Forest of Mistiness - Saturday 6:30 a.m.]

"Do you think that the rest have already reached the end?" Wondered Eguchi, rather interested running besides Octavius. "With as much love as I would like to say it, I cannot. I do not have any idea if they have made it or not." Octavius claimed running forward, however, their sigh was slowly becoming clearer and clearer. "Tsch. I think this is the finish. We just gotta get up the hill." Explained Eguchi, and with no regrets, both Octavius and Eguchi began running up the hill, soon, they were spotted by a bunch of other examinees.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Hill - Saturday 6:31 a.m.]

"Well would you look at that... 28 and 29th came." Spoke Kyou, facing at them. "There, we made it, seems the rest aren't here yet. Apart from those two..." But even if Eguchi faced at Yutaku and Kazuko, both of them continued to argue. "Yes, Tim and others, however, have not managed to come." With sighs coming out from Octavius's mouth, he sat down on the grass, while Eguchi did the same.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Forest of Mistiness - Saturday 6:34 a.m.]

Tim and the rest who were running next to him were slowly seeing the clearance. "Huh, guess we're getting closer." Spoke Codey, finally ready to get to the end. "And the sun is slowly setting up in the sky. Time for us get to the finish line." But, soon as he said that, something came jumping before them, a shadow above Codey's head. "What the heeeeeeelllllll!!!" Codey shouted when something dropped down toward him. "Wait! Wait! Catch me! Catch me!" Shouted Ellie. Codey was caught in surprise when Ellie dropped at him. "N-n-n-n-n-nooo! No, wait, watch out! Hey!" Far stepping to the side and side stepping, Codey felt a bottom on his face, when he smashed into the ground. Tim and the rest stopped running and faced behind them. "Ah. Thank god. Landing safely on a soft body, finally." Ellie spoke, soon after that, Codey released a roaring wind that blew Ellie high in the air, spinning him and making him twirl in the air, soon after that moment, Ellie quickly spun and dropped down, landing on his feet. "Thank you very much for such an awesome entrance, I am glad to call you a friend." But, before Ellie spoke so, Codey seemed to be unamused. "Who the hell even are you?" Codey wondered, confused. "My name is Masahiro Ellie! I am another Spiritual Duelist and I have come to the end- wait! What the hell, I thought this was the end!! Oh, no, no, no... I am so gonna be late! So gonna be late!" Ellie began running in circles, screaming into the air. "Will you shut the hell up already!" Yasu shouted, when coming out with Kylin, Shin, Shoji and Kanji, as well as Sora. "Oh, no. Why did you bring him?!" Tim asked, soon seeing a smirk on Sora's face. "C'mere!" Sora immediately changed into a girl, but as soon as he did, Tim had his left hand on his hip, when Ayuka bumped him into his shoulder, knocking him to the side. Sora stopped right away.

"Now, now. No more pushing, all right. Let him relax, all right." Called Ayuka, giggling. Sora stopped but transformed back into his original body. "Y-yes ma'am." Claimed Sora, bowing before her. "Well, at least we've found some people that we know about." Kylin smiled, and Tim instantly made a smile. "Oh! Kanji, Kylin, Shin, Kanji! Wassup!" Tim called. "Uhm. What are you doing with, her?" Wondered Kanji, rather confused. Tim faced at Ayuka, who coughed. "I was just stepping in so that he wouldn't use his Kineticism to end up burning this poor fellow." Explained Ayuka, side stepping. "Oh, now I get it! You wanted to-" But before Kanji spoke, Ayuka soon made an intimidating face, freezing his mouth and saying. "No." The rest have blinked a few more times, but soon Kanji gave up and let Ayuka unfreeze his mouth.

"Would you mind explaining who the hell is this guy?!" Codey stepped next to Ellie. He aimed and pointed both of his palms. "Tell me who is this, short, weird, nasty, blue haired, blue eyed, human, wearing a jacket and why does he smell like he killed a poisonous venom or something, seriously, he smells like a bunch of-" But Ellie soon became unamused. "You're calling me all of these words, but look at yourself. You're all tired like as if you were on a marathon! Besides the point, you are way to tall to be in this team!" Ellie yelled. "Hey! I don't even know your name and you're already calling me stupid names!" Both of them faced at each other, arguing. "Well, I don't know you either and you begin complaining! But to your knowledge, I am the most handsome man you'd ever see." Claimed Ellie, looking to the side, crossing his arms. "You call yourself handsome? You must be joking? Just look at yourself compared to them." Codey stepped to the side, uncovering Tim and the rest. "You see that girl over there. Even she is prettier than you. Sorry, no offense Ayuka." Claimed Codey, but soon after that Ayuka also became unamused. ".....Thank you very much..... comparing me to a boy..." Claimed Ayuka. "What, he's real, that guy is funny, but you're as good-looking as sun." When Tim leaned onto Ayuka's face with jokes, she soon froze on the spot and became white. "Um..... s-sorry? I shouldn't have done that." Claimed Tim, moving aside. "N-no! You don't understand!" She called, quickly and accurately. "Well, someone is getting a bit, loud!" Codey called, soon after that Ayuka's left eye twitched when moving her finger upward, Codey felt the ice, freezing his feet. "Oh come on! Now I can't make fun of this weirdo!" Shouted Codey, annoyed. "I didn't freeze your mouth, only your feet."

"Oh... right... anyway! To what I was say-" But before that, Ellie was crouching in front of Ayuka, leaning his right palm onto his chin. "Hm.... these measure exactly 16.4 centimeters.... how come that you have such a firm body, even that girl over there didn't have this much." Ellie thought. "You freaking dumbass! Don't ignore me!" Codey yelled. "Oh I wish I could just blow you with air, but of course, I don't wanna do it because somebody better than you stands right before you!" Codey shouted. "Do you mind if I just touch them a little bit, please, just a little, tinsy, binsy, tiny much?" Ellie asked, hoping. Soon after that, Tim moved his foot and smashed it into his face - knocking him into a tree trunk. "Yeah, no. Not happening." Claimed Tim, crossing his arms. "Man, he never learns. This entire time that we were running, he was trying to do the same to me." Kylin answered, embarrassed. "Tim, can I ask you a favor?" Codey added and soon noticed how Tim faced him. "Um.... yeah?" Questioned Tim, confused to why. "Would you pretty please melt this ice of hers? I would love to put my fist into that guy's face, as he said, just a tinsy, binsy, tiny much?" Tim became unsure and unamused. "Maybe later, for now, what we must do is continue moving to the end, but great to see all of you, and.... that guy-" Tim said, pointing at Ellie. "And how am I supposed to to do so, if I am frozen at my feet?"

"Right. You got a point there..." But luckily, Tim didn't need to do anything, Ayuka unfroze her ice. "There you go. But don't go rampaging now." Claimed Ayuka, calmly. ("As much as that was uncomofortable, it's truth...") Sighed Ayuka, thinking. "Well, then. Let's get going!" Smiled Hideki. "Are we just going to leave him behind?" Questioned Midori, looking at Ellie, who just stood up. "No need, he's up already...." Added Shoji. "Your foot is well built!" Called Ellie, showing a thumbs up. "What the HELL do you mean by THAT?!" But before Tim went yelling, Codey moved in front of him and began pushing him forward. "Like Ayuka said, no need to go rampaging.... let's go." Codey and Tim soon disappeared in dust, leaving others behind. "And there they go. I wonder how it feels to be pushed by somebody, I guess you wouldn't need to worry about getting tired." Claimed Kanji, scratching his nose. "Let's just go after them - before Codey runs out of stamina for pushing him." Claimed Kylin, calmly. And with that, each of them followed them.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Forest of Mistiness - Saturday 7:40 a.m.]

"This clearance is slowly disappearing fully." Claimed Codey. "Yeah! You're already able to see the sun!" Smiled Kanji, facing up. "It feels so much better now that everything is taken care of inside of the forest." Tim smiled, giving a look at Kylin, returning a smile and nodding. "Your body smells so well, which perfume?" Codey whispered onto Ayuka's neck. By a jumpscared surprise, Ayuka quickly noticed her hips getting touched. "Will you get off me for once! What is wrong with you?!" Ayuka shouted, trying to shake him off. "Will you get off her already!" Tim shouted, smashing his elbow at his face, knocking him to the side when his nose bled from what he touched. "I was so close to getting near her chest! Come on, why must you do that!?" Shouted Ellie, almost making a pool from his tears. "Why? You're even worse than Myles almost! Stop touching femenine's body, got it! One more second of touching and there will be consequences!" Tim called, grabbing Ayuka's arm when annoyed and upset at Ellie. When Ayuka felt the warmth in Tim's grip, she once again felt very shy and embarrassed. "Hey! You just said not to touch a femenine's body! But you just did that right in front of me!" Shouted Ellie, getting mad at Tim. "You got a point there! But I am not like you! Got it! I pretty much touch everything!" Soon as Tim spoke so, Codey and the rest faced at him in unamused. "Whoa, hey, what do you mean?!" Asked Tim, looking at them. "You said you touch everything, but you never want to touch her chest....." Codey sighed. "Hey! What the hell! That's just in polite. Why are you all looking at me like so! I don't touch inappropriate things." But as Tim spoke, Kylin faced at him. "Just like you 'didn't' last time?" Kylin gave him memories of when the two of them fought Taira together. "That was an accident!! All I wanted to do is to push you out of the way!" Tim shouted.

"What about when we fought Lucas?" Kylin reminded him. "That - as well was an accident! I didn't want to touch her, I just wanted to get her out of the way, Ayuka was right in front of the attack!" Tim called in annoyance. "You know, you just ruined the point of never touching hers. "Tim, if you ever wish to get any gender partner, you need to try touch-" But before Ellie spoke, Tim already smashed him into the face. "You know, this conversation is getting way to weird, plus Codey. What was the point of telling him to touch Ayuka's chest?" Wondered Hideki in confusion. "Um...nothing! There is a reason to why I wouldn't be mad if Tim has done it!" Claimed Codey, Tim dropped on the floor with the rest, while the only one that stood were Codey, Sakami and Ayuka, as for poor Ayuka, she was more confused than knowing what to say. "You know, you make no sense some times! You don't allow Ellie, nor us, but you would let Tim do it, what the hell is the point here, stopping one, won't stop everybody?" Asked Shoji. ("I really got into the most stupid conversation, though the reason of why I said that, it's only because I know what Ayuka feels towards him in her mind.....") Codey thouht, thinking. "Y-You know, we're almost there, so let's just continue. All - right?" Giggled Midori embarrassed.

To be continued...