234. The techniques of coo-cooking...?

[The Dueling Exam: Arc 11]

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Hill - Saturday 8:55 a.m.]

"Well, it seems that nobody else is coming, it's only 5 minutes left." Sighed Ume, gigglish. "Why do you always look at time, there are still 5 more minutes - the next several contestants may come sooner than you think, if that is the last few seconds." Sighed Kaori, bored and leaned onto her right palm. "Oh. I guess you are right - but it doesn't seem any traces, although I do hear several footprints, thanks to the vibrations of feet on the earth." Ume leaned onto Kaori's right shoulder. "Please, wake me up if somebody comes." With a yawn let out, Ume fell asleep. "H-huh?" But duo to Kaori's annoyance, she let out a sigh. "Yes, sure....."

"Many people are slowly becoming tired. It's quite tiring for me as well." Spoke an examinee, stretching his arms. "Who are you to talk? I needed to take care of trio of Demons, that made me tired even more than I would of have done." Sighed the examinee, sitting besides the other. "Wait! Look." One of the females pointed ahead seeing a group of people running up the hill. "Whoa, okay, that's more than I expected to come."

The examinee around began counting. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ,7 ,8 ,9, 10, 11, 12. Twelve of them, that's still decent number. 41 of us made it, sweet, we're still in action!" Called an examinee, quite estaticed. ("No disappointement! As if I would knew he'd make it.") Kyou licked his lips looking at Tim, talking to the rest. Octavius and Eguchi stepped closer. "Seems like you cannot let down any people, huh?" Smiled Octavius. "Yeah. Pretty much. Either way, meet this weirdo..." Tim spoke, pointing at Ellie. However as soon as he faced at them, he immediately made twitching eyes. "Um..." Tim faced back and saw Ayuka's left hand raised and Ellie smelling her chest. "That must be rose! How can you get such a good perfume on your boobs?!" Tim immediately opened his palm with extremely upset face when preparing a burst of fire in front of his palm, Ellie smelled the heated fire, facing at Tim when seeing Tim, preparing a loud fire. "Waaaaait! I'm sorry! You can't do this to me!" Ellie immediately jumped to the side, leaving Ayuka uncomfortably embarrassed. With no comment, added, Tim unleashed a burning burst of fire to which Ellie was caught in and bursted back down the hill. "WHY! Would! Anyone! Do! Do! This! To me!?" Ellie ended up in a tree, on a trunk, seeing stars above his head.

"For multiple reasons."

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Hill - Saturday 9:00 a.m.]

"Seems 41 of you made it and nobody else finished before 9 am, we will now begin with the next test, in this test you'll be lead by Iwasaki Kameyo. My test was finished, from there, the ones who finish the third test, they will be able to move to the fourth." Explained Kichira, calm and stepped aside. "Please if you continue up the hill and step before the woman with green hair." In that instant, the rest who were still in the exam moved forward and in the next few minutes, they have arrived.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Cafeteria - Saturday 9:10 a.m.]

While the examinees reached the 'cafeteria' the rest of them seemed to be rather confused, seeing a girl standing in front of them having a stick inside of her mouth. "Is she our next examinee?" By confusion one of the examinees verified of her being it. While the rest of them have stepped in front of her, she reached with her both hands onto her hips. "All right, welcome to your next test, first of all, I shall introduce myself, I am Kameyo and I am your next examiner of this third test, as you've probably heard you will need to use cooking techniques to reach the third exam, however at these exam you have no hold backs. You may use your weapon, your Kinetic Type or any technique you may consider to be used. To impress my taste you will need to at least be given 5 to 10 points, these points will represent how well you prepared a meal, below 5, you won't be able to pass. While you'll be partaking on this test you will be able to gather ingredients from Fortune Forest, no worries, there is no more fog that will prevent you from hunting down boars or groceries. You may prepare whatever you would like and you will only be able to cook or roast meat with either your Kinetic Type or using that fire on the side." Explained Kameyo. "May I just ask what does cooking got to do anything with becoming a Duelist?" Another examinee asked. "That is very simple. Duelists venture out to any places and may become hungry through the journey, if you are outside in the middle of no where you will need to hunt some food for yourselves. At the same time, food and cooking or as well as baking, it is very important to reserve your stamina and strength, nobody likes an empty stomach. Anyway, to prepare a meal you will have 40 minutes to gather the ingredients another 30 minutes to prepare your meal, so be aware of what you are making or the time may run out and you won't be able to finish your dish. Anyway, everything here is free to use, leaves, boars, and every other types of food or ingredients." Explained Kameyo.

"One last question, may I ask how will you be awarding us?" Wondered Ume, interested. "You will be scored by how well you've prepared a meal, that means, perfect quality and perfect temperature, also how nice the dish looks, I will give a bite in every dish to test how well it is, so be prepared." Explained Kameyo, quite calm. "Preparing a dish. That is going to be kind of trouble-like." Sighed Kanji, thinking. "Yeah. But, Tim, Ayuka and Codey, they seem perfectly fine with it, apart from Ellie, he is probably out of his knowledge about cooking." Answered Midori. "All we need to get is at least score of 5. hush, that might be kind of possible with what I'll come up with." Sighed Kanji, almost falling on the floor. "Cooking.... I can't do that...." Octavius spoke, the rest almost dropped down and made a confused look. "I'd expect you to know at least a simple dish, on how to make it..." Added Kylin, rather unamused. "Hey, lady. What happens if we don't make the meal at all?" Wondered Eguchi. "Then you'll fail." To when she spoke so, Eguchi's eyes squiggled and dots began appearing above his head.

"I'm done for...."

"All right now, you may begin gathering your ingredients." And so the test began and the duelists rushed to find ingredients.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Cafeteria - Saturday 9:15 a.m.]

"Hm, she seems like she would really adore some fresh meat, baked on the fire..." Spoke Kylin, her saliva began to flow. "Are you sure you won't be the one who'll end up eating it?" Questioned Tim, looking at Kylin, who immediately froze and gave a confident look. "Don't you sweat a thing, I'll make the most organized and the most fresh meal you've ever tasted, watch and learn." Called Kylin preparing to hunt. By scratching his head, Tim sighed. "...Preparing a meal.... there is not much in nature to make it out of, so this is the challenge. But, if it means I must make it, I will make it and she will beg for more until she doesn't drop down to her panties!" Yelled Ellie, imagining Kameyo in just underwear. "I already see how he'll end up failing...." Claimed Tim, reaching for his forehead. "Then again, she's an adult, she might be just perfect for my likings!" The quiet giggles were heard and Tim faced at the forest. "I'll make the best meal! Better than yours, Yutaku!" Shouted Kazuko while dashing past Tim. "Is that so?! You just try, you will fall down and ask me to make you that meal everyday!" Yelled Yutaku while the two of them once again raced.

"Those two can never learn..." Sakami spoke, Tim looked at her after she just stepped besides him. "Um... right, Sakami. Do you have any idea of what you'll be making?" Wondered Tim, however Sakami thought for a few seconds. ".........." Still no answer. "........." "Um, Sakami?" "......I have no idea...." To what Tim heard, he just had to drop down onto the floor from being caught off guard. "All right - well, this is probably the hardest test for 80% of examinees...." Tim spoke, when standing straight up.

Meanwhile Codey crouched behind a bush, seeing a boar. "Ehehehe... boar, that's exactly what kind of meat I need." Spoke Codey, gigglish. But at that Ellie showed himself as well. "That boar will turn her on." Ellie laughed, soon at that, Ellie and Codey faced at each other. "That thing is mine, you got it!" Called the two of them. "Don't you even think about doing that!" Yelled Codey. "Maybe you should conserve your ideas for something else, that boar is mine and I don't care what you say." However, the two of them created electricity between their eyes. "Try me." The two of them immediately jumped outside the bush. "I'm GONNA get you! Come here you piggy!" Shouted the two of them, but as soon as they shouted, the boar turned at them while in mid air and made them frozen. "Uh-oh." The boar swooped his feet and rushed at them. "WAIT! HOLD UP! NO SLOW DOWN! DON'T DO THA-" However, both of them were late, they were smashed into their stomachs knocking them high into the air. "No you don't you damn pig! Get your fat ass over here!" Yelled Codey, he reached with his right arm to the side and sharpened his boomerang, licking his lips. "You will be the most perfect meat!!" Codey immediately threw the singular boomerang as it began to fly over the trees down toward the boar. However, the boar stepped to the side and the boomerang got stuck in the ground. With a slow wind passing bye, no comment came from Codey's mouth.

"Hah! You suck!" Ellie yelled. He prepared his katana and rose his electricity of yellowness. "I will execute that devil and I will make it my toy!" Shouted Ellie. "That sound way worse than what you meant with it!" Claimed Codey. But after showing tongue to Codey, Ellie blasted ahead with full lightning speed, a yellow flash was seen, however, Ellie cut grass and his eyes twitched. "Where the hell did it-" But as he asked, a boar came bumping into his bottom, kicking him directly into the tree. "Hah! What a loser!" Codey just dropped down and stretched his arms. "C'mere little piggy, no harm, I just want to have your meat, it'll be very quick I promise." With a wink the boar released steam from his nose when his horns shined in the sun. "W-wait, we can talk about it. Before you do that, please, let me-" However, Codey was already slammed into the stomach, causing him to feel extreme pain. "What the hell is this thing made out of, it hits like a damn truck!" But at that moment, while Codey lied on the floor with his body flinching. "I'm lucky to not be a girl...." At that instant, Ellie began swinging his katana, however the boar was stepping aside, avoiding every single one of his cuts. "God damn it! Stop moving, you're mine!" While Ellie began cutting quicker and quicker, the boar continud to defend itself with his horns, when soon striking the stomach of Ellie's. At that moment Ellie lost his breath and skimmed onto the floor like a crawling worm. "Man, these boars are so insane..." He added. But at that instant, the boar turned its bottom at Ellie's face, showing and wiggling his butt and tail. "Oh you didn't just do that! Get your ass over here!" Yelled Ellie when jumping at the boar, landing on its back. The scream came from the boar when it tried to shake Ellie off.

"Haha! You can ride me like a-" But as soon as Ellie was about to say that, boar pressed ahead, rushing. "Whoa! Wait! Stop! Your impact is way too faaaaaast!" At that, Codey just stood up, scratching and cleaning his clothes. "Man, it feels like I was kicked by a girl directly into my-" However, at that, Codey's eyes opened widely. "Watch ouuuuuttt!" Codey tried to react however too late, the boar slammed into Codey blasting him in the air. "THIS IS SOOOO CRAZY! COME ONNNNNN!" His body spun through the air, cleaning its way across the sky and disappearing in a star. "Oops, that'll hurt." But to soon, Ellie faced ahead and saw a tree. "Wait! Wait! Stop!" However, the boar smashed its head purely into the trunk, making Ellie to smack his entire front body in the trunk, even his cheeks were fat at the squeeze. After the slow drop onto the floor, the boar ran away. "I wish for some other things now..." Ellie claimed.