243. The duel of Martial Arts!

[The Dueling Exam: Arc 11]

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 1:20 p.m.]

While Codey and Ellie came in fight, as well as Hideki and Kanji, many others are still hunting their targets, one of them being Midori.

"You'd think that a pyro girl would be easier to find, but man, this is difficult to find." Claimed Midori, thinking while moving over the trees. "Almost feels identical to the moment to when we've fought in Misty Forest.... either way, I do not understand how will all of us manage to get to the end, apart from the two losers...." Midori thought, worried, but in that moment she jumped at the top of the branch when soon closing her eye sight onto her target, Yasu was walking around, trying to find Midori. "And there you are. Fun to see you again." Claimed Midori, and for that she immediately slipped over the trees when moving quietly to hunt and drop down on Yasu.

"Ugh. This is so worriying, She anyone could strike at any moment, and that would catch me off guard. I just need to find Midori...." Claimed Yasu. But just as she called it, Midori came dropping from above, raising her leg and striking down. In surprise, Yasu immediately reacted, jumping aside when Midori landed on the ground, sliding and using a trunk of the tree to catch herself before going further. "There you are, my lovely target!" Smiled Midori, even though she didn't really want to fight Yasu. "So. I believe I am your target?" Yasu added with a question. "Correct, why ask? It's simple to understand, I wouldn't attack you if you weren't!" Called Midori, smiling. "I guess you kept the trouble away from me finding you. You're my target as well!" Claimed Yasu, showing her target. "That's very brutal, both of us are each other's target! Great! Then let's see what else are you capable of!" Claimed Midori.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 1:23 p.m.]

"The white hair, right. I suppose she isn't that bad of a target. After all, I did want to do research on her as well.... but finding her.... this will be a cost of help." Said Ko, and instantaneously summoning his puppets. "All right. You two, help me look for a pony tail girl with white hair. She should be inside of this forest, once you see her, make sure to share your sight with me." Claimed Ko. The puppets nodded and both of the two spread out. "Who knows. Maybe she'll be a prey of fighting...." Claimed Ko, fixing his glasses. "..... I hope she will have any intel of Nensho, maybe that can be the advantage to my target." Claimed Ko when beginning to walk through the forest.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 1:26 p.m.]

Sakami was moving her path forward while being quite careful on seeing where her opponent and target is. "...." With no comment she switched directions and began to move quicker and quicker. She came leaping from the floor onto the top of the high tree, looking over the woods, using that tree as a lookout. "..... Finding is probably the hardest part. Obtaining the badge is probably much easier...." Claimed Sakami, standing up when her scarf waved. She looked further and noticed Hideki. "Well... there is Ayuka's target.... hold on, is he... fighting? Is that Kanji?" Sakami wondered and looked.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 1:27 p.m.]

Kanji used his spear and spun it when he instantaneously flipped his body sideways, swinging with his spear and releasing silver electricity. Hideki on the other hand, skimmed to the side and dashed past the electricity when preparing his dagger, he swung and released a current of water that flowed and danced through the air, pressing its weight on Kanji and splashing him onto the floor, quickly after, Kanji reacted by unleashing electricity and sent the electricity flow through the water. Hideki noticed that and stopped the attack when the electricity disappeared in front of him and the water vaporized, Hideki landed on the branch. "All right, that was very dangerous if I must say." Claimed Hideki, facing down at Kanji who just stood up and prepared his spear. ".... I'm sorry, but if I lose my badge, then all I can do is simply just to search for my target." Claimed Kanji, calm but intimidating his opponent. "Speaking about your target, who is it?" Hideki asked, with a smile. Kanji raised his paper. "Kylin, she is my target."

"Oh, well. I think you'll find her eventually, but right now, you should prioritize me, after all, I am here to get your badge." Claimed Hideki, being quite serious. "When they mentioned about - The scouting of nature test - I sure didn't expect this. Scouting our targets. But, there is nothing we can do about it." Answered Kanji, calmly and a bit selfish in the moment.

"Me neither, and trust me. I wouldn't fight you if it wasn't necessary, but we'll see, I still think all of us will somehow manage to make it to the end, well - at least all of us, between allies." Spoke Hideki, dropping down toward the floor. "But now, that's not to worry, worry about our opponents!" Claimed Hideki when swinging and releasing a dancing flow of water behind his dagger, he swung down but Kanji blocked with his spear, electricity and water combined and both of them were pushed backward, after the water splashed on the grassy floor.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 1:28 p.m.]

But in that moment, somebody came stepping below Sakami and behind her. "Well, there she is. How nice, I didn't have to go far to find her." Smiled Kyou, interested after looking at Sakami standing at the top, but at the same time, the third guest was hiding in the bushes behind Kyou. ("Well, there goes....") Tim claimed, stalking Kyou when trying to wait for the duel to begin.

".... he'll certainly be a hard target to fight ...." Tim whispered but he intimidatingly released an exhale and in that moment, Kyou felt passive pressure behind him, making his eyes to widely open, a figure was in midair behind him, prepared with a burning arm. Kyou faced backward and his eyes got shaken up, Tim slammed his fist forward, to hopefully strike Kyou, but in quick reaction, Kyou ducked and slid to the side, sliding on the floor and dragging out his playing cards from his jacket. With a creepy and pedophilish smile, Kyou licked his lips. ("She can wait.... this one is rising my interest way more...") Thought Kyou. ("Damn it. What the hell, his reaction was overwhelming, I could barely even land and he already dragged out his card?") Tim asked surprised, standing on the floor. At the same time, Sakami noticed two opponents below her. ("Wait, that's Tim. Is his target, Kyou?") She asked in surprise, but covered it with her serious look. ("This means..... that I am Kyou's target. Good to know... I don't want to interfere, but." However when Sakami tried to pull her blade from her holder, she noticed intimidation in Tim's eyes. ("No. If I interfere now, he'll probably get upset for helping him out. I can tell, his urge of defeating Kyou by himself is something I should not focus on about, in fact, I should continue searching for my target. Good luck.... Tim...") Sakami thought when leaped further into the distance.

"Oh darn, looks like you scared off my target... how unfortunate, but you're far more interesting than her. I was edgy to fight you, I need to fight you, urgently!" Smiled Kyou, but Tim's face was quite serious. ("I cannot use Nensho, or he'll know that I am who Ko's looking for....") Tim thought, preparing to fight bare handed.

("Either way, this won't stop me. I'll get that badge, no matter what....") Tim thought and in that moment he made a step disappearing from the spot when instantly appearing right in front of Kyou, preparing his fist and striking it toward Kyou, but in luck, Kyou moved to the side when slid his right card onto Tim's right arm, across it, softing his arms as if it was poisonous which made Tim invulnerable to fight, in that instant, Kyou raised his knee and slammed it into Tim's stomach, stunning him and causing his back to amost crack, when the floor below them shattered, from the widened eyes, Tim lost his breath, but doing quickly, that made him recover quickly and swing with his softened arm, however, Kyou once again moved aside and this time kneeled Tim into his right hip, stunning him again.

("Is this guy trained in fist to fist combat? Cause I sure am not!") Tim thought, but in that moment, Tim raised his left hand and unleashed burning fire from the edge of his foot, kicking sideways toward Kyou, however, Kyou managed to avoid and disappear when the kick from Tim unleashed a burning flame, covering the area, but in that moment, Tim sensed a flying object, Tim quickly turned backward and his eyes shook, seeing that Kyou's card was already ready to cut. However, Tim quickly made a step back and in that moment made a serious face, disappearing when the ground below him cracked. Kyou was caught in smile when Tim appeared in front of him, punching at him, however, Kyou blocked and the pressure below them was summoned into a small bulldoze. In that instant, Kyou turned Tim's arm, by hitting it to the side, catching Tim's shoulder and then kneeling him into the stomach again. "How fabulous, you even have some skills in fist to fist combat!" Smiled Kyou, licking his lips and then, swinging with his kick, knocking Tim the side, even making his nose to bleed when Tim spun from the slide and opened his palm, unleashing a burning temper of fire. "An emitter! At least now I know more about you!" Kyou ducked and appeared next to Tim's right side when grabbing his arm and making him surprised.

"But you'll have to try harder!" In that moment, Tim felt a tense grab in his right arm when feeling a crack of his bones, his eyes got caught in surprise and in that momen, he noticed a knee into his stomach, followed up by a punch into his face, causing him to get pushed back. Kyou on the other hand, circled his arm above him, creating floating cards that on the moment were released in the swing. Tim held his 'half-broken' arm when feeling sweat dripping down his forehead. ("What was I thinking, I can't fight him fist to fist!") In that moment, Tim disappeared and no sign of him was sensed. "Huh.... aw... he's gone, and I was just starting to enjoy, seeing him feel the pain..." Kyou spoke, when grabbing his cards like a domino. ".....Guess there is no need to hunt him down, he'll probably return.... after all....." ("You aren't planning to lose, are you.") Smiled Kyou, laughing in his mind.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 1:30 p.m.]

Codey just ducked when a katana came swinging above him. He quicly skipped a few meters back to make distance between him and Ellie and then unleashed a throwing boomerang, spinning at high speed and in the throw, Ellie already noticed his move. Ellie disappeared in a bolt when avoiding the throw and then swinging with his katana toward Codey, but on the other side, Codey ducked and reached for Ellie's badge, luckily though, Ellie made a flip and disappear from midair and appeared behind Codey, landing a back kick onto Codey's back, pushing him forward and then unleashing a yellow bolt, that zapped Codey into the back, immobolizing his arm. ("Crap, he caught me off guard... he is the last person I want to lose too!") Codey thought, when picking up his boomerang.

"But going all out on him - will not be trouble...."

To be continued...