253. Rivalry! Action of duelists: Part 5

[The Dueling Exam: Arc 11]

In condition of partaking in a duel, Kanji fought against Ko using Ellie's body. His imposterous events caused him to lose, at arrival of Shin and Kylin, Ayuka, Sakami, Hideki, Kanji were noted about Tim trying to steal Kyou's badge, and they weren't wrong.

Meanwhile the event was appearing near them, Kyou stalked down an enemy which he believed was Sakami, his target, but in that instant, nobody else caught him off guard then Tim himself.

"This is it!" Tim turned his body to face its front to the right, with his left leg raised and bent next to his hip, with instant, orange flames surrounded his body once increasing there temperature. "Infernal Blitz!" The blue fire was heating the area once Tim's left foot gained a hot fire burning, and in instant he released a blue explosion from his right palm which blew him through the air into Kyou's direction, with shock Kyou's eyes noticed him and once losing his guard, Tim's left foot went slamming itself into Kyou's left side of the face. ("T-Tim?") In that instant Kyou went flying aside once dropping his badge, spun in the air.

Tim landed on the floor with his right leg bent and left stretched in front, once swinging with his right hand and catching the badge in his right arm, the fiery accumilation was awakened around him.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 2:45 p.m.]

With caught badge Tim has exchanged looks with Kyou who seemed to have had an opened mouth expression. Kyou reached for his left cheek into which he was kicked, grabbed it and stood up straight. "Who would know. The person I've been hoping to show abilities came just in the nick of time, how lovely is that?" Tim noticed that Kyou had licked his own lips and made him to be disgusted after jumping aside. "But now, you're standing in front of me, unsure what to do. Will you run? Or will you fight me?" Kyou's words were climbing through Tim's mind. ("Damn, I didn't plan ahead of time perfectly, I hoped that this kick would knock him back to enough of distance so that I could escape, after all, my priority was to gain his badge, but now that I hold it in my hand, I have no further plans, all I could think about is to run, but that'd be a mistake, if I don't defeat him, he'll constantly hunt me down. Who am I kidding, even if I do defeat him, he'll hunt me down for the entire day along. What should I do?")

Without thinking Tim's body prepared for combat. ("The hell am I thinking, I can't beat him hand-to-hand! I've seen what he can do, that time I had spared would be great if I've asked somebody for combat hints, especially Ayuka. She's been skilled ever since I've met her....")

"Oh? How fascinating, I didn't expect to see you decide to fight me, but you did complete your challenge, striking me, I'm so estaticed, just can't wait to get my hands on you!" Kyou smiled, preparing a combat position again.

"Then, shall the two of us dance, I'm ready to feel you at my body." The final lick of his own lips was seen in Tim's eyes once he steadied his position. ("He's a tough opponent, I've seen what he was capable, not just that, he was able to break my arm so easily, and I've trained my body so that it doesn't crack instantly after someone's grab, if I'd check at his normal Spiritual Symbolism, I'd put it above captains, nonetheless, he is a dangerous opponent and a creep in additions... The fight won't be easy and results won't be healthy. But I must defeat him, I'm afraid my body just won't escape.")

The fight began with Kyou's smile. "Focus onto your opponent's singular point, struggle to survive if needed and remember what Ayuka had done before.") With no more retreats, Tim used Vanishing Dash from the spot and instantaneously appeared in front of Kyou, readying his fist when had it pulled behind, then sorrowed it through the air directly at Kyou, but in a shift, Tim noticed Kyou's right arm reaching for his face, so with that shift he ducked and slid his left foot around on the floor in a circle when ducking to the side of Kyou's body and then quickly moving up behind him, with pressure released from his right foot, Tim jumped behind Kyou's back and slammed his left foot directly into Kyou's back after it was raised, but as he believed the hit was successful it was noticed that Kyou managed to block his kick with right bent arm and instantly opened his palm at Tim's face and gave him a creepy smile, with Kyou's own pressure gathered into palm's point he unleashed that pressure into a blast that forced Tim to block with crossed arms.

Thrown aside, Tim slid with his feet once feeling the sturdiness at his grip of the foot, he bent his right right leg in front of his with his left arm stretched behind his back and with his left palm in between the two legs, he released an intense pressure from the grip of his palm once combining that into his movement, he used the pressure as support to do a flip and raised his right leg high above his body and flew above the ground once unleashing a heated fire from around his right leg and finally slammed it down with full force, but while he has done that, Kyou quickly swung both of his arms in front of him summoning some sort of invisible and sticky aura that attached around Tim's body and made him surprised. "What is this?!" Questioned Tim while trying to escape. "I love to call it a 'Stick Catch'!" With a smile, Kyou pulled both of his arms from the front besides his left hip and pulled Tim toward his face, once Kyou instantly let go of the stickiness and quickly swung with his left arm, near the hip as in uppercut once slamming Tim into stomach and causing him to feel even greater pain than earlier's battle.

Without a doubt, Tim needed to quickly recover so he has done just that and countered back with his elbow directly into Kyou's thrown attack when causing Kyou to lose balance and drop with his right arm down toward the floor, but as he has done that he noticed Tim's second movement who instantly pointed his left palm into his face and noticed how orange fire swirled at the tip of Tim's palm. "Blast Burn!" With fully gathered pressure and heat, Tim unleashed a lethal attack that bursted ahead with full force, the flames surrounded and covered his opponent that stood before him, the flames spread and the massive return of the pressure caused Tim to be thrown in the air, but in return his left palm was completely melt, which caused him to feel advancing pain after landing on the floor and holding his left arm.

But in luck, the spread fire was triggered and combined itself with athe strong wind, once a massive explosion of flames occured, catching Kyou within it, but as of return, Tim was pushed backward due to the explosion's force. However, once the fire dissipated from around whirling wind, Tim had noticed that Kyou was perfectly fine, he had a sticky bubble shield around his body and had a smile. "Sticky Guard." With a smile, the Sticky Guard was stopped and Tim has known. "The fire didn't affect him at all? How can that even be, I've combined both my aura pressure and fire into a singular point, it was a weaker and much smaller nuke?!" Tim wondered, standing in the distance after seeing the burnt grass.

"How many talents does your combination of aura and kineticism have? Your abilities are truly fascinating, and you've managed to done that without your Ginken! Emitters, they are all so talented when it comes to usage of their kineticism, I've seen it so many times. The two of your friends, the girl who was able to control the electricity at intensity of her body, using it as agile movement, followed up by the other, he managed to summon a massive blast of electricity that even managed to reach farther into the distance that anything else. I truly understand just how powerful the transmision between Emission and Manipulation really is, I can't wait, you do not let me down, how amusing." Once again, after Kyou had finished talking, Tim noticed the next lick of his lips. "But your intensity just turns me on, over and over again! Oh! I can't wait for me to feel your warmth!" Yelled Kyou making a creepy expression once immediately moving his right arm in front of his face and his left arm in front of his stomach, he summoned another spiritual body that was extremely sticky, it swirled and cycled around Kyou's body once Tim noticed a powerful and terrifying purple aura that was summoned around Kyou's body, causing a massive shading. ("This is useless, none of my abilities are working on him, he just throws them aside like a feather riding the wind, what am I supposed to do?!")

While Tim was lost inside of his mind, he noticed Kyou who pulled his right arm behind his back, and the waveful body of stickiness skimmed around the air. "Sticky Hunt." With both arms swung forward, a massive field of sticky currents flew toward Tim, as if it was representing a kraken's tentacles. Not realizing that Tim had lost balance he noticed the sticky currents flying in front of him, steady and ready to lethally attack him. ("I can't move away. I lost my balance, in mere seconds, I'll be colapsed on the floor, there's nothing I can do, victory is all his... And I was so sure I would at least stand some kind of chance compared to his resulted power, but I was perfectly incorrect.") As soon as the stickiness prepared itself to strike Tim, a massive horn was released from the distance and in that instant, the stickiness stopped and disappeared.

"Please if all the duelists in the forest who remain, end their fighting, the exam has been finished, due to the low profile of examinees we have decided to stop the exam one test earlier, everybody who managed to achieve their badges may be known as the passers and can obtain their Dueling Licenses, to the ones who had not managed to obtain it, you have resulted in a time out and will be given free Dueling Licenses only for a year, to your questions, a group have reported that one of the examinees has been cheating this entire exam, so we are terribly sorry and each of you who have not been cheating, will be rewarded, please, proceed to the nearest exit tunnel on the South end of the forest!" Duelists were inclosed in the territory and all of them were confused. "Cheater? But why would they end this entire exam only due to one person cheating?" Tim wondered, but in that instant, his body slapped at the ground. "Oh, how terrible, I suppose Ko was caught, I've known that he was up to no good." Claimed Kyou, holding his forehead with his left hand and smiled. "You knew about him cheating? So why didn't you report it?!" Tim wondered at once. "Why? Well, if I did report it, the exam would end up earlier and I wouldn't have an opportunity to fight you, truly, all I wanted at this exam was to finally spare with you. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way." Kyou raised his hand and showed Tim the badge, number '676'. "Wait! That's Sakami's badge, when did you get it?!" Tim questioned. "When? What a fascinating question, the moment you've interfered my prey, I've managed to steal your friend's badge with my Sticky Aura, I've had it ever since the morning." Smiled Kyou and raised his right arm, stepping away. "I'll be in love to fight you again, I'll remember you, far clearly!" Smiled Kyou, once Tim's forehead dropped down a sweat.

"I would prefer if you would not...." Tim whispered and seemed to have been annoyed and uncomfortable.

To be continued...