252. Rivalry! Action of duelists: Part 4

[The Dueling Exam: Arc 11]

After Sakami's defenseless body fell toward the contact of electricity coming from Ellie's attack, Codey and Ellie himself came to the opened area, noticing how Sakami and her opponent Ko have both been caught in explosion, especially Sakami.

Because of what Ko had seen, he dedicated his spirit to manipulate Ellie's body and knock down Codey.

Not a while later, Kanji decided to chase down Ellie who he saw was acting strange, just when Ko was searching for his target, Ayuka, he successfuly found her, but with his faulty entrance failed to capture her badge, now, Ayuka, Kanji and Hideki stand before their opponent, Ko.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 2:35 p.m.]

"What do you mean he isn't Ellie?" Ayuka wondered while standing besides Kanji. "He doesn't act normal, in fact, he's been searching for you this entire time, and as I remember, Codey and Ellie have been hunting down each other, which doesn't go well with why he is here, this guy must be an imposter but had done something onto Ellie's body." Very sure that Ellie was not on their side in current state, the three heard. "Well that goes away from my strategy, I was going to use this kid's speed to steal her badge and then move onward, but I guess this kid's 'Godspeed' technique runs out quicker than it should." Because of anger, Ellie puked on the ground. "The more time Ellie uses on his 'Godspeed' technique, the quicker it goes, that as well counts in conditions to how fast he goes, and because Ellie's body is his, this in total means that, the timer that his technique holds was very low, he's been using it a lot ever since the exam began, so I believe he's at his limits!" Explained Kanji while standing, in condition to fight. "Oh, and no offense, but here, I don't feel like dealing with you any longer, so take my badge, I gotta take care of this imposter!"

"Are you really throwing away your badge just to fight me? This is a weird sense of humor you have there!" With an angry attitude, Ko seemed to have had people over his mind. "It surely doesn't interest me in what conditions I am right now but I certainly am going to receive Ellie's body back, and I'll figure it out in any way possible."

"Fine, let it be that way, but I'll use this body to its limits, if this means killing it!" Making a sturdy position of combat, Ko prepared. "You may forget about killing him, but lets do make it fair, none of us use any weaponry, we don't intend to kill each other, do we?" But without intentions of weapon usage, Ko agreed.

"Be that way."

"Kanji, I really think you should hold your strength back, if we get too tired-" But even as Ayuka claimed to finish her sentence, Kanji declined. "I haven't tested my new-found power, so I believe they should be in the same level as Ellie's. Now, stand back and don't get involved!" With loud and clear orders, Hideki and Ayuka stepped aside. "I'm still confused about why he had given me his badge..." Hideki sighed,

The battle began swiftly, with instantaneous disappearence of Kanji's entire body and blue lightning roaring between the grassy fields, circled in a zig-zag pattern, soon while appearing in front of Ko, Kanji pushed his left arm behind his back once blue electricity increased dramatically throughout the area, in a single strike, Kanji punched forward while at the same time landed with one of his legs, specifically left.

Due to the sounds that Kanji's electricity made, it forced Ko to back away with a long-distance leap. What was witnessed was chaos, a massive lightning burst blew past the floor from Kanji's fist once it flew and blew between the trees, summoning a tremor and shaking. In the second that had happened, Kanji spun on the floor once manipulating his electricity from his left foot, with a jump he circled his left foot around in a spin, high above his head once at the same time using his right leg as a support, when releasing a furious attack, the electricity bented and flew back toward Ko, but in the second that had happened, Ko disappeared in yellow electricity as the yellow current flew high above the ground, in that, he appeared, he raised both of his arms above his head once swinging both of the arms down. "Not sure what this body can do just yet, but I'll learn it quicker than a lightning itself!" In the shout, from between his palms a yellow thunderbolt struck down toward Kanji, but it didn't worry him whatsoever, instead he immediately leaped back into the air when the thunderbolt shattered the ground on contact, instantly, Kanji vanished and appeared right behind Ko's back, having his right leg raised and bent behind.

With high senses, Ko immediately turned around and raised his left arm to the side, Kanji's kick came in touch and in that instant a heavy crack was heard in Ko's left arm. Due to such pressure, Ko's body went flying among the trees toward the ground, when he landed on the floor, covering himself with dust.

After finished attack, Kanji began to fell but the dust uncovered that Ko was in a three-step position. In the seconds that he had faced up at his opponent, Ko ejected a yellow combination of electricities that were squirking up above his head, he focused his detailed pressure into the left palm that was gripping onto the floor once releasing it and causing to boucne himself high in the air toward Kanji while making a spin in midair, he kicked with his right spinning leg when Kanji immediately blocked, however was interestingly enough blown back into a tree trunk.

Ko continued his attack when disappearing in yellow current and appearing in front of Kanji who was pinned along the tree. With left arm, forming a fist, Ko punched ahead but luckily Kanji ducked and quickly pressed both of his feet up on the wood, sliding down it, however a massive sound was heard, the top of the tree was cracked and destroyed due to Ko's force and was thrown backward, whille Kanji was sliding down the tree that was falling back, Ko instantly raised his right leg and released heavier electricity, fully prepared, a yellow current shot down in intense speed, without time to waste, Kanji used his left foot to kick into the wood and bounce his entire away, landing in the distance on the floor, but the yellow current smashed at the ground, awakening a chaotic field that was curling above the ground.

Without yet revealing, Ko used his body's speed to dash into the air and prepared to punch Kanji, as much as Kanji believed that he would be able to block he was caught off guard, the speed of lightning and a smash into his face made his face to be slammed with Ko's right fist, instantaneously blowing him backward, causing him to roll through the air, when Kanji spun to the left and avoided an upcoming standing tree, once moving behind that tree, Kanji quickly caught a tree branch that was stuck in the ground, pulled it back and then felt how it released him forward as a counter.

Once using that to his advantage, he went flying at quicker speed through the air, once making a flip and stretching his left leg right in front of Ko's face, and without a doubt or time to avoid, Kanji's kick was pressed into Ko's face and because of it pushing him backward while his body was lying in midair, after the low-drop, his back slammed at the ground and was slid on the floor, however in that instant Kanji appeared to the spot at where Ko's body would reached and then raised his right leg, with shaken eyes, Ko noticed a stomp onto his face, coming from Kanji, which released heavy pressure, with it the sturdy floor was shattered and Ko's body was dugged deeper when a massive hole-in-the-ground was created, the wind blew up into the air three times and causing the dust to be blown around it, with no further attacks, Ko seemed to have had been lost and his badge that he had on his clothes was halved.

The duel was finished.

Hideki and Ayuka were amazed at how far Kanji's electricity reached. "He barely achieved a scratch, how powerful did Kanji manage to grow in this exam?" Ayuka who had held the badge of Hideki asked. "I couldn't be sure, but he seems to be as tough as Ellie, if not tougher." Claimed Hideki. "You've lost, now get out of that body, immediately!"

"Guys!" Codey and Sakami have came walking behind them. "Codey, Sakami, you both look beat up as a bunch of garbage bunched up!" The unhelpful words were coming from Hideki. "That's Ko, the examinee, numbered as '1'. He has the ability to manipulate physical bodies or to control someone else's. He's been cheating among the exam this entire time." Explained Codey, supporting Sakami's body, however, in that second Kanji kicked the halved parts toward Sakami who had caught them. "There, your badge, you'll be able to pass now. As for the rest of you, I'm not sure. But I can say for myself, that I am going to be able and finish, as long as-" But as he spoke, Kylin appeared next to his left side of the body and swung her right arm. "HEY!" Shouted Kanji with complains and trying to regain the badge. "You know, stealing my badge like that was a cowardly mistake, if you'd just ask that you need it, I'd give it to you myself." She claimed, in exchange, Kanji seemed to have had a very confused expression, with arms almost reaching the bottom of the ground. "That wouldn't be equal, would it?" But in that second, Kylin slapped Kanji with her badge. "Of course it would be! If you're nice, there's always a better chance that you'll receive what you want, now, what was this all about?" Kylin faced around in confusion, seeing the chaos and 'Ellie' as she believed, but in that second, Ko's Spiritual Body was forced out and he regained physicality, Ellie was finally back in his signature state and sat up.

"How the hell did I end up over here?!" With quick looks around, he was known as confused puppy. "You've been under manipulation of that guy, his name is Ko, guess you don't remember it at all. I just had to beat you down, that's all." Confused as of a total, Ellie looked at him. "So if you've beat down my body, why don't I feel any pain?" Wondered Ellie, second after, Ko spoke. "T-that's because. I-if I'm knocked out of someone's body... A-all the pain that body received is put up on my own b-body...." It was clear that Ko had no more will to fight and had no more power in him.

"You do know that your cheating will be reported toward the examiner, once they hear it, you'll be disqualified." Explained Hideki, facing toward Ko, who was leaned up on the tree. "Guess there isn't a w-way a-around it.... I s-see that cheaters do usually l-lose.... Oh well.... Either way, I have o-other goals that I want. I'll just get that thing in the future!" And finally, that was finished. "O-oh, wait. Where is Tim, weren't you and Shin with him?" Wondered Kanji, looking directly at Kylin. "Oh... He... He went alone, he is ready to hopefully steal Kyou's badge."

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 2:40 p.m.]

Kyou was searching for his target very slowly and had quite enjoyment with it. "Just where is that girl, I'm slowly losing my patience!" Smirked Kyou, but in that second he smelled his prey, he turned at distance and smiled, when tensed his feet. ("I just gotta wait for the right moment, then take his badge.... Wait....") With no idea that Tim was hiding behind a bush in the distance, Kyou leaned forward with his upper body and rushed. "There you are! Come over here!" The loud shout was heard once Tim finally acted.

"Now!" In instant, Tim jumped from behind a bush once releasing blue flames between his fists.

"This is it!" Tim turned his body to face its front to the right, with his left leg raised and bent next to his hip, with instant, orange flames surrounded his body once increasing there temperature. "Infernal Blitz!" The blue fire was heating the area once Tim's left foot gained a hot fire burning, and in instant he released a blue explosion from his right palm which blew him through the air into Kyou's direction, with shock Kyou's eyes noticed him and once losing his guard, Tim's left foot went slamming itself into Kyou's left side of the face. ("T-Tim?") In that instant Kyou went flying aside once dropping his badge, spun in the air.

Tim landed on the floor with his right leg bent and left stretched in front, once swinging with his right hand and catching the badge in his right arm, the fiery accumilation was awakened around him.

To be continued...