251. Rivalry! Action of duelists: Part 3

[The Dueling Exam: Arc 11]

Between the battle of Codey and Ellie, Ellie successfuly knocked Codey at the floor, leaving a heavy paralysis effect and was ready to steal his badge in return, but too soon for that. While the two of them have fought, Sakami and Ko ended up in a duel as well, just as it look like Sakami was winning, Ellie's pre-released attack connected with her pressure, leaving a massive occur of a explosion.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 2:30 p.m.]

"That explosion, if we were closer, we'd be caught in it as well. What the hell was that anyway?!" Ellie forgot about his badge and rushed between the bushes and soon coming to the spot of where the explosion occured. Codey, who was weak and paralyzed finally managed to stand up, but barely, due to the effect. "... Great, I gotta see what had happened there anyway ...." Codey concerned about safety of his friends began to quickly walk toward the spot.

But once coming to see what had happened, Ellie becane amazed, he noticed ash and smoke floating around the opened area. Seeing on the left and on the right, Ko and Sakami who have ended up in a collaps.

Sakami was covered in burt skin while her hair seemed to have gotten messy next to her clothes. To hopefully believe that Sakami would be able to stand up, Ellie was wrong, in the end, Sakami had barely any recovery left to stand up, but she struggled, but.... no use.

On the other hand, Ko seemed to have been fully recovered and merely feeling the pain from getting thrown at the trunk of a tree. "What happened here anyway?" But, while asking, Ellie realized that this was the direction that his attack was sent. ("No, it couldn't be! My attack reaches further than 150 meters, but it's impossible that I would strike them directly, head on...") But once Ellie noticed Sakami struggling, he was frozen after seeing his electricity surrounding her. Codey came followng behind him and in second he noticed Sakami. "Sakami!" As much as Codey felt pain, he noticed Sakami without her jacket and immediately dashed for her, paralysed but in luck, he quickly came next to her and reached for her right arm. "W-what happened here anyway? Why are you so crunched up?!" Heavy worry and heavy concern was seen in Codey's eyes, making his body to flinch due to the paralysis. "... A random attack... Came out of no where and infused itself into my aura, this... this ended up in a massive and absurd explosion...." While Sakami leaned onto Codey's left shoulder he faced at Ellie, with fury. "You idiot, we've been told to not kill each other and that attack that you used could easily kill her! What were you thinking? Are you a fool of some kind?!" Codey wondered, facing directly at Ellie's confused face. "W-well, h-how was I supposed to know that the attack would hit someone?!" Wondered Ellie, with a sweat dripping down his right side of the face. "You didn't need to use it on the first hand! If that attack hit me, it'd be the same! You're as stupid as a somebody could be!" Claimed Codey, raging out at Ellie.

"Do you think you can walk?" Wondered Codey once looking at Sakami's fade look. "Y-yes." But as she tried to walk on her own, she immediately colapsed near Codey who managed to catch her, seeing how her hair were put down to face the ground. "You've gotta be joking me. If you can't fight or walk on your own, just say so." Codey claimed, when gently supporting Sakami's weight.

"I would like to thank you. If it weren't for you, I'd probably lose that fight, I am here to provide you with my very own gratitude...." Claimed Ko, facing toward Ellie, with an act to seem like a 'good' person. "Hey! Stop thanking me, I didn't do that to safe your thanking ass! I was merely trying to regain my own badge that this 'whiner' stole!" With shown annoyance and anger through Ellie's eyes he had nothing else to say. "Oh, I'm aware, do not worry." After saying, Ellie look Ko in the face. "What do you mean?" In rush, second-handed body appeared behind Ellie's back. "Don't you worry, because you'll soon forget what had happened and what have I said!" In that instant, Ellie felt a grip on his both shoulders once silver currents began to surround him. "Body Exchange!" In immediate respond, Ko used his Spiritual Body once instantly fusing himself into Ellie's body, at once, Ellie stood there, frozen, not much later after the event, his eyes changed into emotionless look and at that, Codey's eyes felt surprise.

Ko reached with his arm in front of his face to see into his palm. "This body, it feels quite powerful, I do wonder what it can do." It was seen and quickly understandable that Ellie was under manipulation of someone, and someone's else control. Both, Sakami and Codey faced at Ko. "What did you do to him?" Loud shout of shock left Codey's mouth. "What have I done with him? Progressively I haven't done much to it, only took control of it, and now that I have a new-found body, the damage I received from the girl is gone, it feels like stepping into fresh air." Ko dropped both of his arms and faced at them. "Oh, and look at that, this boy actually seems to have a decent Ginken, just what tier is it, actually; it must be better than the ones that casual Duelists receive, I wonder what it can do, but first I've gotta use this guy's speed to hopefully find my target." Ko turned his face aside. "Wait, hold yourself right there!" Codey opened his right palm and unleashed a wind blast, but in that moment, Ko disappeared and Codey's eyes have witnessed a change, electricity directionally moved between the floor above it once soon appearing in front of Codey, unable to protect himself, due to supporting Sakami, he received a powerful blow of a knee directly into his abdomen, forcing him to get stunned, almost dropping Sakami. "Remember this, you may only find me, once I receive my target's badge." Ko landed on the floor and in the second he had done that, he vanished through a voltaic charge.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 2:32 p.m.]

Kanji was standing on top of a tree, remaining calm once facing at his badge. "Yeah, I got it, now I just gotta hold it for additional hours. Although, what just happened, I was able to gain that badge in seconds, how did none of them see me?" Kanji leaned his shoulder up on the side of the tree's trunk. "It doesn't really matter, I must hope that nothing stops me in the waiting." But in that instant a yellow flash, releasing yellow electricity ran through the path beneath the tree that Kanji has stood and sliding and stopping down, it was 'Ellie' looking around to find his target. Kanji was a bit certain that Ellie was acting strange. "What's Ellie doing here? He doesn't his badge, but he does have.... Codey's badge?! Why the hell is he running around like a lost idiot, trying to receive his badge back or something?" But remaining at the top, Kanji came to a conclusion. "Wait... This is the same path that those currents were leading, but now they're gone, so if he was using the same path as them, there's a high chance that he was following them... But I don't understand it, why would he still follow them? There's something to uncover here." Kanji spoke and noticed how did Ko dash back into action. "Better check it out."

With the instance of conclusion, Kanji bounced down toward the ground once his eyes gazed upon the floor, instantly a dark blue electricity ejected from around his body and on landing, he instantly stretched his right leg and bent his left once immediately dashing forward and feeling a roaring wind around his body, running at insane speed he became confused, once realizing he was able to keep up with Ko without a doubt.

As he ran he was almost losing balance, but while learning to control it, he immediately stomped the ground once a powerful pressure flowed through his veins from feet all the way above his entire body, and in instant his next step unleashed a powerful shock which allowed him to move quicker.

While seeing Ko in front of him, he was learning the speed and then noticing how a giant branch lay on the floor, with a right leg raised over the branch and followed by lefty, he landed on the other side of the branch and instantly blew across the floor with speed, chasing down Ko. At once, manipulated Ellie turned around and noticed to have been chased down by somebody. ("Damn it! I didn't think about it! There are still people that probably want this kid's badge! Crap, this is gonna go wrong if I don't stop that scout!") Believing that he'd escape, Ko immediately came between a cross road, once his eyes turned to the right side of the path, he noticed a straight path, once Ko felt an instantaneous landing on the floor, after twisting his feet he allowed his full body to spin around and then stomped with his left foot, he dashed for the side of the corner as Kanji came slidiing behind him from the corner, swinging with his arms once speeding across the floor once again. Kyou who had been sitting on the rock noticed how a yellow and a blue flash of electricities flew right by him. "Oh? What do we have here? A pursuit of some kind, and look at this, it's the friends of Tim and Kylin, just how fascinating. But, I wonder why are they running." Claimed Kyou, grabbing his lips from interest.

In the inner thoughts coming from Ellie under control of Ko, at his speed he was by-passing multiple districts of the forest while at the same time searching for his target, however, once turning from the corner his eyes soon found his target, Ayuka who had been standing in the distance, talking to Hideki sensed an extreme surge of power, rising. "There she is! She's all mine! That badge is going to be mine!" Yelled Ko once making the next step, but this time, the yellow electricity ejected itself around him and in that instant, his eyes rolled around, the body slipped and in that instant, Ko dropped to the ground and because of the force and speed, caused him to roll on the floor without stopping, after hitting a rock with his back from the roll, he was sent flying over and slammed himself into the floor, while crashing into a tree, on the other hand, Ayuka seemed to have had been confused once seeing a flying paper that was dropped by Ko, it was clearly read, a number '677'. "That's my badge number, if he had it written on the paper, this means, I am his target." Answered Ayuka. However, what was strange was who he had seen.

Ko stood up when trying to eject his electricity once again. "Damn it! Damn it! What the hell is this crap?! Did it run out?!" As he was pondering and stressing out, Kanji came sliding between Ayuka and Hideki in front of them with a serious look. "Stand back, this guy doesn't seem to act like Ellie himself!" Kanji claimed once swinging his right arm in front of Ayuka. "Kanji? What do you mean? This isn't Ellie?" Ayuka questioned confused but at the same time worried. "No. This guy seems to have used Ellie's body to manipulate it for his own mind, to what had happened to Ellie himself, that I don't know. But, be sure...."

"This guy does seem to show promise to when it comes to trouble!"

To be continued...