250. Rivalry! Action of duelists: Part 2

[The Dueling Exam: Arc 11]

With Tim, Shin and Kylin finally finishing their argue between the duel, Codey took onto his goal, to hopefully advance and capture Ellie's badge, but as fierce as the battle was, Codey managed to drop out, left in paralysis and left himself an easy target for Ellie who produced a greater combination of attacks.

After successfuly winning toward Codey, just before he regained his badge a massive tresk was heard, an explosion with no knowledge to what it was.

- 10 minutes earlier -

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 2:30 p.m.]

A body wearing darker clothes came flying behind Ko's back, black short hair and black gazing eyes were reflecting in the sun, two blades were held in arms while the feminine body was seen, catching Ko in surprise once a purple aura surfed around the feminine's body, circling and raising up into the air. Soon, the body swung downward with both of the blades when Ko let go of his currents, instantly he leaped back in the air when the pressure surged down the tree and causing the wood of it to crack into smaller pieces, provoking Ellie while at the same time, leaving behind a tremor of the ground, Ko twisted his ankles when landed on the floor, slipping backward while the currents began to flow next to his palms, the feminine body landed when moving her left blade in front of her chest.

With unknowable event, Sakami prepared her blades. "What?" Ko faced ahead to make sure that he had seen correctly. "You're that girl, friends with a teen group, aren't you?" Sakami claimed to not know who Ko was correctly. "I might be, although. I've seen your badge number is '1', and because that number is my target, I had to interfere, what you were doing was not in my sincere interest. In that second Sakami managed to notice event behind Ko's back, Codey leaped through above the fields when flipping over Ellie's body, grabbing his badge while opening his palms and pointing it at Ellie's back. "Wind Blast!" With massive blow and burst of wind, Ellie was thrown forward, once landing on the floor and giving a serious look behind his standby.

"I should've kept my guard up this entire time! Godspeed!" With that the yellow voltage ascended and Ellie blew between the bushes.

("Those two were there this entire time and I never managed to spot them with my eyes? How long have each of the two been there?") Mixed up between confusion and solution, Ko believed to have no clue. However, while being orientated by the two teens, Ko noticed a feminine body leaping in front of him with a spin, providing air with purple aura. "Fury Cut." After finishing the spin with of the body and blades, Sakami unleashed a purple cut of circling energy that went cutting fiercely and directly toward Ko, who in moment managed to avoid by leaping backward with feet sturdied from the ground, once the fury cut that she released efficiently ruined several trees by halving them into two pieces, luckily Ko did not get hit and waited for the group of trees to fall in front. "I believe you should focus your sight onto me, not others around you." Sakami managed to spin her right blade between her fingers, cutting down, besides her right hip and turning the blade to point down, obliquely. "I was just interested into what they were doing around us, nothing more. Besides, you believe that you have a greater chance of cutting an opponent such as myself? Well, I shall apologize my dear, but this battle that is rounding up here on our spot, won't be as successful for you, indeed it will be my victory." With a severe look and gaze of his eyes, Ko prepared to knock some sense into his opponent.

".... Positive, are we...? The positivness of your mind might end up breaking, so, proceed with guard up, I prefer to keep my opponents opened-minded." ("The hell is this girl talking about? She just tried to cut me while I wasn't looking away... Unless!") With instantaneously realization, Ko faced behind his back, seeing that his manipulation of currents has dissipated. ("She was trying to stop me from using my currents to control my puppets! Damn it, I should've known this was her reason, but now. Unless I get in 5 meter mark of my puppets, I won't be able to fix them!")

The thoughts were correct, and a decently massive distance of the puppets and Ko was given down, the puppets have fell onto the floor while unable to move without their manipulator.

"I sense that you understand why I wanted to catch you off guard? Only due to your manipulation of those annoying currents, how do you think I managed to come to you? Using Spiritual Symbolism to see those unideal currents, if it weren't for them, I would be unable find you in such a short time." Sakami was very well known to be very skilled in chasing and intelligence. "How could you possibly know that these currents were manipulated by me, anyway? How'd you know that these currents would lead you to your target?"

"The question you gave just now is simple, I've been having a closer look at you. You've used your currents to manipulate the examiner at our fist test, to do so, you needed to copy the examiner's look and hide those currents among the group of people. You've been moving at the back rows so that you wouldn't be noticed, but... to see those currents, everyone had to use their Spiritual Symbolisms, but in the end, only I managed to see a glimpse of your ability. You've probably intended to bring most of the examinees to the wrong direction in the 150 kilometer run, somehow managed to manipulate the announcer.... We've discussed the incorrect web among ourselves... Then, at the second test, you've successfuly managed to control multiple Demons with low tiers. At the cooking test, you had a great opportunity to manipulate some examinees and force them into making the dish be disgusting, at climbing, you created your wooden puppets to reach the top... And now at this.... 6th test, you've been using your ability to search for your target from afar. Is that correct?" While amazed onto Sakami's knowledge, Ko seemed to have reached massive annoyance.

"If you've known this ever since the beginning, why have you only mentioned it now?" Ko stood straight making sure to get his question. "If I were to say it earlier, you'd end up a closer look up on me, and because I've known that you'll manage to get to the 6th test, I've dedicated my opinions toward you only now. To stop this cheating of yours, I'll hurry up along and eliminate you from the exam, acceptable, isn't it?" Sakami raised her left sword in front of her body. "You damn ignorant child! I'll put you down for good!" Ko made a sturdy pose once silver currents began to fly around him, he managed to unleash yellow aura with his bag waving heavily.

Moving and turning his arm in front of his right side of the head, Ko prepared himself to fight, but with instantaneous advance by Sakami's feet movement, she made a quick and strong stomp on the ground with her arms stretched behind her back, she dashed toward her opponent when moving her left hand aside and releasing a purple aura besides her left sword.

In midair, she began to drop down when she cut with her sword downward, Ko swung his right arm from the middle to the right, letting out his currents which curled and swung themselves at Sakami's left blade, making her to lose flight control, when she noticed the left arm attached to Ko's body flying forward and releasing a powerful beam that went skimming over the floor gap and slamming into her right blade. To protect herself from losing balance, Sakami continued to advance back with a flip, landing and instantly noticing the current flying toward her from the left side of her body, she quickly slid her right foot in, circled it on the floor and instantly slashed with her left sword obliquely up.

At the contact of the current and her blade, she noticed the rippling sparks that were bounced aside and even costed Sakami's balance after pushing her backward. In that moment, Sakami's right eye noticed another silver current behind her back when she quickly stretched her right foot on the floor, twisted her foot and turned it around to make her entire body to spin, but she was not finished, to not get hit by the current, she leaned backward with her upper body when seeing the powerful current flying over her face directly into the wood of a tree turnk, cracking it. Sakami in that moment dropped her back on the floor and spun on the floor after sensing that the current were to strike into her, but luckily at her dodging, the current slammed itself n the floor and causing a short earthquake that caused Sakami's rolling to be to heavy and difficult to keep her body unharmed.

At finished event, Sakami instantly raised her left leg before rolling onto her stomach and bent it, when striking it on the floor and using her pressure to strike from among her back, bouncing her up on her feet and then instantly leaned forward from the force, once disappearing in a current.

In instant, Sakami came sweeping her body behind Ko's own and prepared to swing her blades. But, not to be afraid, Ko noticed her with his left eye, when instantly turning around and swinging his right arm from above his shoulder and down toward Sakami's left blade. The current was moving at the same momentum as his arm and fingers when Sakami slid her both feet on the floor and crossed thw two blades in front of her and above her head, the heavy current went stirking down at her blades and forcing her sturdy feet to dig into the floor, in that moment she noticed how Ko swung his right arm back in the air when benting his left leg and then throwing it forward with a stretched out kick.

Before Sakami would get struck into her head, she raised her right arm and tensed it, blocking his kick, but due to the pressure getting knocked aside, once her balance seemed to have been lost. Ko swung with his right raised arm, obliquely and readied himself to strike Sakami, however with a great idea, Sakami stabbed her right sword into the floor upward, once quickly sliding on the floor and spinning around the sword's handle, Ko's current landed on the floor and created another short earthquake, but due to his try, Sakami had her both legs stretched and after spinning from around the corner of the sword's handle, she kicked Ko into his hip with both legs and knocked him backward, when quickly landing with her both feet on the floor, right stretched and left bent backward.

While in standing-lying position, she dragged out her dugged sword and released heavy pressure, using Vanishing Dash, once appearing in front of Ko's body, readied swords in front of her chest.

With speeding force she cut forward, but just in the nick of time, something came rushing from the woods on their sides, a yellow flash of electricity blew between the forest, once both, Ko and Sakami's eyes trembled. ("Isn't this, Ellie's lightning?") Sakami believed, but that messed with her movement, the yellow flash exposed itself between the two of them, once Sakami's body was caught in electricity, due to pressure of her aura and the yellow electricity, the two combined into one and a massive explosion occured, burning leaves while in the event, catching Sakami inside of it, but as for Ko, he was only blown back into the heavy tree once cracking it.

The burnt and grieved event has been noticed by Codey and Ellie.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 2:30 p.m.]

Codey and Ellie both have been set into shock, once.

"What the hell was that?! An explosion of somekind?!" But no knowledge about it was known.

To be continued...