249. Rivalry! Action of duelists: Part 1

[The Dueling Exam: Arc 11]

Earlier when Tim, Shin and Kylin were passing through the forest, they've come across Kanji with no expectations. Suddenly the flash movement ejecting through Kanji's body curled around them and Kylin was left without her badge, now, Kanji, Kylin, Shin, Ellie, Ayuka, Yasu, Midori all hold their targeted badge.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 2:20 p.m.]

Codey moving through the pathways was focusing his search to hopefully find Ellie who had managed to take his badge. "Come on, how far did he actually go?!" Skim stepping through the pathway and making curls of wind was forcing him to lose his focus onto one goal, but in that moment he noticed a green jacket, instantly slowing down with a slide and spinning behind the tree when noticing Ellie, resting on the branch. "...He's seriously relaxing even though he knows he can get attacked any time soon, just what is he thinking...?" Wondered Codey, quite confused of his ineffectivness. ("Or better question, what should I do to not provoke his nap?" Strike immediately and hope to get away? No, that'd just be useless, the moment I partake in stealing his badge, I'll be forced to run, but he'll simply catch up to me. The second option is to attack him dead on, provoking him and then defend myself... But that too would be risky...") But, needless to say, Codey has witnessed something in the distance. ("Isn't that the other examinee? What's his name? Ko? Yeah that's it, but why is he standing still?" However, Codey's question exclaimed to have been given an answer, he noticed that he was using some sort of thin energy to manipulate some kind of aura currents, he realized that the currents were leading far into the distance. ("Is he manipulating something? If he does, it must be very far away if I cannot seek the body that he is manipulating, what's his ability anyway?") Codey wondered while stuck between two examinees, both on different sides, without them knowing about each other. ("... I should focus on obtaining Ellie's badge first, then follow the trail, but moving in now would make that guy move, which I don't intend to do at this optional event.")

Ellie raised and turned his open palm in which he held Codey's badge. "Like I said. My speed is comprehensible enough to even escape someone who is able to sense heat over the air. This was quite an easy victory for me." Ellie smiled but backed up to a corner of the tree and fell back asleep. ("Loves to blab a lot.... Anyway, I've gotta figure something out.") He instantly came to a solution. ("Of course, the currents leave pressure, so does his body once in usage of his ability, if I strike Ellie now and let Ko get away, then I'll be able to sense him from afar with my perception. That's one way, the other way is to strike down Ko and then let Ellie get away, but that wouldn't be the smartest idea, as if he can get in the distance in short seconds, even making me lose my perception onto him, so in comparison, the first solution is probably the best to go around... Yeah, no doubt about it. I'll go with the first solution and grab Ellie's badge, from there I'll follow Ko and lead Ellie behind me while chasing down Ko at the same time.") While thinking, he however, now came in cross of something, his eyes trembled.

A body wearing darker clothes came flying behind Ko's back, black short hair and black gazing eyes were reflecting in the sun, two blades were held in arms while the feminine body was seen, catching Ko in surprise once a purple aura surfed around the feminine's body, circling and raising up into the air. Soon, the body swung downward with both of the blades when Ko let go of his currents, instantly he leaped back in the air when the pressure surged down the tree and causing the wood of it to crack into smaller pieces, provoking Ellie while at the same time, leaving behind a tremor of the ground, Ko twisted his ankles when landed on the floor, slipping backward while the currents began to flow next to his palms, the feminine body landed when moving her left blade in front of her chest. ("Why is Sakami attacking him? Is by any chance Ko her target? If that's it, then I have the chance.") Codey instantly crouched when turned both of his arms behind his back, releasing calm wind that was quickly increasing. Ellie on the other hand stood and faced down at the two duelists. "Man, she sure knows how to make an entrance, either way, I'm out of here!") But, as he was about to vanish, the turned look created a shake in his eyes, Codey came launching himself through the air, grabbing Ellie's right shoulder with his right arm, using Ellie's body as support to his hand-stand, from that moment he swung his left arm when flipping over Ellie's body and instantly taking his badge, once finishing his flip, Codey was behind Ellie's back having both arms in front of Ellie's back. "Wind Blast!" The wind circled from Codey's palms once the blast of wind seeked their targets and instantly slammed into Ellie's back, causing him to be thrown forward off the branch and at the same time pushing Codey back between the trees, riding the air.

("He came out of nowhere! Damn it! I gotta regain my badge!") But while Ellie tried to do so, he knew he was optionless, instead he needed to wait while falling down, but at the same time, Codey spun his body in midair when stretching both of his legs in front of him when dropping down to the floor and landing with heavy impact, Codey bent his right leg when unleashing heavy wind and blowing himself forward, quickly disappearing from the area. ("Got it! Now I just gotta get away!") Ellie finally landed on the floor when turning around with his left arm bent. "I should've kept my guard up this entire time!" Ellie turned his body around when sliding his left foot behind his back and ejecting yellow electricity. "Godspeed!" With impact on the spot, Ellie surfed through the pathway, leaving yellow electricity behind him, which squirked from the ground, moving at insane speed. Codey knew that would be the case, so he immediately switched the path and turned, bursting ahead with full speed, but in shock, Ellie came flying from behind the corner with his body flying obliquely in the air, Ellie moved his left hand behind his back, followed by his right and instantly slammed his feet into the ground, with electricity pulsing up in the air when disappearing in electrical current, Codey slid his left foot after twisting it and immediately used that moment to turn around when noticing Ellie right in front of him.

Ellie pulled his left arm, benting it and punching forward once Codey quickly slammed his right arm into Ellie's and immediately jumping to the side, constantly keeping his eyes on Ellie. With left foot landing Ellie came into a stretched step, using his left feet to bounce forward and used an uppercut with his left arm, but luckily Codey moved his body and head to the right seeing the arm flying past his head, Ellie once again landed with his foot, this time with his left when using it to make a jump and a spinning technique, he released yellow electricity from his left foot when finishing his jump using his right leg to land, halfway in the spin Ellie used his right leg to bounce and kicked with his left toward Codey's head, but in luck his opponent managed to duck and slid his right foot behind his back, circling his right foot behind his back when quickly seeing Ellie reaching with his left hand onto his scabbard and grabbed the katana's handle with his right, when drawing it outward and cutting in oblique and circling form, swinging it down and making Codey to twist his entire body aside.

The swinging katana in front of Codey's chest forced out a yellow burst of electrical impact that went flying into the distance between the trees and obliterating them into ashes, burning several wood pieces. Codey however, instantly disappeared from the spot after making a heavy step and leaving the area when moving back between the trees, finally lost by Ellie. "Damn it! Where the hell did he go!" In anger, Ellie faced around, but Codey was gone, instead, Codey was hiding behind bushes, lowering his Spiritual Symbolism and pressure while making heavy breaths. "....That was lucky, if I hadn't avoided those attacks and used Vanishing Dash after he drew out his katana, I'd mess up my strategy, now I just gotta hope that he doesn't come around here..."

Ellie was running through the path, wasting his length of his Godspeed movement when stopping. "He's gotta be around here, he's not so fast so that he'd escape someone like myself, but better question here is: Where the hell did he hide?" Looking around Ellie seemed to have had carried his katana back in its scabbard. ("Crap, he had to come this way, making a single sound will make me lose my hiding spot, so I gotta be careful.") Codey began to slowly move behind bushes, however Ellie managed to notice a simple ripple of the bushes, making a serious look. "....There you are...."

("I'm almost out from behind the bushes, from there I'll manage to clear myself from Ellie's sight, so I just gotta keep pushing.") But, in that instant, yellow current of electricity flashed behind and above him once his eyes shook, Ellie vaulted over the bush when having his right palm opened and aiming it directly at Codey's back. ("Damn it! He noticed me, just by seeing the simple ripples of the bushes?") Ellie ejected his yellow electricity from his body into single point, which was his palm. "Furious Shock!" Codey felt a burst of zap in his back, which exploded up on the contact and burnt the back of Codey's clothes, leaving him with shown naked skin on his back, at the same time, his body was pushed forward into the distance, making it to be crashed into the trunk of the tree and drop down in front of it. Ellie landed when seeing how Codey's body was weakened, due to the paralysis. ("Damn it, this paralysis is going to make me struggle heavily!") Codey believed while being a sitting duck, barely able to move. "Guess, paralysis is something you cannot deal with, so tell me, how does it feel?" Ellie questioned, once walking toward Codey. ("What can I do, movement is impossible, escaping is not an option, and fighting is undoable, due to the lack of paralysis and weakened state of my body, is there anything I can do?") No ideas to what Codey should do, or to how he should react, sweat began to drip down his head.

"But now, once again you lost to me. How many times do you plan to do so? And now, I have a great moment to steal that badge back, so tell me, was this worth it? My paralysis effect times out after 3 hours, so you won't be able to catch up to me that easily." Claimed Ellie, smiling. "So, now, if you won't mind. I'll take it back." But as soon as Ellie reached for Codey's badge, he was stopped.

Shake of the ground, a blow of the wind, and wave of the nature was seen when a massive fiery explosion was seen in the distance, causing several leaves to burn and instantly making both of their interests into what had happened. Codey and Ellie were both in shock, confused.

"What the hell was that?! An explosion of somekind?!" But no knowledge about it was known.

To be continued...