248. An unknown ejection!

[The Dueling Exam: Arc 11]

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 2:05 p.m.]

("She's not being careful about harming him either... If she's planning to fight in this style, there are two possible events that may happen... Either she kills Shin, or she'll get herself beaten... This is no control of her movements, she must be stopped before she ends up going too far!")

Shin's body was stunned from the earlier's pummel. "You've mistaken me for somebody who I really am not... The beating up is the only way to prove it to you!" With spread words directly into Shin's mind, she moved her sword to the side when slowly walking closer. ("This girl seems to differ her fighting styles, once she is careful, next she is deadly.... And this time, she is guaranteed to persuade her skills into cutting her blade into me... How did these people manage to be her friends? I do not understand-") However, while and as he was lost in his thoughts, he noticed the blade to soon dig into his flesh. "I am very sorry that you will be the one to taste such aggressivness... But I'm not going to just back that up in my mind, those words do not deserve to be even attended by you... Now, pleased to meet you, but this is how it ends." She prepared her swing and readied to cut into Shin's stomach.

However the cut, as it was swung was soon stopped, Kylin's eyes foreseen a shock when the wind of her strike blew past, benting trees while at the same time, cracking the floor. With signifance Tim finally decided to step in, catching Kylin's sword above his own. Shin sitting down on the floor noticed the clothes to ripple while Tim's sword glanced in the sun. "Have you've lost it? Don't listen to him, but if you decide too. Then try to keep it a low budget before you end up killing somebody... Especially here, where you're not allowed to do so.... Our priority here was to claim 'Dueling Licenses' not Human blood." Kylin's eyes were trembling when she noticed Tim's right arm. "W-what happened to it?" Both of them exchanged looks after Tim sighed, he pushed Kylin's sword back. "It's nothing..." But as he said, Tim's heartbeat beated harder causing him to feel pain, luckily hiding it. ("Not good. Holding it back makes me injure my body from the inner.... This keeps up, I'll be more than doomed....") Tim claimed, exhaling relaxfully. "Shin, you might have seen what her family is like, but she, herself is not like them, if you claim to me that she is, than I'll be your opponent, oh and don't forget, here is my damn badge." Tim claimed, throwing it toward Shin's. "Hm? Are you by any chance trying to buy my friendship compared to this devil?" While Shin claimed Kylin almost rushed at him but was stopped by Tim's right arm that was finally recovered. "Enough. Besides, Kylin... You got your badge so why are you still attacking?" In surprise, Shin and Kylin looked. She reached into her pocket when grabbing Shin's badge. "H-how did you manage to obtain it?" Wondered Shin, advancing with amazement. ".... I had a free opportunity to grab it while you were occupied on finding me, earlier, when you managed to cut me." She exclaimed, embarrassed but annoyed.

"That's rather immersive, yet unexpected. I'm truly surprised..." Kylin flinched with her eye, having crossed arms and faced aside. "Y-yeah. Well, whatever. It doesn't matter anymore...." But, while she spoke so, she remembered. "Wait... T-Tim, wasn't your arm just broken, a few minutes ago? So how is it recovered without any treatment?" Kylin grabbed his arm in surprise, making Tim embarrassed. "Don't act like you don't know.... It's it..." Tim quickly covered his skin when moving his arm aside. But without interceptions of words, she soon understood. "I've forgotten. I apologize, didn't expect it'd still be so pushy after all of those trainings." Tim finally helped Shin up when himself cleaned his clothes. "Either way, you've both got badges, so I gotta hurry to find Kyou, I am not planning on losing." Tim sighed, quietly annoyed. "Well, then I believe we should continue together, Kyou is a difficult opponent and is the strongest among every other...." Explained Shin, calm finally relieved.

"I've already figured that one out...."

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 2:10 p.m.]

"All right, you had more than enough time to rest. Get up and let's quickly finish what we were about to start." Ayuka seemed to have been focusing onto her opponent "Man, I at least could've had more time, but I do guess, there's nothing else I have as choices...." Hideki summoned his daggers when they soon became liquid but in its shape remaining. ("Didn't see much of his actions taking... But I did hear that he's quite tough whenever it comes to competing in battle.") Set at spot, Ayuka raised her right arm when the sword came dropping into her hand. "This is like a new life of me, fighting you. I wonder what you're capable of, Tim does say you're pretty skilled when you enter battle, wonder if he wasn't lying." With no further answers, Ayuka began to stretch on the spot. "He did? Well, we'll have to see if he was lying, either way. Fighting to achieve someone's badge is one way, I could just try to pin you down, but that would ruin the chances of us going to the final test, so I prefer to give you a chance of defeating me." Ayuka claimed, rather sure of her limits. ("Though.... I'm still not perfectly rested to the time when I've been recovering in hospital. I was trying to hide it from the rest so that they wouldn't see me as a bother to their goals. But now that I'm here alone, merely with Hideki, I might have chance.") With no further beginning of thoughts, Ayuka finally focused onto fighting her opponent. With finished stretching, she grabbed the sword and moved it behind her back, pointing upward. Hideki was quickly serious, after preparing both of his daggers, meaning the duel has officially began for the two.

Hurrying into the battle, Ayuka instantaneously vanished and Hideki has witnessed sharp and icy spikes coming toward him at high speed and tough bodies. Hideki slipped his right leg behind his body when quickly raising his left dagger to the side and hurried to cut downward, the water, flowing from the current was forming itself into a heavy liquid once swinging toward the ice and the dagger instantly went cutting at the edge of the first spike once it shattered, causing the pieces to swing into the air and preventing the other spikes to continuing.

But, no guard up, Hideki soon noticed a rippling clothes at his left side of the head, noticing that Ayuka had been riding the air with a jump and pulled right leg behind her back. With quiet speech, Ayuka kicked ahead and slammed the top of her foot at Hideki's left side of his head, causing him to be knocked to the side.

Hurrying back into the battle, Hideki turned around when sliding his feet on the floor and spinning when cutting his right dagger from above his head to the side of him, releasing the cold current of flowing water that was following the movement of his dagger, but hoping that he would manage to strike Ayuka, he witnessed her movement unordinary.

She dashed toward him, making him confused. ("What is she planning to do? She's letting me strike her?") But, mistaking, Ayuka ducked beneath his swinging arm, when slamming her arm at the bottom of his own and causing him to feel a magnificent pressure in his body, he noticed how his clothes were rippled from the cause and then instantyl felt a strike in his stomach, noticing that Ayuka had somehow managed to strike him with her left knee after the spin.

He was pushed back but was then instantly crossed by Ayuka again, appearing in front of him after she kicked him down at his jaw, with right stretched and raised leg, knocking him in the air from the force and made his body to drop back, onto the floor and making his body to slam itself at the floor and causing his entire body to get slid back, Ayuka bent her leg back down when putting it behind her back, standing calmly. Hideki was surprised after noticing that his badge detached from his clothing and was caught by Ayuka's hand. "Sorry to mention it to you, but your badge wasn't well pinned onto your clothing."

("This is why she pushed that pressure at me, so that the badge was detached from my clothing, she doesn't only know how to fight, she's got great strategies and knows how to use them in battle, nor just that, the duel was finished instantly, I couldn't even foresee her moves, she fights differently than Tim himself, and she mostly uses her fists and legs.") Hideki sat up and leaned onto his knee. "Well, guess I won't try to stop you, I was knocked down first, so you can keep my badge. I'll just obtain it after I find Kanji." Sighed Hideki, after standing back up. "Of course. That's why you two were fighting, but why did he run?" Confusingly wondered Ayuka.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 2:13 p.m.]

Kanji landed on the top of a tree's branch when taking some time to rest and looked at his target. "How am I supposed to fight Kylin. I barely managed to fight Hideki myself, not just that, I ran from the duel like a coward. Why am I so, stupid?" Wondered Kanji, however in that instant, he soon noticed three duelists. "....Tim, Shin.... And Kylin?!" He quickly grabbed his mouth and hid behind a the tree. ("I can't fight her, so all I have to do is to steal her badge. Be patient and wait for when she crosses the line, then I'll drop and grab her badge above her chest." Whispering to himself. While the three of them were talking, Kanji then soon focused onto Kylin when focusing onto her steps, ignoring other sounds. He slowly raised his left arm when a dark blue electricity began to spark out, not noticed by him.

("I've gotta make it quick and easy.") Finally, Kylin stepped the line, when Kanji's darkened blue electricity began to squirk around him, he crouched on the trunk of the tree and elevated his electricity, instantly a massive crack in the tree was created when the wood bounced around, in an instanty his body went blasting through the air when Kylin's eyes shook, however, after the dark blue electricity passed her by, she could not tell who it was, instead she noticed Kanji landing on the floor with full force and speed, sliding on the floor and leaving dark blue electricity on the floor, when his body could not stop sliding from the pressure, his clothes were rippling insanely once his feet forced into the ground and cause him to jump high in the air, with dark blue electricity followed behind.

Tim and Shin both faced on the floor when noticing dark blue electricity sparking. "Was that Kanji? But, which side of electricity did he use, it seemed far different than Ellie's or Kylin's?" Tim confusingly wondered. "The colour seems odd...." Added Shin, thinking. "What do you mean, odd?!" But then Kylin spoke.

"That electricity type, it differs from the two I've known about since I was told about it. There is something wrong about it, even I cannot tell what it is...." Kylin spoke, making Tim to look at her in shock. "Devil Electricity and Total Electricity, when I looked at its capabilities, it seems to have been fast and strong, could it be....."

"....that they were both combined?"

To be continued...