247. Ones mind, traces of thought!

[The Dueling Exam: Arc 11]

Kylin's lucky arrival besides Tim made a bet of promise, that he must defeat her to reach Tim, Shin luckily agreed who has earlier told that Tim was his target, since our hero was unable to duel properly with his one hand broken, Kylin decided to provide him with her own aid, keeping Shin at bay and hopes of defeating him.

Not knowing that Shin's badge is actually hunted by Kylin, she stated her real name, Kylin Azumi Hotaru, as well as one of the duelist who had been trained in using 'Akuma' masks.

She revealed that each duelist who has the ability to release lightning has two additional stages that they can achieve, Devil's Electricity, a darker and extremely roaring energy that provides the user with physical enhancements and Total Electricity, that provides people and duelist with severe agility and incredible flexibility. But now, her goal is both, to obtain Shin's badge and protect Tim at the same time.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 2:01 p.m.]

No comments getting exchanged from others made a sorrow and typical quiet. ".... As I was afraid, an 'Akuma' mask user. Those people with such masks are very clear to be humanity's enemy, not would I fear, but would I dare to say. In honesty of the rest, our statements were simple to clear any 'Fiends' types from this exam as if they do not deserve to take people's lives, one's hope is truly fascinating, yet and whatsoever, have you've ever heard what were 'Akuseis' real intentions?" Trusty but knowable, Shin exclaimed. "I was born with only my siblings left, I don't know what their origins were and what their cost to survive were, but I believe they were never murderers, as many people claim us to be." Explained Kylin, holding her blade. "That was not the point of what I have intended to explain. My true goal to explain was simple, you and your 'siblings' were once known to be a 'royal' family, this is why you have become such a popular person to know, many people have known about you ever since you were a baby, people have bent down to you even as a child, they have brought you food and other items, as if you were so important in their lives. Words to say... You are a daughter of 'abusive' people, they have overused people so that you would be known all over the world, but at the end, their heated glory of aggressive combinations put a low budget on people, in means of their awareness.... People all around your habitat began to fear 'Akuseis' however, many people have stayed behind and decided to support the left family.... Kylin Azumi Hotaru was no more, you've been known as Kylin Sandarasu ever since then, and while you spoke about your drastic change of your surnames.... You've begun to mislead people into a trap, lies were known, and hiding your surname allowed people to believe that you're not the same as thy once of the further families, nor have they feared you, at the end you've been known as the heroine of the village, but deep and far inside your mind and body, you've been hiding your Devilish remains, those I do not accept and for that, I must proceed with cautious and prepare to prove people of your ignorance, once I defeat you here, many people will know who you really are, you may not seek trouble, but you do seek people's help, not in good way whatsoever... So needless to say, you're not a heroine, but a faulty existence."

The words that were let out by Shin caused Kylin's eyes to tremble, leaving herself widely opened, falling into her thoughts. ("'Faulty existence'.... How may that be? I've.... I've protected those people ever since I was left alone in the family and the left behind home... I've kept them company and provided them with friendships, I've gathered love from them, isn't that what we people should do? Reach as many relationships, friendships and other loving ideas? How could I be called a 'Faulty Existence...."? After everything I did for those people.... I can't accept it, he doesn't understand me one bit....") Believed Kylin, losing her cool when a sweat began dripping down her face. "How does one dare to call me a' Fauly Existence'? Haven't you seen what people's thoughts were? They've seen me as a potential friend, as a potential family, each of those people who have lived in the same town as me, have reached great events, they've managed to proceed with much food and drinks, they've gathered happiness, but your saying makes me looks as if I was doing such things indifferent from the rest of people. Putting me down like that, making me thinking I'm a fraud, help seeker, I've only ever decided to keep other's people help aside from my own problems, there were times that I, myself.... decided to help them, however, I've never forced them into giving me gifts, especially not in the way as you've described it. Perfectly must you understand... I do not persuade people in thus ways, however, I do persuade them to always count on me, so that they wouldn't struggle with other problems, especially for once it comes to attacks, to fear! Every detail you've said out loud was incorrect, is this your way of trying to lose my cool? If it's for that exact reason, then you're quickly achieving it, however, I won't let your bargain any longer...." Kylin drew her sword in front of her once the purple electricity began to lighten up her sword's metal. "..... meaning, I'll knock it out of you, so prepare once again, because this time, I won't go easy, nonetheless, let you defeat me." Explained Kylin, a shadow glare of purple twitched from her eye.

("I shouldn't lose my cool when in battle, but all those lies that he has spoken about... I just can't take them, it must be his way of making me lose focus and cool, this is his way of defeating me? Then I won't fall for it....") By the thoughts, Kylin for once finally prepared for battle, with hopes to defeat Shin. ("I haven't seen Kylin in such way. She doesn't realize, but she's really going to lose it if Shin keeps up his speech, but why go so far with lies, just to defeat one opponent? Is his priority really to clear up this world of 'Akuseis'.... If that's so, then I have no permission to slack off, I still don't know if this guy is an ally.... Or an enemy....") Tim believed, when still holding his arm. ("However, this pain in the arm is keeping me away from doing anything special, when it comes to fighting. How am I supposed to defeat Kyou? This forest is kind of massive, finding both him and Ayuka will be a stall....")

Stepping half a meter ahead, Kylin's hair began to wave upward, and in a dash of second, her body disappeared in electrical charge, with the lightning speeding through the air in process of rippling, Kylin came to appear in front of Shin with s serious looks, catching Shin rather surprised. "Those words were mostly right about my family... But about me, using people's aid to cover my own problems.... Those were mistaken." With a step past Shin's left hip, he cut aside. But in due of quick shock, he noticed that Kylin was already gone from that spot, she appeared behind his back when sliding her feet across the floor, furthermore, she had her right arm stretched aside, the one that she held the sword in.

Causing a crack in the floor from her ejecting electricity and a step, Kylin swung forward, forcing Shin into turning around and swinging with his spear, both weapons clashed, letting out a metal sound, while the spear went to brisk Kylin's left shoulder but allowed to make a twist and turn-around in front of him when swinging with her sword toward Shin's head, but in luck Shin managed to avoid by ducking and then leaping backward to a safe distance. ("She's not being careful about harming him either... If she's planning to fight in this style, there are two possible events that may happen... Either she kills Shin, or she'll get herself beaten... This is no control of her movements, she must be stopped before she ends up going too far!") Tim became serious, sweat dripping down his right side of the cheek. ("But, how to stop her? She's drastically increasing her pace speed in her swings, making Shin unable to combine or chain his attacks, all he can do is either avoid or try to block.") ("So then... why would you not go in for the kill?") Tim's eyes got surprised when he began to see a black shadow reversing itself from his right arm. ("W-what the hell is this?!") With an urgent shake of his right arm, he tried to clear of the shadow. ("I think you should join in on the fun, I'm just here, willing to get my hands dirty, to kill!") 'The Evil Within' Tim's body was beginning to recover his broken arm. ("This is similar to back when I was hospitalized! I've gotta hide it!") "Quit, rushing out, this is no time for this!" Instantly. Tim grabbed his right arm with his left, covering the shadow when also trying to keep a low profile, hoping that he would not be seen in that moment. ("Come on, all this time, you've been using my power, abusing it to its limits, why don't we switch sides for once, on your own and without using my power, you're weak! And just look, wouldn't you agree? You've used my powers so many times, partaking in the short tournament, partaking in fighting your 'ally', even using it to increase your strength while unleashing your 'Akusei'!") The giggle of creepy thoughts were curling around Tim's mind.

("I can't let that happen! If I allow you to control my body or to efficiently battle, you'll end up making me lose my chance of obtaining 'Dueling Licenses' this year! I'm not going to go into prison to kill friend!") Tim claimed, while he began to see his hand getting burnt. ("Haha! As if that is what you're worried, be honest with me! All you really care about is keeping your allies safe, killing them is simply a choice of you, but it is not when it comes to my control!") But Tim continued to hold 'The Evil Within' him aside. ("Damn it. If this keeps up, my right arm will end up getting burnt after healing my bones! The hell am I supposed to do?!") But in that instant he faced toward the duel. Kylin leaped in the air to avoid Shin's rocky attack, once she flipped in the sky and landed on her right arm, from there she used that arm to push herself higher up when she quickly drew her sword forward, swinging and releasing a quick-drawn electricity, that charged itself through the air and forcing its heavy pressure onto Shin's body, even making him to lose his balance.

In any case, Kylin landed with a sturdiness and then hurried along in a dash, she used her electricity to slide her feet across the ground, once immediately bent her left leg behind her back and with full force released it forward, instantly, Shin tasted a kneel into the stomach, making him to lose his breath for the first time in the fight, with that Kylin quickly slipped her kneeled leg down his body, landed it and then quickly spun on the spot, raising her right leg and jumping on the spot, turning in the air and slammed her up stretched leg down the top of Shin's head, forcing him to be slammed down at the floor, cracking it and causing his body to struggle in that. Because of such power, force and curl, the smoke bounced around, followed up by the pieces of the shattered ground.

"You've mistaken me for somebody who I really am not... The beating up is the only way to prove it to you!"

To be continued...