246. A girl's true potential: Electro Style, Final form!

[The Dueling Exam: Arc 11]

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 1:50 p.m.]

("I don't understand her in reality... Why would she defend me instead of looking for her target?") With questionable surprise, Tim noticed a waveful list near her pocket, giving it his answer. ("I see. She's not just trying to defend me, but she's also after his badge. Should've known or expected.")

Kylin quickly landed on the floor when bouncing two steps behind, facing at Shin who swung his spear and quickly stood up straight. ("He's so quiet and relaxed usually that I didn't even understand how great of a duelist he was... Then, at the same time, he doesn't seem to have been given it everything he's got, his weapon must be at second stage and this is why it has no involvement of 'Kodachi' or other techniques. I'm not sure either, it could just be his base form, or-") Instant at her saying, Shin reached with his left hand forward when a brown aura began to flow around his body, starting at his feet end forming around his body. "Henshin." In surprise, Shin's eyes released a spark when his spear began to change itself, at the same time, his clothes began to change.

His clothes seemed to have extended in the parts and whirled around with a wider belt across his upper body when the spear seemed to have had a decently large core in the middle and blades on each side.

"Well, that's depressing." Tim claimed when backing away. ("It's about time that he showed some of his true hidden potential. I don't expect him to be weak whatsoever.") Kylin reached the hold of her handle and prepared her sword to be used. ("But at the same time, I don't plan on letting my guard off.") With a straight step aside and twist of her right hand in front of her chest she pointed her sword's blade at her once moving her left hand under the blade. "Huh? What the hell is she doing?" But, nevertheless, Tim has witnessed the tragedy of Klyin's power. With a calm inhale, the electricity immediately began to rise around her even causing her eyes to lighten up, its glows were seen and Kylin was prepared for a duel of difficulties.

"Electro Style, Final form." Kylin's hair and clothes were rippling and waving in the force of her pressure once her electricity increased its voltage, in instant it turned into a bright purple when the ground beneath her cracked, catching Tim within shock. ("Electro Style, Final form? Why has she decided to use this now, compared to a friend?") Wondered Tim in confusion when seeing the purple electricity creaking, cramping, rippling and shaking around her. However, while Tim was seeing something that he had never expected, he noticed a simple step. Instantly Kylin dashed forward once unable to be seen by Tim, but what was left behind of her movement, were cracked ground once Kylin instantly appeared behind Shin with her circular electricity ejecting, with that instance, Kylin swung downward, quickly catching Shin off guard, causing him to disappeared.

After Kylin finished her swing a rounded burst of electrical current flew over and across the floor once causing the trees to be forced and leaned to the side, the sharpness coming from the attack forced the trees in front of the attack to be cut down and burn because of high voltage. The purple light ended up in disappearence when Tim uncovered his face from moving his hand and seeing the fully destroyed area, now in fact had a giant opening and a circular shape toward it, almost meant to create fields, and the gigantic voltage was seen by multiple contestants in the distance.

Shin had a sweat dripping down his forehead, once crouched at the top of the branch. "Electro Style, Final form? I've heard that you studied hard to learn such level of Electro, I suppose you're not called 'The Best Electricity Emitter' for nothing.... However.... I've heard some differences compared to you." Claimed Shin. You call yourself Kylin Sandarasu, correct? But, I've seen samples of people calling you by the name 'Kylin Azumi Hotaru." Claimed Shin once facing down at her. "Yeah, those 'samples' were right. I've merely used 'Sandarasu' as to not make much appearences toward civilians of other units, despite that, I still believe I should of have explained myself before today. As I've said before, I was born in family who has been skilled in usage of 'Akuma's masks', I've been left alone with my brother who has suddenly disappeared, but due to the evil doings and knowledge to what my family has done, I usually decide to hide 'Akuma masks' because it terrifies so many civilians, this is why I've improved my skill in Electro usage in total, to its maximum limit, just like Pyro Type users, Electro Type users, also do have difference stages of electricity, Spiritual Electricity, Devil Electricity and Total Electricity, these three stages come in different expectations, the one I've prefered to use it's known as Devil Electricity, the allies that we have seen, such as Kanji or Ellie, the two of them also have different stages, Ellie has a Total Electricity which is formed through exhaling the air from your body and Devil Electricity that is formed through inhaling, the Spiritual Electricity is mostly manipulated by normal breathing, this is why Kanji had never managed to improve his own electricity." Explained Kylin, quite serious. "That does remind me. I've seen Ellie exhale a lot when using his own tempered power." Added Shin, interested. "So what's the differences?" Wondered Shin. "I believe you've already noticed the difference. Total Electricity is skilled in agility control and manipulation, while Total Electricity is mostly based on offensive strategies and quick-drawn movements, Electro users may choose two different paths, they either go for Total Electricity or Devil Electricity while still have the skill to control Spiritual Electricity. Example for you, people with Electro abilities have choices, to which they want to achieve, they'll go through different trainings, furthermore, their style of breathing decided their Elecro type as well...."

"... To achieve Devil's Electricity, you must learn how to breath in Diaphragmatic breathing, while Total Electricity is done with Eupnea's breathing, both have different ways of flowing through someone's body, the main part of Electro Type usages, are lungs, heart beat and calm mind, this is why most of the Electro Type users end up calm in battle, for example, we've seen what Ellie did, with calming his body, in total he managed to defeat the Ant Queen Demon, we can tell, because his clumsiness and calm mind are different, one in battle the other in everyday life... As for me, inhaling the air lets me release Devil's Electricity, which is another calm mind substitude." Explained Kylin, standing calmly and seriously on the floor. "I didn't know that Electro Users had so many differences compared to each other, once it comes to breathing and colour of their power. It reminds me of my own Pyro Type, it has three stages as well as Electro, but, mine doesn't involve any proper breathing or calm mind, so how have I managed to provoke the second stage?" Wondered Tim, with a look into his palm. "Pyro Type reacts differently compared to electricity, this type requires a high focus, just like flames change temperature and color, more its focused on one part, the more hotter will be, and that is as much as you need to know." Explained Kylin. "Now, however, I do believe, that I must keep Shin at bay." Claimed Kylin.

Shin became immediately serious once he prepared. Kylin made a step and immediately dashed once disappearing in electrical current, Shin's eyes witnessed a purple glow in front of him, once Kylin immediately swung her sword down, but in reaction of severe problem, Shin immediately leaped to the side and saw how Kylin landed on the branch and slid on it when immediately leaping in the air and disappearing from the spot. The purple electrical current magnified itself and twisted itself once turning from the branch behind Shin's landing, instantly, Kylin appeared when she immediately swung upward with her right hand, causing the floor the dug further down and unleashing sharp electricity that turned itself in the air, forcing Shin to turn around and swung down with his spear, when absorbing the electricity and then spinning and releasing the electricity in the air. Shin followed up with a swung down with his spear when slamming it at Kylin's sword, causing it to be blocked, both of them exchanged looks when Shin immediately disappeared as the clothes rippled. Shin landed on the floor when he immediately made a step with his left foot forward and grabbed his spear with both hands, once swinging it ahead, up. Several stone spikes began to grow from the ground, covered in grass once flying toward Kylin who was ready to get struck by them.

However, instead of standing still, Kylin instantly crouched and launched herself in the air, highly when dropping down and landing on the spikes, beginning to close gap between Shin and her, but in that moment Shin raised his spear and spun it above his head, once stabbing it into the floor and causing a tremor in the ground, forcing his own stone spikes to shatter and letting Kylin to jump high in the air and then make a flip, once she faced her feet forward toward Shin, with her arms raised behind her in which she held her sword, her body glowed purple due to the high voltage of electricity, and instantly a purple flash appeared once Shin was caught in surprise, but, all he noticed was a slam into his face, once his body was zapped and then knocked backward. Kylin who appeared from nowhere used Shin's face to bounce back into a flip and land on the floor, instantly disappearing and appearing besides right side of Shin's body, she held her sword with both hand when made a long step forward and spun her blade when swinging it forward and smashing Shin with her sword's handle, causing Shin to be thrown backward and slid on the floor, but in that instant, when Kylin began to slide on the floor, she immediately spun in hyper speed once making Shin cause his movement to be slacky. After closing the distant gap between them, Kylin released her sword and threw it in the air, when grabbing her right stretched arm with her left and opeend her palm, pressing it on Shin's chest, in the body movement, she finished her attack with a powerful blast of bursting electricity, that created an on-contact-explosion and drilled Shin through the ground, causing him to be smacked at tree's trunk, in that instant, she fully completed her attack by appearing in front of Shin and benting her right leg's knee, pulling it behind her back and then continuing by ramming the knee into Shin's stomach, causing the ejecting electricity to fly around and expose itself above the leaved trees, Shin, however, was once again pummeled back and thrown back when Kylin instantly dashed backward and circularly swung her arm above, catching the sword's handle, giving a serious look toward Shin.

"She seems so much more stronger with her Devil's Electricity. Though, I wonder: Why has she even decided to train for Devil's Electricity and not Total Electricity? Of course, I believe they are both somewhat equal in strength, but I do not understand, why did she decide to go for this one specifically, it is just because she's more of a pure power duelist, or is it for another reason?" Tim wondered, when gulping.

"You're not half bad, so please, if you'll reveal your identity, are you Kylin Sandarasu, or Kylin Azumi Hotaru?" Wondered Shin, feeling beat down when standing up.

"My name is... Kylin Azumi Hotaru, the elite among the 'Akuma Mask' users!"

To be continued...