245. Centered in a duel!

[The Dueling Exam: Arc 11]

The battle between Codey and Ellie came near middle, surfing through the battle Codey seemed have been given a somewhat advantage toward Ellie, but after Codey's thinking getting in front of his way, Ellie managed to strike him first, however, despite having a quick advantage Ellie was knocked over and resigned from his attack, but, as soon as Codey thought he'd won, a yellow lightning struck and his badge was cut in halve.

At the same time, somewhere farther away, Tim came in contact with Shin and figured out that Shin is the one who is destined to get his badge, luckily for Tim's say, Kylin came at the same time, uttering that she'll defend him for the time being while his arm is broken, if she'll be able to keep that saying is still yet unknown.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 1:36 p.m.]

With heavy sweat slipping down Codey's face his eyes opened widely. ("My badge, it got cut? T-this means....") Ellie bent his legs and pummeled them forward, kicking Codey back making him make a swipe and drop on the floor, following up by himself standing up. "Well how about that. Haven't you learned your lesson? You can't really defeat me at this level. Despite you managing to give me a real knockout, you've still lost, how precise of your movements..." With said word Ellie prepared his blade. "But now that your badge is cut, how will you continue your test? Without the badge, you cannot win at all, in fact, you'd need to get my badge too, but how can you do that? I'm too quickly on my feet than yourself could ever be. So, remember - this day, the day you've fought me, remember, that I'm better than yourself could ever be, now, I'll take my leave with your badge cut." With quick instante, Ellie grabbed the two halved parts of the badge and spoke of 'Godspeed', with that the yellow electricity ejected and a flash bursted forward. "Wait!" However, no sign of Ellie was there anymore.

Left behind, Ellie began to feel useless. ("What the hell was the point of that move if I lost my badge! If I don't get my pieces back, or stealing his badge, I'm done for!" Shouted Codey when in annoyance thinking. (".... All I can do now is wait or try to catch Ellie off guard, but with the speed he has... There's no way I'll make it in time, I'd need to cut him off guard nad have my perfect timing ready. And I'll probably have only one shot, and there's 20% that I'll pull it off.... damn, how can I be so selfish with my thoughts, that made me lose once again!") Codey held his forehead and covering his face, when opening the gap of the fingers. "But... If I don't make it, Tim will for sure be frusturated with me... He entrusted me so many things to deal with, but to lose to someone like this, it's inevitable... I can't go back in time to try and change the results... But, I can't give up either... There's always a solution, and this time, there is one as well!") With that Codey ran forward between the tree gaps.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 1:36 p.m.]

Ellie was daydreaming while laying on a tree's branch looking at Codey's halved badge. "Well, wasn't that worth for a newspaper. I've guaranteed myself a victory, nothing that can stop me now, I may as well make a short nap, then I'll continue with escaping, not a chance that Codey can catch me that quickly." Slowly, Ellie closed the gap of his eyes and fell to a day nap.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 1:37 p.m.]

"Why do you plan on defending him, he cannot be your target and he seems to not have any interest in stealing your badge, either?" Wondered Shin, standing a few feet away from the two. "I've already said. His arm is broken, he would have no chance of defending himself with that painful injury."

"Defend him for the sake of his broken arm? That's a very polite attitude, then I understand. I'll fight with you first, however, there will be bets. First bet, for me is: If I win, you'll let me attack Tim. Second best, for you is: If you defeat me, I'll guarantee my escape and allow you to keep the badge, however, once your arm is recovered in anyway, I'll fight you, understand?" Wondered Shin, calm and relaxed. "But what if his arm doesn't recover?" Questionable reason was given by Kylin. "Then I shall focus my goal onto gathering other badges, after all, if I am able to get three differemt badges, I am still able to pass the semi-final test. Is that... All right with you?" With no further objections, Kylin accepted. "Fine by me." ("Hopefully I won't lose to him.") Answered Kylin in her mind, worried.

"Very well, then it's settled, let the better duelist win." Spoke Shin. "Let it be so." Kylin and Shin both drew out there blades once giving an exchanging looks, both of them helding their own weapon. "Tim, just stay back, for the time being, I'll defend you." Answered Kylin, calmly with a sweat dripping down her forehead. Tim faced at her. "You can't be serious?" But those were his only words.

The duel began.

The match was quite flashy to begin with. With a step forward, Kylin dashed forward when Shin immediately spun his spear, swung it behinds his back and stomped the ground. Yellow-core stone began to grow from the ground once Kylin immediately leaped to the side and avoided a growing stone, landing with her right foot and burst forward with fully advanced speed of her electrical current, she gazed ahead and slipped between the two of the upcoming and growing stones, after doing so, she landed in the front of Shin and made a three-step once instantly releasing an electrical current behind Shin and instantly swinging with her sharp blade, Shin swung his left and free arm when a yellow-core stone wall grew blocking Kylin's sharp blade when aejecting electricity into opposite direction.

Quickly acting on the spot, she leaped and flipped over the top of the wall and raised her right foot once getting noticed by Shin. He immediately stretched his right arm and both of his feet with left bent to the side, when bursting at high speed from the spot, Kylin in exact moment unleashed the kick when slamming it into the ground and forcing a quick shake, when the electricity began to travel over the grass and floor toward Shin, covering Kylin with dust. Shin immediately slid to stop himself from crashing when spinning his spear in both arms and unleashed several ground spikes that went growing toward electricity and dust in which Kylin stood. Kylin dashed out of the dust when instantly jumped up and landing on the flat side of the spike, beginning to jump across them when quickly closing in at the front of Shin's view. Making a flip she raised her blade high in the air and swinging it downward. "Thunder Wheel!" She began to flip down while getting surrounded by electricity.

Shin instantly disappeared using Vanishing Dash once appeared at a great distance. Kylin slammed her blade into the ground and had her bottom and legs raised in the air, but her force in swing caused the ground to crack and the electricity to spread. She noticed a rock flying toward her when she quickly spun her blade and dug it into the ground. She was in a hand-stand holding sword's handle when quickly releasing pressure from her body and pushing herself high in the air when the rock went flying beneath her upside body, while making a flip she now had to face into the opposite side of Shin, with her right eye facing behind, but she soon noticed Shin appearing behind her while she was finally in good position to strike again. Shin swung and cut with his spear in a circular motion, however, Kylin quickly awoke an electrical orb that forced her to disappear in electrical current behind Shin several feet in the air, she dropped down with quicker speed and then rubbed her foot into the top of Shin's back, causing an electrical awakening that forced Shin to be knocked from the front, but in luck, Shin spun correctly and faced behind, once noticing Kylin just landing on the floor, who returned him a serious look.

("I'm trying to keep, stealing his badge to a minimum, so that he won't expect it.") Believed Kylin in her thoughts when turning around. ("She's been using her sword to a minimum, is it because she's not trying to kill me, or is there another reason to why?") Wondered Shin, interested.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 1:40 p.m.]

Yasu was breathing heavily while feeling weak. "You know, getting your badge was kind of simple but at the same time hard. I must say, you do keep high guard in a duel." Smiled Midori, facing toward Yasu. ".... So, this is it... I've lost just like that." Wondered Yasu, when closing her eyes and sweating. "I'll be interested to fight you again in the future." Midori detached her badge from the body when quickly throwing it toward Yasu, who caught it. "W-what are you-"

"But, do keep great training, you know well how to use your Pyrokinesis to its highest potential, maybe someday you'll be able to improve it's temperature even more." Smiled Midori. "But, why? Why did you give me your badge?" Confusingly wondered Midori. "I gave it to you because I feel you'll become an amazing duelist in the future, for now, you've been focusing mostly on martial arts and avoided the use of your knives. So don't give up learning how to operate both, your Ginken and your Kineticism. Now, let's wait until the 24-hour day mark." Smiled Midori, and because each of them had their badge, they will both be able to pass the test.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Woods - Sunday 1:43 p.m.]

Kanji and Hideki seemed to have both been struggling. "Y'know. You're good at keeping the duel going, I'd thought you'd already lose, but man, this is impressive... Although, I'll still not lose to you, I must get your badge, after all." Smiled Hideki wiping his sweat. "Oh, is it so? I'll thank you for it later, aftrr we're done. I'll say the same to you, your Hydrokinesis it's remarkable, you've got great line of focus when using it, you also have great temper when it comes to the battle, you don't lose it oftenly, honestly... You're just an opponent I've expected, although, I'd like to stick around, however I need to find my target!" In instant, Kanji disappeared. "H-hey!" But no surprise and with full unamusement, Hideki spoke. "Great, now I've gotta hunt him down again.... this is like catch or lose, either way, guess I better get going." Hideki answered scratching the back of his haired head.

"There you are!" Soon, Hideki faced behind in surprise. "Ayuka?" Confusingly asked Hideki, looking at her. "What the heck are you here for?" Wondered Hideki, looking at her. A badge was thrown in the air, spun as it was re-caught by Ayuka, directing the list toward Hideki. "I believe you know why." Claimed Ayuka. "Seriously? Couldn't you have found a better timing? I've just fought Kanji and I haven't recovered from the fight, can you spare me just a few minutes so that I rest?" Wondered Hideki quite unamused. "Huh?" With a deperate look, Ayuka wondered. "Look, if you give me just 5 minutes, I'll be rest up and then we can fight again, I won't run, I promise!" He smiled, worried, when Ayuka spun her badge. ".... This test is not about team cooperating just yet, there are still two more test. And one of them involves Team Cooperation." Explained Ayuka, calmly. "But, sure. As long as you don't move from that rock, I won't attack, if you do, however. You'll began our duel, understand, I prefer to keep my opponent even to my strength, so that I can accept the victory." Explained Ayuka once given smile by Hideki.

"Wait, do you think I can watch your duel?" Giggled someone. Both, Ayuka and Hideki faced at the boy. "Maita?"

To be continued...