255. Kuse Nobuyuki!

[Alternative Bloodlines: Arc 12]

Our heroes at last reached the end of the Dueling Exam, with a few days passing, the few of the Duelists who remained in Fortune City have set up in city's TechnoTune Hotel, but at the three days passing, Tim was finally given a call.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune City - Wednesday 10:34 a.m.]

Answering the phone call, Tim recieved great news. "Huh? Akari? Tishida, what are you two calling me for?"

"Timmey! We've decided to bring you additional merch if you would like to-" But while Tishida spoke on the phone, Akari overtook it.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Guild - Wednesday 10:34 a.m.]

"Hey, come on... I was trying to ask him to buy my merch." Tishida claimed, set behind her. "Now, please, ignore that idiot. Anyway, we'd just wanted to say that the Guild we've mentioned before has finally finished constructing, Captain Yukito did a very well job and still is..."

"Hey! Pick that bucket and put it away, no more disgusting stuff around this place, move, hurry!" Yukito ordered at the workers. "I just love when you get heated!" Laughed Asuka. "Lieutenant Asuka! Get back to work!" With no comments, Asuka hurried along and picked up other buckets. While on phone.

"Well, I suppose he could be a bit more patient, but he's doing a fine job. So whenever you're back, the Guild will be ready, oh and some mistakes were made, so we needed to construct the Guild near Innerlight City, so it took a few days longer, sorry to confuse you. What about you and your friends, how's the exam going, I believe you've finished early with it, correct? Wondered Akari, while standing in the distance talking to Tim over phone.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune City - Wednesday 10:34 a.m.]

"I'll be honest, I didn't actually believe you would actually build it..." Tim claimed while unamused. "A Guild you say?" In that instance, Tim jumped from surprise. "Shin, what the hell are you doing, sneaking up behind me?!" Tim wondered on confusion. "That is an interesting comment, I would say." Shin held his chin, while standing behind Tim. "Well, y-yeah, but why are you so interested into it?" Tim asked, concerned. "I only heard about something new being constructed at Innerlight City, and now, the curiousness reached me, what exactly is this Guild about?"

With Tim slightly moving his phone aside near his shoulder and with a sweat dripping over his face, he began to explain. "A Guild, if you've heard about Clan Installation in Spiritual Realm, it's something like that, but it works completely different as those Clans." Tim explained. "Would you polietly ask that friend of yours, to show some kind of picture, I'm very interested into it." Unamused ahead, Tim sighed, but confirmed. "Yo, Akari!" With those seconds, Akari smiled. "Oh, I see you've met some new friends, or should I say, I hear. So, what's the question now?" She wondered with her left hand on her hip. "His name is Toyama Shin, he's here to see that Guild, do you think you can send some kind of picture?" Tim wondered, with a sigh. "Well, that won't work. You'll soon return with the rest, correct? So, I'm sure you'll see it for when you come!" Spoke Akari. "But, a quick hint, We've decided to make this 'Guild' of your, much more 'modern' to put it efficently, either way, you STILL didn't answer my question, to how you were with the rest." With a quick surprise, Tim instantly spoke. "Oh, sorry! All of us passed, only a few among the examinees failed and were given 'Dueling Licenses' for a year, for the ones who have dropped out before the final test, those didn't even receive it, so we're looking great - By the way, Shin. She doesn't seem to want and show the picture." Tim sighed.

"That is fine as well, I will just see it for when I go there." Smiled Shin.

"Whoa, hold up. You're not planning to actually follow me and the rest?" Tim wondered. "I suppose we are, at least myself, Shoji and Yutaku, for the rest, I cannot provide you with information." Claimed Shin, calm. "This just got much more worrying." Tim sighed and returned over to the phone call. "Yo, Akari. Gotta go now, we'll be there in about a day, we're taking plane today, so you won't need to wait for longer. Just make sure that it is prepared!" Tim smiled, when hanging up the phone.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Guild - Wednesday 10:35 a.m.]

"All ri- And he already hung up.... What a moron." Giggled Akari. "Okay, men! Back to work!" Akari clapped.

"Would you help out you lazy cat?!" Yelled Yukito with whitened eyes and a red angry mark on his left side of the face.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune City - Wednesday 10:36 a.m.]

"Hey, Tim. What's up? You were on call with somebody?" Claimed Kanji, stepping in front of them, with the rest. "It was Akari, she only let me know that the Guild will be ready as soon as we arrive to Innerlight City." Tim explained, once putting his cellphone into the pocket. "Oh, did it really pass this many weeks? Man, that was constructed rather quickly! I'm so curious and unpatient, I can't wait to see what they've done with it!" Codey giggled, with curiousness in his mind. "But hold on. Didn't they say it'll get constructed somewhere else, why Innerlight City, now?" Kylin questioned once looking at them. "I'm not sure either, I guess she mentioned some kind of a mistake, Captain Yukito and Lieutenant Asuka are doing great job of leading their clan members to construct it, more I couldn't tell." Tim answered, when putting his right arm on his hip. "I might of have had overheard, but what Guild?" Ayuka wondered, the only one confused. "Oh! I forgot, you were hospitalized while we got the call about its construction. Spiritual Realm didn't like the population number of how many Spiritual Duelists have began to roam around Earth, so they've decided to construct a Guild that could potentially help this population, although, last time they only spoke about 15 people maximum to be able in it, but, now when they mention Innerlight City, I'm not sure about it. Either way, I don't know much about Innerlight City, anyway. I just now that we'll take the planes to get to it." Tim explained.

"Innerlight City? That's where I come from." Midori added, when looking at the rest. "Huh?"

"Innerlight City is actually the largest City on the Earth, it's population is known to reach above 10.450 million population density." Explained Midori. "What? You must be kidding, isn't Tokyo City supposed to have the largest population density?" Tim confusingly asked. "No, of course not, Tokyo has 2,194 km² while Innerlight City has 3,012 km²." Explained Midori, smiling. "You've gotta be kidding me. This means that this guild will be constructed in the largest city?!" Codey asked, fully excited. "It sure does, so we're probably in for a treat." Giggled Midori. "Whoa, hold up. What do you mean 'we'." Tim wondered. "Oh, right. Forgot to mention, myself, Yasu, Kazuko and Yutaku are all going there, we've heard that Kyou and other examinee who passed is going there as well." Explained Midori, in those seconds, Tim froze on the spot and three dots appeared on his head. "...."

"KYOU?! You've gotta be kidding me! Come on, out of all the people, he is going there as well?!" Tim wondered in confusion. "Yup! So do we!" Ume and Kaori both stepped from the crowd. "Aw come on! The city itself is also populated heavily, and we're adding additional people?! Man, we must be dreaming!" Tim sighed, holding his forehead. "What, do you have some kind of problem if we go there?" Kaori questioned. "N-no! Not at all, I just feel kind of 'followed'!" Tim answered, waving with both of his hands in front. "We're not following you, we're just going there as result to passing the exam, that was our reward, besides, some of our families live there, so we're bunched up and ready to go." Explained Kaori.

"Reward? What do you mean? I didn't get any other reward, other than 'Dueling Licenses'." Tim explained once showing his card. "Oh, the main examiner decided to give all of the passanger cards into my hand, I gotta share them with you, thak you for reminding me, so here, each of you take one, Kyou and Nobuyuki already got it." Explained Kaori. "Nobuyuki? Is that that other examinee?" Questioned Kylin, looking at her. "Yes, his full name is Kuse Nobuyuki, he doesn't talk much, but if you start conversation with him, he's pretty well found of it and begins to talk." Claimed Ume, giggling. "Maybe I should go say hi..." Tim thought. "Sure, go ahead. He's right there, sitting on that bench, near the bus stop." With thanking, Tim decided to step toward Nobuyuki.

In few seconds, Tim finally came stepping in front of Nobuyuki. "Um, hi. Am I bothering you?" Tim wondered, giving a wave. Nobuyuki raised his head. "You do not, what is it?" He questioned, while looking at Tim's eyes. "I... Uh... Just wanted to congratulate you for passing the exam." Claimed Tim. "Thanks." Those were lonely words. "So. Uh, what are you going to do now?" Tim wondered, but seeing that Nobuyuki stood up. He had a white trench coat with short sleeves and seemed to have been efficiently known as Stilleto user, with two scabbards. "Nothing much, In all odds, I only wanted the Dueling Licenses, either way, is something else that you want?" Questioned Nobuyuki. ("Stilletos? I haven't seen that type of Ginken at all, they must be rare.") "Oh, nothing, I was just here to greet you and get to know you, I'm-" But before saying. "Shinkaku, correct? Well, no need to introduce yourself, I've heard your name before." Explained Nobuyuki. "Now, I'll go get ready for departure, bother me later..." Claimed Nobuyuki when passing Tim by, but in that second, Tim noticed a symbol on his left shoulder. ("I thought he's glad in conversations, this was completely different to what Kaori claimed.") Tim thought, looking at his white hair. With that, Tim returned to others.

"I thought you said he was great in conversation, he didn't seem to liked talking to me, I'll be honest." Tim scratched the back of his head. "Oh, well. Everybody has these type of days, anyway, We should hurry and get ready for departure to Innerlight City." Claimed Midori with a smile.

"Oh, I have forgot to apologize, Tim." With all concern, Tim looked at Shin. "Apologize? The hell you mean?"

"I have wanted to fight you while you were in softened position, those were unfair awares." Exclaimed Shin. "Oh, snap it away, That passed, now we should just continue to get to the airport, then we'll talk from there." Tim claimed. "Yeah, just to warn you, we'll probably arrive tomorrow, Innerlight City is pretty far from Fortune City, so be ready to take a nap if necessary on the plane." Smiled Midori. "Oh, don't worry about that, I'll take the longest nap I'll ever need!" Smiled Codey and laughed. "So, thoughtful, eh?" Sighed Yasu. "What, it's the truth. I haven't been able to sleep the night!" Codey confirmed. "Maybe next time, try not to fall asleep while taking the tunnel to Fortune City." Sighed Kanji. "I'm sorry, all right! I needed rest, I was pummeled by that Ko guy like a sudden wood!"

"I get it, just next time. Focus on staying awake so that you'll be able to stay awake for the entire day. Now, let's grab out Dueling Licenses and let's get on the plane, the departure will be in while, so let's move!" Claimed Kanji and smiled. "Yeah, you're right."

"Let's get moving..."

To be continued...