256. Innerlight City's Guild tour!

[Alternative Bloodlines: Arc 12]

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight Airport - Thursday, 11:00 a.m.]

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Innerlight Airport. Local time is 5:00 p.m. and the temperature is 18 degree celcius.

For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain turns off the Fasten Seat Belt sign. This will indicate that we have parked at the gate and that it is safe for you to move about.

Please check around your seat for any personal belongings you may have brought on board with you and please use caution when opening the overhead bins, as heavy articles may have shifted around during the flight.

If you require deplaning assistance, please remain in your seat until all other passengers have deplaned. One of our crew members will then be pleased to assist you.

On behalf of Innerlight Airlines and the entire crew, I'd like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice stay!

People have began to grab their belongings and soon felt how the Airplane begane to land. "Holy, christ. This is Innerlight City? It's absolutely massive!" Claimed Codey, looking from the window. "Yeah, I'm amazed at it as well, it's so gigantic, wonder what awaits us." Kanji giggled. "Landing and then we'll be met up with Akari, she'll bring us to the place!" Tim smiled while sitting next to Shin. "How unusual for me to be at such a massive city, it's quite intriguing." Claimed Shin. "The hell are you muttering about?" Tim unamusingly asked once looking at him.

Finally the airplane wheels landed and began to partake on the cement.

In the few seconds the plane finally stopped moving and the seatbelts were unlocked while the rest began to exit out. While most of them have left, Fortune City passengers exit last. "It feels so good, fresh air!" Claimed Codey, breathing it. "You sure don't like to be stuck in planes a lot, do ya?" Laughed Kanji. "Of course I don't, it feels too crowded in there." Then each of them began to walk down the airplane's stairs. They've walked for the entrance gates, when hearing a woman talking at the other airplane.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned on the Fasten Seat Belt sign. If you haven't already done so, please stow your carry-on luggage underneath the seat in front of you or in an overhead bin. Please take your seat and fasten your seat belt. And also make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position.

If you are seated next to an emergency exit, please read carefully the special instructions card located by your seat. If you do not wish to perform the functions described in the event of an emergency, please ask a flight attendant to reseat you.

We remind you that this is a non-smoking flight. Smoking is prohibited on the entire aircraft, including the lavatories. Tampering with, disabling or destroying the lavatory smoke detectors is prohibited by law.

If you have any questions about our flight today, please don't hesitate to ask one of our flight attendants. Thank you."

Once entering through gate '62' they've been awaited by Akari and Tishida. "Oh, wow! How interesting, you've brought some allies, haven't you?" Giggled Tishida. "Come on Tishida, we're not here to be bothered by you. Either way, they only came to stay in Innerlight City." Explained Tim while each of them heard multiple people talking and walking around them. "But of course, once you all introduce, I'll bring you to the Guild Building!" Smiled Akari.

"Sweet! Is it actually ready?!" Asked Codey, instantly bouncing to the front and bumping Tim aside, who was unamused. "Of course, so let's hurry with introductions and then we'll take the bus." Smiled Akari.

"Are you still using that old blowing fan?" Sighed Ayuka when grabbing hold of her forehead. "Why, yes, it's hot in here!" Smiled Tishida. "It's not even that hot, to be honest." Sighed Ayuka.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight Guild - Thursday, 11:30 a.m.]

Finally, the few duelists stepped from among the bus, Nobuyuki who was the final to exit. Frozen on the spot, the rest have faced at the front of the building. "You've gotta be kidding me, right?" Claimed Yutaku, shocked. Kidding of what? This is where you'll be accepting missions, we've invented several Spiritual Realm portal to reach Spiritual Realm's Society! Either way, let's go on a tour." Claimed Akari.

On the exterior, the Guild seemed to have had been constructed with heavy glass that was sturdy enough to block bullets.

There were in total 4 floors with two glass towers that were the lookout and the bedroom area.

On the pit bottom, there was a long hallway that connects between the towers underneath the entire building.

With river flowing between the three built towers of the Guild, there was a gathering room underground that had glassy roof that peeked over it, on the four floors the roof was opened and filled with nature while on the opposite side of the river stood massive long trees, there were several bushes growing along the one tower.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight Guild (Inside) - Thursday, 11:40 a.m.]

"This interior is so gigantic, why the hell did you construct it like this, and for what cause?" Wondered Codey, soon entering with the rest through the sliding door. "This is the cafeteria, it can hold at least 200 people at maximum. The kitchen is fully ready as well, and we've hired cooks so that you won't be hungry, for the ones who don't know how to cook. But I bet doing the cooking test in the exam, helped you. Anyway, let's move on." From that, Akari brought others into the next hallway. "This row here are restrooms, ten for girls and ten for boys, up the stairs, is next row, but those are for the higher grades, such as yourselves." Claimed Akari. "So, you count us as higher grades, but nobody here yet agreed that they'll join this guild." Claimed Tim, confused. "Well, you've brought your friends, so I'm sure they're going to join, right?" Smiled Akari, and with amazed looks, Tim faced at the ones who had nod. "You're not serious? You're really all going to stay here? Man, this is gonna get crowded if more people come!" Tim added, with confused looks. "Well, we've became good friends throughout the exam, so I'm sure we'll be able to figure ourselves between this guild, correct!" Smiled Midori. "I couldn't agree, more." Added Yutaku. "See, everything works fine, let's move on over." Spoke Akari, once entering the opened roof on the first floor, this is the opened roof park, you can come here to relax, talk and do whatever you'd like, the exterior stairs reach to the top and you can have a great way of getting to the lookout." Smiled Akari. "Speaking about the lookout, let's move up." While the few walked up the stairs, they've reached the top of the lookout, crossing the glassed built bridge across.

"Such an amazing view!" Shouted Yasu, overwhelmed. "It is, I can agree myself, it reaches around 130 feet in the air, furthermore, there are elevators that reach to the bottom of the lookout, where you'll be able to find commissions and tasks, so why don't we go check it out." With that, they set into two elevators once dropping down to the bottom. They've entered the room in which multiple couches and plants were, there was a gigantic processor in front of them and a digital map that allowed them to see all of Innerlight City's map, on the sides there were entertaiment technologies and there was another cross tunnel between the bedroom tower and lookout. "This room is where you can find any task and manage them to your conditions, the map is huge, so use your fingers to move and circle around." Explained Akari, when tapping the buttom. "So, how does this 'processor' remember and manages commissions?" Yasu questioned. "It will automatically type in the profile of who had took on the commission, that will show other people who is on it if they weren't around. There is as well a store in which you may sell anything you'd like, that's just for additional purposes." Claimed Akari. "To what you said, it still doesn't answer my question, how will we receive these commissions?"

"Simple, the people will ask for help by sending a registration, they will provide you with all the information you need, agency however, will register the harder and more important commissions, so make sure to take on them at all cost." Claimed Akari. "So, before we see the bedroom area, what's with that area, with the glassed roof?" Questioned Sakami. "That's the training area, it's split into two sides, it let's you fight in Zero Dimension, all you must do is register your profile and it will create the dimension, it's like a gym in school." Explained Akari. "I didn't know you'd go that far, what if if gets destroyed?" Kanji wondered. "You don't need to worry, once The Zero Dimension is activated, it will create a powerful cube barrier that will block any upcoming attacks."

"And what about the lone tower aside?" Questioned Kylin. "That tower is where the Spiritual Realm stands, it's also the registery for classes that will partake in that tower, once somebody registers to partake in class to learn more about Dueling and other subjects, once the new civilians register, they'll be put into dorms a few blocks away from where the Guild is, do not worry, we've hired all personnel that you need, there is also hospitality near the training ground." Claimed Akari.

"Whoa! Hold up! You're not telling us that we'll have to intend classes?!" Questioned Yutaki worried. "You will have a choice, either you wish or whether you wish not to, but you're already intelligent enough and skilleed, but I still recommend to partake on it." Claimed Akari. "So does this mean that those people will also have the chance to accept commissions?" With curiosity asked Kazuko. "Correct, but mostly 2nd years to 5th years." Explained Akari. "5 years? Huh, does this mean that even 12 year olds can come here?!" Wondered Kanji, shocked. "Yes, from 12 years onward, sometimes the professionals will assign those duelists to commission and they'll have to accept it."

"Man, there's a decent total to remember, better learn quickly." Sighed Shoji. "Now, let's move onto the bedrooms, there are 30 bedrooms in total, and there is 17 of you, so this means there is enough for each of you. You've already been assigned to the rooms you're in." Claimed Akari.

"And try not to steal stuff from each other's room, the rooms are blocked by doorkey cards, so you won't have a chance to begin with." Claimed Yukito who came out of nowhere. "Yukito?! You're here too?!" Asked Codey, surprised. "Of course I am, I've used my Clan to built this entire Guild." He sighed, with crossed arms. "Oh, right. Yukito will be the head of the entire Guild, but because he won't be here as often, we've decided to put Sakami as the second hand." In that instant, Sakami flinched for a second and everybody faced at her. "You mean, her?" Asked Codey. "Yes, she has already had an entire Clan under her control, so she'll manage to do this one as well, so anything you will need, make sure to ask her. Of course, Sakami, if you wish to not be at such a title, you may let somebody else." Claimed Akari. "What about Shin, he's very intelligent and has great knowledge. He can make up the rules, he is one of the smartest here after all." Claimed Tim and faced at him. "That's a brilliant idea! After all, he was the one who brought us through manny tests from the exam." Claimed Codey with a giggle. "So, what do you say, Shin? Would you consider to be a leader of this Guild, you've got what it takes anyway!" Smiled Tim, and without a doubt, Shin grabbed his chin, leaning his arm over his left.

"I suppose I could consider it, my answer is 'yes'." He claimed.

"Perfect! Then let's cheer him up as much as we can!" Smiled Kanji.

To be continued...