257. Unravel the Police Department!

[Alternative Bloodlines: Arc 12]

After the victorious Duelists finished their exam, they had finally flew over the sky by plane and finally reached their Guild, throughout the tour, many of them were surprised to just how big the Guild was and what it had to offer, and at the end they've considered Shin to be the leader while Sakami proceeded with becoming his assistant, but now, their first few visitors will arrive.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight Guild (Registery Desk) - Thursday, 12:05 p.m.]

With surprise, Charlotte, Dasuke, Ava, Mayumi, Myles, Moe, Octavius, Eguchi, Odina and Thomas arrived to the Registery Desk. "Please tell me that you were joking? This is the new Guild of the Innerlight City? It's absolutely large and it's so modern, who'd had time to build this in just a few weeks?" Questioned Mayumi, shocked. "I don't freaking know! But I love it already! Just look at all of these things! It's amazing!" Claimed Charlotte, first time considering to be very excited, next to Ava. "It just looks like a dump to me, honestly." But once Myles spoke so, he was instantly slapped into the face by Charlotte. "Shut up and get ready to live in pig shit!" Shouted Charlotte in anger. "Now, now, please, you two. Calm down, no need to be so aggressive off the start!" Smiled Mayumi, embarrassed, trying to prevent the arguing. "Heh, I've knew that my son would get so far, as soon as he was born, I'm going to cry!" Called Dasuke, covering his eyes while they were watering. "Not this again, man up, dad!" Ordered Ava, bumping him into the right hip. "Huh, so this is what he meant by guild last time." Octavius spoke. "Indeed he did, but I surely didn't expect it to be that massive, not just how he described it." Sighed Eguchi. "Hey! Guys, over here!" With quick seconds, Tim, Codey and Kanji came running from the doorway. "Timboy!" With instant jump, Dasuke prepared to grip onto Tim, but ignoring him, Dasuke got knocked aside and thrown into the water, to where the aquarium would be. "It's amazing here, you don't actually mean that we'll be staying in here!" Laughed Ava, coming to stand in front of him with full potential thoughts. "Yes, but you'll be split into seperate room, I hope you won't mind." Tim smiled, scratching the back of his head. "Who cares! As long as I can walk around here freely, I am good to go!" Added Charlotte.

"Well, there are a few spots you won't be allowed to go, but most of them are to your service, just now we're preparing everything else, from additional furniture and plants, everybody is put into duo in different areas, or plus more people." Explained Tim. "He's right, the three of us are taking care of the Registery Room, Ayuka, Sakami and Kylin are doing their best with cafeteria, as for the rest, each of them are doing other areas." Explained Kanji, pointing with his thumb behind. "Yeah, I can see, Ayuka! Look at her, she's right there, on the opposite side of us!" Smiled Odina, pointing behind Tim, Ayuka stood up straight, turned around, waved and gave them a precious smile. "I'm going to her right away!" Myles yelled and jumped forward, but, luckily he was caught by Codey. "Yeah, no, don't even think about it." Codey held Myles by his collar. "Oh, come on! I haven't seen her for ages! Let me greet her!" Shouted Myles, complaining. "You'll probably do more than greet here." Sighed Codey.

"So, I suppose this will be very populated once everything is ready, huh?" Asked, Mayumi. "Correct, several registeries were already announced and called Shin, oh, yeah. He's preparing his office on his own." Claimed Tim. "So what is Hideki doing?" Wondered Odina. "Oh, he's preparing the outer park on the roofs, he has help of Yasu, Midori and Shoji, Kazuko and Yutaku are preparing the pool while Ume and Kaori are preparing the training area, if you could, do you think you could help out, since you're going to stay here?" Tim wondered, with a smile. "Of course, we'll be glad to help." Claimed Ava. "Great, then let's begin, I'll tour you around after we're done and in between the walk." Tim explained. "A-hahah-wesome!" Shouted Charlotte. "We're here to help, so put us where ever you need us." Octavius smiled. "But will you be able to do it with only one arm?" And without a doubt, Octavius agreed. "Great, then to not make it worse, just work on watering the plants on the roof, all right?" Tim said. "Sure, I'll do just that, Thomas wanna help?" And simply, Thomas agreed. "Of course! Hey, Tim! Will I ever be able to visit you in your bedroom, pretty please, I beg you!" Said Thomas, standing beneath Tim and looking him up. "Huh? Yeah, sure, why not!" Tim returned a precious expression. "Now, no more time wasting, Tim will bring you to your working areas, me, Codey and Myles will continue to prepare the Registery Desk." Claimed Kanji. "Hey! I never agreed to help!" Complained Myles.

"Well now you are, so get to work, baby!"

"I'm not a BABY!"

"Moe, think you can help out with restrooms?" Wondered Tim, looking at her. "But of course, that is why I am here!"

At last, each of them were split throughout the Guild and once Tim reached the office from the tour and introduced Shin to the rest, he was given a request.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight Guild (Main Office) - Thursday, 12:13 p.m.]

"Shin, these here are my two sisters, Ava and Charlotte. They've asked me to show them around before they help, so this was our last stop." Tim smiled. "Whoa, you're dressed so beautiful!" Claimed Ava. "Hm? Ah, thank you very much, I am quite grateful for your considerations, so, Tim, would you mind to help me with a little request?" Shin asked and made a confused look. "Huh? Sure, but what do you need?" He asked. "Would you mind go buy some papers and assign several books from city's library to our Guild, it will be necessary for the newcomers to learn and study, if they will have intentions of reading, of course. Your two sisters can go along, so could you?" Polietly asked Shin. "So, paper and assigning books, easy enough, I'll do it as quickly as possible, make sure to keep doing what you're doing." Tim smiled. "Of course, no need to worry."

"Well, then we're off, Charlotte, Ava, let's hurry along then." With no regrets the two of them agreed and each of them walked down the stairs. "Now, where did I put that book?" Shin looked around, holding his chin.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - City's Streets - Thursday, 12:40 p.m.]

"Tim, no offense. But do you have any idea where you're going?" Wondered Charlotte a bit concerned. "Huh? Ahaha... Of course, the library should be just around the corner!" Claimed Tim and stepped behind the building's corner, however in that instant, he heard glass shattering. "Just what in the GOD's name was that?" Questioned Charlotte. "Uh, I can't tell, but it seems to have come from behind there." The three of them hurried along and ran.

"Get moving you pops!" Yelled a man, a group came running from among the crowd when they were chased by police officers. "You! Stop immediately or we'll be forced to shoot and prevent you from moving any further!" Yelled the officer, however the runners were ignoring their warnings. "Hurry, they're getting away!" Shouted the other officer. "Charlotte, Ava, stand behind that alleyway, let me handle this." Tim claimed while giving them the paper. "Yeah, of course, show them who's boss!" Laughed Charlotte. In that moment, Tim quickly disappeared from the spot, and in that instant, Charlotte and Ava both noticed how the two runners colapsed onto the floor. "What the hell man! What's going on, how did we fall?!" Asked the man. "I don't know! But it sure wasn't our fault! Something just launched a massive impact onto us, and I don't know what or who!" Yelled the runner. "Oh, sorry, that would be me." Tim sighed, once pinning both of them on the ground. "What the hell?! Who're you! How'd ya get behind us so quickly!" The man asked. "Now, that's more of a secrecey, but do be aware that your end results won't be as fun-timed." Claimed Tim. "Get off us!" But without luck, they were unable to move, at that moment the police officers came running. "Thank you very much sir, we appreciate your help!" Claimed the officers. "Sir?" Excuse me, I'm 17!" Tim yelled once turning around. In that instance, officers froze and so have the runners. "At your age you've put them down with such ease? You must be a pro or something." Claimed the runner. "What pro? What are you talking about?" Tim asked in confusion.

"Nevermind, you're hopeless to talk to." Sighed the man, at that both of them were chained behind their wrists. "We are very thankful for your aid, we'll report these two to the police department." The officer claimed. "Sure, no problem, but what happened with these two anyway?"

"They've stole a precious jewel from the jewerly store, we'll retrieve it back to where it belongs." Without any other comments, Tim nodded and stepped aside, but in that moment he noticed a woman stepping from a police car. "Officer Teramoto Arisu! We've managed to sustain these two runners, due to this kid's help." Spoke the officers. "Is that so?" She claimed, once stepping before them. "Yes, we'll bring them to the police department immediately." The two runners were slammed into the cars. "Hey! Watch the roof! Ouch! My head!" The two complained. "Shut up and ready yourselves!" Ordered the officer and entered behind the wheel and soon the two drove out.

"Tell me, what's your name, kid?" She asked and looked at Tim. "Shinkaku Tim...." He claimed. "Tell me, are you by any chance a Professional Duelist with Dueling Licenses?" She wondered while looking directly at him. "I mean, yeah. But why is that such an important question?" Wondered Tim. "Oh, I am sorry. My name is Teramoto Arisu, I am the lead of this police force and I'd like to thank you with your actions taken in today's chase." Arisu claimed. "Yeah, I've heard your name." Claimed Tim, and at that, Charlotte and Ava ran besides Tim holding the papers. "Oh, I see you have younger sisters, what's their names?" Asked Arisu, looking down at them. "Charlotte and Ava." Tim sighed. "How nice indeed, anyway, would you please provide me with your Dueling Licenses, we need to confrim that you have the allowance to partake in city's crimes." As she claimed Tim reached for his licenses and showed them. "All right, all checks out. Anyway, please, whenever you can help, we'll be honored to have your help. If you'll need any help with that, please let us know throughout the number." At that, Arisu turned around.

"I would lie if I said she wasn't thick." Claimed Charlotte. "What are you talking about, seriously, Charlotte?!" Tim asked when took the number from the paper and waited for the girl to drive away. "What, it's true, if Myles was here, he'd already jump at her like a glue." Added Charlotte. "Yeah, but still. Don't just randomly call someone 'thick'. It surely doesn't matter if she is or not." Claimed Tim. "I mean, Codey's thick too, so why not count that one." With such words, Tim became unamused. "You need some serious help, anyway, the library is there... let's hurry and assign their books, then return to Innerlight City's Guild." Tim ordered, and without comment, the three of them ran toward the library, ready to pick up some books.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight City's Library- Thursday, 12:45 p.m.]

Tim, Charlotte and Ava entered the library and came walking toward the desk. "Oh, welcome to Innerlight City's library, how can we help you?" She asked. "Oh. My name is Shinkaku Tim and I am here to assign several books for Innerlight City's Guild if possible." Tim explained with a smile. "Of course, we'll register the books right away!"

To be continued...