258. Existence of knowledge.

[Alternative Bloodlines: Arc 12]

The preperations of Innerlight City's Guild, additionally three days have passed and with those three days, multiple selections of civilians arrived, dorms were slowly getting populated by people and over a hundred people have already been visting the Guild itself.

As for the Higher ups, such as Tim himself and his allies, each of them were slowly making sure that everything was ready, teachers have began visiting, cooks and even cleaners.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight Guild (Commission Area) - Sunday, 3:32 p.m.]

"This is getting well prepared, all we're left to do is to prepare the outside and we'll be ready." Tim had his arms on his hips while he talked aloud. "Correct me if I am wrong, but how many people have already decided to register, was it about 100?" Wondered Codey, to the time he faced at his friend. "Oh, around that number, you should ask Shin for those details, but if I need to guess, I would say around 120, keep in mind - this has just finished preparing, so we're still waiting for additional partakers." Tim seemed to have been proud about how the Guild turned out. "I can't believe that so many people have decided to become Duelists, once they're finished with years, they'll be fully grown up and will already be able to help up with tougher crimes." Spoke Codey, estaticed of his surroundings. "Let's not forget, that we'll still have to do work. These people may indeed become Duelists, but when it comes to other challenges, such as earlier events we've come across, those they won't be able to participate in." Ayuka explained, benting her palm to the side. "I know, they cannot be 'Spiritual Duelists' without being born with Ginkens, but their help will be sufficient." Added Kanji. "Wait, does this mean that I'll have to enter class?" Yasu faced up toward Tim, confused. "Don't worry, you'll be put to 3rd Year from the start to make it fair with others, truthfully, Codey, Shoji and Ume would indeed have to be put in 4th year, but they're already skilled enough. As for the rest of us, most of us would need to partake on the final year, which is fifth." Explained Tim, calm enough to get reaction from Codey. "Way to put me out of your numbers." Sighed Codey, scratching the back of his shoulder.

"All I'm saying is truth, so please, be patient with me."

"I know. But still... It feels so weird to be as skilled and then be put into one of the years...." Codey crossed his arms at the front of his chest. "Don't worry, only children at the age of 12 will be here, the ones who want to become Duelist at the age of 13 or higher, they'll be put on the registery and they'll explain everything to how they'll be doing their schooling. But, whenever Akari mentioned about Guild, I didn't expect there to be schooling." Tim sighed while holding his forehead. "Eh, don't be bothered by it. It's just a way to increase numbers of Duelists, we need as much people as possible to defeat our opponents, especially Demons who roam around cities." Answered Kanji, smiling. "Yeah, but Demons cannot be killed by mere metal of weaponry, so I don't see how could they defend cities with these weapons we give them at our guild." While Codey was confused about the situations he decided to be a bit calm. "Those weapons are build of a similar metal that our Ginkens are constructed from, so they'll be able to fight as much as they can, when it comes to their Spiritual Symbolism training, Kylin and Mayumi will work on that, but that only comes at the 3rd year, year one and year two are just way to quick to begin their training of Spiritual Symbolism, they'll only be introduced how Spiritual Symbolism works and from there, they'll create their own techniques to whatever they'll want to." Tim explained, with a smiling expression.

"I hope this schooling will be efficient enough to increase our victory toward Demons." Sighed Yasu, worried about future. "It will, after all. They'll be schooled by Spiritual Duelists from Spiritual Realm, those who have great knowledge about such firm techniques."

"Oh, right. Speaking about their teachers, who will teach them anyway?" Once Codey asked, he was caught in instant surprise. "That would be us!" In a singular moment, Codey froze on the spot once looking in front of him. "Y-you... Gotta be kidding me! Lieutenant Saraki, Lieutenant Noa, Lieutenant Hihara, Lieutenant Asuka, Lieutenant Katsuro, Lieutenant Jun and Lieutenant Kin? You?! But shouldn't you focus yourselves on helping Captains from Spiritual Realm?!" Asked Codey, with several twitches in his eyes. "Oh, not to worry. We have the portal to Spiritual Realm, so we won't have any trouble dealing with our captain requests!" Claimed Asuka, smiling Saraki on the other hand seemed to have been a bit uncomfortable. "How does somebody who is a Lieutentant end up at schooling children?" Saraki asked with crossed arms and a sweat near his left side of the forehead. "We were just willing to come to your aid, besides, ever since those Demons were taken care by Captains, we ended up having less work, so we'll be ready up to help out." Explained Kin, smiling directly at them. "But who'd expect you two to show up, Kin and Katsuro? You two usually don't work at schooling other clan members!" Added Codey. "None of us do, but we do help at all cost, so Captains themselves allowed us to come."

Tim sneakily came by next to Saraki when reaching with his right hand near him, leaning it up on Saraki's left shoulder. "How does it feel to be a teacher, buddy?" Tim was smirking when a red mark appeared on Saraki's left side of the forehead. "Shut up! I only agreed to come due to my Captain asking me!" Yelled Saraki and pummeled his face in front of Tim's own. "All right, all right. Calm down, it's just so unexpected for you to be smart!" In the instance Tim dared to insult Saraki, a few other complains were thrown at each other. "Those two are back in competition of arguing, huh." Sighed Ayuka. "Oooh! Ayuka! It's so good to see you again after this many months, how's it going, anything new, any new abilities.... lovers???" When Asuka zoomed her face in front of Ayuka, she seemed to have been feeling rather uncomfortable and embarrassed. "L-lovers? W-why are you interested in that?!" Ayuka wondered, fully heated in her face. "Why? Because, someone like you should work on that 'love' events-" But in that instance, Ayuka slapped her palm into Asuka's face and pushed her aside. "No thanks!" With return of angry look, the rest giggled. "Aw, come on, Ayuka! It's not that bad if you got one!"

"I told you, I don't care about it!"

"But look, you have so many handsome boys and cute girls around you! Why not pick one!"

"Shut up, Asuka!"

"I forgot these two had close 'friendship'." Answered Kanji, with crossed arms. "That's mostly because these two are known to be very close, they're just friends who love to complain!" Giggled Midori. "Midori! Don't start this conversation again! I've had enough!" Claimed Ayuka, quite wild in fact. "Anyway, we'll be split into several groups of teaching, Saraki will partake on the gym class, since he is the dumbest." Smiled Jun.

"Did you just call me dumb?!" Saraki asked, and instantly, Jun's face changed into a smirk. "Nope!" "I heard correctly, don't call me dumb!" Shouted Saraki, unamused. "At least she didn't call you an idiot." Tim added. "Hey! Save your words for later or keep them for yourselves!"

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight Guild (Main Office) - Sunday, 3:40 p.m.]

Sakami just entered Shin's office and put down several registeries. "Shin, are you sure you'll manage to handle them on your own? There's quite a lot of them to begin with, and even more will be brought in future." Asked Sakami, calm. "I will manage, not to worry. There is only 127 registeries, so there will not be any problems, but I am very thankful for your concern, now then, please do pick those books up and bring them to the library, there were a few books left after we have finished preparing the library." Spoke Shin. "Yes, of course." She picked them up and took them down to the library.

While walking down the hallway, Sakami was stopped. "Hey! Sakami! Do you know where I've dropped my luggage? I need it to finish preparing my room." Spoke, Hideki. "Your luggage? Sorry, I didn't see it. Didn't even know you had one."

"Yeah, I needed to use transportation to return home and grab it yesterday until today, but now I don't see it anywhere, so because I saw you walking with books, I just asked if you by any chance did see it. But, thank you. I'll keep searching." Smiled Hideki, entering his room. "Of course." Continuing down the hallway,

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight Guild (Library) - Sunday, 3:42 p.m.]

Sakami finally reached the library, Chapple, Rachel and Tooru were there. "Hey! You! Aren't you Tim's friend?" Asked Tooru, instantly running in front of her. "Um, yes. Is there something you need?" Wondered Sakami, a bit confused. "No, not really! Although, we've been searching for the same book that we had found a year ago, it talked about Fiends and other topics, so for starters, we just wanted to find it again." Sighed Tooru. "No, I'm very sorry. But I don't think Tim has brought that book to our library, if you need more information on it, go ask him, he'll go take another look if you'll ask him nicely."

"All right! We'll go right away! Rachel, Chapple, come along!" Before the three exit, Tooru turned around. "What's your name?" She asked.


"Oh! Well, I'm Tooru, these two are Rachel and Chapple, thank you again for help, talk to you soon!" The three finally exited.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight Guild (Commission Area) - Sunday, 3:45 p.m.]

"Yo! Tim, we need your help with something!" Tim turned around and looked at his friend's arrival. "My help? Sure, what do you need?" Questioned Tim, quite confused. "We just talked to - What was here name again?" Tooru asked, turning to look at them. "Her name was Sakami, Tooru!" Sighed Rachel, grabbing her forehead. "Yeah, her! Thanks a lot! Anyway, we were looking for the same book as we brought you last year while you were fighting those 'Evil-doers' and wanted to read deeper into it, and because she said there wasn't one of those topics, she redirected us to you, think you could go grab it to the nearest library?" Wondered Tooru, excited. "I thought I brought it. But sure, I'll go take another look." He held his chin to think. "Awesome, once you get it, we'll be waiting right here!" With a nod given aside, Tim turned for the exit of the Guild. "Wait, Tim." With a look behind him, he noticed Kaori stepping by. "Kaori? Yeah, what's up?" He questioned. "Let me come along, I still need some additional knowledge on the topics that book provides, think you can save a spot for me?" Kaori questioned. "Uh, sure. Then let's at least hurry and find it." To agreeing, the two of them exited.

"Man, there are so many new people that I have no idea were around this Guild. How does he remember all of those names in such a short time?" Chapple asked, concerned. "What's so wrong about 'remembering' someone's name? It's basic for people to remember." Wondered Rachel. "I don't know, I just have bad memory of other's name, only when there is more than 10 people, I wonder how the office manager will be able to remember all of these names, at the end, they will probably be at least additional 500 people, this place will be full in schooling area and dorms area." Added Chapple, confused.

"Either way, let's not get ahead of ourselves too quickly, let's help Sakami with her books."

To be continued...