259. Duelist from among the shadows!

[Alternative Bloodlines: Arc 12]

The progress of Guild's interior construction was finished in the next five days.

Now, Tim and others are preparing their cooperation method. They'll be put into group of four while other duelists stay on the duty in the Guild, and while the group was decided, it was clear.

Tim himself, Codey, Ayuka and Kylin have dedicated themselves to accept the first commission that was approved by the agency in the Innerlight City.

But first, let's see what forced them into this commission.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Friday, 2:30 a.m.]

The sky was darkened due to the night overtaking the sun, most of the members that were inside of the Innerlight City's Guild were already asleep, and they weren't aware of what was beginning.

The rainy night that swalloed the city was pouring down the streets when feet ran across puddles of water and multiple cars were driving past the running person, because that person was significantly covered in special clothes, nobody knew what the person was up to, however from afar, it seemed that it was a male's body.

"Hey, look. What's that guy doing out in the streets so late?" A man questioned, smoking a cigarette. "Asking me won't give you the answer, but probably just coming from work or something."

"Hm, it seems very suspicious, to me at least." Sighed the man. "Calm down, let them pass, whatever they intend to do, it's not our job to handle." The two men were beneath a roof, scouting the area.

As the person was speeding among the streets, he changed direction and turned around the corner, to make sure that he was not seen by other people, he decided to jump in the middle of an alleyway and from there used the walls to jump up above the roof and landed on top of the Innerlight City's main sign. "The streets are cleanly hollowed out of people, doesn't seem I'll habe trouble." The boy faced in the distance to where the final few lights of the Innerlight Guild turned off. The boy reached for his hood and dragged it off, smooth brown hair and blue eyes were known to himself.

"My name is Sasaki Tsuneo. A Spiritual Duelist under seeking position."

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight Guild (Bedroom Hallway) - Friday, 2:40 a.m.]

While personnel and partakers of schooling slept along each other, Tsuneo ran up to the top of the Innerlight City Guild's park and dedicated his priority on reaching the interior. "It seems pretty clean of people, right now. Must be asleep, which makes my missions two times easier." Tsuneo ran down the stairs and slipped between the door that were reaching into the main hallway, to run among the floor his feet were making sounds, but in luck nobody managed to hear them, due to the walls being quite thick.

Tsuneo slipped between the staircase's drop and landed on the bottom of where the bedrooms were. He reached for his card and noticed the number 3. The rooms start counting from down to the top, this doesn't give me a great advantage due to being at the bottom if an escape is needed, but let's see." Tsuneo ran between the hallways and came across room No. 3.

Straightening up his sight, Tsuneo swiped the card and the door opened toward the bedroom. Once entering the room, he noticed that everything was dark and because of this blackness he barely had any idea where to go. Tsuneo ran through the room and began to quietly search for something, but in problem, Nobuyuki just began to walk down from the showering rooms.

Once Nobuyuki got to the mere bottom, he was a bit confused as the lights of the hallway were on.

To continue his quietness, he calmly walked through the hallway and then noticed that something wasn't right about Ayuka's room. With suspicious eyes, Tsuneo quickly continued his path forward and waited for the suspect to run out. Tsuneo who was inside of Ayuka's bedroom, finally found a pendant near her endtable. Lowering his pressure to its minimum, he quietly reached for the pendant and grabbed it. "Got it..." He quietly exit the room and searched around to seek if somebody was around him, in luck he thought there was nobody, so he continued to run along the hallway and all the way to the top.

Once Tsuneo walked to the upper floor, Nobuyuki appeared out of nowhere and seemed to had a desperate look.

"We already have burgulars, huh?"

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight Guild (Luxurious Outdoors Park) - Friday, 2:47 a.m.]

Tsuneo continued moving among the shadows between the gaps of the Guild and reached a stop, in instantanous momentum, Nobuyuku himself appeared in front of Tsuneo. "Damn." Those steady words from Tsuneo called out. "Is this your way of trying to break in? We have light sensors so there's hardly possible for anyone to escape once inside, on the other note, you didn't look around clearly enough." Explained Nobuyuki. "Who the hell even are you? One of those higher ups of the Guild?"

"You may call me that, but not perfectly correct." Nobuyuki reached for his crystalic pendant and showed it. "I'm a Substitute-Duelist, Kuse Nobuyuki." With words used, it made an instant effect on Tsuneo's mind, catching him in surprise. "Substitute-Duelist, this means you're on of the two that stand in this Guild?" Tsuneo had mind about Kaori and Tim, the ones who he was aware about being Substitute-Duelists. "Based onto you manly body, I believe you must be the third." Added Tsuneo. "I suppose so, any Duelists with this type of pendants are Substitute-Duelist, I believe this is why you stole that girls." Claimed Nobuyuki. "I heard they were two and I was given the card to number three, they've said that room was Kaori's, so I believe that-" Instantly, Nobuyuki interfered. "Kaori? Incorrect, the one you stole from the room '3'. Her name is Kirashito Ayuka, a Spiritual Duelist who doesn't know about her secrecy about being Substitue-Duelist, there's another feminine among the group, but even myself doesn't know which one she is, furthermore, insults like you do not belong around these parts, so elimination is necessary." Explained Nobuyuki, summoning his stilletos, that were grabbed immediately.

"There really isn't a way around it, is it?" Wondered Tsuneo when preparing for a heavy duel.

With advancing ahead, Tsuneo dashed toward Nobuyuki and let out a massive build up of his aura which enhanced his body mechanics and increasing his process of physical strength and speed. ("An enhancer.... These are extremely rare, but unlike me, I've known how Enhancement works ever since I've been told about my Spiritual Control.") In that moment, Tsuneo completed his spin from the shadows once raising his left arm high above his body and swung downward, due to the massive occur of strength, Nobuyuki Enhanced his accessibility and dashed backward with a ton of energy to spare. But the massive strength built up in Tsuneo's leg created a highly cracked body in the ground, causing it to shake, and at the same moment, Nobuyuki landed on the floor. "Do you know how long it took this park to be ready? And you've just messed it up again." Nobuyuki spoke annoyingly. "Do I look like I care about this pitiful Guild, it's a mistake for it to stand here anyway, I think it should get the second renovation, by breaking it down." Spoke Tsuneo when he swung his right arm in front of his body and bent it when a Devil's Claw knife appeared in his left arm.

"Renovation? The only one who'll need renovation is you, after I break you face." In the moment Nobuyuki accessed the issues compared to his opponent, he instantly pressed his left and right feet into the ground and instantly dashed forward, in no time to avoid, Tsuneo swung his knife and luckily managed to strike Nobuyuki's right stiletto that was swung from aside, but once pushing Tsuneo's arm aside, Nobuyuki finished his right step and turned his body aside, spinning and raising his left arm after benting it, spun on the spot made a quick jump on the spot and then turned around, kicking with his left leg toward Tsuneo's face, however it was just a misguidance, before Nobuyuki could strike him, he appeared behind Tsuneo's back with bent left leg and stretched it when Enhancing the tip of his foot which was then thrown at Tsuneo's back and caused his body to be forced into a flip on the spot, then thrown in the distance between the trees, while getting slammed in the distance of where a city's bridge stood. Tsuneo quickly turned his body and moved his right arm above his left raised arm's elbow and finished his left arm's swing, once frozen ice began to moving across the ground, leaving them frozen but reaching for Tsuneo's body and preparing to freeze it. "No, you don't." As claimed, Tsuneo instantly swung with his left arm and slammed his force into the ground, forcing the ice to stop growing and shattered it into multiple pieces, in that moment, Tsuneo disappeared along with the darkness when the particles of shattered ice finally dropped down.

Nobuyuki straightened his look and became unamused.

"He ran..."

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight City's Park - Friday, 2:50 a.m.]

Tsuneo landed on top of the tree's bush when breathing due to the fatique. "That guy, didn't know Substitute-Duelist could be that effective in a battle. But I should of have listened to Maya's warning, at least I got what I was sent to do. But what he said, about there being more than two Substitute-Duelists among the Guild, they might be trouble. If that was one, how will we face off against multiple?" Wondered Tsuneo, when putting the pendant into the pocket. In that moment a voice was heard below him. "Oh, Tsuneo. Have you had trouble stealing that pendant? Oh my, then there is something to actually worry about." Smiled a girl, standing beneath him. "Ryoko, what are 'you' doing here? Weren't you busy with other things?" Wondered Tsuneo, confused and a bit serious. "Yeah, but I've already finished. Either way, it took you a while to get to this spot, approximately 47 minutes and 34 seconds, since your leave. What took you that long, was something caught between your path?" Smiled Ryoko.

"I don't want to talk about it, forget it, if Maya sent you here to stalk me, now it's your time to get going." Spoke Tsuneo, very annoyed once spitting out. "Now, why would I ask Maya to send me here, it was her request that was meant to be done by you, I just came here to see how well you'll score." Smiled Ryoko, standing patiently while leaned up against the tree. "Shut up, let's get going before we get caught."

"All right, all right. Just don't get left behind."

Instantly both of them disappeared.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight Guild (Commission Area) - Friday, 8:10 a.m.]

"We already have people that wish to steal our belongings?" Questioned Codey while looking ahead at the Commission. "Ayuka, it was your pendant that was stolen, did you get any idea of how it got stolen?" Questioned Tim, calmly. "I wasn't in my bedroom, I was in the middle of a shower, it was either stolen at the time while I was in the shower, or at the time of which I was asleep, though, it must of have been stolen after I fell asleep, after all.... The time I came from shower, I still had my pendant on the endtable." Ayuka explained. "This means it must of have gotten stolen in the middle of the night, while all of your senses were asleep, and if the person who stole your pendant - knows how to lower their Spiritual Symbolism. Then there was no doubt, he'd managed to steal it." Tim sighed.

Nobuyuki came stepping from behind. "The Commission that is requqested on the processor, it was my request." Tim, Ayuka, Codey and Kylin faced at him in confusion. "I fought the guy, but he ran away, after. I didn't get his name, nor did I get his other information, all I can tell you that he was simmilar height as yourself, he wore darker clothes, so I never had the close up of his face or hair colour, but you can know that he had a Devil's Claw Knife as his Ginken, furthermore to what you need to worry about... It's his Enhancement skills, so he's definitely a bigger threat to go up against. I did intend to go in this Commission myself, but due to the lack of him knowing me, that wouldn't be the safest idea, so, I put down a request at 3 am, for others to partake on this Commission. Hope you understand?" Explained Nobuyuki, calmly. "So that's why it didn't had a proper name on the details, it was your who requested it. But I get your point, we'll find them and get Ayuka's pendant back." Tim claimed, without further thoughts, Nobuyuki stepped past Tim.

Tim's eyes became confused once he heard.

".... Remember, that pendant must 'not' to get in the wrong hands ..." The rest were unable to hear what Nobuyuki spoke, but only Tim knew, he understood immediately.

".... Yeah, I know ...."

To be continued...