260. Electrification's advantages!

[Alternative Bloodlines: Arc 12]

Sasaki Tsuneo suddenly appeared out of nowhere hunting down Ayuka's pendant.

But for him to obtain it he decided to hunt it down at night and quietly broke into Innerlight City's Guild, with no possible knowledge of how he managed to achieve the correct card to enter her room, he slipped outside into the park, but in bad luck he was then stopped by Kuse Nobuyuki who successfuly fled him away, in the morning, Tim, Codey, Kylin and Ayuka herself accepted the commission and are now scouting for their target.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Streets - Friday, 8:30 a.m.]

"I know we've accepted the commission, but how are we going to start searching without any hints? This guy could be hidden anywhere, either near or not, we wouldn't know." Codey was in unamused thoughts. "We've accepted to help for one reason, so that we'd successfully manage to find our target, this counts in, searching for hints and our target." With a clear description of what their task was, Kylin leaned her hand aside. "I get that, but if we don't find him quickly... We'll end up failing and we won't achieve anything."

"Don't be so troublesome... We'll find him, despite the weather or the difficulty, we're Top Tier Duelists, this is what the exam was all about, so that we'd learn coordination better. As Duelists, our goals are to protect civilization, hunt down our target, fight, and all of these involve many failures if we're equal for danger." Tim spoke with a messy sigh. "He's right. Why do you think we partook on the exam? So that we're allowed to do such requests, we shouldn't be stressing out about finding them, we should be focusing to succeed instead." Reliably spoke Kylin. "We're stuck in this task, we're in the middle of this giant city, while this guy could be moving around and expect visitors. Of course it'll stress me out, if that pendant is truly that precious, we need to get it back." Codey and Kylin fell into a conversation.

"Tim, I've heard some words between you and Nobuyuki, what exactly is that pendant all about?" Ayuka questioned, proceeding with a certain look, directed into Tim. "The pendant? To spare your knowledge about it, he decided to hide it. But we've figured that, you as well fall under 'Substitute-Duelist' category, such pendant as yours and his, remain uncalled for, but they are very important." Tim explained, hiding corrected details. "Substitute-Duelist? Myself? That's a bit off the predicament, why would a pendant make me fall under the same category as yourself?" Ayuka wondered, heavily confused. "I'm not sure myself, but I'll be willing to find out, more details are absolutely necessary for us to remember. And since you're already asking, I believe, Kylin herself is one of among these type of Duelists." Tim and Ayuka converted their looks to face into Codey and Kylin's direction. "Her too, but I haven't seen a pendant around her neck ever since we've met her."

"I understand, but, it may not all be put beneath the same meaning and the same marker, I suppose these pendants are just proofs... nonetheless, they seemed to have been given to us for a reason. To why is that... I couldn't tell." Tim explained. "I see... All right, you two! Are we going to move or are you two going to make up conversations on the spot, you can do that while we move!" Ayuka called, having her arms up on her hips. "I was just telling Kylin about our task, nothing more!" Codey sighed. "Oh, sure. You totally didn't decide to disagree with my idea." Sighed Kylin. "If it weren't true, I wouldn't be doing this at all. It's certainly true that we are Skilled Duelists, but as I said, no hints, we can barely do anything, to search for them is even more difficult part." Spoke Codey. "All right, all right. Can you save your 'intelligent' talk for later, let's continue moving before we end up behind." Kylin spoke as the two of them stepped by.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City's outskirts - ??? - Friday, 8:35 a.m.]

Ryoko and Tsuneo were both walking among the hallways, once their workers, under the control of Maya Adachi were politely expressing their 'gratitude' toward Tsuneo and Ryoko. "Um, excuse me. Sir, Tsuneo, we'd be willing to help you hold those clothes for you." A guard claimed, bowing. "My clothes? Surely you wouldn't want to touch my belongings, would you?" Wondered Tsuneo, standing in front of the guard. "N-no sir, we were just trying to show our gratitude, that is all." The guard claimed. "Save your 'politeness' for future, I can hold my own stuff, this way they don't get dirty, due to your messy hands."

"Of course, I am sorry for asking, my Lord." The man claimed. "You can hold mine, though!" Ryoko giggled, holding the jacket. "Yes, of course, Miss. Ryoko!" The guard grabbed the jacket and walked behind them. "As lazy as ever, I see."

"Oh, come on, Tsuneo. It's their job to support us in anyway they could, those were orders among the men, given by Miss. Maya herself." Ryoko was very grateful for those men's cooperation and support.

Without further interactions, both of the siblings walked up the stairs and let the guards to open the door toward the main room. "Have we come here for success or for failure?" A girl sitting in front of them was leaned up against the wall, with her red hair, wildy waving at the opened window. "Miss. Maya, I would like to share you with my honor to be serving you, however, without a doubt I have succeeded, I have managed to steal that girl's pendant." Claimed Tsuneo, quite glad. "Let me see." Maya stood up, while the two siblings confirmed and Tsuneo reached with his left arm forward, giving Maya the pendant as it reflected the sun which was shining from the opened window. "I couldn't lie, but it truly is a correctly made pendant. Well done, you may rest now, and I am very thankful for your hard work." Spoke Maya, calm. "Of course, you're very welcome Miss. Maya."

The shallow wind swirled from the window while Maya quickly stepped for the window and looked through it. In that instance, something came jumping from the corner of the window, catching guards and the rest in surprise.

A sharp katana went swinging crosswise, and in that moment Maya managed to drag out her own, both blades colapsed and in the moment, Maya seemed to have had expressionless eyes. "Miss. Maya!" Both of the siblings called. "And who may you be?" Maya asked, seeing how the guy held his sword up against hers. "Nobody. I was just passing by and found a sexy chick standing at the window, I wanted to meet her in person, now, how about we begin slow?" No concern over the boy, Maya instantly clashed the boy aside into the wall as it cracked. "How dare you speak to Miss. Maya like that!" Tsuneo yelled in anger. The dust from the cracked walls dissipated and finally it was revealed. "Oh, don't mind it. I think I talk to all of the girls this way." With confident look, the boy raised his head. "Oh, and to your question. My name is Masahiro Ellie, a Spiritual Duelist from the Innerlight City Guild's personnel, nice to meet ya." With a quick swipe of his fingers on his forehead, Ellie returned a smile. "Personnel from the Innerlight City's Guild? How did you find us this quickly?!" Questioned Tsuneo, who was absolutely amazed. "How? Simple as that, I went running this morning after seeing the first Commission received by somebody, so I decided to hurry along and find you, it didn't take me that long to find you, especially to how fast I'm capable of moving." Ellie was overheard by people. "Stop him right there! Don't let him get close to Miss. Maya!" Ryoko ordered and in that instance, the guards ran at him. "Oh? Are we really pressing all of those weaklings at me, now, that's a bit unfair if you ask me." Ellie quickly prepared the blade as it stitched a reflection.

The guards each had a special weapon in their hands, and in total there were eight among the three higher-ups. "Then let's get started." Ellie slowly circled his right arm on the ground when ejecting yellow electricity. It began to rise up to his head level as he moved his right arm toward the side, turning the blade's sharpness toward the rest, and spoke aloud. "Godspeed." To surprise, the guards were caught in frost. Ellie disappeared from the spot he stood a few seconds earlier and dashed between the men, to no knowledge of what had happened, several guards already dropped down to the bottom, taken down. In about two seconds, Ellie appeared at the exact same spot, but he sensed another guard moving from behind, who swung his weapon. "Close enough." Ellie instantly ducked as the yellow electricity squirked above his head and in front of guard's face, when in a u-turn Ellie pummeled the guard with his right palm and unleashed a voltaic blast, which instantly threw the guard from between the opened window outside, as the guard fell, he was caught on a hanger with his pants stuck, getting knocked out.

Ellie stood up straight and faced directly toward Maya, Tsuneo and Ryoko, at first of his impressions, Ryoko felt surprised next to Tsuneo, but when it came to Maya, she took it casually. "Now that those are taken care of, how about we go on that date? I'll pay!" Spoke Ellie, making fun out of his foes, but while he was processing their looks, he secretly shared his location with the phone behind his back. "I've already told you, do not talk to Miss. Maya that way!" Tsuneo angrily complained. "Aw, come on. If nobody else will ask her on a date, why can't I?" The giggles came from his mouth. ("Although, this chick won't love the later accident, you just wait, support is right behind me.")

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Streets - Friday, 8:40 a.m.]

Tim, Codey, Kylin and Ayuka were dashing among the streets. "Did we really have to take advantage of Ellie's ability? I'd prefer to find him alone than with that cracked-up dude!" Codey complained, running aside. "None of us here match his speed. He can move at similar speed as lightning. If we intend to keep our targets at one spot before moving, we'll have to rely on Ellie. He can keep them at bay while we chase them down." Tim explained when just turning around the corner. "Y-yeah, b-but, why him? We could just send Ayuka or Kylin, both of them are able to move quite quickly, not just that. We could of also used your 'Henshin's' speed, we didn't need to call Ellie for that. He probably went there to chit-chat with a woman or something." Codey advertised Ellie's personality. "We may be able to move quickly, but his speed is still far more reliable than our own. He can't just move insanely quick, he is also able to eject any pressure he provides with just a blink of an eye." Explained Kylin, running a few centimeters before Codey. "Ugh! Fine, but at all costs. If he ends up failing, what will we do then?"

"I got his location, didn't I? All we need to hope for is for Ellie to keep them busy while we move into his direction!" To prove the location sharing, Tim raised his phone. "Fine, but this is the only time I'll rely on Ellie's abilities. Next time if we appear on the similar mission, I'll go myself then ask an idiot like him for help."

"That's fine by me. However, if you tend to find somebody quickly, Ellie is your guy. You've seen what he was capable of in the early Exam's test, he was able to use his speed to his advantage throughout the entire exam pretty much..."

".... but of course, if he does end up failing, then we'll have some trouble ...."

To be continued...