261. Intriguing one's ability.

[Alternative Bloodlines: Arc 12]

After Tim, Codey, Kylin and Ayuka accepted a Commission, they were put at difficulties, to find the burgular who stole Ayuka's pendant.

Due to inactive knowledge about their foe's hideout, they've called Ellie to help them with his Electrifying Speed. Doing this allowed them to successfully track down their targets by letting Ellie sharing his location.

Current task for Ellie is to keep Maya and the two siblings at bay, while Tim and the others make their way toward him, if he'll manage to do so, it is yet to be known.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City's outskirts - ??? - Friday, 8:42 a.m.]

Ellie and his foes in front of him were each exchanging eyesights. "Now, would you mind to explain to me, just to why have you stolen Ayuka's belongings? That's very inpolite, to steal from a girl, wouldn't we agree? Was it her attractivness that targeted her, or was it just her being the most intelligent among the rest?" Wondered Ellie, who had a grin on his face. "Personally, I'd go for her attractivness, I think me and her would be a perfect match, but, anyway! Go on, explanation please." Ellie spoke, waving his sword back and forward.

"We don't have any intention to tell you why. Now, get lost before we send you to perverted school, you freak." Answered Tsuneo, serious. "Perverted? Yeah, many people call me that, but I prefer to describe it, as reality. No need to hide your thoughts if you can just show them. Besides, who doesn't like a teenager girl, who's got a firm body, or an adult woman?" Laughed Ellie, holdings his forehead while looking at Maya. "Who even gave birth to somebody like you? Are your intentions to just look at girls? Find a better hobby than this!" Many complains were heard, and each of them were heard through Tsuneo's mouth.

"Come on, why be so secretive about your true emotions, admit it. You probably like your friend." Once Ellie spoke so, he made, Tsuneo embarrassed in front of Maya. "Tsch. Your disturbance will end up in a pitfall." Tsuneo reached for his Devil's Claw Knife, and spun it in his right hand. "Hey, come on now. Let's talk for a while, then we can fight." Giggled Ellie, scratching the top of his head. "Shut your mouth already." Tsuneo made a step and caused Ryoko to call. "Tsuneo! Stop, we don't know what this guy's capable off! Don't just go attacking him straight onward!" Ryoko yelled. "Who cares, as long as he dies, we won't be bothered by him!" Tsuneo leaped forward and quickly drew his right arm behind his back, but in that instance, a red rectangle appeared in front of him, and his knife was slammed into it, catching him off guard. "Miss. M-maya, why did you stop me?" Tsuneo turned around, when split between the screen. "You're being a fool. The anger got the hang of you. Do you see..." She mentioned Ellie sword's grip. "If you were to attack, he'd quick-drew the sword and decapitate your head, try to be less reckless whenever it comes to battling your opponent." Maya sighed, and luckily, Tsuneo noticed Ellie's handle, drawn out. "Oh! You're very reliable on observations, good think you stopped him.... Or he'd be dead right now." Ellie made a terrifying smile, which forced Tsuneo to back away.

The rectangular screen that Maya had made, disordered itself in dispersion.

"Your ability seems to be interesting, would you mind describing it to me?" Smiled Ellie, having his hands on his hips. "My ability has no concern over your knowledge, whatsoever." Answered Maya. "Aw, come on. It looks pretty awesome to me."

"I'm grateful for your polite ascent. But, you're here to retrieve the pendant, are you not? So, then tell me, why are you standing still, trying to not attack? Is there some other plans that you're trying to compromise and hide them away?" Maya raised her view, calm and steady. "Hiding, from a beautiful woman like you, there shouldn't be anyone to hide, besides, if I were, I'd already call support or something." Ellie moved his curl of hair aside. "Is that so? Then you won't mind if I fight you, do you?" Wondered Maya, fixing her bowtie. "But of course, there is nothing wrong with that, after all, you see me as enemy." ("What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I constantly talking, I should just stay quiet and wait for support. I don't believe myself is skilled enough to fight each of them alone.") Ellie thought, worried when a sweat dropped next to his forehead. "Very well. Then, if you won't mind, I recommend you to prepare for battle." Soon once Maya drew out her sword, it seemed to have had been in a different shape than a usual sword, it had a shorter blade and its handle was in a shape of a compass, coloured golden. Instantly, Ellie disappeared from the spot, once ramming his sword at Maya's neck.

But in midair and mid-through the attack, he was easily blocked by Maya's raise of her sword. Maya tensed the grip in her palm, when a powerful pulse swarmed the area and obliterated several walls around them. ("What in the world? She managed to do that with only a tenser hold of her sword?") But without noticing, Ellie hadn't beem aware of everything. "Is there something tuning through your mind?" Asked Maya. "What do you mean?"

"Well, shouldn't you worry aboout your injury?" To what Maya spoke, Ellie instantly faced at his right arm, his arm was cut in a crossed shape, bleeding, the eyes that he had confident dropped into surprise and quickly pressed his feet on the floor once jumping backward to grab the hold of his injury and make distance. Maya gently dropped her sword. "Miss. Maya! Please, let us fight him. You don't need to waste your power on this fool!" Outstandingly called Ryoko. "You, would like to fight, him? I believe that won't be necessary. You've done your job and I've promised you a rest, so use it wisely." She claimed. ("She's such a caring person! Even though there's an enemy in front of us, she wishes to prefer to fight instead of us, only to keep her promise!") Ryoko had her cheeks blushing and felt very close to Maya. "But, Miss. Maya, if you waste your power on him, they'll understand what it does quicker than a flash!" However, that too, didn't stop her from fighting. "As I've said, keep at bay and wait, no more complains."

"Y-yes, I'm sorry." Tsuneo felt embarrassed. ("This is not good, I made the first move, and she already injured me. How can I understand her capabilities if I'm already low-tier feeling weaker in the arm? Can I do something, can I keep them busy for as long as others don't arrive?") Ellie was breathing quietly but harder than imagined.

Without keeping back, Ellie ejected another set of electricity and this time his clothes began to wave and so his clothes. He instantly tensed his fist and pummeled it forward. "Roar of Thunder!" At a singular yell, he smashed with his hand forward and unleashed a lethal attack that was gathered into one point and then acted as a long firearm attack.

It flew above the floor when aimed at Maya, but in Ellie's slow reaction, he barely noticed that Maya was already gone from the spot she stood a few seconds back and for that he was punished, Maya appeared behind his back and touched her right palm onto Ellie's back. With a casual stance, she forced out a menacing attack, that skimmed around Ellie's body and instantly reacted on trigger. Ellie was sent flying through the opposite side window, once the glass cut through his arm and back.

Falling in the middle of the few glass shards, Maya dropped her right arm and walked for the hole in the window, looking down at Ellie. ("I hate to ask, but is this 'bitch' trying to kill me?!") Ellie quickly flipped his body back and bent his legs, once landed on the floor in a crouch, the shards were scattered around him while he looked up as he stood in the middle of a street-thin city.

With that Ellie exchanged looks with his opponent, it meant an instant duel.

With a jump from the inside, Maya reached above her left hand and summoned red particles when her blade began to glow, she immediately swung with her blade down at Ellie, but in all facts of luck, he managed to block just in time, but due to being way to close, he crouched his both legs and instantly backed away, leaping between the buildings, when the yellow electricity instantly began to swirl around his body.

Maya opened her left palm and pointed it at Ellie who was decently far away from her and used it to release a firearm that reacted in the similar way like Ellie's, with the floor cracking beneath Maya's feet, the thin but powerful attack flung itself across the floor aiming itself at Ellie who needed to react quickly.

With a fully-fledged roll in the air, he managed to spin while flying back and avoid the attack, once instantly landing on the floor and sliding backward. However, Maya made a tough step with her left foot forward and instantly dispersed into particles. "What the hell was that, just now?!" But his answer was soon answered, Maya's body reconnected itself from the front, when she swung with her blade upward, with instantanous reaction, Ellie immediately crossed his arms and disappeared in voltaic current, which flew in a u-turn above the air, electrifying itself and allowing Ellie to appear near the building's wall with his both feet pressed up on the floor, and slid on the side of the building.

Without any further interactions, Maya quickly dashed forward, leaving a swirl of red energy behind her back and then appearing in front of Ellie, running up on the wall, when swinging with her left hand downward and released a sharp slice of redness that flew among the walls, Ellie instantly spun on the building's wall and faced away from the attack which was cutting through the wall, he increased his voltage on his body and immediately used his signature technique, Godspeed, to run on the wall extremely faster, even outrunning the attack. Ellie immediately bent his knees on the wall and leaped high in the air, turning his body to face away.

Even if he has done so, Maya quickly dropped down from the wall when swiping the tip of her palm across the building's wall and creating a red line on it, soon as she landed, she immediately swung her left forward and the line that was drawn on the wall, detached itself and multiple pieces of cubes from the building flew obliquely toward Ellie's back, noticing that and getting surprised. ("Was she able to disperse the attached walls into thinier pieces? How does her ability work?!") However, as much as Ellie was confused of how her ability worked, he instantly cut downward from the mid-way through the air and unleashed a temporary voltage, that flew through the air and managed to shatter the wall pieces into rubble, he landed on the floor and once again turned around, turning on his Godspeed and began to jump across the walls, while gaining efficient timing.

Each time he pressed his feet on one spot, he left an electrical mark that disappeared on appearence. Maya, who was several meters away from Ellie, noticed another u-turn. Ellie disappeared from her sight in the current and in an instant, a yellow trail of electricity sped behind her back, without wasting time, Maya quickly turned around and swung her blade when feeling a contact of blade.

At the contact, the electricity began to squirk backward, while Ellie felt surprised. ("She was able to block my attack, this quickly?!") Asking such thought, caused Ellie to lose his guard, Maya instantly opened her left hand near her hip and aimed it directly at Ellie, once again, a powerful blast snapped itself into Ellie's stomach, blowing him backward, above the road when slamming him into the distant wall. At once, Maya layed her blade next to her hip and faced East with her full body.

The dust which covered Ellie's body in the blow, caused him to be sitting on the floor and tried to gather breath. ("This woman, I can't figure out what her ability is. One time she releases a powerful blast, the other time, she disperses herself or the physical bodies around her, what is it?") Ellie made a cough, while covering his mouth.

("But.... The last attack she struck on me, left me in a weaker state.... Can I really keep her busy for long enough?")

To be continued...