262. The process of an Enhanced Spirit.

[Alternative Bloodlines: Arc 12]

- A few minutes in the future -

"Does the meaning of your power really undergo the power of a normal Duelist? I'd be blessed." Maya stood in front of Tim, who held his sword. With his eyes shadowed, Tim's body felt weak, and his hair were covering his eyes, barely able to be seen as they were shadowed. Tim's eyes were facing the blood in front of him. ".... I'm going to make you suffer ..." To when he spoke, instantly, his hair became to wave, catching Maya in surprise.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City's outskirts - ??? - Friday, 8:50 a.m.]

- A few minutes in the past -

Ellie was at the corner, injured while standing still, but at that point, Maya already stood in front.

"Y'know. You and your rounded ass are surely pushing my limits, if at least you'd die on the spot." However, Ellie's words didn't help his case, he was then grabbed by Maya around his neck, raised and slammed at the wall, she barely allowed him to breathe. "Your intelligence consists of pervertness and idiocity, that's as far as it'll get, now tell me. What is your reason to be testing me in this unnecessary battle?" Ellie was slammed deeper into the wall, feeling his backbones to be almost broken. "I-I already told you. I was just passing by, after I heard about my friend's pendant being stolen! That's as much as I'll tell." He used the wrong words. "So, you are hiding some connections that I would need to bother asking? How precise is your speech, it cannot even persuade me into believing." However in that instance, Ellie released an ejecting electricity. "Get away from me you-" But, the electricity was uneffective, at last, he was deepened through the wall and thrown, when Maya swung her hand. "How much more pain do you need to understand my offers. If you tell the truth, you'll live. But if you continue lying, then there is no point of keeping you alive."

"Whoa, Miss. Maya is really serious about this. I've never seen her so intimidating, she's really testing out her own limits of patience. Much more of that kid's lies, and she'll really end up killing him." Spoke Ryoko, shocked. "So, what? That's how every lier should be dealt with, no truth, no life - it's just that simple." Tsuneo claimed. "Come on, you really want to kill innocents, all they're trying to do is retrieve their belongings, it's not like it was their fault it got stolen."

"Ryoko... What's going on? Why are you supporting our enemy? Don't you see, that kid's trying to harm Miss. Maya - and you're taking this so lightly, what's gotten into your thinking?" Wondered Tsuneo, reaching for her right shoulder. "T-there's really none, b-but, killing someone, we were never taught to do that, we just were taught to use self-defense, not offense...." Ryoko reached for her face, as her eyes continued shaking. "Ryoko... You've gotta remain calm, we both know why we're here. That woman.... Miss. Maya, she gave us home, we should repay her with whatever she asks of us."

"I-I know, b-but killing, isn't there a different way to end this fight? Please, just tell me... There's gotta be one!"

"Sadly, Ryoko,... there is none, let's keep the two alone, Miss. Maya will decide herself to what she'll do with him, let's go for a walk." While Tsuneo helped Ryoko to turn around, they both begun walking aside, however, they were soon stopped.

In front of them, three bodies stood, both of them were caught in surprise. "W-what! Who are you? W-where'd you come from? Answer me!" Shouted Tsuneo, overhearing his words. "Who are we? We're support, that's as much as you can know." The three bodies before them were, Tim, Codey and Kylin. "S-support, w-what support? N-nobody mentioned about support! D-did Miss. Maya call you?" Questioned Tsuneo, making a slight step back. "Oh, so that's her name. I'm afraid not, we're support of Kuse Nobuyuki, does that name sound familiar... Sasaki Tsuneo." Once Tsuneo heard, Codey calling out his name, his eyes shook. "B-but how. How did you find us. Why and how? Is that even possible, we're in the outskirts' middle." Called Ryoko, worried. "Thanks to our 'friend'. We managed to get his location shared. Now, if you do not intend to get hurt, bring me to your beloved 'leader'." Tim spoke, seriously. "S-she's not here! O-only us two!" Ryoko tried to hide Maya's identity. "Didn't parents teach you not to lie?" Codey asked.

"It's not lies, I'm telling the truth!"

"Forget it. Kylin, go to Ayuka, if she needs help with anything, help her. Me and Codey will deal with these two liers." Tim ordered. "U-uh, yeah, Of course." In instance, Kylin dashed in her technique 'Speed of Light'. "W-wait! No, stop!" But too late, Kylin was already through the hole. "Now, let's partake in a little game, shall we. But let's start slowly. I believe you've stole one of Ayuka's belongings, so, it'd be polite of you to return it, and if there is 'no' for an answer, then force is the only way." Tim claimed. "Stop screwing around! I don't have any type of pendants-" But in that moment, Tim sighed. "Is that, right?"

"It is, trust me!"

"Now, why would I believe you. Did I ever mentioned what kind of item did you steal? No? So if you didn't steal it, how do you know about what it is." Tsuneo froze on the spot. "Ryoko! Stay back!" With instance, Tsuneo reached for his Demon Claw's Knife and dashed for Tim. "I guess we're doing this, dirty way!" Tim instantly grabbed Tsuneo's right arm when instantly kneeling Tsuneo in the stomach, causing his mouth to cough out saliva. "I told you to stop screwing around!"

"Tsuneo!" With warm shout and worry, Ryoko tried to help, but Codey immediately released gust, which prevented her. "No, Ryoko!"

"Don't worry, she won't die, as long as she doesn't try to fight back!" Codey claimed.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City's outskirts - ??? - Friday, 8:50 a.m.]

Ellie was already fully beat up, once Maya raised her blade and prepared to cut. "Fine then, if you won't speak, then I may as well kill you!" Maya swung with her blade down, to prepare her slaughter of Ellie, however, in a wind current, a body appeared in the front of Ellie's own. "W-what?" Before him was a feminine body with long white hair, which were waving in the intense wind. "How about you leave that blade away from our allies?" Ayuka raised her face, once for a second her eyes glowed white, then regaining their blue colour. Ayuka released a powerful force, which instantly pushed Maya backward and caused her to get confused. Kylin on the other hand landed behind Ayuka. "Ayuka, I'm here." Spoke Kylin, looking from behind. "All right, take care of Ellie, bring him back to the Innerlight City's Guild, make sure he get's recovered as quickly as possible." Ayuka gave another ordered. "Will you really manage to defeat her on your own?" Questioned Kylin. "Well, it's not guaranteed, but it's better chance than what we'd expect. Just hurry, all right." But without complains, Kylin agreed. "Of course. All right, Ellie. Let's get you back to the Guild." Kylin crouched once leaned Ellie's right arm over her back. "K-Kylin, heh. Didn't expect you to come to my aid." Claimed Ellie, weak. "Enough talking, just leave your hands in that position, anywhere near my chest and you're dead." Without complains, Ellie just seemed very weak and quiet. The two of them disappeared.

"So now I must deal with a teenager girl. I suppose you're the one whose pendant was stolen, must admit it, Tsuneo did a fine job receiving it. But if you tend to pause me from killing that kid, then I suppose you'll just have to partake instead of him." Maya circled her sword in front, once readying her sword.

Ayuka moved her left leg in front of her other, facing aside with her both hands holding the sword, the blade was in front of her eyes. "Don't underestimate me just for being another girl. 'Henshin'!" In the instance Ayuka called out that word, a cold wind curled through the area and in instant, the cloaked mist covered her body, as it disappeared, her sword appeared to have been given a frozen blade, her outer clothes have coloured white, while having a black shirt, she had cloth wrapping above her chest, which kept her outer trench coat, sticking together, revealing a bit of her skin near her upper chest.

"Henshin? I forgot these techniques existed, now I'll understand that you're a Spiritual Duelist. I'm truly amazed at how much pressure you're processing out of your mere body." Claimed Maya, shaking her sword. "Oh, stop it. You're making me blush." Ayuka's clothes waved from her created wind. "So, if you tend to go this far, then let's see how much power can you provide me with, do not disappoint me, unlike that kid." Spoke Maya, readying her sword at once.

"I believe I won't disappoint you, so be prepared." White glow rushed out from Ayuka's body, once she immediately disappeared from the midway spot, from her enhanced speed she quickly managed to slid in front of Maya and instantly drew her sword upward, in surprise, Maya managed to block, but at force, her hair bounced up which also made her eyes surprised. Due to the intimidating energy, the ground beneath them shattered into a wild crack. "How interesting. An Enhancer? I thought I'd never see one of these kinds ever again."

"Is that it? Well, I guess your thoughts were heavily incorrect, shall we continue." Ayuka instantly tensed the grip in her left hand, once a powerful pulse blew among the two, Maya immediately leaped backward, followed by Ayuka.

Andbefore Maya could even land, Ayuka had already swung her blade into her neck. With no utterance, Maya quickly pointed the sword down and blocked Ayuka's attack.

With left leg bent in front of her and left leg stretched behind her, Ayuka finished her swing and forced Maya to be thrown back in the air, who quickly landed on the floor and stabbed the sword into the ground, creating a red line.

The floor were shattered into dispersion, which were instantly set off to reach Ayuka, but at ever cost, Ayuka instantly enhancer her aura and pressure, once the power of it belled along the air, the pieces were shattered into tinier rubble, once Ayuka bent her body forward, fro mthat position she quickly came swinging behind Maya from left's side and raised her sword high above her head.

Luckily, Maya had enough time to react, so by turning around, she managed to prevent Ayuka from cutting her, but in return, Maya's right arm felt cold, she noticed ice, which reached to her elbow. To avoid any further interactions, Maya backed away and shook her full arm. "An Enhancer with Cryo Kineticism, that's a random combination in my perspective. But do you expect it to be enough, it's not like ice will be able to stop me."

"Was I ever mentioning that Ice is my priority to defeat you? Apparently you haven't listened, so I'll make a short recap for you to understand it clearer..." Ayuka was very calm whenever it came to fighting in her Henshin. "My name is Kirashito Ayuka with Cryo-tic Kineticism, I prefer to use ice as backup in such fights while making the Enhancement a full-on priority, so remember, I'll only use ice as support, unless it's absolutely needed. Now, back to our dance." Ayuka quickly stretched her right arm on the floor to the side, with the left bent and right arm reaching to the side, in instant she once again appeared in front of Maya, releasing a multiplied swing, which caused Maya in the need to block.

To finish her attack, Ayuka quickly made a heavy step on the ground and spun on the spot, she bent her right leg and raised it, once finishing the u-turn and immediatly slammed the edge of her foot into Maya's face, at once, was Maya pushed back.

"Keep aware of every move I make, it shouldn't be a problem for somebody like you, should it?"

With no other comments, Ayuka stood up straight and slightly shook her held blade.

To be continued...