263. An Alternative Bloodline's Connection. Darkness emits!

[Alternative Bloodlines: Arc 12]

At last, Tim and his companions managed to arrive in the nick of time, barely able to save Ellie from getting killed on the spot.

Due to Ayuka being the one to counter Maya's strength, she finally released her pressure, as it is necessary for the 'Henshin' to be summoned.

Revealing the newly appeared 'Henshin', Ayuka had an advantage in battle, to keep that in touch she must contain her Spiritual Symbolism at max, if she'll be able to defeat Maya, it is still unknown.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Streets - Friday, 8:51 a.m.]

("How hardy-har. Ellie got pretty beat up, at least he managed to contain her busy.") Kylin was running along the road with her 'Speed of Light' skimming, while at the same time had Ellie leaned over her back. "K-Kylin, please say that I managed to k-keep her busy for long enough. It felt, short." Questioned Ellie, quite light on the body. "Yeah, you did, but keep your questions for when you recover." Kylin claimed, sighing. "All right, good..." Ellie made a smile, but Kylin immediately became unamused. ".... Stop touching my boobs already!" A slap was heard. "W-worth it..."

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City's outskirts - Hideout - Friday, 8:52 a.m.]

Codey had his crossed arms leaned up on his chest. "Threatening doesn't get us anywhere. Can we just switch to fighting?" Codey asked, standing in front of Ryoko and Tsuneo, who were able to contain their hatred. "I'm not letting them go or kill them, until they tell us where the pendant is." Tim claimed, quite annoyed at the moment. "I've already told you! I don't know where it was put! Stop being such a 'tough-boy' and quit stalking us!" Complained Tsuneo, holding Ryoko. "Would you consider to stop yelling? As I've said a minute ago, you're not getting out of here, not until you remain and give away the position of the pendant." Tim bent his wrist. ("I can't tell them that the pendant is in Miss. Maya's hold. If I do tell them, they'll go after her and end up killing her. I won't allow that.")

"Come on, this is pointless, just kill them, we'll look for the pendant alone." Codey turned to look at Tim. "What are you thinkinng? You're planning to kill these two brats?" Tim complained. "Hey' we're 18 and 17!" Yelled Ryoko. "Huh? What, maybe Spiritual Years, you look 13 to me."

"Even if our Spiritual Years are 18 and 17, we're still old enough to not be called brats!" Complained Ryoko. "All right, I'm very confused at how these Spiritual Duelist grow and age? They confirmed that their Spiritual Age is 18 and 17, so why are they near the same height as you?" Codey spoke, looking at Tim who gave him unamused look. "....."

"W-what? It's true, you're shorter than me, I have rights!" Codey sighed, looking aroused. ".... Anyway, Spiritual Age works differently. They only become 18 and 17 old whenever they transform into a Spiritual Duelist, once they stick in their base form, their age is 12 to 13 and their height becomes less active. To describe it perfectly, if people use transformation of Spiritual Duelists that are older than their base form, they'll only be able to age for 5 years, that's why Nobuyuki had fought Tsuneo at the same height as myself. Interesting enough, these type of Spiritual Duelists may only use their transformation, once a day, unless they break the barrier that is keeping them at bay for 24 hours straight." Tim explained, calmly.

"How the hell do you know so much about Spiritual Duelists? I only thought they're given Spiritual Bodies, not age up or grow up."

"I've read it once in a book, few days back, actually. It was when I was bringing books to the library." Tim explained, giving a calm face. "How convenient that we find these type of Spiritual Duelists only a few days from when you've figured that out, nerd." Codey faced aside, casual. "Hey, my job is to protect civilization, not reading books, I only read them whenever I need to, whether it's for the future mission or something that I should remember or search for."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's just keep these two shitheads away from running." Codey complained. "Who're you calling shitheads? You gotta be joking me!" As much as Codey complained, Tsuneo himself had complains too. "You, who else, shitheads."

"I've heard it the first time, no need to repeat it!" Codey and Tsuneo looked at each other with instantanous rivalry. "Come on, Tsuneo! Quit it, if you make them mad, they might really end up killing us!" Shouted Ryoko, pulling him aside. "These two? Come on, sis. We can kill them right here if we wanted too!"

"So, then... Why are you not attacking us?" Codey asked. "Um... I uh.... I j-just don't feel like it, obviously!" Claimed Tsuneo, once the sweat dripped down his face "Mhm. Real deal, are ya?"

"Hey! Be happy I'm not beating you down to a pole, a few more complains and that will happen!" Both of them, once again began to argue. "Who'd knew, Codey would argue with children." As Tim had crossed arms, he sighed.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City's outskirts - Hideout - Friday, 8:55 a.m.]

Maya compressed her Spiritual Symbolism and using it in one point, allowing herself to leap high in the air once Ayuka appeared and cut with her sword.

Because of cold release from her sword, Ayuka summoned frozen spikes that went flying among the floor, directly into the wall and shattering the ice and the wall identically. Maya quickly landed up on the roof once reached with her left palm above her sword's blade, which was left in her right hand.

Ayuka understood what Maya was planning, so she immediately swung her right arm aside, unleashing cold and swirling white mist, which acted similar to flame combustion. She quickly swung her blade forward. "Freezing Rise!" With the heavy and waving swing in front of her body, Ayuka unleashed a massive control of her ice, provoking an absurd iceberg which grew to the top of where Maya stood. "That's big." Maya crouched and quickly leaped high above the ice, so it missed.

But on that note, Ayuka appeared out of nowhere, behind Maya's back and swung her sword, interestingly enough landing, however a defense was still constructed by Maya's blade, instead she was just thrown through the air, past the iceberg and watched Ayuka, who landed on the iceberg and slid down toward the bottom.

Maya quickly landed on the floor and drew a red line of circle with her blade on the floor, at once that circle beamed through the air, covering her in it, once Ayuka leaped at it and swung forward, switching her shift of the sword and combining her speed into an attack which allowed her to strike the beam and create electricity due to the pressure. On the note of that happening, Ayuka was kept away and knocked back, once she noticed the beam disperse into multiple pieces which seemed to have had red rectangulars around Maya's floating body. "So, what exactly are you planning to do with that opened field of rectangular shapes?" Ayuka asked, facing Maya, naturally.

"What I plan to do with it? Don't worry, it's an attack."

"Thanks for the heads-up." Ayuka bent her leg forward with the right leg stretched behind and also arms. "But you didn't need to describe it." Ayuka dashed forward in white sparkling light once the white glow rocketed in the air her body appeared in front of Maya and her field, while looking at her. ("Just where I wanted you, dear Ayuka.") In the moment, Maya quickly slashed with her blades and caught Ayuka in surprise.

The two rectangular screens floated next to Ayuka's both sides and prepared to crush her. ("Trying to crush me between the screens. That wasn't very safe from my side of thinking.") Ayuka quickly moved her blade in front of her, pointing it downward once the two screens finally crushed and slammed. "Huh?" Maya faced at the two screens in which case her eyes widely opened, a powerful pressure was released throughout the opened field, which shattered the screens into particles, when Ayuka quickly reappeared in front at the same 'midair' spot and unleashed a roaring swing downward.

Maya quickly crossed her blade in front of her face as the blade protected her from an upcoming invisible attack, due to Ayuka's speed.

But as it protected her, she noticed that Ayuka was gone from that very spot. "Damn, where did she-" But before asking, Maya heard ripple of the clothes behind her, turning around and seeing Ayuka spinning in midair, once kicking a direct hit into Maya's face.

Because of Ayuka's intense pressure, Maya's body went flying from the air into the far set of built walls, and a sound of destruction was heard, once Ayuka landed on the floor. "I wouldn't expect someone like you to be thrown back so easily. Just what was it that dropped off your guard?" Ayuka wondered, but she heard a laugh from the smoke screen. "What's so funny, fool?" Asked Ayuka who felt annoyed feeling compared to Maya who held her face in laughs, Maya's right eye was cut, but even as she was half-blinded, she still felt like laughing. "The only fool around here is you, cutey, why don't you observe your surroundings more effectively." Maya laughed, standing aside. "What are you talking about?"

"How about you check at the tip of your legs." As Maya claimed that out, Ayuka did just that when noticing that she was in the middle of a red lined circle. ("A circle?!")

"Correct, you've fallen into the same spot in where I've summoned that. How foolish of you, shall we say.... That you've failed?" Maya laughed when dropping her arm, revealing her, extremely injured right eye. Ayuka tried to hop out, but in that moment, the back of the circle released a sharp particle which instantly cut through Ayuka's tightened clothes and her skin, causing her to lose some blood. "Trying to escape it, are we? I'm very sorry my dear, but that won't do. You see, the technique I've used is known to be a 'trapping' technique, whoever steps in that circle, apart from myself, will be chopped the moment they try to hop out, or on the order of me, of course." Claimed Maya, giggling. ("How did I fell for such a pathetic trick? This is terrible, what am I supposed to do, I'm opened widely, and I believe, trying to jump over it, won't work either.")

But while Ayuka was thinking, she then heard. "So, the excuses of your power are truly remarkable. The first target that will be decapitated by me, will be you..." Maya slowly raised her right hand with her wrist bent downward. "So, I'll tell you this, as it won't matter. My Ability is called 'Dispersion'. It allows me to disperse multiple objects while also cutting out the main parts of the objects, for the walls, for the floors, for anything. Dispersion also allows me to make my own body disperse, but it isn't necessary in any way, so, before you die, know that, THIS was the ability that had killed you." In the moment Maya shut her palm once the circle immediately released out sharp screens and pieces that began to cut Ayuka's entire body, it was deeper enough that it could potentially kill her in a singular cut.

Once again, Ayuka's loud cry was heard above the floor and in between the sky, once Maya seemed to have dropped into crazy state, the blood was squirking around, splashing on the floor and even vaporizing in the heated screens, as the crazy laughs were heard.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City's outskirts - Hideout - Friday, 9:00 a.m.]

But not just her.

"Tim, what is happening! Hey! Shake it off! What's going on?!" Codey asked, trying to reach for Tim, however, in such moment, his body was getting harmed and weaker. "I-I can't, it, it's impossible!" Tim shouted, while he feel on his left knee, catching Codey, Tsuneo and Ryoko in surprise. While Tim's cries and yells swiftly moved around the few, both Ryoko and Tsuneo questioned. "T-Tsuneo, w-what's going on?"

However, even himself, had no opportunity to answer.

In the next few seconds, Tim's body finally stopped losing blood and pain, while a paralysis was felt throughout his body, reaching directly into his brain.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Streets - Friday, 9:00 a.m.]

Kylin's eyes opened widely once she immediately lost strength and was bleeding, in must to drop Ellie. "K-Kylin, w-what are you doing?!" Ellie asked, while trying to recover quickly. "I-I don't know! I can't.... I can't stop it! It hurts, it hurts! It feels as if something was cutting me from inside out!" She called, falling onto both of her knees. Ellie immediately ran by and tried to help her.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City's Guild (Commission Area) - Friday, 9:00 a.m.]

"Nobuyuki! Kaori! What's happening to the two of you!" Even Kaori felt the same pain and was sweating. Nobuyuki, who was trying to hold his pain back, only revealed pain through quiet actions. "Call the doctors, immediately! There is no time to waste!" Called Shin, once ordering Shoji and the rest. "What's going on with them?" Worriyingly asked Yasu, standing by.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City's outskirts - Hideout - Friday, 9:00 a.m.]

Tim was on the floor, kneeling on both of his legs while using his both arms to keep balance in his position. "Hey, are you okay, buddy?" Codey was worried sick, and Tim was sweating, however he raised his look after breathing heavily. "I'm... I'm fine, now.... I gotta go check on.. A-Ayuka." With as much pain as he lost and felt, Tim stilld decided to stand up and immediately walk for the hole. "T-Tim! It's not safe for you to-" But, Tim had already dropped down and disappeared.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City's outskirts - Hideout - Friday, 9:01 a.m.]

"I'm very grateful for you amazing cooperation in a duel." Giggled Maya, looking at Ayuka's lying body, but in that moment, Tim appeared. "Ayuka! Are you-" But, Tim froze on the spot after seeing something he had never imagined that he would on this mission. "Oh, look. Another brat dared to show up. And look, one of the top-tier duelists and a duelist who managed to defeat so many of our kinds, Shinkaku Timoshī. I've heard you're skills are very precise." Smiled Maya.

Tim's body had barely had any sense of focus. "W-what have you done."

"T-tell me... W-why is her body lying there.... Why's it not moving? W-what happened?" Tim's words were free to understand. "What have I done? I think it's pretty clear, have you never seen a killed and humiliated child, lying on the floor? I'm afraid to not say it, but I represent you a 'killed' girl which was a fun ride to go through. Look at her, just how cutely she lies on the floor, I actually like the look on her face, it's so relaxing." Smiled Maya. "..... B-better question.... Why w-would you do something so terrible....." Tim's eyes haven't managed to blink. "Hmm... That's a good question, maybe because she thought she was all mighty, but trust me, not even her attractivness could save her, I'm sorry to say it, but I don't believe, she'll regain consciousness." Spoke Maya, acting confused.

"Y-you've 'killed' her? S-she was only retrieving her belongings, s-she never meant to, to kill you..."

"Yeah, I believe so. But why would I waste time, if I can just kill her on the spot?"

That triggered Tim's evil.

"I.... I promise, I'll.... I'll-"

"Now, now, Let's start with basics...." Giggled Maya.

"Does the meaning of your power really undergo the power of a normal Duelist? I'd be blessed." Maya stood in front of Tim, who held his sword. With his eyes shadowed, Tim's body felt weak, and his hair were covering his eyes, barely able to be seen as they were shadowed. Tim's eyes were facing the blood in front of him. ".... I'm going to make you suffer ..." To when he spoke, instantly, his hair became to wave, catching Maya in surprise. Maya began to notice a shallow darkness, floating around Tim as it rised near his hair.

("Yes.... Finally, you finally feel the rage! You must release me, it's time! Tim, we must devour this girl, make her pay for what she has done.... Let's")

"... Killl....!"

("Her life doesn't matter anymore, killing her....")

"... Kill....!"

("Is the only way! Make her pay, release my Spirit, let it be reborn! Tim! It's necessary, she'll be devoured by us, decapitated!")

".... Ayuka....!"

("I'll! We'll decaptitate every single one of her limbs! Death!")

".... Death!"

".... Kill....!"

".... Slaughter...."

Tim's memories were leaving his focus, his eyes were just seeing Ayuka's precious smile, but then, it changed into blood bath.

".... Slaughter.... Killl..... Devour..... Kill... Death.... Death.... Killl.... Kill.... Decapitation.... Decapitation.... Slaughter..... Ayuka.... Slaughter.... Blood.... Organs.... Devour.... She m-m-must p-p-pay..... death..... it-it-it it's the-the-the only-only wa-way..... Ayuka.... Killl..... Slaughter.... Deca-Decapitation.... Blood.... Murder... Murder.... Blood, Kill... Death.... Death..... She do-doesn't de-deserve to..... deserve too..... death..... murder..... death.... slaughter, killl, Ayuka, kill, kill.... slaughter, kill.... devour, decapitation.....doesn't deserve to... li-live.... blood..."

Tim's aura fully began to emit itself from his body, as it was swirling. ("Killing her! It's her only way to pay.... Tim, let your rage! Make her suffer!")

"....Slaughter..... Kill.... Devour! Death! She mu-must be eliminated.... rampage.... wild out! Make her suffer, force her to feel the pain! FORCE it out! Release my Spirit, decapitate her! Death! Slaughter! Kill! Kill! Death! Death! Revenge! Revenge! Kill, Kill!"

Maya's eyes were shakened up, while she made a step back. "W-what's going on?" Tim's hair immediately waved as blood began to drip down his mouth, his eyes, still shadowed, once his voice became terrifying and maniacal, the echoes of his voice was blasting above the floor when a white liquid slowly began to shift itself around Tim's face. ".... I'll..... Kill you.... I'll kill you.... I'll make you pay, I'll slaughter you, I'll decapitate you into milion pieces, I'll cut your throat.... I'll cut your eyes.... I'll.... I'll slaughter every single one you love! I will make you regret! I'll! I'll kill you! It's a promise! And the promises! I will not break, no matter what!" In that instant, Tim raised his head once a white creepy mask appeared on his right side of the face with his eye changing to yellow and his left eye remaining blue.

"Hear me! I promise you! I WILL SLAUGHTER YOU!!!" In that moment, a black surge of energy blasted from his body in the air, when turning the sky into darker. "What?!" Maya was feeling threatened. "You'll feel the pain! You'll be devoured!" Tim's eyes glowed within the black surge of light.

To be continued...