264. Unexpected appearance!

[Alternative Bloodlines: Arc 12]

The unexpected turn of event befell the young heroes.

At the fall, Ayuka appeared to have been defeated. Her 'dead' body lying on the floor provoked the full rage within Tim's senses and an outrage was grown.

At once, Tim is once again faced with his biggest enemy, hatred and anger combined.... The Darkness awakens.

"....Slaughter..... Kill.... Devour! Death! She mu-must be eliminated.... rampage.... wild out! Make her suffer, force her to feel the pain! FORCE it out! Release my Spirit, decapitate her! Death! Slaughter! Kill! Kill! Death! Death! Revenge! Revenge! Kill, Kill!"

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City's outskirts - Hideout - Friday, 9:02 a.m.]

From the powerful blackness that was shot from Tim's body, it caught everyone's attention from close and far, the two siblings - Tsuneo and Ryoko who were held captive inside by Codey all rammed each other and run for the opened window in which Ellie was knocked out earlier.

"This strange pressure, is it coming from Maya?" Codey questioned, however, he soon understood from who. "Miss. Maya! What is going-" However, instantly the blackness began to form itself from among the covered human. "No way..." Codey's memories were reminding him of past. "Is this an actual shift? If it is, this won't be good for us." With gulping coming from Codey, the blackness that was shot out earlier began to form itself from Tim's clothes, covering his black clothes by the pitch of such darkness.

For the moment of peace and quiet, each of them noticed that Tim had been standing on the floor, acting differently than usually.

"W-what is g-going on?" Maya was unsure of what to think, when she was forced to step backward due to fear.

He took a step back with his right hand covering a mask that covered his whole face, darkness has taken a form of matter and solidity as it surrounded him slowly entering his body as everything around him turned dark and had an overwhelming feeling to it. As the evil inside him was being unleashed and the darkness was creeping in, a black, sharp aura was protruding out of him at all directions, a light surrounded his waist as it turned dull and one glance at it would make you feel weak, a black material-like shadow formed taking on the look of a robe tied around his waist.

"Ryoko, Tsuneo. Don't come near, he's dangerous!" Maya perfected a step with her left forward and moved her sword in front of her chest from the right side of her body.

She decided to disappear on the spot and dash for her foe, readying a steady cut and hopefully finish Tim in one move. "I'll tell you this, whatever you are, it won't be worth the effort!" Finally the sword was slashed in front of Tim's chest, but in an instance, his body disappeared from the spot and in momentum that happened, Maya's right side of the waist splattered out her blood across the floor, causing her body to feel heavy due to the wound.

("He cut me? But when, his movements were unseen by me...") At thinking, Maya dropped down onto her right knee as she covered her wound and faced behind, seeing Tim standing in the distance with his back turned in her direction. "What made him so aggressive, what awoke it?" Codey's question was quickly answered as he noticed Ayuka's 'dead' body lying on the floor.

Tim stood up straight keeping his back turned at Maya and shook the blood of his blade, held within his left palm. "Miss. Maya! Please, you must stop him or run! We don't intend to lose you!" Ryoko shouted, making a step forward, but the walls gave out and caused her to fall down. "Ryoko!" Luckily Codey instantly caught Ryoko by the back of her clothes, understanding that if she were to fall, she'd for sure get injured. "Be careful! Don't try to get involved or you'll all end up dying!" Codey was a bit mad at her, but he still decided to catch her. "Let go of my sister!" While Tsuneo tried to hit him, Codey caught his arm with his free. "Calm down, you brat! If I didn't catch her, you'd see your sister get injured! Now back off!" Codey pulled up Ryoko. "I-I..... T-thank you...." Ryoko was embarrassed to admit it, but she was polite at her age. ("... I'm afraid to say it. But I can sense that Tim's in no control over his 'Fiend'... If he doesn't somehow manage to break this spell of his 'Fiend'... Then, if he defeats Maya and is still not out of it, I don't think anyone could stop him at this rate. Not even my Demon Form would help us to stop him.") Codey was holding his chin and was clear that he was stressed and worried about Tim's actions taken.

"W-what are you? Are you even a Spiritual Duelist?" Maya faced behind her, holding her wound, while Tim still didn't turn around. His mask was fully losing its whiteness and the blackness immersed through it. Tim finally turned around with his black-like energy immersing from his clothes and gave a halved look, a left eye of his released a yellow glow into Maya's direction, her eyes were widened and at the same time, Codey's face appeared to be in shock. ("N-no. T-this is not like usual, this time, I don't think he's in any control at all!")

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight City's Guild (Hospital Area) - Friday, 9:05 a.m.]

The doctors were around the two fallen bodies. "Jun, do you have any ideas of what had happened to them?" Wondered Yasu. "No. But we got technical appearences that their bodies are bleeding from the inner organs, even I don't believe I'll be able to do much, all that I was able to do was to stop their bleeding for a few minutes, for how long it'll last, we can be sure it won't for very long, Whether this was a mistake or some sort of activation about their bleeding on these two, we didn't get any information." Explained Jun, standing in her robe. "Are you serious? Not even your healing abilities can stop it?" Wondered Kanji, surprised. "I'm afraid so, as far as I've managed to come, my abilities won't help in any case, the overflow of their blood is practically unstoppable, even Captain Shin wouldn't be capable of stopping this kind of injury." Explained Jun, thinking. "Then.... What are we supposed to do? And better question, why were these two the only two that were caught in such an injury?" Questioned Shoji, surprised. "As I've said, I can't tell..."

In that instance, the door to the hospital immediately opened. "Jun! We need help, immediately! Kylin's in her weak condition, she doesn't seem to be bleeding from any of the injuries, however, blood appeared to be cutting their skin!" Ellie was in bad conidition, but the last of his capabilities were pushed so that he was able to bring Kylin back, safely. "Quick, put her on the bed, I'll block the bleeding for a set time!" Jun called.

"Kylin too? What's going on?" Wondered Midori. "There's gotta be something happening, back with Tim and his crew!" Claimed Kanji, worried. Kanji immediately ran for the door. "Wait, Kanji! Where are you-" Midori reached with her arm forward to hopefully stop and get an answer. "I'm going to go check on Tim and his crew! If Kylin is here, there has to be something bad that happened to one of them, maye all!" In that moment, the door went shutting.

"This is troublesome, there's nothing we can do. Three of them were already put down like a feather due to Overflow of their inner blood, what's happening to these specific people? Kylin, Nobuyuki, Kaori.... Each of them, what's happening to you guys?" Questioned Yasu, very worried about their safety.

[??? - ??? - ??? - Friday, 9:05 a.m.]

"Lass. Zero! W-what's happening to you?!" One of the people have ran from the sides, seeing Zero, crouched on the floor taking heavy breathes. "I.... I understand, something had happened to my daughter again.... I-I need to visit Planet Earth immediately." Claimed Zero, standing up. "But, Lass. Zero! You haven't been on that Planet ever since 100 years ago! If you get on board of that Planet, there can be heavy consequences including your saftey! We mustn't let you go!" Shouted the man, in fear. "I know that this could affect my health, but I won't allow my daughter to be constantly hurt over some flithy human beings, she was only allowed on Earth so that Demon God Rez, wouldn't come in contact with her. His one priority is the take her away and seal her un the underworld, if that happens, the Planet Earth won't have a future ancestor and protector!" Explained Zero, walking. "B-But...." "I've said enough, plase if you back off and stay here. After all, there is probably a heavy chance that several hunters of her have already figured out of her existence on Planet Earth."

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Streets - Friday, 9:20 a.m.]

People who were living their normal life in Innerlight City, each of them were actualy casual, until.

Several opened voids appeared in the roads, all along them. "W-what's going on! What are these 'lights'?" Question a female, but in that instant, from the inside of the holes, multiple arms began to crawl up, catching people in fear. "W-what are they?!" "Demon!! Quick, run!" People began to scream, when over the entire city, so many of the Demons have came from isolation.

Each generic, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Great 4 Beast Demons, Grade 5 Titanic Demons, Grade 6 Winged Demons.... All of the 6 Grades were thrown from among the underground, as for Grade 7 and Grade 8s', it appeared to be none of them.

The chaos awoke among the city and Demons have already began feasting over people's bodies, roars, devoured flash, bitten off flesh and every stinch of the sounds were heard.

A man who tried to run was instantly grabbed by a Beast Demon, knocked on the floor and instantly noticed the salive coming from the opened mouth of the Demon, the man soon saw black and blood was splattered.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Beach - Friday, 9:21 a.m.]

People who were on the Beach were also caught by chaos, several Fin Demons came jumping from water and several of the Winged Demons have already fly over, the woman was grabbed by a Winged Demon and stretched as her body exploded and was then devoured. "Run, hurry!!!"

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Sky - Friday, 9:21 a.m.]

"Good afternoon passengers. This is your captain speaking. First I'd like to welcome everyone on Rightwing Flight 36A. We are currently cruising at an altitude of 33,000 feet at an airspeed of 400 miles per hour. The time is 9:21 am. The weather looks good and with the tailwind on our side we are expecting to land in Innerlight City approximately fifteen minutes ahead of schedule. The weather in London is clear and sunny, with a low of 11 degrees for this afternoon. If the weather cooperates we should get a great view of the city as we descend. The cabin crew will be coming around in about twenty minutes time to offer you a light snack and beverage, and the inflight movie will begin shortly after that. I'll talk to you again before we reach our destination. Until then, sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the flight." But in that moment, as the captain of the airplane spoke, something went bumbing into them. "W-what was that?" A woman asked, looking through a window, even people around looked, but in second a Demon Head of a Winged Demon appeared. "D-DEMON!!" People yelled. "This is your captain speaking! We are under the attack of Demonic Creatures! Please remain calm and tighten your seatbelts, we'll try to shake them off!" The captain yelled, but an alarm went off. A duo of Demons pulled off the right wing and people screamed. "We've lost right wing, repeat, we've lost right wing, we're going down!"

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight City's Guild (Hospital Area) - Friday, 9:21 a.m.]

On every spot of where the screens were, over hundreds of dots suddenly appeared, an alarm was set throughout the entire Guild. "W-what's happening?" Questioned Yasu. "Look, we've got into danger zone! Demons have appeared out of nowhere!" Shouted Midori, pointing at the screen. Everybody looked at the red dots as the Map of the city zoomed out. "They're all over the City! What's happening!? How did so many Demons appear in sudden instance?!"

"I don't know, but we must hurry and do something about it!" Called Ume, stressed.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight City's Guild (Dorm Area) - Friday, 9:22 a.m.]

An instantanous radio voice was heard at the dorms. "This is Hashujin Sakami! Everybody at the outer dorms, immediately prepare for battle! We've got multiple locations around the City of Demons appearences! Please, everybody who is in 3rd year or above, make sure to battle, everybody beneath that year, follow one of the Teachers among the Guild, repeat! Everybody at the outer dorms, immediately prepare for battle! We've got multiple locations around the City of Demons appearences! Please, everybody who is in 3rd year or above, make sure to battle, everybody beneath that year, follow one of the Teachers among the Guild!"

"W-what, D-Demons? How is that possible! Demons don't just show up at once, especially not so many!" Yelled one of the Lower Class Duelists. "Yeah, how did they get here, anyway?!"

Saraki and the other Lieutenants from among the Spiritual Realm was warning people. "First Class! Make sure to keep hidden from among the Demons! If necessary and you're ready to fight, please hurry up and follow me!" Saraki ordered.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Streets - Friday, 9:23 a.m.]

Kanji came sliding on the floor once his eyes widened. Alone in the middle of the running people and appearing Demons, he was caught in shock.

"No, it can't be...."


To be continued...