265. This is war?

[Demon's War: Arc 13]

Innerlight City, year 2020, day Friday, time 9:21 am a sudden chaos began.

Suddenly an abnormal number of Demons appeared out of nowhere. People and Duelists were caught unprepared at the potential extinction and were caught in emotion-filled chain. The chaotic appearence in just a short time, had already devoured several people and the fear of being killed has grew all around the Innerlight City center and local streets, with already 5% of the Innerlight Human Society killed and devoured an alarm was set at the main agency and Innerlight City's Guild.

Duelists were warned about the abnormal number of Demons' appearances and were split into their yearly level.

Years 1 and 2 were ordered to stay hidden until the chaos is gone, while years 3 to 5 were ordererd to fight under the lead of the Lieutenants Hatashi Saraki, Kin Armina, Ishiyama Noa, Tajima Katsuro and Enatsu Asuka while the top tier duelists are soon to be spread into City's several world directions, Ikehara Hideki, Yamasaki Ume, Sanda Kanji, Hashujin Sakami, Shiro Kazuko, Kanai Midori, Seki Yutaku, Chino Shoji, Kishi Yasu, Masahiro Ellie and Toyama Shin himself, while Sugimoto Jin will provide the injured duelists with recovery.

With the chaos beginning even Sanda Kanji himself who ran to seek down Tim and others came in cross with multiple Demons crossing his path, alone and unprepared, he's ready to face the Demons....

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Streets - Friday, 9:25 a.m.]

The Demons rising from the opened voids began to seek down their prey. "Demons? So many? B-But how did so many of them appear in instant at once? It's abnormal for Demons to break the seal of being kept in the Underground, but this seems as if they broke through the seal overwhelmingly easy. Could it be that they were let out, unleashed to finally make humanity extinct, for good? In any case, if we try to take them out, this is just too high of a number, there is no possible way of us defeating them, there's too less of human power, and even then, Demons themselves are clearly different from humanity's average strength, can we really defeat them alone?" With the sudden appearance of the Demons, Kanji knew that a struggle would be made for human's society.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Center - Friday, 9:26 a.m.]

Demons were wilding out in City's center. "Quick, we need backup. Call Lieutenant Teramoto Arisu! We need her help immediately!" An officer order when reached for his radio, luckily somebody picked up immediately. "This is James Jonathan, officer in protection of center, there were sudden appearance of Demons and we need backup immediately, no questions, hurry and-" But immediately one of the Demons jumped at him and knocked him on the floor as the radio slid across. With a lpud scream the officer soon noticed his head getting grabbed and ripped off by the Demon as the other officer noticed the blood splattering. "No! Jonathan!" The officer shot out his pistol, but at the end it didn't affect the Demon at all and the Demon's attention was now redirected toward the shooting officer. "S-stay back, don't come near me, or I'll shoot!" But the Demon ignored and immediately the Demon jumped at him and ripped of his head, devouring it as the pistol fell aside. "We're losing forces, keep them occupied until backup arrived, now!" Ordered one of the captains. "Yes, sir!" The officers began to keep Demons occupied, but it wasn't in their favor.

Demons were running around the center and getting shot at, only Grade 1 Demons were managed to be killed by normal pistol bullets, the rest of the Grades were simply unaffected. "We can't do any damage! We need Duelists, a lot of them! Has the agency warned the Innerlight City's Guild?!" One of the officers asked, shooting at the Demon and backing away. "Everything was warned, but even with their help, we possibly couldn't defeat all of them ourselves!" Shouted the officer and partner in crime. "Then, what the hell are we supposed to do?!" Asked the officer as he saw another man and officer getting decapitated by Demon's grip.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight City's Guild (Gathering Room) - Friday, 9:27 a.m.]

The top tier duelists from the Guild were put in a line with several low-end years behind them. Shin began to explain. "As you've probably heard and seen, multiple locations were seen to be surrounded by Demons, for that I have gathered all of the top tier duelists and higher years to advance in further commission.

The commission will be tough and dangerous and many of you will end up dying, so warning, whenever the commission is on the way, make sure to be prepared as much as you can be.

First of all, I would like to introduce the squad leaders that you will follow. Ikehara Hideki, Yamaski Ume, Hashujin Sakami, Shiro Kazuko, Kyoryoku Mayumi, Kanai Midori, Seki Yutaki, Chino Shoji, Kishi Yasu, Masahiro Ellie and the Lieutenants that you've already met. These will be your leaders and you'll follow them and do whatever they tell you too. Before I give you further instructions, is that clear to you?" Shin questioned, standing intimidatingly. "You can't be serious! We're here for only a few days and you already expect us to fight the Demons? It doesn't matter if we had training classes for dueling! It wasn't enough to fight the Demons, we're still beginning duelists!" Complained one of the Duelists among the people. "He's right, if we don't have proper dueling abilities, how do you expect us to do anything?!" Questioned a feminine duelist. ("How have I ended up to be the Squad Leader, I'm just like them, all I am better at is dueling, I don't have what it takes to be a leader and order around.") Yasu gulped, thinking to herself.

"The Demons are sufficiently weak enemies for us, all you must do is either cut their head or get rid of all their 7 hearts, the easiest solution is to cut their head, the Demons aren't smart creatures and they are not always aware of their surroundings. For the Demons who are out of your league, the squad leaders will guarantee your safety and kill them, if by chance a Squad Leader fails, then we cannot help you much." Explained Shin. "You're entrusting us to these teenagers? Most of them aren't even 18!" Yelled a duelist. "They may not be adults, but they are much skilled than all of your combined, if you don't entrust yourselves to them, then you may prefer death." That instantly shocked the duelists. "Is that clear? They will be the ones who'll take the responsibility and they'll be the ones to report back." No comment was heard.

"All right, now the next introduction is to spread you across the city." Explained Shin.

"First of all that you must know, there is in total 328 of you, you'll be split into the squads in numbers of 4 to 16. To where less duelists will stay, this will mean that the duelist that is your leader is much skilled than others, if any of your get injured, other must report to me, understand, I'll call the maximum limit of backup to come in your way or to return you back to the Guild, if by any chance the City's hospital is near, then you'll be sent into the hospital, we've put several Spiritual Duelists in that area if Demons manage to break in." Explained Shin.

"Now, here is how you'll be set;

- The leader of Squad 1 will be Shiro Kazuko, and 10 of you will go with her as her support, you'll be set on the Northern-West side of the city

- The leader of Squad 2 will be determined and instructed by Masahiro Ellie, 7 of you will go with him as his support and will be put on the Southern-East side of the City

- The leaders of Squad 3 and 4 are Kanai Midori and Kyoryoku Mayumi, these two squads will be sent into direction of our earlier released Duelist which involves Kirashito Ayuka, Katorishi Codey and Shinkaku Tim., they are being kept at Northern area, approximately 35 minutes away from us and 5 of you will follow them.

- The Leaders of Squad 5 and 6 will be under leadership of Seki Yutaku and Chino Shoji, you'll be split on two sides, West and East, 15 of you will follow them

- The Leader of Squad 7 will be under leadership of Ikehara Hideki and will go guard the Northern-East side, 16 of you will go there due to the unexpected number of Demons in that direction.

- The Leader of Squad 8 will be put on the Southern-West side and will remain as the assassins and will need to kill every Demon in that direction, this is to keep the Western Side unpopulated by Demons, understand, 16 of you will follow Yamasaki Ume.

- Final squad, which is Squad 9 will be under the leadership of Hashujin Sakami, and only 4 of you will go there, you'll be at the middle, assisting the Police Department and prevent any Demon from reaching the middle, this is because that's where most of the civilians are and will need protection.

To the rest of the Duelists who I had not divided into groups, will work with each other across the entire city and try to kill as many Demons as possible, for further interactions between Demons, you must report back, the most important goal to achieve today..... it is to keep the Innerlight City's population to its maximum number, for as much as you are capable of. Now, I'll divide you into groups of the leaders." Shin began explaining.

Charlotte, Ava and Dasuke were in the opposite corner. "No, Tim is out there among the Demons... If they get to him, he'll.... he'll die." Claimed Ava. "How dare you talk about our brother like that! He is the best, he'll be able to kill those Demons without a doubt! You just watch, Ava!" Called Charlotte, worried but had high hopes. "My.... My baby! No, how can I leave him alone! I must go there!" Called Dasuke, but Charlotte grabbed him before he left. "He's fine! Don't worry about him, he's probably killed more Demons than we could ever imagine, besides, he has support!" Called Charlotte, smiling.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Center - Friday, 9:30 a.m.]

"Oh, boy. Just look who decided to show up." Kyou licked his lips while walking in the middle of the city's center. "Hey! You! Every civilian must stay back, you mustn't interfere in the likes of Police Department!" Ordered the officer. "Ohohoho, now, wouldn't you agree to have some help?" Giggled Kyou. "What do you mean?" Questioned the officer. Kyou reached with his right hand in front of his chest and spread his fingers, three cards appeared i nfront of him and were reflecting in the sun. "Let me show you, why my help is necessary." Kyou spoke.

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Ichiba Street - Friday, 9:31 a.m.]

Tishida grabbed his hat and his kimono, awaited by Akari. "How sad. The alarm that wouldn't let an old man to rest." Sighed Tishida, picking his scabbard. "I suppose those Demons didn't wait to the last second, that's a strange event for them to happen." Claimed Akari, with crossed arms. "Why, yes. Of course.... After all, whenever their prey is weak, they'll be glad to capture it." Smiled Tishida. "Besides, the moment the girl fell, the hunt began.... All that we can do now, is to keep those foolish Demons away from her.... " Smiled Tishida. "I suppose we may as well support them, nothing else to do in this small shop." Tishida opened the door. "Well you're ready to go, aren't you?" Questioned Akari, serious. "Hmmm? Oh, I see.... Of course I am.... After all, Akari. Remember...."

"This is war."

To be continued...