266. The 'Inner Fiend'!

[Demon's War: Arc 13]

Innerlight City, year 2020, day Friday, time 9:21 am a sudden chaos began.

Suddenly an abnormal number of Demons appeared out of nowhere. People and Duelists were caught unprepared at the potential extinction and were caught in emotion-filled chain. The chaotic appearence in just a short time had already devoured several people and the fear of being killed has grew all around the Innerlight City center and local streets, with already 5% of the Innerlight Human Society killed and devoured an alarm was set at the main agency and Innerlight City's Guild.

Duelists were warned about the abnormal number of Demons' appearances and were split into their yearly level.

Due to sheer-number of so many Demons, Duelists from the Innerlight City's Guild were split into 10 squads, each having different priority and under one of the top tier duelist's leadership.

With the instructions explained by Toyama Shin, they've titled their operation: Innerlight City's Lineup: Innerlight City Retrieval Operation and has just began on its way.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City's outskirts - Hideout - Friday, 9:20 a.m.]

- Before the instructions by Toyama Shin were given -

"W-what are you? Are you even a Spiritual Duelist?" Maya faced behind her, holding her wound, while Tim still didn't turn around. His mask was fully losing its whiteness and the blackness immersed through it. Tim finally turned around with his black-like energy immersing from his clothes and gave a halved look, a left eye of his released a yellow glow into Maya's direction, her eyes were widened and at the same time, Codey's face appeared to be in shock. ("N-no. T-this is not like usual, this time, I don't think he's in any control at all!")

"What am I? Now that's a good question." Tim's voice was echoing while it was mixed with his own own vocals and the 'Fiend's vocals. Tim turned around, holding the sword in his left hand while raising his palm and facing it with his mask. "Just how great it fills to be finally released, deep within that shallow mind, it's as if I was reborn to a new world!" He claimed. "W-what do y-you mean?" The fear in Maya's eyes was stretching. "My name is 'White'. Fully known as Tsuda Keiichi, the Fiend that remained silent through all of these years, I was once sealed in this Ginken but managed to break through. However, notibily, whenever another duelist grabbed this sword's handle his pressure overwhelmed my own existence, it sealed me back, deep into its body and allowed me to only break out in random moments, mostly to whenever this foolish body came to a near death. But, due to being connected with his body, if he dies, I'll die with him, it's my body, while his, however, at once I've allowed him to manipulate my power to his advantage, to protect both of us, but, now, losing his mind made me once again reborn, I am his 'Inner Fiend'.... So, now that you know..." Tim reached up with his free arm and touched his face while leaning his head backward and covering his right eye, while the blackness continued to emit, his left eye glowed yellow and made a creepy smile. ".... I can finally slaughter everything in front of me! It's a trick that nobody can ever do, I am the only Fiend, strong enough to overtake someone's body!" Tim laughed maniacally while swiping his palm of his right side of the face, the black energy was surfing from his palm when giving Maya a creepy look. "And first on my list, is you..." Tim's clothes continued to wave its dark emission while his sword now remained thin, sharp, long and releasing black energy.

"Tsuda Keiichi? What's he talking about?" Codey asked, confused. "T-that look on his face.... It's.... It's nothing like before, what kind of a monster is he?" Questioned Ryoko, in fear. "I-I don't know myself, but know this, it's definetly the guy you've seen earlier, who was protecting you from getting killed by me, at this stage, he's probably ready to assassinate anybody who crosses his path, this means you two and me!" Claimed Codey, with a sweat drifting down his forehead. "Y-You've gotta be kidding me? I-I didn't know people can have a 'Fiend' on the inside of their Spirituality or body." Spoke Tsuneo. "That's because only a few Fiends are powerful enough to take over someone's body, and this one is one of them. If he was able to overtake Tim's body, then trust me. His limits are far greater than Tim's own." Codey explained.

"T-this means-" "Correct, he might even be able to fight in similarities of Semi-God, however, below that in any case. Tim's own power managed to reach Captains by himself, his Henshin was greater than my Demon Form, and now..... Now that he is even further than before, he must be at the same level as someone like Ayuka....." ("And I mean her Semi-Godess form.... Although.... I wouldn't call this Tim's power, but that 'Fiend's'.") Thought Codey, very uncomfortable. ("Just... Just how much Spiritual Symbolism does he create from his body, it's unbelivable.") Codey's right arm was shaking. "Tim.... Please, you've gotta get in control, you'll end up killing the entire City, please, that is all I ask. You must calm down, you must remember who you are, you must overtake this Fiend's body. Where even are you ...?"

[Mind - Deepened Reality - Tim's mind - Friday, 9:20 a.m.]

Tim's body was lying back in the pitch blackness, having closed arms while his Spiritual Symbolism and Aura slowly began to leave his body. He was lost in Fiend's mind that overtook his body, floating slowly from the light and his heartbeat was heavily calmed down.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City's outskirts - Hideout - Friday, 9:20 a.m.]

"A 'Fiend'? How's that even possible? How can a 'Fiend' overtake someone's body, you couldn't be powerful than this Spiritual Duelist, now even the ones who are beginners, even those Fiends who are seleaed inside them cannot overtake as weak body as that..." Maya was trying to hope highly. "Well, that's because I'm not just an ordinary Fiend, I was inherited by this body, I fall under his category of being a Substitute-Duelist, meaning this kid is far more different from the ones who live for work and job, being a Substitute-Duelist, this means he's prepared to die, prepared to fight and prepared to kill anybody in his way, but whenever this guy loses his temper, it is so easy for me to break through him, it's almost remarkable how many times I've managed to escape, but today.... Today I am fully in control, he is lost deep, far away in his mind, now, how about I begin with tearing your limbs down?!" Laughed Tim, seeing how Maya prepared for an universal duel.

With a heavy step up the front of his body, Tim's darkness waved backward once instantly his body vanished from the spot, catching Maya in shock, Tim appeared in front of her body when quickly sweeping his blade from right to left and making a deep cut in Maya's chest who instantly lost her balance and almost dropped backward onto her back, but when she noticed Tim's laughing and his movement, she had to protect and guard. Tim sweeped with his sharp sword at her face from left to right, but however in this time, Maya protected his attack, but feeling how her blade was instantly given a small crack in the metal. "What? How's this-" But before she could ask, Tim immediately raised his left arm and released a long current of black energy. He used his Ginken's signature move once a black 'Seraphic Penetrate' went flying forward in a shape of a crescent, Maya was caught in it, once her body was halved, the crescent slice went flying into the building, sideways, once cutting out the big chunk of the building's right side, it forced it to collapse onto the floor. "Miss. Maya!" Shouted Tsuneo with Ryoko, who were caught in fear, but in luck, her body dispersed and appeared behind Tim in the distance.

Leaving his back turned into her direction, he spoke. "Oh, you've avoided?" Questioned Tim, smiling. "That's an interesting ability. I'm surprised you've managed to dislocate your body in such a short time, not even getting scratched. You're very reliable duelist." Tim finally turned around, raised his left arm and continued to release black energy from the black blade. ("This guy, he's quicker than I'd imagine.... If I was a milisecond late, I'd be gone for sure.") She raised her face taking advantage to recover.

"However, if you can do that, let's abuse it. Let's just see how many times are you capable to use that technique, prepare yourself, I'll be using this over and over again!" Tim laughed as if he was playing with his opponent. "He's not even fighting for real, he's just trying to make her suffer before killing her!" Yelled Codey, in surprise. Tim immediately disappeared when appeared in front of Maya, having his leaned forward and with his left leg bent in front while his right leg stretched, he immediately switched his positions once cutting forward, Maya immediately used her dispersion and moved aside, but in that instant, Tim had already avoided once appearing in front of her, only a second after she dispersed.

His body was in a u-turn once his left arm was raised high above his back and was then swung downward, he unleashed the next black slice of energy, in which Maya immediately used her dispersion, but as the slice went flying past her, Tim already appeared behind her, after vanishing. ("I haven't even finished my dispersion! How fast can he move?!") She thought, and right as her dispersion finished, Tim swung his sword downward at her back and immediately sliced into her back, this time she did not have enough time to use Dispersion again, as it hasn't passed even a second.

The sharp blade was cut into her entire back once causing her skin to give out and easily began to bleed, she dropped onto her knees while feeling weaker than she could imagine.

Tim shook his blade and laughed again.

"So tell me, how does it feel to be getting cut?" Tim and Maya both exchanged looks, when Maya reached for her dropped blade on her left side, quickly made a u-turn while picking up her sword, and swiping her blade backward with its full potential speed.

But even is she managed to slice with her blade backward, quicker than imagined, her eyes shook and Tim vanished from the spot. A black surge blew through her body once her eyes widened, her right shoulder emitted out blood as it splattered on the ground, her mouth coughed it out as well, while the menacing pool of blood began to flow on the ground.

But in return, Tim's body appeared a few meters behind Maya's back with his back turned and with a proud smile looked at his blade, as it was covered by the blood. "Maya, was it. Dear me, this blood is so fresh and it is so warm, I just can't wait but taste it." While Tim uttered he laughed and grabbed his forehead, as he began to laugh loudly in the air. "You're so filthy, you're so pathetic, you're so pointless, you're so stupid, you're so useless!" Tim's voice was laughing wickedly at his highly pitched voice.

But while Maya was weak, she slowly reached for her blade, allowing Tim to be occupied with his laughter. She stood up slowly, wiggly when grabbing the sword with both of her blades. "You..... You bastard!!!" With a loud yell, Maya dashed for Tim, yelling. "No! Miss. Maya! Stop! You've gotta stop! Miss. Maya!!!" Yelled Tsuneo.

But while Maya continued to yell and run for Tim, injured, she noticed how Tim gave her a halved look, and he had a serious expression, the eyes of her widened and immediately, Tim disappeared in lines of darkness, in the momentum, blackness was seen next to her right side of the body when sensing creepiness. Her eyes shook and slowly looked on her right.

"So pitiful...." Tim's blade was swung when Maya noticed blood leaving her body, without a doubt, she was cut, or so she thought.

Tim grabbed with his left hand her face and slid on the floor, leaving black trail on the floor from under his feet, once Maya felt how her body was lifted in the air, by just one hand, instantly she felt that her body quickly leaving the sky and felt how the back of her head was slammed at the floor, and due to the force and pressure, Codey's, Ryoko's and Tsuneo's eyes trembled, in no time left, Maya spoke.

"P-please, r-run.... You two..." Tears were leaving her eyes as her head was squashed up against the floor while the blood exploded and splattered on the ground, her reamining corpse softly dropped on the floor, when Tsuneo's eyes shook.

Both of the two children screamed into the air as it echoed through the sky, instantly a massive slam was heard and Codey's senses reacted, he turned around. "D-Demons?!"

The time reached 9:21 am...

To be continued...