268. History of the 'Inner Fiends': Lurk of the Titan - Part 2

[Demon's War: Arc 13]

Approximately 100 Years ago, the first signs of 'Fiends' appeared with 'Inner Fiend's' alongside them. Humanity's safety existed no more and due to the high number of Spiritual Duelists, the number of 'Fiends' drastically rose along the years.

The first 'Inner Fiend' was known to seek one's body after it was sealed away into someone's else's. Over the hunt, he successfuly found his prey and tried to overwhelm his power, but due to the man unable to be a Spiritual Duelist he was incapable of being controled, until one day, that Spiritual Duelist received a weapon known as Ginken and was known as the first Substitute-Duelist. Righteously after the obtainment of that Ginken, the 'Inner Fiend' awoke itself from his slumber and immediately overtook that man's body.

Due to that Substitute-Duelist being easily to manipulated, he never contained his 'Inner Fiend' and decided to one day eject his Spiritual Symbolism and seal it away, due to losing his 'Spiritual Symbolism' he was then killed and both, the man and the Fiend died in one, over the years multiple Duelists received an 'Inner Fiend', but none of those 'Inner Fiends' managed to successfully overtake their bodies, until now.

Shinkaku Timoshī, 17 year old teenager and a 2020 Substitute-Duelist one day recieved a Ginken from another Spiritual Duelist Giovanni and from there became known as the 'Substitute-Duelist'. Over the years he had met multiple allies and fought multiple enemies, but never until now did he fall under 'Inner Fiend's' control.

In conditions of revenging Ayuka, he gave in to his 'Inner Fiend' and allowed him to surf on the surface of his body, his memories were fully lost and his existence has disappeared from his mind, now.

Only the 'Inner Fiend' stands in the world and has no intention of giving his control over back to Timoshī.

[Planet Earth - Tasuma Forest - Sunday, 10:30 p.m.]

Toshio and Tsuyoshi were camping outside on the dirty floor near river while eating hunted down boars that were steamed and the night sky freshly glowed above their heads. "You know. If we really manage to capture one of our targeted Demons, we'll have an opportunity that we never had before, I just hope it's worth the risk." Sighed Tsuyoshi. "Tsuyoshi. Our two lives being risked, that will leave an open-mind on the future subordinates." Claimed Toshio taking a heavy bite into the fresh meat. "Yeah, but that's as far as we'll get..."

"Look, capturing that Demon will aid the people in the future, they'll know how to make Demons extinct, they'll finally retrieve our humanity to its saftey. Demons first appeared 1000 years ago, it's been way too long for them to still seek the world." Claimed Toshio, stretching on the spot.

"Anyway, I believe we should take our eve and rest up, tomorrow is another day." Claimed Toshio and moved the bunched up leaves as his pillow. "Yeah.... You're probably right, rest well." But as Toshio fell asleep, Tsuyoshi tuened at the reflecting starlight in the river. ("Capturing Demons.... They don't deserve to live. What happened to my youngee days, I could not let them roam around and beserk like a bunch of bunched up bees.... It's unbearable, so many people die.... But, if I was ordered to recapture our knowledge and increase it.... Then, I guess I have no other choice.") Tsuyoshi laid back the stick and finally took a slow rest.

[Planet Earth - Tasuma Forest - Sunday, 00:45 a.m.]

While both of the 'Duelist' slept the night an instantanous screech was heard in the distance and catched them off the reel, waking them up. "Whoa. What happened?" Questioned Tsuyoshi. "It sounded like a boar dying, but there couldn't possibly be other Duelists in this area, would there?" Wondered Toshio, but without wasting time, he stood up. Tsuyoshi gently leaned his left ear on the floor when hearing footsteps. "Hey... Toshio... I-I don't think we're alone in this forest." Spoke Tsuyoshi, looking back up. "Yeah. I can tell, the atmosphere of this area suddenly just heated up, something is lurking and we have yet to see it." Claimed Toshio once dragging out his sword. "Whoa. Y-you're not planning to go see what it is, right?"

"What do you think? I must, the senses are tingling and I don't sense it to be safe, stay back, I'll go look for it myself." Spoke Toshio. "But..." However, Tsuyoshi did not have enough confidence to stop Toshio, when he noticed him sneaking behind the bushes. "Now, now... Who's there..." Whispered Toshio while gently moving the bush aside, once it was moved he came in cross of surprise. ("What in God's name even is that?") He noticed a Demon of abnormal size feasting itself over the fallen boar, "Now they manifest into different sizes, how is that even possible?" The tremble that was causing Toshio to fear was rising but slowly began to calm down. "We shouldn't disturb it, or it'll get mad." But when Toshio tried to walk around and has already made a u-turn, he heard crunches on his right arm, his eyes got surprised, when his right leg began to bleed. "What the hell! What the hell are they?! What are these creatures! Get off, get off!" A tiny Ants were bitting his knee when leaving deep injuries, he almost screamed and was also noticed by the Titanic Demon as it faced behind.

[Planet Earth - Tasuma Forest - Monday, 00:47 a.m.]

Tsuyoshi faced to where Toshio went. "Toshio! Hey, are you all right?!" But as soon as he questioned, the bushes shook and a body went flying past his body. Toshio went flying from afar directly into the back of the tree. "Toshio!" Without wasting time, Tsuyoshi ran for him and tried to support his balancing body. "W-what happened? You're all crunched up and messed up!" Tsuyoshi noticed how Toshio pointed in the direction he came flying from when Tsuyoshi turned, his eyes shook and a massive body came stepping from among the shadow, it was gigantic and muscular, it froze on the spot, roared loudly in the air and in the end, several Demons began to wild out from the night's sky. "No, this is not good! Demons are far more active at night and they are harder to deal with! But at night, they're also more hidden!" Shouted Tsuyoshi. "A-and that Demon, w-what the hell is it?!" Tsuyoshi was in shock, still supporting his comrade. "I-I don't know. But it's definitely stronger than any natural Demon." Spoke Toshio.

"W-what about those crunches on your skin, right leg. What did this to you?!" Wondered Tsuyoshi. "Some Biter Ants.... they swarmed my leg and slurped the blood..... You gotta run, if you don't run, you'll be devoured by them, just leave me be." Toshio claimed. "N-no way! I'm not leaving you alone! I'm taking you to the nearest doctor!" Tsuyoshi picked Toshio up on his back when he felt how his body was light. "Tsu-Tsuyoshi... P-please... Just go." However, Tsuyoshi never gave in and ran with Toshio on his back.

Another loud roar was heard from the Titanic Demon when the Demons were immediately unleashed and ready to hunt down, due to the night, they were much quicker than usually, an they had far more sharper eye than at day. "They are catching up! They are almost impossible to run away from!" Tsuyoshi kept on making longer steps when he jumped over a fallen tree and then bounced across the river's rocks, left, right, left and middle. He slid on the dirt floor and sped up as the Demons stopped behind the river's edge, due to their fear of water. But in luck, the orders that came from the Titanic Demon forced them to jump across the rocks, some of them even managed to fall in the water. "What? I thought for sure that would stop them in place!" Tsuyoshi continued to skip meters on the floor when he turned a corner, but in that instant, two of the Demons shaped like Wolves came jumping from the bushes, crossing his path. "Crap!" He immediately turned around and continued on the opposite road. "We'll never outrun them at this point! Why are they so aggressive, where did they come from so suddenly, damn it, damn everything!" But while running, Tsuyoshi came across a large hill and due to losing his patience, he fell and was unable to balance it out, he fell down the hilled path, rolled and both of the two bodies were bumped into the tree, as their blades bounced away. Trying to get back up was almost useless, the Demon race had already surrounded them and with the Titanic Demon right behind them.

The Demon opened its mouth and caught the two in surprise. "Have you gotten lost?" Shock was unleashed, for the very first time, an actual Demon spoke to a human, Tsuyoshi was surprised. "What happened? Something bit your tongue?"

"Y-You can.... T-talk?" The Demons were being under the Titanic Demon's control as it stepped in front of the knocked out Toshio and Tsuyoshi. "This is a Ginken, is it?" Wondered the Titanic Demon when picking it up, unaffected by its power. "I must say. This is a very powerful mechanicsm just for a basic shape of a sword.... I wonder...." Claimed the Titanic Demon, Tsuyoshi's mouth were shaking and couldn't talk. A Demon instantly jumped at Tsuyoshi's left arm and bit it, as Tsuyoshi screamed. "Hey. Who let you attack?" The Titanic Demon pulled out the Demon's eye as it almost screeched. "Wait." The Demon stepped aside, in fear when Tsuyoshi felt pain in his bitten arm. "A human is capable of holding such a weapon, now I understand what you humans use to defeat the Demons, what an excellent work. But, would you consider to explain to me, how these Ginkens were?" The Titanic Demon asked, but when Tsuyoshi backed up toward the trunk of the tree, he had no confidence of speaking. "I've given you a question, you're not deaf by any chance, are you?" But still, Tsuyoshi just couldn't dare to speak. "Oh well.... You're a waste of my time...." The Titanic Demom stood up straight. "All right, you may feast." Instantly the Demon rushed at Tsuyoshi. "No! Wait! Stop! Stop!" The group of Demons began to tear off his limbs, while the blood continued to erupt. "No! Hey! Grrhhh! Hey! Stop!" But it was useless, Tsuyoshi's eyes were filled with tears when the final scream was released into the air, scaring off the crows.

[Planet Earth - ??? - Thursday, 8:32 a.m.]

Toshio who was lying on the floor was caught in flash of the sunligh, and he slowly opened his eyes once he noticed the sun sparking. He felt kind of warm due to the deserted town. "W-Where am I?" Toshio moved his head to the side. "Oh. Good, you're awake."

[Planet Earth - Nitsuzaki Town - Thursday, 9:00 a.m.]

"So, once I've found you outside, I've managed to bring you back here." The female spoke. "Y-you.... You brought me here, alone?" Wondered Toshio, confused at what had happened. "Oh... Sorry.... I had to do something about you, who knew how long you'd last if you were left alone..." The girl smiled. "T-thanks.... W-what about.... What about Tsuyoshi?" He questioned, but the girl faced to the side with a sad look. "Y-your friend.... He-" The woman stood up and walked toward her table, she picked up a cloth in which there was something and brought it to Toshio. "This was all that was left of him." Once Toshio unwrapped the cloth, his eyes shook and he instantly noticed how his friend's arm was ripped off, without strength of talking, his eyes trembled and tears dripped down his face. "I couldn't have done anything about him, he was..... he was Devoured while you were unconscious. I'm very sorry." She claimed when seeing how Toshio grabbed his right side of the face, an instantanous heartbeat of loud noise flashed out and he felt a paralysis through his body which flowed through his entire body into the brain, giving him pain and causing him to flinch. "H-hey! Please, rest for a while. You shouldn't be moving at this rate, I only managed to recover some of your injuries, the rest of them are still impossible to heal without rest, so please.... lie back and rest...." The woman spoke.

"T-Tsuyoshi. W-why..... Why did they.... W-why.... How is that...." But without a doubt, it was seen that he was incapable of proper conversation. "I know how you feel.... And I know how it feels like. But, please, relax for a few days." But then, Toshio questioned. "Hey. Woman..." He asked. The girl felt confused. "What's your name?"

"My name? Takeuchi Yuki." She claimed, when Toshio took a calm breathe. "Thank you. Thank you for your recovery and thank you for bringing what was left of him." Claimed Toshio, as his hair continued to cover his eyesight. "You don't need to thank me. Now, please. Rest up." Smiled the woman.

"Y-yeah, all right, I will..."

("Tsuyoshi, wherever you are, I'd like to tell you. You've never betrayed me, you've always supported me, you told me.... You told me you'd take revenge on the Demons, and you've done just that. Without you... I-I don't think I would be able to exist, back then, when you stood in front of me and made fun of me, I took it as love and passion of your care toward me, as a Duelist, you've fought until the very end, you've rescued so many people, you've killed so many Demons... You... You have not died in vain, I promise, I'll do whatever I can too keep your tradition alive. Thank you again.............. My friend.")

To be continued...