269. History of the 'Inner Fiends': Historicity of Demons - Part 3

[Demon's War: Arc 13]

Approximately 100 Years ago, the first signs of 'Fiends' appeared with 'Inner Fiend's' alongside them. Humanity's safety existed no more and due to the high number of Spiritual Duelists, the number of 'Fiends' drastically rose along the years.

The first 'Inner Fiend' was known to seek one's body after it was sealed away into someone's else's. Over the hunt, he successfuly found his prey and tried to overwhelm his power, but due to the man unable to be a Spiritual Duelist he was incapable of being controled, until one day, that Spiritual Duelist received a weapon known as Ginken and was known as the first Substitute-Duelist. Righteously after the obtainment of that Ginken, the 'Inner Fiend' awoke itself from his slumber and immediately overtook that man's body.

Due to that Substitute-Duelist being easily to manipulated, he never contained his 'Inner Fiend' and decided to one day eject his Spiritual Symbolism and seal it away, due to losing his 'Spiritual Symbolism' he was then killed and both, the man and the Fiend died in one, over the years multiple Duelists received an 'Inner Fiend', but none of those 'Inner Fiends' managed to successfully overtake their bodies, until now.

Shinkaku Timoshī, 17 year old teenager and a 2020 Substitute-Duelist one day recieved a Ginken from another Spiritual Duelist Giovanni and from there became known as the 'Substitute-Duelist'. Over the years he had met multiple allies and fought multiple enemies, but never until now did he fall under 'Inner Fiend's' control.

In conditions of revenging Ayuka, he gave in to his 'Inner Fiend' and allowed him to surf on the surface of his body, his memories were fully lost and his existence has disappeared from his mind, now.

Only the 'Inner Fiend' stands in the world and has no intention of giving his control over back to Timoshī.

[Planet Earth - Nitsuzaki Town - Saturday, 11:25 a.m.]

A month later after Toshio's inncident and Tsuyoshi's death, Toshi stayed in Nitsuzaki Town for support and in short time became quite responsible for her newly found girlfriend, Yuki. But it was time for him to continue the journey and hopefully reached Misano City and capture the Demon that was wanted and lastly seen just in area and has remained there now by a month, hidden, luckily for people they've never encountered it twice.

"So. You'll still going to try and capture that 'Demon'?" The fear for someone she cares about was clearly seen in her eyes. "Yes. I'd like to avenge Tsuyoshi and help the future subordinates. To do that, I necessarily need to capture that Demon and from there, once I retrieve it, we'll be set for future." Explained Toshio, having a tight backpack on his back. "But... What if you get injured and I won't be able to help you. Misano City is still far away from our town, it's no doubt that anyone would be able to help you, especially not if you'll end up getting devoured..." Yuki seemed upset and worried, and has been looking at the floor. Toshio stepped in front of her and reached with his right hand up onto her right shoulder. "Yuki...." In exchange she looked up, looking into his face, sensing smile. ".... I won't get devoured and I won't fail either. Whenever I capture the Demon, I'll be finished with my mission and from there, I'll return to you and keep you out of danger, you can count my word." The smile that he set to calm down Yuki, shined in front of the sun. "All right... Just - Just please, return back safe..." With a soft kiss, Toshio finally waved for the final time, and was set off once again, although, for whenever he'd return, not everything would have been the same.

[Planet Earth - Iori, Path of the Mountain - Saturday, 4:14 p.m.]

With a massive mountain before him, covered by snow, he knew potential risks. "Behind this mountain stands one of the most isolated and smaller villages, but to get there, the only way I'll be able to reach it.... Is from this mountain's tunnel, which lies higher up than this. I know it's safer if I'd go around it, but even then it would just waste my time. I bet that village will have some help which could guide me one step closer to raising my knowledge about the Demons, it'll probably give me a better idea on how to capture them."

And with the next goal set, Toshio journeyed over the mountain, with close events of being killed.

Some ideal events that happened were avalanches, slippery rocks and bad weather of constant snow, but after a day, he finally reached the village.

[Planet Earth - Nakasa Village - Sunday, 5:20 p.m.]

The first steps into the village were to walk down the staircase, and once done so, Toshio stood in the middle of a snow-covered village. "I made it." Due to being trained as a 'Duelist', he wasn't very tired by the time he arrived, nor was he injured.

("All I've gotta do now, is to find this village's Chief of the village. Although I am not sure where they could be, especially not without knowing anybody. So questioning the civilians is my priority.") And as he set out, in the next hour, he had finally met the chief.

[Planet Earth - Nakasa Village - Sunday, 6:12 p.m.]

"Young duelist, just what brings you here?" The Chief wondered, the name he was called by was Kanda Yoshiro. "I've been searching for you, Kanda Yoshiro. My name is Matsuo Toshio from the Outskirt forest's main 'Dueling Architecture'. I've been put on capturing a Demon so that our scientists could learn more about Demons themselves, I've come here with respect and hopes that you could tell me more ideas on how I should efficiently proceed ahead in capturing it, target I must reach is in Misano City." Explained Toshio, bowing with respect. Yoshiro himself was rather old and had remarkable knowledge about Demons. "Ah, I haven't seen a Duelist to venture out from that spot ever since I was once one of you, but of course, I'll help you in any way I can." Yoshiro presented everything he knew about Demons.

"Demons, known as the 'Blood Thirsted Hunters', these creatures are said to be living for 1000 years ever since a man first discovered them.

The first ever Demon that was discovered was known as 'Goro'. His teeth were stretching out like tiger-tooth fangs, the long tongue of his measured surprisingly 23.1 centimeters, it had sturdy flesh and four terrifying eyes, in surprise it was also the time when the first 'Duelist' appeared out of nowhere. Due to his active help, people managed to defeat it and after researching over it, people have called them Demons.

For the time of that Demon's death, people have been certained about how Demons could potentially be of different species, as the next Demon they've killled vanished into particles.

The discoveries told everything about their blood flow, muscle tensity and sturdy skin. Whenever they poured that Demon's blood on their human test subjects, that man's body began to age and in just 3 hours, he died. It was known that 'Demon Blood' is capable of changing someone's entire body just with one small drop of their blood, however, the next test subject drank the blood and he instantly began to lose his humanity, the skin began to change indifferent from the Demons and he was soon a quickly-fletched out Demon, due to his rampaging seconds, four of the scientists ended up dying and the Demon that was once a human was killed by the exact same 'Duelist' and just like the Demon test-subject, his body never dispersed into Blood Particles.

In the next few years of discovering, they've researched over another Demon, but this time, they've been focusing on their 'Blood Particles' and have figured out that, whenever a Demon loses it's blood capacity, it will die in the nick of time, similar to people, but after testing the Demon's pain throughout the body, they've discovered that those Demons had 7 hearts, all spread through their bodies, they've figured - To fully kill a Demon, they would either need to stab all seven hearts or cutting their head or even by vaporzing the large amount of their inner blood.

Through years, the number of Demons grew and grew and was soon populated by thousands of Demons, all across the world."

But while Yoshiro explained, Toshio had squiggly eyes "I-I don't think you understand what I've come here for.... I-I kind of know that already." Claimed Toshio, rather confused. "Oh, I know, you've come here for ideal knowledge on how to capture it, I'll explain to you right away...." But in the moment that happened, Yoshiro fell asleep. "H-Hey. Master Yoshiro! Wake up, please." ("How can somebody fall asleep on the brink of conversation, especially for when they are the final ones to talk....") Toshio reached for Yoshiro's left shoulder. "Um. Master Yoshiro, excuse me, would you consider-" But in that instance, Yoshiro never opened his eyes. "M-MasterYoshiro?" At once, it was realized.

Master Yoshiro's time disappeared, it was time for the elder to finally reach his end.

[Planet Earth - Nakasa Village - Sunday, 8:30 p.m.]

Toshio was ready to once again venture out, finally hoping to reach Misano City. "Young man, wouldn't you consider of staying with us for the night? At night, the Demons are extraordinarily active and can produce themselves above the normal population." Wondered a woman. "Oh, not to worry. Misano City is not as far then it was before, I'll manage to reach it by tomorrow morning, hunt down the Demon that lurks, and then proceed on capturing it, bringing it back to the 'Dueling Architecture'. But I'm very grateful for your concern." Toshio once again bowed. "All right... We're sorry our elder was unable to give you any hints on how you should capture a Demon, we're very sorry."

"Not to worry. The man, told me more than I've asked for, even if it was something that I've already known, full respects by me. Anyway, I'll be venturing out again then." Smiled Toshio, only a tiny bit disappointed. "Of course. We recommend you to take the opened road on the Southern side of the Village, it will allow you to reach Misano City in less than eight hours." The woman spoke, turning around and pointing with her hand. "I understand, thank you very much."

With the waves among the people, he finally exited the Village and was ready to reach Misano City, in under eight hours.

[Planet Earth - Fuyama Pre-forest - Sunday, 8:43 p.m.]

Toshio was moving through the opened field and was ready to soon reach the burnt down forest, to which it is known for its high population of Demons. ("I'll have to dash for it and cross the nearest river. When I do that, I should be all right, I'll try not to encounter any Demons on my way there.") And he almost fulfilled his request, he moved through the burnt forest and by the event of that happening, he manage to encounter less than three Demons and by the end of the night, he reached Misano City, finally able to rest for the two days he stayed awake.

[Planet Earth - Misano City - Monday, 2:45 a.m.]

As the night ruled the City, Toshio finally hopped over the fences and came in front of the built Hotel. "Well, that should be this city's main Hotel. I just must enter it and then ask for one bedroom and hopefully rest until the morning. Only then I'll continue in capturing it." And just as he promised to himself, he managed to receive a free room for the night until the late morning and was ready to continue his mission, without his companion by his side.

[Planet Earth - Misano City - Monday, 11:10 a.m.]

He immediately exit the bedroom he had owned for the night and then prepared on searching the Demon...

But... Was it really a Demon?

To be continued...