276. The past life of the young Demon.

[Demon's War (Recovery of Allies): Arc 13]

Year 2003 the Light has soon appeared and the newly born girl has shined over the humanity's responsibility.

The birth that once appeared had been now unknown for the entire Human Society and her existence was yet unknown, nor was it seen.

With the born girl's full-caring personality from baby's perspective, this girl was sent onto the Planet Earth to secretly live a Human's Life, without even herself knowing what she truly was.

Now, in the year 2019 the first human coming in contact with this girl was a 16 year old Teenager boy, who had become the next Substitute-Duelist and the ally of the potential future Godess.

Throught the year of their meeting, the Substitute-Duelist never understood why her existence was so important and even before he managed to understand, his promises to keep her protected was a significant shock.

Due to this girl's crooked knowledge about herself, even herself couldn't believe what a mere human had spoken, but until now, year 2020, this teenager had held his promise straight and never let go, but due to the accident of her ally falling and seeing her 'killed', the teenager gave into his inhumane actions, and the first appearence of the disordered 'Fiend' all he had seen was a revenge over this girl's 'killer'.

But then, in sudden appearence, after this teenager finally broke the seal that kept his humanity hidden, the Demon God himself appeared out of nowhere and claimed that he'll use the power of both, The Semi-Godess and the Substitute-Duelist, for himself and without wasting time, the two teenager were both held, unconscious in Demon God's palm, taken to the underworld.

But due to the Demon God not being aware, his own son, known as the Half-Demon entered the underworld and was put under a difficult responsibility...

....Katorishi Codey, his hatred toward father was seen and as much as his fear prevailed over, he never let go of his allies.

In the unexpected, this Half-Demon promised himself to bring back, both Kirashito Ayuka the Semi-Godess and Shinkaku Timoshī the Substitute-Duelist to once again see Humanity.... To achieve this goal, his journey will be hard, long and with the Demon God in front of him, he's aware that his risks of entering the underworld might ended up in fighting his own father.....

The Demon God Rez, himself.....

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Yudotsu Street - Monday, 4:05 p.m.]

- The past of the 2010 year -

Codey who was stricted to stay away from any humans was locked inside of his room most of the time and barely had any freedom.

But as much as his mother didn't agree with her father, himself felt unneeded for the world and the past he once had, was inhumane either.

Sitting on his bed and leaned onto his knees, Codey was lost deep in the thoughts. ("Why must I be locked in this room like a caged bird? All I wish to see are other people, and all I wish is to walk to school... I don't understand, why won't my father let me? Sticking in the room this entire time, what am I supposed to do, how am I supposed to have any fun?") Codey wondered once the door to his room opened, his mother stepped in. "Hey, Codey, would you consider talking to me for something?" Questioned his mother, her name was KatorishI Natsuko. "Uh... Y-yeah, w-what is it?" Wondered Codey, looking at his mother once she sat next to him and reached with her left arm behind his neck, gently pressing his head near her chest. "You know how you wanted to go outside?" Questioned Natusko, very soft. "Y-yeah?" As much as Codey was confused, he decided to raise his eye-sight and look at her smile. "Tomorrow, when your father goes somewhere, I'll take you out, I'll show you what the world truly is like, where you were born and where you live." In surprise of his mother's surprise, he felt awkward. "R-really?" But without disappointement, his mother nodded. "Of course, if I tell you that we will, we truly will.... I'd love to take you out everyday, but due to your father's inpatient personality, who knows what could happen if he saw you outside, so, before we go and after we return, please stay quiet, all right?" Spoke Natsuko. With Codey's eyes sparking from his enthusiasm, he agreed. "Y-yes, of course! Thank you so much." His mother giggled. "Now, come. I've made your favourite snack, bagels." His mother gently dragged her left arm away. "Alright, of course and thank you again!"

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Yudotsu Street - Tuesday, 8:35 a.m.]

- The morning finally came to the sight -

The first steps into the opened world made Codey's eyes to almost falling into blidness, due to him constantly being locked in his room and barely ever let his eyes reach the light, and once the first sunlight uncovered the view before him, over hundred of people were walking outside, the cars were driving through the streets and dogs were being well taken care by their owners.

The voices coming around him were unintentionally loud. "M-mom...." With confusion, Codey faced around. "Yes?" "H-how big is the actual city itself?" Wondered Codey. "Now, that's a number even you wouldn't be able to understand at your age." She giggled. "Does that mean it's a large number?" Wondered Codey, looking at her. "Mhm, and one of the biggest numbers you've ever known existed." Natsuko claimed. "I thought the numbers reached at maximum to a million...."

"Those were just the early sayings, but actually, numbers don't have an end, that's what people say." Smiled Natsuko. "Now, I'll take you to as many places as I can, should we begin with the nearest park?" Wondered Natsuko, but without wasting time, Codey immediately confirmed and smiled. "Yes! Please!"

"Well alright then." After grabbing Codey's right arm, both of them walked for the nearest park, and in the instance, he came to see the first 'larger' source of water at the park's middle fountain.

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Yudotsu Street Park - Tuesday, 8:40 a.m.]

"W-what even is that?" Codey confusingly wondered. "Those, in our language, we call the 'Fountain' it's a walled source of water, primarily for decoration, many people throw a coin in the water and believe that this fountain will make their wishes to come true."

"Mom! Mom! Can we please throw a coin, pretty please." He grabbed his mother with his both hands. "Of course, why not." In the few seconds, both of them stepped in front of the fountain and Codey held a coin. "Now, wish for what you'd like, and your wish might come true." But once saying so, Codey smiled.

"Dear fountain. I wish for my mother to always be healthy and to always stay the mother she is now, I wish this with the bottom of my heart." The coin was flipped as it slowly dropped into the puddle of water that was ruling the fountain, in surprise his mother felt surprised, at first she believed that he'd wish for him to be free, but his mother seemed to have been always the priority.

"There! See..." But when Codey looked at her, he felt confused. "Uh. Mom, is everything all right?" Codey wondered, confused, but he noticed her giving him a smile. "Of course, but you should of have kept that to yourself, you little dummy." She gently pulled Codey's right cheek. "I know, but I wanted this fountain to understand it, I wanted it to hear me clearly." He claimed, having his hands softly closed. "Oh? Well then, you didn't just make the fountain understand, I think you've caught even me in surprise." She smiled and was given a giggle back by Codey.

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Yudotsu Street Library - Tuesday, 8:50 a.m.]

"Mom? Why is there so many books in this place?" Codey wondered, very confused and surprised. "Well, you like to read and you like to study, so I've thought you might wanna take some books for the home and read them. Wouldn't that be what you wanted?" Natsuko wondered, looking down at him. "Of course. I'd love that." He almost raised his voice. "Shhh. Not so loud, in library you must be quieter so that you don't disturb people that read here." She claimed and Codey immediately felt embarrassed. "O-oh... I'm sorry." As he listened to his mother who stood up, the librarian gave him a smile as she continued to read.

"Now, why don't we go grab some books, then we'll go into the nearest restaurant, I believe you'll love it there too, and from there, if you'll want, we'll be able to go to anywhere else you wish." And after Codey felt enthusiasm he thanked. "Alright, thank you so much." At once he dropped into his mother's warmth. "Of course..." She smiled and gave him a hug.

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Fūro Street - Tuesday, 7:45 p.m.]

"Mom! I can't believe it, today was the best day I could ever ask for! Being with you outside like that was extremely fun!" Spoke Codey, once again enthusiastic about it. "I'd like to say the same, but now, we should head home, all right?" And without any commentary, Codey agreed, but he noticed a kid in the distance.

"Come on, mom! You've gotta let me help you! If you're going to work so hard, who knows what would happen." Called the boy. "Aren't you a stubborn one, a little. You've already done so much for me, why don't you rest for once." The woman spoke. "Be-Because, you're older than me, you should rest!" Tim claimed, calm. "I'm 29, I'm not that old!" She giggled but made the child unamused. "Still, it's very necessary for you to rest and let me do something instead of you, not just help you. Why don't you let me do something by myself for once, I just wanted to give you something, anything." The boy called. "You've already given me enough, your birth was all I needed." She giggled. "Moooooom...!" The giggle of the woman was heard.

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Yudotsu Street - Tuesday, 8:00 p.m.]

Codey and his mother arrived at home and due to him being tiring, he was feeling in wish to sleep. "Today was the best! Thank you so much." Codey spoke, already prepared and showered, while ready to fall asleep. "Any time, let's just try not to disturb your father." But as he agreed with his mother, the night ruled over and a sudden shouting was heard from the other side of Codey's room.

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Yudotsu Street - Wednesday, 2:00 a.m.]

His mother and father were in an arguing. "I've told you to never let that foolish kid out of the home!" Codey's father pushed his mother at the wall, while holding her by the clothes. "You don't even know how to take care of your own son! He's been inside of this stupid home ever since his birth! He must go out once in a while!" She called, while pressed up against the wall. "Why the hell would you let that little warm out of the room! You know what his meaning is!" Yelled the man. "Why?! You know it yourself! How do you think he'll be able to do anything in future if he hasn't even seen what the World is like, are you ignorant?!" Codey's mother yelled and asked. "Don't try to act smart! That kid will burn in Hell as soon as he grows up! You understand that!" Codey's father immediately swung his hand and a hit was heard as the glass was shattered.

As much as his mother was in pain, she still continued to debate. "Do you understand what humanity is?! He was not born to be under your watch! He was born primarily as a human, that means himself must observe the World he lives in and see the light, I won't let you be so stricted about him and lock him up in the room all the time! You're the one who's meant for Hell, not him! If he intends to live in this world, then he may as well find some friends! Soon as this is over, we're leaving and just try to follow us!" She yelled.

"You think there will be the next time?!" The father yelled as his eyes turned red and immediately caused Codey's mother to be in surprise. "Well! If you think this is how you'll treat your own husband, you may as well end up as a puddle of blood." The moment he spoke so, his mother questioned. "Let it happen! If you really believe killing me is the only option, then do it! I couldn't care less about your ignorant existence! But I tell you once again! Codey's my son as well and I'll let him do whatever I allow him! You may as well be known as a psychopath and doesn't deserve either a wife or his own son!" She yelled when getting chocked, her eyes shook once she noticed the door on the side to open. "M-mother?" But in the instant of seeing her son, waking up, she immediately called out. "Codey! Please! You've got too run! Hurry!"

"M-mother, w-what's happening?" "Don't give questions! Just go!" Codey noticed when his mother was revealing tears. "Aren't you the most annoying bitch! Don't worry, as soon as I'm clear of your life, that kid is next!"

Codey's heartbeat was beating quickly as his eyes were constantly shaking. "L-let her go.... Please.... You must let her go.... Please, let her go." Codey's eyes were changing colour from blue to bloody red, seen by his mother. "Codey! S-stop! J-just leave t-this place! I beg you! This is not where you should stay, or you too will-" But in the instance, Codey's eyes noticed a massive eruption of the blood as it splattered across the walls, causing his eyes to fell into the most heaviest shock, ever existing. The final drop of blood that splashed on the ground was seen by Codey and his body instantanously felt as he was in need of murder, an absurd realization was heard, that the one father he stood in front of him, must die.

"W-what did you....? No.... M-mom...." But his eyes finally turned fully red and Codey's right hand immediately formed a skin and a long claw. "You psychopath!" Without knowing what to do, Codey's eye-sight was clearly seen red and in the instance, his eye-sight appeared in front of his father's face, catching his own father in surprise when Codey's rage was heard, the swing of his right arm went digging through Rez's eye-sight blinding and causing the blood of his face to splatter.

"You brat! You brat! You brat! What did you do? I can't see! You stupid, you ignorant brat!"

Codey continued to cut with his claw. "Why would you do that! Why would you kill her! Why! Why!" Without letting go, Codey continued to cut his father's body while making him bleed.

The black shadow reflected in the wall now jumped and knocked the other shadow down, it was seen that the kid that once had his mother was constantly stabbing into his father's stomach, the movement of his stabbing and erupting blood was seen as well. "You murderer, you murderer, give her back, give her back!" Without stopping, his senses finally recovered.

In that moment, Codey's mouth growled, but in the moment of such event, his eyes turned back to normal and so had his right arm, ending him confused and seeing his father being completely uconsicious and teared off flesh.

Codey's eyes shook after seeing what he did to his own father, but at fear he backed off and was in fear. "W-what, d-did I-" But without knowledge, he looked to the side and saw his mother's body laying at the floor, completely soft and weak. "He immediately ran for her while reached with his left hand behind her neck. "C-Codey..... W-what did you.... do?" Her voice was barely able to be heard. "Please! Mom, just stay strong, please, I'll go find somebody to help us, please, don't leave me! I still want to see the world! You've promised me too see it more! Please!" Codey's eyes were covered by large tears, flowing down his face.

"C-Codey... I'm... S-sorry... P-please.... You have.... have to go... i-if he.... w-when he r-recovers, he'll.... he'll kill you.... so please, just go." She spoke, with her eyes barely able to be opened. "No! I won't let you go! You stay with me! Please! Mom! Mom! Hey! Don't die on me! Please!!!" Called Codey, while trying to keep her strong, but he saw a smile on his mother's face when she slowly reached for his left side of the cheek, he once again felt her warmth when he quickly grabbed her hand and pressed it closer to his cheek, this time, his tears were dropping out even quicker. "C-Codey.... I couldn't ask for a b-better, son..."

"Mom. No.... Please! I want you to stay with me! Please, where will I go without you! Mom, just p-please, try to-" But while he saw the final smile, her final words were said. "I love you...." In the moment, Codey's eyes trembled further when he felt the fingers softly and gently letting go of Codey's cheek. "No! Mom! Hey! Please, you've gotta stop playing with me! I can't take it, please!" He grabbed her land hand harder when it was gone, her mother was killed, in front of him, when her warmth soon left her body.

Codey gently dropped his and her arm when frozen on the spot as the tears splashed up on her left cheek.

"No.... M-mom.... Why? P-please.... I beg of you to return........"

To be continued...