277. The possibility of an extinction.

[Demon's War (Recovery of Allies): Arc 13]

Year 2003 the Light has soon appeared and the newly born girl has shined over the humanity's responsibility.

The birth that once appeared had been now unknown for the entire Human Society and her existence was yet unknown, nor was it seen.

With the born girl's full-caring personality from baby's perspective, this girl was sent onto the Planet Earth to secretly live a Human's Life, without even herself knowing what she truly was.

Now, in the year 2019 the first human coming in contact with this girl was a 16 year old Teenager boy, who had become the next Substitute-Duelist and the ally of the potential future Godess.

Throught the year of their meeting, the Substitute-Duelist never understood why her existence was so important and even before he managed to understand, his promises to keep her protected was a significant shock.

Due to this girl's crooked knowledge about herself, even herself couldn't believe what a mere human had spoken, but until now, year 2020, this teenager had held his promise straight and never let go, but due to the accident of her ally falling and seeing her 'killed', the teenager gave into his inhumane actions, and the first appearence of the disordered 'Fiend' all he had seen was a revenge over this girl's 'killer'.

But then, in sudden appearence, after this teenager finally broke the seal that kept his humanity hidden, the Demon God himself appeared out of nowhere and claimed that he'll use the power of both, The Semi-Godess and the Substitute-Duelist, for himself and without wasting time, the two teenager were both held, unconscious in Demon God's palm, taken to the underworld.

But due to the Demon God not being aware, his own son, known as the Half-Demon entered the underworld and was put under a difficult responsibility...

....Katorishi Codey, his hatred toward father was seen and as much as his fear prevailed over, he never let go of his allies.

In the unexpected, this Half-Demon promised himself to bring back, both Kirashito Ayuka the Semi-Godess and Shinkaku Timoshī the Substitute-Duelist to once again see Humanity.... To achieve this goal, his journey will be hard, long and with the Demon God in front of him, he's aware that his risks of entering the underworld might ended up in fighting his own father.....

The Demon God Rez, himself....

[Underworld - Portal - Friday, 10:00 a.m.]

An opened portal appeared the edge of the tall hill, as the heat around the surroundings spread.

Codey came dropping from a few meters above the ground, preparing to land while followed by Tsuneo.

At arrival, Codey crouched on landing and faced in the distance, his eyes have been illuminated due to the abyss in front of him. "Couldn't there be a better way of landing? Now my bottom hurts." Tsuneo raised his head, scratched the back of it and faced into the distance. "So... This is the Underworld from where the Demons appear. It's larger than I first imagined but... Why does it feel so 'empty'?" The warmth from the ongoing pools of lava were pressing near the edge. "You've gotta be kidding. This 'Underworld'.... It's fully ruled over by lava pits, how are we ever going to make through here alive?" The disordered pits of lava that were bulging over the edges were releasing heavy steam that was known to be similar as to a Demon's Blood Particles.

"It's truly something rare to see. This world's 'supposed' to be inhabitat by loads of Demon Lives, but not one life remains." Codey reached with his hand on the side of his body. "And the temperature is heavily compressed, which is unlikely for a place filled with lava."

"So. Does that mean we won't need to worry about heat...? I-I mean, it's fine by me, if that's what it costs me to go through... But, you know, I don't really like to be burning due to some kind of abyssal place." Clearly understandable, Tsuneo was in worry of significant failure. "The deeper we'll go, the hotter it'll get... That's at least what I'm thinking. We've just entered and I suppose this must be the gate that lets Demons out." On the explanation that was spoken by Codey, Tsuneo claimed another reason. "It reminds me of Chinese Mythology, but... I believe you wanted to save your two friends, correct?" Tsuneo wondered, while looking up at Codey's tall position.

"Of course, although, I don't understand why have you decided to come as well, didn't you just fell into hatred of my friend?" Wondered Codey, holding his chin after taking a severe look toward his 'ally'. "No... I understand everything what your friend went through, losing somebody who he mosty likely cares about, I can understand him. Although, Miss. Maya.... She-" But Codey reached onto Tsuneo's shoulder. "Miss. Maya, that you call her. She was trying to use you to steal Ayuka's pendant, and if she wanted it so badly, then she knew that evil lurks inside her... Please, Tsuneo, we were not our enemies and we never had any intentions of killing her, if you've just given us the pendant earlier, we'd leave without anybody getting killed. However, we were wrong, a friend who we cared about and a person who took care of you, both of them were killed-" But in the instance of Codey's own explanation, his eyes shook due to a sincere realization. ("Wait! Killed? No, what does that mean? We've heard that if Ayuka dies, then the Chaos will happen. But- No, it's impossible, I know she isn't dead. She's gotta be hanging on to her last flame, if her death would happen, the humanity.... Would it still exist?")

"Has something come up in your mind?" Tsuneo questioned once giving another look, showing that he was confused. "No. Nevermind... Let's just get to work and rescue them. You are in this with me, right? So then, will you help me?" Codey questioned while looking at Tsuneo. "I'd love too. But while I'm in my Human body, I- I don't know I'll be in any help..."

"Tim 'did' explain how your abilities work... If you use them one day, you'd need to wait another 24 hours to use them again, correct?" Codey wondered, thinking that he'd understand some kind of solution to revealing or unleashing his Spirituality again. "Yes- T-that is why I'm unsure if I'll be in any help..."

"Don't worry! We'll figure something out, but we really must prepare, anything could jump in front of us - from out of nowhere."

[Underworld - Enwalled Architecture - Friday, 10:02 a.m.]

With the entrance of the Demon God, back to his 'bunker', he faced at the two stolen Duelists. With a lovely look of perfect evil, Rez himself smiled at the two abducted Duelists.

"The two young faces, they truly are remarkably soft, once the time comes, your powers will be infused by my own. And then... Then I'll have my body fully recovered, I'll finally manage to erase this world of humanity, and at last, the Demons will surf above the grounds... We won't be slaves down here in the underworld, they were once human that were transformed into Demons. That means their existence is known to be above the grounds... You two just rest well for the time being, but in the next few hours, I'll begin the preparations." The grin on Rez's face, reflected itself in the pouring lava as the two Duelists were both tied up to a wall inside of a cell.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - City Center - Friday, 10:05 a.m.]

".... There has been no sign of any Demons at the center anymore, it couldn't be that they've stopped roaming, so what's keeping them at bay ....?" Yasuko on the middle guard squad wondered. "Yeah... I'd expect the most Demons to stroll around here, but after they were killed by that Duelist, not even one Demon life appeared..." Claimed Nori, trying to understand.

"It's a probability that most of Demons have been set loose from the Hell and are now twisted on this Earth, but to why would there be so few of them, I'd never understand." Wondered Sakami, having her crossed arms as she thought aloud. "Do you think that there are multiple Dimensions of where Demons come from, not just the underworld?" Kimiko wondered, as the entire squad appeared to have been standing aroused.

"I doubt."

"Then what do you think it is?" Wondered Ryu, leaned up against the wall. "Humanity's fear of the Demons has significantly improved over the years due to larger amount of Demons appearing out of nowhere. There could be some links to what you said about the multiple Dimensional seize, but I doubt so little of Demons would begin to rule the overworld, after all... Over millions of Demons have been known to appear throughout the years.... This event is very strange." Sakami believed while looking at the puddle of the poured rain. "I do see some interest in your point. After all, there's enough Demons existing to multiply each other across the entire World, and as we saw... only the Innerlight City was attacked, no other cities." The moment of Yasuko's saying, Sakami soon understand. "Hold on..." The squad faced into Sakami's direction. "Huh? D-did you figure something out?" Wondered Yasuko.

"This attack of the Demons forcibly populated the city to strictly split us across the City, I think whoever is the doer of this chaos, I bet they must be after one of our Duelists.... But which-" But Ayuka's eyes shook.

"Of course. The attack was meant to spread us across the city so that the leader of the Demons could get his dirty hands on Ayuka!"

Sakami's squad were caught in surprise. "Are you talking about that Higher-up Duelist? But why would they want anything to do with her?" Kimiko questioned, absurdly concerned. "There's a reason to why, which I'm afraid cannot share... However, we can be sure, that - This - this is their goal, to capture her."

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Western Side of the City - Friday, 10:10 a.m.]

Yutaki and his Squad were escorting people that were left alone on the West. "This is unbelivable! So many of these Demons, this is almost impossible to get rid of!" Yutaku was surprised as the 24 civilians that were being escorted to the center of the city, stood and reamined stressed. "Do something you useless Duelists! Kill these Demons!" Yelled a man in fear, but Yutaku was just caught in between a Demon's grip when Yutaku hurried over and swung with his 'wider' dagger that cut through the tip neck of the Demon's head, then allowing him to back off and finish it with additional swing. In the moment that had happened, one of the Demons rushed for the kill and leaped from the top of the building, but due to Yutaku's quick thinking, he managed to turn around and open his left palm when unleashing a devestating force, causing the Demon to be vaporized into Blood Particles.

"Stop yelling! You see that we're doing our best to keep them away from you! Stay in the between my squad and quit yelling at us, there's only few of us while there's multiple of these Demons!" But when Yutaku shouted, one of the Demons felt fear in one of his squad's duelist. The Duelist slipped on the rubble when falling back and letting go of his weapon. "Damn it!" Once Yutaku tried to help his ally, he was then attacked by another two Demons.

The rest of his squad were each occupied with at least one to three Demons. But the female Duelist on the floor, couldn't react. "I- I... I didn't sign up for this!" The Demon leaped from among the wall when landing on top of the girl and opening its mouth. "No! Stop!" One of the Duelists tried to go save the girl, but in the moment of that happening, a Demon behind him jumped onto his back, pinning the Duelist on the floor, the Demon on top of his back roared. "G-get off me! Get o-" However, the Demon had no time to waste and had immediately dug its fangs into the back of the Duelist's neck, causing to ripping out the Duelist's throat and then continued to Devour it. "No! Katashi! The fighting Duelist called, once avoiding a Demon, but as for the girl who was knocked over first, her eyes were shaking and crying, the Demon opened the giant mouth and immediately throttled the female's head, squashing it between its teeth.

"Squad Leader! We've already lost eight of our Squad members! What are we supposed to do? There's only seven of us alive with you and the remained Demons - There's still more than thirty!" Called the female Duelist. "You've heard your orders! If it's necessary for the Humanity to survive for the future! Then fight until the very end! Don't give! I too can barely hold the feeling of seeing so many people dying! But, sometimes, you just gotta keep fighting! And don't give up, those are the orders from me and Toyama Shin himself!" Yelled Yutaku when seeing another of the Duelist getting jumped on and then teared apart. "F-fine!" The female called when swinging with her blade, cutting the Demon's neck.

("Why now.... What the hell is going on? Why have they specifically decided to attack Innerlight City? What are they after?") The last few thoughts were confusing, but Yutaku's Squad had already lost nine Duelists, due to the massive number of Demons lurking...

To be continued...