285. The 'Universal Battlefields': A shift of the 'Swiftfull' Technique - Part 4

[Demon's War (Recovery of Allies): Arc 13]

Year 2003 the Light has soon appeared and the newly born girl has shined over the humanity's responsibility.

The birth that once appeared had been now unknown for the entire Human Society and her existence was yet unknown, nor was it seen.

With the born girl's full-caring personality from baby's perspective, this girl was sent onto the Planet Earth to secretly live a Human's Life, without even herself knowing what she truly was.

Now, in the year 2019 the first human coming in contact with this girl was a 16 year old Teenager boy, who had become the next Substitute-Duelist and the ally of the potential future Godess.

Through the year of their meeting, the Substitute-Duelist never understood why her existence was so important and even before he managed to understand, his promises to keep her protected was a significant shock.

Due to this girl's crooked knowledge about herself, even herself couldn't believe what a mere human had spoken, but until now, year 2020, this teenager had held his promise straight and never let go, but due to the accident of her ally falling and seeing her 'killed', the teenager gave into his inhumane actions, and the first appearence of the disordered 'Fiend' all he had seen was a revenge over this girl's 'killer'.

But then, in sudden appearence, after this teenager finally broke the seal that kept his humanity hidden, the Demon God himself appeared out of nowhere and claimed that he'll use the power of both, The Semi-Godess and the Substitute-Duelist, for himself and without wasting time, the two teenager were both held, unconscious in Demon God's palm, taken to the underworld.

But due to the Demon God not being aware, his own son, known as the Half-Demon entered the underworld and was put under a difficult responsibility...

....Katorishi Codey, his hatred toward father was seen and as much as his fear prevailed over, he never let go of his allies.

In the unexpected, this Half-Demon promised himself to bring back, both Kirashito Ayuka the Semi-Godess and Shinkaku Timoshī the Substitute-Duelist to once again see Humanity.... To achieve this goal, his journey will be hard, long and with the Demon God in front of him, he's aware that his risks of entering the underworld might ended up in fighting his own father.....

[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:15 p.m.]

Without wasting time, Ryota immediately dashed for the attack when he appeared in front of Ayuka's body a few inches above the floor and held his scythe to the side of his hip and then immediately flipped his body upside down and spun, alongside spinning his scythe, Ayuka's blade went pressing its metal to the Scythe's body when she continued to back away.

As the multiple attacks continued to be spun at Ayuka and then blocked, she finally noticed Ryota's body turning around correctly and then noticed how he sliced with his scythe above his head to the top of Ayuka's head.

Luckily Ayuka managed to make an efficient step back and only getting her minishirt cut in a smaller point in which point she immediately crouched after seeing that Ryota had already landed and leaped back into the offense. He slashed with his scythe from his right side and tried to cut Ayuka's neck.

But as mentioned, Ayuka managed to successfully avoid and then slid her right foot to the side and followed up with a pre-step when she noticed Ryota facing past her body, but as she thought she would be able to strike her opponent, Ryota had already pressed his left foot on the floor and used his right leg to cross over his left and then swung obliquely at her chest, hoping to injuring her.

However with a backward dash she immediately noticed the next movement after avoiding. Ryota spun his scythe and immediately swung his right arm forward, the scythe was sent at high speed when she immediately noticed that both sides of the scythe were split and were aiming for her face.

To not get injured, Ayuka immediately ducked and noticed how the two scythes went flying behind her back, however at the same time she noticed that Ryota had used 'Vanishing Dash' and used her dodge to his advantage.

In catching both of the scythes he stomped the floor with his left foot and slashed downward with both of them. Ayuka quickly slid her legs on the floor in a circle and used her right palm to use her Enhancement and launch herself backward and successfully planned her attack, however Ryota's hunting swings were not but ready to cut. He bent his upper body forward and rushed with full speed at his opponent when appearing in front of Ayuka who has just stood up and then swung with his left scythe pass her neck over to the right, but in that moment while Ayuka managed to avoid, Ryota spun his body in an oblique shift and then with his high-raised kicked downward, in luck Ayuka managed to sweep with her right hand and unsuccessfully blocked his attack and ended up getting kicked at the wrist and sword's handle and was forced to become disarmed as the metal sword slid on the chained platform and was then forced into a ducking position.

She caught the floor with her right hand and noticed how Ryota slashed with his right scythe down to hopefully cut her, however in a process of jumping and shifting her body in midair, she immediately rolled on the air to the side and noticed the scythe slamming at the floor, however, to keep her position in a correct way, she spun her body and then landed on all four of her limbs, she immediately noticed her sword a few feet away and tried to grab it, however, she already was caught in the next attack, she saw both of Ryota's scythe stabbing downward with fully sharpened scythe when she rolled to the side and was resting her body on the floor, in between the two scythes which almost stabbed her face, she noticed a grin above her face that was made by Ryota but immediately twisted her wrists and Enhanced both of them. With an immediative pressure released, she rolled her body backward and stretched her legs, kicking her feet directly into the face after fully Enhancing her legs.

Due to her impressive skills of Enhancing, she easily caused Ryota to be thrown high in the air and then quickly rolled on the floor toward her sword after fixing her stance in a three-step.

By grabbing her sword's handle within her right palm she immediately bent her ankles and once again Enhanced her physical strength at which point allowed her to leap high into the air toward Ryota and in appeared in front of him, just in an instant.

To continue her offensive move, she slashed downward with her sword at which point she noticed both of Ryota's scythes getting crossed in front of his face, but in surprise, just before striking his scythes she used her 'Body Switch' ability and switched midair position with Ryota in which moment he became surprised. Now, in the air behind Ryota, Ayuka immediately kicked backward and once again sent Ryota's body flying over the air and on the contact unleashed a heavy pressure which resolved itself in a heavy gust.

She noticed how the wall in the distance had shattered and was covered by the dust, due to Ryota's heavy body getting slammed at the back.

Ayuka immediately dropped toward the ground when she immediately turned in his direction and noticed how the smoke swirled, she immediately made a sturdy balance and noticed how Ryota's rage launched itself from the dust, blowing it away when Ryota immediately spun his body and stretched his right leg and forcing Ayuka in to block his kick.

However due to such impressive pressure, even after blocking she was sent flying backward and her back was crashed at the wall, dust covering her body. To not waste time, Ryota immediately leaned reattached his scythes and leaned it over his left wrist in which he had his palm pointed at the crushed wall, by targeting the perfect space he instantly unleashed a powerul Spirit of a Demon which went bursting over the floor at intense power. "Hell Spirit!" At the yell he noticed how the Ghostly howl went slamming its Spirituality into the crushed wall at where Ayuka was supposed to be, and saw how it got obliterated into a million of pieces and rubble, creating heavier dust cloud and as he thought that he successfully hit her, he was mistaken, Ayuka appeared behind him in a white light at which point she had her right leg bent and left one stretched to the sides. She held her sword in both arms, over her right shoulder which was releasing a white flow of aura. "Swiftly Current!" Ayuka immediately slashed obliquely across Ryota's back, once his blood erupted from the back, but at the same time, the long white current cut through his left arm as it was dislocated and thrown in the air.

And while one of his arms was cut from his body, Ayuka's white current flowed and Ryota immediately disappeared, holding his cut off arm as he appeared in the distance. Ayuka faced at him as the white flow of current continued to swiftly circle around her body, like a soft wind through the air.

"T-that attack? I feel like I've heard about it before? D-Does it not involve to Enhance one's Spirituality and use it as an 'Aura-like' attack, similar to a water current?" Questioned Ryota as his right arm continued to bleed. "Correct. This attack uses Sword's Sharpness while Enhancing its Spirituality and then acts like a flow of sharp water, enough to cut through the rougher walls. Whatever it cuts, it'll smoothly cut someone's body, if it's a hard body or a skin-like body?" Explained Ayuka once the white current of flowing energy disappeared and even caused her sword to stop glowing. "I should've known. Such an attacks are usually learned by Spiritual Duelist, it's one of the Higher Tier Techniques that only a few can do? It requires the same colour as someone's Aura, correct?" Questioned Ryota, feeling stressed while seeing how Ayuka stepped onto his dropped scythe's handle.

"You understand it quite fairly, must I say. As expected, these Techniques were made to cut a Demonical Skin, but it may also be used to cut 'harder' bodies as well as a Human's Skin or metal." Explained Ayuka, when she moved her sword in front of her, pointing it upward and looking at her sword's metal in which her face reflected. "But to learn such a Technique, it requires both, powerful Spiritual Symbolism and as well a Powerful Mind. You may consider this, to learn it, meditating is requires." Explained Ayuka, swiftly dropping her arm in which she held her sword, next to her hip.

"Tsch... You Spiritual Duelists are all the same. All you do is fighting to survive and kill us, Demons. I don't believe your existence was intelligible, specifically incomprehensible. The world would have been much better if your existence was just a legend. However, cutting my arm... That won't do much, as I am able to regene-" But as he tried to regenerate his left arm, his eyes trembled. "I'm sorry, but regenerating your limbs won't do. This Technique completely blocks your regeneration and cannot be restored, so if I were you, I'd already feel uncomfortable stress... After all... You're still in front of me and must be slaughtered at an even point." Spoke Ayuka, swinging her sword to the side and caused her mind to focus.

Her powerful Aura was increasing drastically and her pressure has continued to surf around the area, causing the walls to stress. "In fact, I'd prefer to see you killed..." Ayuka spoke when making a serious looks.


To be continued...