284. The 'Universal Battlefields': A girl's efficient 'Verglas' - Part 3

[Demon's War (Recovery of Allies): Arc 13]

Year 2003 the Light has soon appeared and the newly born girl has shined over the humanity's responsibility.

The birth that once appeared had been now unknown for the entire Human Society and her existence was yet unknown, nor was it seen.

With the born girl's full-caring personality from baby's perspective, this girl was sent onto the Planet Earth to secretly live a Human's Life, without even herself knowing what she truly was.

Now, in the year 2019 the first human coming in contact with this girl was a 16 year old Teenager boy, who had become the next Substitute-Duelist and the ally of the potential future Godess.

Through the year of their meeting, the Substitute-Duelist never understood why her existence was so important and even before he managed to understand, his promises to keep her protected was a significant shock.

Due to this girl's crooked knowledge about herself, even herself couldn't believe what a mere human had spoken, but until now, year 2020, this teenager had held his promise straight and never let go, but due to the accident of her ally falling and seeing her 'killed', the teenager gave into his inhumane actions, and the first appearence of the disordered 'Fiend' all he had seen was a revenge over this girl's 'killer'.

But then, in sudden appearence, after this teenager finally broke the seal that kept his humanity hidden, the Demon God himself appeared out of nowhere and claimed that he'll use the power of both, The Semi-Godess and the Substitute-Duelist, for himself and without wasting time, the two teenager were both held, unconscious in Demon God's palm, taken to the underworld.

But due to the Demon God not being aware, his own son, known as the Half-Demon entered the underworld and was put under a difficult responsibility...

....Katorishi Codey, his hatred toward father was seen and as much as his fear prevailed over, he never let go of his allies.

In the unexpected, this Half-Demon promised himself to bring back, both Kirashito Ayuka the Semi-Godess and Shinkaku Timoshī the Substitute-Duelist to once again see Humanity.... To achieve this goal, his journey will be hard, long and with the Demon God in front of him, he's aware that his risks of entering the underworld might ended up in fighting his own father.....

[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:10 p.m.]

At preparations Ayuka had already been set in the battle against her opponent, Ryota.

Without wasting time, Ryota had already prepared his sword once spreading both of his legs to the side. "I really do wonder how well you dance in combat. I'd love to see you do it." By teasing Ayuka, she already claimed annoyed.


In an instantaneous momentarium, a white aura blasted from her body and without wasting time, a massive glow aroused itself around her body.

Ayuka stepped forward and floated a couple of centimetres off the ground and in a sudden blur a blinding white light was summoned around her body, she had called her aura to rise, her clothes waved in a supernatural wind created from when her aura came out and her clothes transformed into a long, white coat with a black crop top and black shorts, her clothes stopped waiving in the wind and became elasticated as they wrapped tightly around her body, her Ginken shined brightly blinding anyone who gazed directly at it, her Ginken 'Togetsu' stretched and thinned out, it's sharpness increased to extraordinary levels which could cut anything in half, even thin air. The handle of "Togetsu" became longer too, giving her a longer grasping space. The light from her Aura and Ginken quickly dispersed into particles as she landed on the ground, a swift chill was flowing through the air, surrounding her and feeding into her Ginken, giving her a power-up in her strength, durability and stamina.

Due to such force coming from the wind, Ryota made a smile and covered the top of his eyes while leaning forward and keeping his balance. "Well would you look at that! You still have a lot of strength after the recovery. That's impressive!" With laughs coming from Ryota, he immediately prepared for a duel of his day.

In the instance as the smoke fully dissipated, Ayuka swung with her sword to the right and prepared her signature combat position.

"You seem rather 'happy' about it. But it truly doesn't matter at this point, I've been dragged to the bottom of this 'Abyss' and is now being held here, due to my weak thinking. But right now, I'm here to do what I was asked to do.... To Slaughter you!" In the moment her left arm supported the sword's handle which caused her to successfuly grab the sword in a heavy grip. "Ho-ho? Aren't we a bit 'sassy'? If that's your plan to defeat me, then I'll be glad to seek what you're capable off. Please do not disappoint me!" Smiled Ryota when swinging his arm upward and letting go of his sword. "Kodachi!" At the instance of his call, the sword spun above him and a black aura began to surround it and without waste the sword fully transformed into a double-bladed scythe.

It fell from the air and was caught by Ryota above his head, once a black chain quickly waved behind his back with the intense pressure. "Now if you'll excuse me. Getting some of your blood will be rather amusing, so if you're not ready to be stabbed or suffer, then you shouldn't have fought back and just allowed our Lord to take your Spirituality." Ryota attached a black glove in his right arm in which he held a black scythe as the silver blade reflected itself within the lava's glow.

"Tsch... As all of the Demons, you too are 'overconfident' in your abilities. Try to resolve the idea of defeat after you're finished blabbing." Ayuka spoke. "I'm telling you, your sassiness will be the fall of you, just watch it." Smiled Ryota as he slipped his right leg on the side with his left leg ahead, and a shortened bent forward. "Fear is the only gift I may give you in this Duel, victory won't reach your limits."

Without wasted time, Ryota instantly dashed through the battlefield once disappearing in a shadowed body and then hurried over with a simple leap, swinging his right arm behind the back and spun the entire scythe with full force, once swinging in front of him, aimed downward.

In the middle of the swing, Ryota immediately grabbed the scythe's middle pole and felt how Ayuka immediately drew her sword in front of her eye height and then blocked the slamming scythe that caused an awakened wind, blowing in a shape of a heavy storm.

But at his move, Ryota quickly pulled up his entire scythe and tapped Ayuka's right wrist and bounced in the air with full force, causing her to drop her arm and in the moment of doing that, Ryota made a fully fledged backflip when swinging the scythe in a crescent, a few inches above the ground when using that movement to his advantage and spin in quickness.

Without worrying, Ayuka quickly made a step back with her right hand and immediately controled her Spiritual Control, she sensed her aura through her body into her right arm and swung it downward, enhancing her brute strength when causing a powerful gust that caused the lava beneath them to erupt upward and even forced Ryota to be knocked backward without managing to control his aerial control of the body, but due to pressing his focus onto his body, he successfully managed to spin his body and quickly turned his body in the direction of Ayuka's view of distance.

He landed on the floor while getting forced to slide backward and hold the ground with his free palm to hopefully stop before hitting the wall.

However, he understood that he wouldn't be able to stop so he immediately spread his Enhancement control through his entire body and immediately swooped with his fingers under the chained platform while benting the singular chain pole and stopping. Ayuka on the other hand quickly moved her sword next to her hip, stretched and pointed at the ground, while grabbing it with both of her hands, she made a step and controled her Enhancement control into her legs and while Ryota was caught in a surprise, he immediately noticed how there were no traces of her being at the same spot.

But while trying to sense her Spiritual Symbolism, he was then crossed in front of Ayuka's chest once seeing her sliding on the chained platform and then immediately spun in the middle of the leap, kicking with her left leg as he felt her ankle slamming into his left side of the face, at the same time he noticed an intense pressure once his body went flying over the chained platform and then thrown over it, with a heavy spin as he went crashing with head first directly into the side staircases, causing the rubble to commence falling.

On the other hand, Ayuka made a 60 degree angle and landed on the floor with her left leg crouching at the landing. Her Enhancement faded away from her legs once she stood up straight and faced at the shattered wall.

But as the dust faded away, she noticed Ryota standing at the wall, holding it with his free palm and smiling. "I must say, your legs are your best limb, correct?" Questioned Ryota, smiling when looking at her. Ayuka slightly raised her leg and bent her legs calf muscle and shook it. "You talking about my legs? I'll tell you this. I've been using Enhancing as my number one priority even to when I still didn't have my Ginken, that is why my entire body was trained in its durability, brute strength and forceful speed." Explained Ayuka, calm when facing at Ryota. "But, due to this Enhancing, I never managed to fuse it with my sword and everything about it is based in my physical strength. Even to the time when I was learning Martial Arts from the Spiritual Realm, after getting dragged to that 'Dimension'. The one who taught me how to use Martial Arts was an elder Toda Takehiko, who then passed away. But what he told and what he taught me about Martial Arts has fully been locked inside of my mind and if necessary, I'll keep his teachings to my final breath. If it means using Martial Arts, I'll defeat you, combined with my Sword Arts, so try not to get humilated too much." Explained Ayuka, pointing with her sword in front and released a smooth current of her white aura through her sword.

"Is that it, eh? Then I'll have fun for as long as I must, specifically until I put you down and then humiliate you over and over again. I'll bring your power to our Lord and he'll be the next ruler of the Dimenions, after that filthy Godess is slaughtered!" With an immediative dash, Ryota's eyes sparkled red as his laugh outraged and prepared to 'assassinate' his opponent.

[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:12 p.m.]

Tim who had been running for a couple of minutes has finally reached the next floor, however the hallway in front of him was blocked by a sitting girl. As the pillars continued to support the ceiling he stopped and stood up straight, looking at the girl.

"So.... You've finally managed to show up. I thought you'd go to a completely different direction and would never be able to play with me..." The girl seemed to have been ready to partake in a duel, after she was leaned over her right leg. "I suppose, this is why he let me go, because you would be my opponent, correct?" Tim questioned as he stood a few feet away from the girl. "Oh, I thought you wouldn't realize... But, yes... That is correct, and as soon as your girly friend is put down, you'll be joining her on the knees in front of our Lord... And from there, your power will be taken and then after that, you'll be staying with me...."

"....for eternity!"

To be continued...