292. The 'Demon God's' Fury: The futile battles unfold - Part 1

[Demon's War (Recovery of Allies): Arc 13]

Year 2003 the Light has soon appeared and the newly born girl has shined over the humanity's responsibility.

The birth that once appeared had been now unknown for the entire Human Society and her existence was yet unknown, nor was it seen.

With the born girl's full-caring personality from baby's perspective, this girl was sent onto the Planet Earth to secretly live a Human's Life, without even herself knowing what she truly was.

Now, in the year 2019 the first human coming in contact with this girl was a 16 year old Teenager boy, who had become the next Substitute-Duelist and the ally of the potential future Godess.

Through the year of their meeting, the Substitute-Duelist never understood why her existence was so important and even before he managed to understand, his promises to keep her protected was a significant shock.

Due to this girl's crooked knowledge about herself, even herself couldn't believe what a mere human had spoken, but until now, year 2020, this teenager had held his promise straight and never let go, but due to the accident of her ally falling and seeing her 'killed', the teenager gave into his inhumane actions, and the first appearence of the disordered 'Fiend' all he had seen was a revenge over this girl's 'killer'.

But then, in sudden appearence, after this teenager finally broke the seal that kept his humanity hidden, the Demon God himself appeared out of nowhere and claimed that he'll use the power of both, The Semi-Godess and the Substitute-Duelist, for himself and without wasting time, the two teenager were both held, unconscious in Demon God's palm, taken to the underworld.

But due to the Demon God not being aware, his own son, known as the Half-Demon entered the underworld and was put under a difficult responsibility...

....Katorishi Codey, his hatred toward father was seen and as much as his fear prevailed over, he never let go of his allies.

In the unexpected, this Half-Demon promised himself to bring back, both Kirashito Ayuka the Semi-Godess and Shinkaku Timoshī the Substitute-Duelist to once again see Humanity.... To achieve this goal, his journey will be hard, long and with the Demon God in front of him, he's aware that his risks of entering the underworld might ended up in fighting his own father.....

[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:33 p.m.]

As the battles among the 'Most Trusted' Guards has been unfolding, most of them have been defeated and only one had remained.

In just the nick of time once Ayuka managed to defeat her opponent and was badly pierced by the remaining blade, an unexpected rescue appeared, and just before Ayuka's body would rest within Lava Pit, Tsuneo himself managed to stop that from happening, while at the top of the 'Jail Cell', the two unexpected meetings came to a standby.

At final, Tim and Codey had met, exchanging looks.

While the two friends looked at each other, both of them had a magnificent expression. "C-Codey? W-why the hell are you down here?" While Tim stood in on Codey's left side, Codey became unamused. "To save you of course! Don't go acting dumb!" By the annoyance Codey and Tim stood in a corridor supported by pillars as the stairs in front of them continued to reach up to a main room. "Save me?! What were you thinking? You're in Demon God's Domain! Are you trying to get yourself killed?!"

"Trying to get myself killed? You're more drugged up than I thought. But forget it! Where's Ayuka?" Codey faced around to hopefully see her. "She stole my spot in the Duel against the 'Most Trusted' Guard, number '1'." Tim explained, calm. "Are you out of your God Damn Mind?! You've left her alone?!" Codey yelled, pointing at the stairs that Tim came from. "I didn't intend to do that! She was stubborn as always and wanted to spare my Stamina, while she's been getting abused by every opponent there is! How did you even come across us?!" Tim asked, providing efficient worry. "Don't go asking straight up dumb questions! I've come here with Tsuneo, he took the spot instead of me."

"And you're telling me, that 'I' am dumb? You literally did the same crap!" Tim loudly shouted, while embarrassed. "I-I-Uh-I mean... He wanted to do it... Not my fault..." Codey crossed both of his arms when turning away. "Ugh, forget it. More time we waste arguing, the worse it'll get." Tim sighed, stepping ahead. "I mean- If you two are both safe. We can simply just return to the Overworld, enjoy our time and dance to a stereo." While Codey was expressing fear, Tim became rather unamused. "We're right in front of his layer! No way I'm backing out now! Our 'friends' could potentially die if we don't get rid of this stupid ass threat! Are you really trying to leave him awake while he's being kept down here, ready to come at any time?!" Questioned Tim, yelling loudly. "No! But-"

"You understand, don't you. This may be our only chance of being able to kill him. And then, the threat will be gone, you've gotta calm down, make up your mind, put your spirits high and kill that idiot." Tim explained. "I-I guess you're right... Ugh.... Let's get going." But at the moment that Codey spoke, somebody came stepping in front of them, at the top of the staircase.

The boy had both of his arms in pockets and hasn't showed much interest into them. "That's gotta be Number '5' of the 'Most Trusted' Guards..." Tim sighed, looking at him.

"I'm afraid this is as far as one of you will go... My name is Hayashida Yasuhiro, the '5th' member of the few members..." Spoke Yasuhiro, being a bit calm. "Number '5' you say? So then why the hell would a God of Demons rely on someone who's the weakest among the 'Most Trusted' Guards? It feels as a scam to me." Codey spoke, facing at him. "The Number do not come into the count of one's power, nor does it come into one's Spirituality.... After all, aren't you fellow Duelists on a completely different power level than those foolish members..." Yasuhiro stepped to the bare bottom of the staircase, stopped and faced at them.

His white hair waved, while his eyes menacingly awoke a red glow, his clothes very primary white and his inner-wear was blackened, he had a red tie, tightening his clothes while his sleeves seemed to have been rather wide. The number '5' was on the back of his clothing, surrounding by a black circle.

"Codey... Listen to me clearly... I'll devote myself to fighting Rez. The guy that's standing in front of us has much more stored power than we believe... I can tell, and I can assure you that you must go resolve this accident and kill their God of Demons." Tim stepped in front of Codey, facing at Yasuhiro.

"Huh? W-what? Once again you aren't thinking straight. There's nothing I can do, I won't be able to defeat him by myself. First let's kill this weirdo together and then fight Rez. It's out safest option." Spoke Codey, stressed on the upcoming event. "Codey... I understand that you're afraid of your father's menacing Symbolism.... But fear is the last thing that should be occupied by your body... Spirit and Mind must be one. I can tell, your brains will see you through. You still have a powerful potential, and I'm afraid, that even with my help... I'd put you down a shell. We can't afford to lose both of our lives... And what you told me, about your father killing your mother.... I believe you still have that 'tense' hatred that is erupting from the flame inside your body... But if you don't teach him a lesson, that flame will soon burn out alongside your Spirituality.... I beg of you, fight Rez on your own and kill him... What he has done is unacceptable, and what he has created is a pure lie... I believe, with my help... That burning rage of the past won't be fully replenished by your sorrow fear, it must be done by your own power and your own intelligence... But keep in mind, by any chance, if I end up wounded extremely, you must not suffer the loss of focus and you must fight it.... Just hear me out... For as long as your Spirit counts as my friend, I won't be rested down so easily.... So, for the final time.... You - Yourself must kill the God of Demons, if that takes an immense toll onto your body, you fight it and push your limits, but never, never do give up like I almost did. Once I'm done with this vizard, I'll come after you and if needed, I will help you..." Tim's eyes closed. "But please... Don't you dare to die, not without giving him your true taste of power..."

Tim's eyes opened and his pupils were passed onto Codey's sight, proving him that Tim's confidence and burning passion will not fade away. It was clear, Codey's existence was to slay his Demonic Father, once and for all.

Codey took a sigh. "Why do I always end up in the most awkward situations. But nonetheless, what you've said, I promise to keep it within my heart. I will give him everything I got, if this means dying on the spot. Tim, promise me to stay safe and promise me to survive this lethal accident." Tim made a smile when he spoke. "I promise." With confidence into each other and passion, both of them gently bumped their fists. "For Humanity." At that moment, both of their faces became filled with courage, filled with determination, when Codey ran for the door.

Tim slowly reached with his right hand in front of his face, and closed his eyes when the black energy began to circle around his fist. "Number '5' you say? Then I suppose the ranking system was a bit mistaken. If you truly are the toughest of the 'Most Trusted' opponents... Then there is no need for me to hold back." At once, Tim sweeped his fingers in front of his face when a yellow liquid began casting itself around his face, his eyes immediately changed, and his both scleras had turned black while his both pupils changed into yellow, when an 'Akusei' mask appeared in front of his body.

With the gathered energy that Tim had been holding inside throughout this entire selection, his aura emitted itself as it changed into pitch black, framed by a blue light. His clothes immediately tighetened together when a white tie purged itself around his waist, his earlier robe has formed a newly made clothes, when the white ribbons began to wrap themselves around both of Tim's sleeves. His hair waved alongside his clothes while, his blade shortened, and lost its heaviness as well as its oblique shape. The chain began to swing around his body while it wrapped itself onto Tim's right side of the arm, while the ground gently cracked. The improved pressure raged out within the area while Tim spoke.

"Akusei-Henshin." His voice, mixed up with his 'Inner Fiend' vocalized itself through the encircling area while he inhaled, followed by an exhale, as his mouth released a cold breath, his eyes were now filled with determination while Codey ran past Yasuhiro, who had his eyes closed, standing in front of the staircase.

"I believe this is everything that your Symbolism can provide. I'm glad to be facing an opponent with such a tremendous pressure, this only allows me to go full at it as well." Yasuhiro swung his right arm to the side, stretching it while a red aura appeared near his palm, summoning an abnormally shaped scythe, which had a red eye on its edge and was fully black.

After summoning his scythe with his left palm stuck in the pocket, he prepared, hearing a voice that came was thoroughly expected.

"... I'll exterminate you ..."

[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:35 p.m.]

At the finished conversation... Codey came in front of a massive area, at which point the Demon God himself sat on a Demonical Throne.

"So you've finally showed yourself... My dear son."

To be continued...