295. The 'Demon God's' Fury: The 'Emitting' Collisions - Part 4

[Demon's War (Recovery of Allies): Arc 13]

Year 2003 the Light has soon appeared and the newly born girl has shined over the humanity's responsibility.

The birth that once appeared had been now unknown for the entire Human Society and her existence was yet unknown, nor was it seen.

With the born girl's full-caring personality from baby's perspective, this girl was sent onto the Planet Earth to secretly live a Human's Life, without even herself knowing what she truly was.

Now, in the year 2019 the first human coming in contact with this girl was a 16 year old Teenager boy, who had become the next Substitute-Duelist and the ally of the potential future Godess.

Through the year of their meeting, the Substitute-Duelist never understood why her existence was so important and even before he managed to understand, his promises to keep her protected was a significant shock.

Due to this girl's crooked knowledge about herself, even herself couldn't believe what a mere human had spoken, but until now, year 2020, this teenager had held his promise straight and never let go, but due to the accident of her ally falling and seeing her 'killed', the teenager gave into his inhumane actions, and the first appearence of the disordered 'Fiend' all he had seen was a revenge over this girl's 'killer'.

But then, in sudden appearence, after this teenager finally broke the seal that kept his humanity hidden, the Demon God himself appeared out of nowhere and claimed that he'll use the power of both, The Semi-Godess and the Substitute-Duelist, for himself and without wasting time, the two teenager were both held, unconscious in Demon God's palm, taken to the underworld.

But due to the Demon God not being aware, his own son, known as the Half-Demon entered the underworld and was put under a difficult responsibility...

....Katorishi Codey, his hatred toward father was seen and as much as his fear prevailed over, he never let go of his allies.

In the unexpected, this Half-Demon promised himself to bring back, both Kirashito Ayuka the Semi-Godess and Shinkaku Timoshī the Substitute-Duelist to once again see Humanity.... To achieve this goal, his journey will be hard, long and with the Demon God in front of him, he's aware that his risks of entering the underworld might ended up in fighting his own father.....

[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:37 p.m.]

With an outstretched leg, Yasuhiro immediately kicked Tim through the wall when the rubble exposed itself and scattered across the ground.

At surprise, Ayuka and Tsuneo were stunned by an unexpected appearence when Tim raised his head and with additonal terrified look, Ayuka noticed a mask covering half of Tim's right side of the face.

The moment Tim noticed Ayuka, he immediately turned around and covered his masked side of the face. "W-what is-"

[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:37 p.m.]

"I-I don't...." At facing Tim, Ayuka only saw a 'Fiendish' appearance to which felt to her like a flowing darkness, prevailing over Tim's body. And due for not being aware of it, she almost dropped to her knees as she continued to see a grin smile as an illusion.

But at the clearance, Tim faced back at her when giving a rather upset look. "I know how you feel. Seeing me like this. But please, you don't need to worry, I'm not what you think I am..." Tim faced at the floor while his aggrieved expressed emotion continued to round around the area.

"So... You've been trying to defeat Rez with that cowardly girl. It's rather tight-lipped, if I must refer to it." At the given sigh, Yasuhiro raised his scythe to the side while Tim immediately prepared a fighting position, with his sword held in front by both of his palms, wrapping around it. "You don't even know why she's acting like that." At saying, Tim felt frusturated about what he had heard. "Maybe she should've died in the lava pit, earlier..." Tim noticed how Yasuhiro's eyes calmly closed and the reflection of the shining windows was seen in his scythe's metal. "You bastard..." Tim's voice was expressing hatred toward him. "Don't you dare say that about her." Tim's entire face rearranged itself into a full mask until Tim heard Ayuka's words.

"No... He's right- I am a coward... All I can see in your is a filthy demolition and terrification. I can't even settle down and cheer you on, even though deeply I feel that you're in control..." Ayuka's upset expression made Tim rather concerned. "But... Ayuka, you know that I-"

"Yes. I know. You wouldn't hurt me and you never had. So- For as long as that's what you have to do to defeat him. Then use it, I'll get over it eventually, the only request from me that has to be said out loud is; Don't die." The words that Ayuka used, erased Tim's worry and immediately became expressionless.

He raised his sword that he held within his left palm and looked at his reflection. "Tsch... This was the one reason I never wanted this 'ability'... For the moments like these, but now... Look at me, relying on such a filthy and dirty spell. I'd never imagined that this would be the path I chose... However, for as long as I am able to control it, I'll consider it as my own. That being said... I am not planning to die... I won't allow myself to die..." Tim dropped his sword near his hip when facing at Yasuhiro who was disappointed and quietly bored.

"So are you finally going to fight for real?" Tim approved when facing Yasuhiro. "Yeah. I will."

At last, Tim pressed his feet on the floor when gathering his Spiritual Symbolism and mixing it into one point of his feet, immediately he unleashed a fiery explosion when launching himself in the air and unleashing an infernal aura, he dropped down at Yasuhiro and slashed with an upper-rounded cut.

Yasuhio quickly slashed with his scythe once blocking Tim's attack, but then immediately noticed that his opponent has disappeared and vanished in thin air, however he appeared right behind him with his sword held in his right hand and then immediately slashed obliquely at Yasuhiro's back.

But in return, Yasuhiro quickly slashed backward with his knife and blocked the cut, however even if he successfully did so, Tim immediately circled on the floor to the front when grabbing his sword with both of his hands and immediately slashed forward.

Yasuhiro moved his right eye and ducked once cutting upward with his pocket knife. Tim on the other hand immediately vanished from the front over to the side when slashing at Yasuhiro's left arm.

However, finally Yasuhiro grabbed the scythe with both of his arms and swinging it to the side.

Both of the Ginkens clashed while another metalic sound raged out. Tim and Yasuhiro continued into a flashing close combat. Tim slashed downward when Yasuhiro slid his left leg in a circle behind his back and moved his body, avoided Tim's 'downward' slash for when he slashed with his scythe in a crescent.

Tim crouched and quickly ducked once rolling on the floor and seeing the scythe swinging over his head.

In the middle of the roll, Tim quickly swung with his right arm when the black chained quickly swung itself toward Yasuhiro and wrapped around his body, stunning him on the spot when Tim immediately pulled his right arm and swung Yasuhiro's body over him and then quickly fixed his position when round kicking Yasuhiro with his left foot and forcibly kicked him at the wall.

Tim straightened up his body when instantly preparing for the next move.

In surprise, Yasuhiro launched through the cloud of dust and leaned his scythe over the right shoulder behind, grabbing it with his second hand and then bent his body backward and unleashed lethal pressure when slicing downward with his scythe. Tim immediately crouched when grabbing the sword with both hands and slashed upward. Both of the weapons clashed and at that moment, Tim noticed Yasuhiro dragging the scythe away when quickly disappearing and appearing behind Tim. At surprise, Tim instantly stretched his right leg forward while bent his left beneath his bottom, he noticed the scythe swinging into him when he immediately skip-hopped backward and slid on the floor when immediately unleashing black fire from his sword.

Yasuhiro landed on the floor and spun the scythe in both of his hands when quickly stretching it behind and benting his body forward. With the heavy step stomping on the floor, Yasuhiro immediately jumped in front of Tim swinging his scythe obliiquely. Tim immediately made a step backward when quickly avoiding the very point of the scythe. Yasuhiro quickly spun the scythe and turned it upside down when swinging it upward and unleashing a 'Demonical' Flow of energy that Tim needed to avoid by swinging his sword obliquely through the energy and spread it into multiple rays, when noticed Yasuhiro benting his knee and strucking Tim into the stomach immediately.

For the second Tim was stunned once he noticed the scythe cutting down from behind Yasuhiro's back. Because of the heaviness that the scythe produced, his entire body hopped above the ground and stabbed the scythe in the ground, due to Tim avoiding,

But on the contact with the floor, a demolishing energy scattered through the ground and created a bizzare territory at which point the Enhanced Pressure surfed around and shattered the sturdy walls, when Tim immediately began slicing forward with his one hand and cutting through the rubble. Ayuka created an ice wall to block the upcoming rubble and then hoped that neither of her or Tsuneo would get injured.

At last the entire corridor opened up as the red sky glew around the area.

And due to the final explosion, one of the rocks flew into Tim's face, knocking him backward at which point multiple of them followed up in a chain and knocked him backward. He raised his right arm to hopefully prevent more of the rocks from hitting him when instantly seeing red glowing eyes in front of him, only a few inches away.

Before him was a shadowed body with an expressionless face, Tim quickly swung his blade forward but he was too late when the scythe stabbed directly through the right side of his body.

In that moment, Yasuhiro stomped the floor with his right foot when using it to make a flip on the spot and then quickly kicked at Tim with his left foot.

However by quickly drawing his sword and used his left hand as support, the kick went slamming at his sword's flat at which point the ground beneath them exploded and on contact, the cracks spread across when the middle of the floor exposed the bottom of a lava pit.

Both of them were now in midair while each of them fell down and because of catching air, Yasuhiro swung with his scythe from behind his back over his head when Tim immediately sweeped with his right arm forward, blocking an upcoming attack when a pulse of wind outraged around them and forced the rubble to fly around in a cyclone.

"Their pressures are just too much! I've never expected this to ever happen!" Called Ayuka while covering her face behind the ice wall which was now shattered due to the wind. "I didn't know your friend had so much power! Where did he get it?!" Questioned Tsuneo, while barely holding onto Ayuka's arm.

"It's just how far he came! He trained multiple times and achieved so many new skills! But if this keeps up-" But before she could finish, a rock slammed her in the face. "Are you okay?!" Asked Tsuneo, once he reachd with his left arm forward. "What I wanted to say was; If they keep up going at it like this, there's no possible way that this building will stand in future!" Once she called out, both Tim and Yasuhiro disappeared, when a black and red aura formed a cyclone and flew high up in the air.

Yasuhiro and Tim were in the middle of the flung rubble when being extremely high up in the air. Tim slashed forward, when Yasuhiro quickly grabbed the top of his blade and pulled it downward, at the same time protecting his body. But while Tim was dragged down, he then noticed the next movement.

Yasuhiro let go of Tim's arm at which point Yasuhiro followed up with a round kick into right side of Tim's face, causing him to be knocked to the side. However, Tim immediately recovered and slid on the air when leaping backward, high up in the air.

Yasuhiro turned into his direction on the air, once crouching and immediately touched his 'invisible' platform with his right palm and used it as the main source to being launched high up in the air.

The wind humbled when Yasuhiro flipped through the air multiply, moved his scythe across his right shoulder when slashing from right to left, forcing Tim to immediately bent his upper body backward and allowing himself to avoid, while at the same time disappeared in thin air.

Yasuhiro missed and Tim was now immediately behind him when Tim cut obliquely, catching Yasuhiro in surprise and then wounding him. "You're getting rather amusing." Yasuhiro quickly twisted his right foot when turning his entire body and kicked with his left leg while catching Tim in surprise and smashed the tip of his foot into his face, causing him to turn around due to the force and then instantly continue by landing on the air and hurried along with a kneel into Tim's stomach. The air once again blew through the air and it reached all the way the to bottom when forcing Tim to cough out salive. At that point both of them disappeared and both of their aura colours were wrathing through the air and unleashing powerful blows as their metal collisions were heard from the distance.

"How can they provide so much pressure and never fall behind?!" Tsuneo was barely able to follow their movements while he was stunned by the 'show' in front of him. Ayuka dropped her left hand and looked back up at them. "As much as I'd love to tell you, there's nothing I am able to explain. Besides, I've never seen Tim go at it like that... For now, the two of them seem at least equal in power. But it will depend on their stamina by the end." Claimd Ayuka while she was heavily stressed about Tim's health.

"This is Tim's battle of the century..."

To be continued...