294. The 'Demon God's' Fury: 'Akusei' Mask, The 'Fiendly-Terrifying' Symbolism - Part 3

[Demon's War (Recovery of Allies): Arc 13]

Year 2003 the Light has soon appeared and the newly born girl has shined over the humanity's responsibility.

The birth that once appeared had been now unknown for the entire Human Society and her existence was yet unknown, nor was it seen.

With the born girl's full-caring personality from baby's perspective, this girl was sent onto the Planet Earth to secretly live a Human's Life, without even herself knowing what she truly was.

Now, in the year 2019 the first human coming in contact with this girl was a 16 year old Teenager boy, who had become the next Substitute-Duelist and the ally of the potential future Godess.

Through the year of their meeting, the Substitute-Duelist never understood why her existence was so important and even before he managed to understand, his promises to keep her protected was a significant shock.

Due to this girl's crooked knowledge about herself, even herself couldn't believe what a mere human had spoken, but until now, year 2020, this teenager had held his promise straight and never let go, but due to the accident of her ally falling and seeing her 'killed', the teenager gave into his inhumane actions, and the first appearence of the disordered 'Fiend' all he had seen was a revenge over this girl's 'killer'.

But then, in sudden appearence, after this teenager finally broke the seal that kept his humanity hidden, the Demon God himself appeared out of nowhere and claimed that he'll use the power of both, The Semi-Godess and the Substitute-Duelist, for himself and without wasting time, the two teenager were both held, unconscious in Demon God's palm, taken to the underworld.

But due to the Demon God not being aware, his own son, known as the Half-Demon entered the underworld and was put under a difficult responsibility...

....Katorishi Codey, his hatred toward father was seen and as much as his fear prevailed over, he never let go of his allies.

In the unexpected, this Half-Demon promised himself to bring back, both Kirashito Ayuka the Semi-Godess and Shinkaku Timoshī the Substitute-Duelist to once again see Humanity.... To achieve this goal, his journey will be hard, long and with the Demon God in front of him, he's aware that his risks of entering the underworld might ended up in fighting his own father.....

[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:36 p.m.]

The moment that Codey and Tsuneo followed Demon God into the Underworld they've both been pressed in front of many opponents and in need had to fight them.

But while the two have fought, without realizing, Tim and Ayuka managed to escape their 'Jail Cell' and then proceed through the corridors and hopefully arrive to Demon God's Domain.

But in the rush Tim came in contact with Codey to who the two of theme were stopped from going any further, their newly arrived enemy of the 'Most Trusted' Guards was the final obstacle for them to pass.

However... Due to Tim's speech, Codey was redirected into the farther room to where his own father, the God of Demons sat, leaving Tim to face off against the final 'Most Trusted' Guard.

[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:37 p.m.]

The face off and exchanging looks between the two warriors have set loose among the room, glancing at each other.

The 'Akusei' Mask that was attached to Tim's face was emitting an excessive shine. "Those are known as 'Akusei' Masks? Right?" Yasuhiro stood in front of them, only a few feet away while holding the hell-ish scythe off the side. "I'm astonished that you'd even understand what they are, or what they're titled as." Tim was a bit scrutinized upon his opponent that gladly awoke multiple dreads of one's power.

"I've heard about them... But not on my own likings. There were past events that lead me to this discovery, but I've heard to master that power, there are multiple phases that one must go through, I suppose you've managed to pass each of them and reach what is known to be beyond casualities." Sighed Yasuhiro, giving Tim an earnest look. "That's a veracious curiousity that you have it folded..." Tim made a side stride to which moment he shifted his right arm in front of him, with the black aura sputtering alongside his body.

"However... As much as you and your alertness about my abilities fly around, I've commenced myself to vanquish you..." Tim at once strided his blade in front when Yasuhiro continued to hide his left hand within his left pocket. "I'd like to see you demonstrate every hinch of your ability's rank... As a the member of the 'Most Trusted' I must never devote myself of failing, as every simple mistake could end up making me get killed, as for that, you too... shall we eliminated while your fellow friend fights our Lord." With the final words let out, it was done, the fight was commenced as the pure 'chaos' was about to appear.

To not waste time and to hopefully reach Codey in as less time as possible, he bolted over the ground and hopped, moving his sword behind his back and then on exposed moment, slashed down.

Yasuhiro dedicated his right arm to block as he kept his lefty in the pocket. Upon the clash of the two weapons, a shockwave snapped throughout the corridor while the pillars supporting the ceiling already cracked upon.

While keeping Tim's black aura from coming in contact with his body, Yasuhiro Enhanced his arm that held the scythe and pushed outward, letting Tim to have been knocked backward.

Tim who was in need of quick reaction, decided to flip in the air and bent his legs and landed in a crouch with the sword bulging out to the side, he then immediately emitted a black fire from beneath his feet when summoned a passionate explosion which caused him to immediately dash back in front of Yasuhiro, but as expected.

Yasuhiro bent both of his legs and twisted the scythe when he unleashed a red aura, and slashed obliquely, releasing a similar shaped crescent that flew toward Tim.

However, to not get caught in the slice, Tim instantly vaulted over by hopping and made a flip, waving his sword through the crescent once halving it and letting the energy to burst out on each side.

Upon landing, Tim disappeared from the spot when showed himself right in front of Yasuhiro and was now holding the sword with both hands, while it was pointed backward past Tim's right hip. Upon releasing a powerful strain and then cut upwardly when Yasuhiro immediately stopped on the spot and jumped backward.

Once the cut was finished, a menacing crescent of black aura flew through the air over the ground, as it was fastly moving toward Yasuhiro.

However, right on the verge of getting hit by the massive 'attack', Yasuhiro leaped in the air, backwardly and pressed his both feet against the wall and using them as support to bounce over the cut and let the cut slice through the middle of the stairway, causing a severe seperation.

Yasuhiro then landed on the ground in a straightened position while feeling a bit wobbled, but right on the landing, Tim glissade appeared when cutting obliquely in a rounded motion. Caught in a tense surprise, Yasuhiro swung his 'one-handed' scythe in front of him when blocking Tim's sword at which point of them exchanged eye sight.

Upon the activated pressure, the area around them was caught in a lethal wind. "For a brat of your age... You don't disappoint someone like me... But truthfully, I don't believe you would have enough power, combined together with your friend to defeat our Lord." Exclaimed Yasuhiro while his arm was shaking upon Tim's pushing. "Yeah? We'll see about that." Tim released a black murk that continued to circle around his blade and cover it when once again surprising Yasuhiro. "Seraphic..." Tim's black aura emitted itself thoroughly at which it extended and began to wave and wobble. "... Penetrate!" For the one final time, Tim's energy increase itself within power once Yasuhiro was incapable of holding back Tim's attack, for that Tim noticed that Yashuro made a slight step backward and then immediately slashed the sword upward, unleashing the widowed void of crescent which immediately grew in size and Spirituality's Pressure.

The activated attack galed over the ground when unleashing a shievering chill that even complexed itself into an infused mixure, the black 'widowed' attack was almost unblockable and managed to easily push Yasuhiro backward upon his try of blocking.

Before Yasuhiro's face, the black pointers of the attack continue to shake when he felt his feet getting slithered on the floor and was then easily knocked into the stairway's body, causing it to shatter once the black 'widowed' attack exposed out a blue glow.

In surprise Yasuhiro noticed when an illuminated body appeared through the middle of the blackness when Tim slashed downward, over his left shoulder.

But just in the nick of time, Yasuhiro managed to stride to the side and immediately vanished upon the landing. At last, Tim's heavy sword avoided hitting the ground, but only a scratch was put on the ground.

After refreshing his pressure, Tim immediately glanced with his right eye at Yasuhiro who was unexpressive in the face. "... Not too bad... " But when Tim made a smile, he immediately disappeared and appeared behind Yasuhiro when holding his sword high above his head.

He cut downward to hopefully at least bruise Yasuhiro's back but was unsuccessfull, due to Yasuhiro sensing Tim's impressive pressure and for that slashed backward with his scythe, blocking Tim's attack before managing to get cut. "... But there's still a hint of weakness in your pressure..." Tim became surprised when noticed Yasuhiro drag out a pocket knife from his left pocket and cut backward.

Managing to cut Tim directly into the chest when Yasuhiro bent his left knee and stretched his leg backward, kicking Tim into the same wound after unleashing a tense wind that forced Tim to be thrown through the glass, and getting cut in the process.

Tim quickly tried to recover, but he noticed that below him was a long lava pit. ("Lava?") But that caused Tim to lose his focus onto his opponent and then saw how a red light dashed through the broken window.

The red illuminated body swung with his left arm and tried to cut down, directly into Tim's neck.

However in luck, Tim bent his body backward and quickly stretched his left leg when striking the illuminated body into the stomach, however even in success, Yasuhiro's illimunated body easily recovered and wiped the pain away, when flipping above Tim and then stomping onto Tim's face, immediately pummeling him down and Tim was ready to meet up with the lava pit, however in luck he immediately spun while allowing his body to get surrounded by fire and energy combined when right at the point of hitting the lava, Tim slashed down it and unleashed a powerful explosion with the heavy wind blowing the lava aside.

That even forced his body to be blown up from the lava when he immediately noticed Yasuhiro's body falling down at incredible speed with an oustretched leg.

Right on the perfect timing, Yasuhiro dragged out a kick into Tim's body while pulling him with it and Tim was immediately smashed through the hard wall of the 'Jail Cell'.

[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:38 p.m.]

"We should be getting close to the main domain of Rez." Claimed Tsuneo while running behind Ayuka.

"Yeah? Then we should hurry up, we don't know what is happening between them, there's a high chance that one of them are already badly injured, so for that we should-" But right after Ayuka's saying the side wall exploded, causing both Ayuka herself and Tsuneo to stop on the spot.

The destroyed wall was seen while the rubble knocked itself through the air and a powerful wind surfed around the area when on surprise, Yasuhiro and Tim appeared in their sight.

At the raging would boosting through the room that Ayuka and Tsuneo were, Tim's body went slamming into the wall with its back while another cloud of dust appeared, soon disappearing.

Yasuhiro landed on the floor while using his right hand to spin the scythe.

In the event, Ayuka and Tsuneo were both stunned at unexpected arrival, once looking to the wall as the cloud of dust revealed Tim's body. "T-Tim?!" Ayuka astonishingly asked when seeing him beat up, but stood up. "Damn... I didn't know this wall lead to another corridor." Tim spoke, scratching the back of his head, once his mask was halfway broken. But right in surprise, Ayuka appeared to have been caught in fear, surprising Tim.

"W-what is..... What is that?" Due to Ayuka never managed to see the 'Akusei' Mask, she could only felt fear and danger. "A-Ayuka... W-wait! I know, y-you never saw me like that, but please, don't worry!" Tim reached with his right hand in front while he noticed that there was something that was bothering Ayuka, something about that mask.

"Damn it..." Tim immediately turned his head to the side while leaning his right hand next to his mask, to hide it. ("Why now out of every other time? I-I know that she'd figure out eventually, but not in a situation like this one...")

"I-I... I don't-" Ayuka's pick of words was incomprehensible while Tim's eyes continued to softly shake.

(".... This is bad ...")

To be continued...