297. The 'Demon God's' Fury: The unimaginable death - Part 6

[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:39 p.m.]

Tim bent his body forward while holding his sword past his right hip.

Yasuhiro landed on the floor, feeling a bit wobbly when Tim dashed over the floor directly at Yasuhiro who had his scythe held in one arm.

Tim slashed forward upon closing in when Yasuhiro quickly sturdied his stance and swung with his scythe when blocking Tim's attack. However without managing to properly block, Yasuhiro was thrown high up in the air while his body spun due to the force.

Tim immediately slid on the floor when his mask slowly began to crack.

He knew that is mask would soon be completely destroyed so he was unable to waste any more time, and for that specific person he crouched and launched himself high in the air when dragging his sword from his left side of the hio and unleashed a roaring sweep of blackness, shaped crescently which flew through the air at high speed, directly into Yasuhiro's body. But even so, Yasuhiro used his scythe to block the attack and scattered its energy besides him. Tim immediately grabbed Yasuhiro's neck with his left arm when catching him off guard.

He boosted through the air with his pressure when slamming Yasuhiro in the wall and then dragged it over while Tim ran on the wall and then at the very edge and at the wall getting destroyed, he sweeped with his hand and threw Yasuhiro through the air at which point, Tim immediately slid on the wall while Yasuhiro controled his flight and then immediately opened his right palm and shot out a devestating beam of red light.

Just when Tim was about to get hit, he tensed his muscles in both of his feet and used the wall as support when launching himself through the air, while sliding on the air, while he somehow managed to circle behind Yasuhiro who missed his attack. Tim then noticed Yasuhiro turnining toward him while he floated in the air and quickly sweeped his sword alongside his right hip and shoulder and benting his right foot as he was able to 'float in the air' and then unleashed an oblique crescent that flew through the air and prepared to struck Yasuhiro.

However, Yasuhiro quickly slashed his scythe and unleashed an identical sweep of red color that mixed itself with Tim's and triggering an explosion. Tim positioned himself and then blasted in the air with full speed, unleashing a silver pulse from the spot he 'rode' earlier. Yasuhiro's eye sight was unclear due to the explosion covering it when suddenly Tim dashed through the smoke and slashed with his sword, at which point Yasuhiro's eyes trembled and his left arm was cut when it was detached from his body. Tim instantly bent his left knee when furiously smashing his ankle into Yasuhiro's stomach and fiercly knocked him backward while creating a shockwave from his pure strength.

His mask began to crack farther when he serioused his eyes and then disappeared from the midair spot and instantly appearing behind Yasuhiro who was then surprised on the spot. He hid his stress when quickly slashing back with his right hand in which he held the scythe.

However, Tim immediately twisted his entire body and avoided the scythe when kneeling Yasuhiro in the hip and knocked him far in the air. Both of them disappeared and appeared on the falling rocks at which point Tim's right palm was releasing a black aura, which was slowly losing its blackness. Finally his right side of the mask was completely gone and only the left remained.

Yasuhiro 's scythe was floating next to him at which point he immediately pointed his right hand forward and unleashed a Shodō, which created a powerful sound and flew through the air. Tim grabbed his sword with both of his hands and slashed directly into the beam when his body gave in to the attack and both, him and the rock were caught in it. The Shodō continued to fly through the air once Tim's body went crashing into the farther mountain, even causing it to create a massive hole in it...

[Demon's War (Recovery of Allies): Arc 13]

Year 2003 the Light has soon appeared and the newly born girl has shined over the humanity's responsibility.

The birth that once appeared had been now unknown for the entire Human Society and her existence was yet unknown, nor was it seen.

With the born girl's full-caring personality from baby's perspective, this girl was sent onto the Planet Earth to secretly live a Human's Life, without even herself knowing what she truly was.

Now, in the year 2019 the first human coming in contact with this girl was a 16 year old Teenager boy, who had become the next Substitute-Duelist and the ally of the potential future Godess.

Through the year of their meeting, the Substitute-Duelist never understood why her existence was so important and even before he managed to understand, his promises to keep her protected was a significant shock.

Due to this girl's crooked knowledge about herself, even herself couldn't believe what a mere human had spoken, but until now, year 2020, this teenager had held his promise straight and never let go, but due to the accident of her ally falling and seeing her 'killed', the teenager gave into his inhumane actions, and the first appearence of the disordered 'Fiend' all he had seen was a revenge over this girl's 'killer'.

But then, in sudden appearence, after this teenager finally broke the seal that kept his humanity hidden, the Demon God himself appeared out of nowhere and claimed that he'll use the power of both, The Semi-Godess and the Substitute-Duelist, for himself and without wasting time, the two teenager were both held, unconscious in Demon God's palm, taken to the underworld.

But due to the Demon God not being aware, his own son, known as the Half-Demon entered the underworld and was put under a difficult responsibility...

....Katorishi Codey, his hatred toward father was seen and as much as his fear prevailed over, he never let go of his allies.

In the unexpected, this Half-Demon promised himself to bring back, both Kirashito Ayuka the Semi-Godess and Shinkaku Timoshī the Substitute-Duelist to once again see Humanity.... To achieve this goal, his journey will be hard, long and with the Demon God in front of him, he's aware that his risks of entering the underworld might ended up in fighting his own father.....

[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:40 p.m.]

Rez floated over the lava pit when making a grin smile. "That wasn't as exciting as I imagined it to be." However in that instance, the lava splashed and Codey's body went flying through it when immediately Rez noticed Codey's rage in the face and then only felt a powerful smash into Rez's face.

As of the force, bursting around, Rez's body was stunned for a second, when Codey immediately spun on the spot, stretched his left leg and kicked Rez into the face, turning him around, when Codey immediately pointed both of his palms forward and unleashed a 'Wind Blast' that easily threw Rez backward and flung into the mountain when Codey breathed heavily.

".... Finally... I managed to get at least three hits in..." Codey spoke when looking at Rez who quickly stopped in the air and faced him, holding his chin, in surprise he was bleeding when Codey's eyes realized. ("Wait... T-that made him bleed? Then- If it did, this means that his skin can only protect him toward sharpness, but whenever it comes to physical hits, it will give away.") Codey believed while calming down his breathing. "For a punch, that dealt some damage, may I say." Spoke Rez when facing at Codey.

Right in that moment, Codey became stressed but he prepared his position. "But do tell me. How did you manage to survive the lava and not get hurt even a little?" Rez wondered while exchanging looks. "It's a skill, Aura Barrier... If I manage to control a greater amount of aura around myself, it'll work like a shielded barrier, protecting me from any upcoming damage. However, I avoid using it in battle as it eats my stamina too quickly." Codey explained, still breathing on the spot. "Is that correct? How fascinating... You haven't been slacking off on your training, I see. That's very good." Laughed Rez.

[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:41 p.m.]

Tim's body began to fall down as it was spinning, his eyes were closed once the mask completely shattered. "So that's it.... It didn't even last for 30 minutes... I've used that much Symbolism... Tsch... This is why I never rely on such filthy excuses of being a power." Tim immediately fixed his body while he was falling toward the lava pit. Tim's eyes returned to normal while his aura changed back to blue, he immediately disappeared once Yasuhiro got surprised.

Tim ran around the wall while trying to reach the top, and because of his speed that was too easy, when he immediately stomped the wall and launched out a blue fire which flashed around him and then sent him flying toward the other mountain, he quickly began to regain his height by jumping across the three buildings and due to such incredible speed of his 'Henshin', Yasuhiro and the others began to see multiple copies of his body. "W-what the hell! Which one is even the correct one?!" Yasuhiro's head was moving itself back and forward to hopefully find the correct copy. "I'll just destroy them all!" Yasuhiro raised his right arm high above his head while quickly casting a summoning skill. A powerful red bomb began to grow in size above his head while increasing in power. "I suppose I may as well eliminate the three of you together!" In the next few seconds the 'Demon Bomb' was created as it was much superior to Codey's. It casted a rounded shadow on the ground while both Tsuneo and Ayuka became surprised.

"Tim! You've gotta get out of there! If that bombs lands, an entire oblivion of this area will appear! Hurry up!" Shouted Ayuka, while her sweat vaporized due to the heat.

But right on that moment, Tim's body appeared at the bottom alongside his copies when his eyes became focused on one point.

"T-Tim, what the hell are you doing?!" Ayuka was looking down toward him at which point all of Tim's copies released out blue fire from their blades which were then absorbed into Tim's main sword and began to burn wildly. "Is he...? But can he even reflect back such a huge attack?"

Tim's eyes illuminated themselves when the pupil of his continued sharpened its sight, the wildfire awoke around him at which point his clothes and hair began to wave furiously. "Oh?! Do you really believe that you can do something about such an attack?! Hah, I'd like to see you try! You God Damn Moron!" But while Tim's copies disappeared and Yasuhiro believed that Tim was being stupid, Tim's pressure instantly raised to its max, exploding the rocky pillars around him into rubble at which point Yasuhiro's eyes glanced at a possible defeat. "You're more of a dumbass than I first thought." At once, Yasuhiro swung with his arm downward at which point the massive bomb immediately began to drop down onto Tim's body, shading his body. "I didn't know your friend was this crazy!" Tsuneo's eyes blinked twicely while he didn't really trust Tim.

The determined fire continued to light the area while Tim's eyes closed, he tensed his muscles in arms and moved his sword behind his back, supporting it with his chain, Tim stretched his right leg behind his back when immediately benting his left for support.

Tim's eyes were glancing at the opposite bomb which was flying down toward him, when the flames raged outwardly, his body was fully surrounded while the illuminated eyes sparked within the shadow of the bomb, the bomb was closing in and was surely to be hit at the ground, when Tim immediately slashed forward in an oblique pattern.

His arms and sword were slammed into the middle of the bomb when the heat coming from the Bomb continued to emit itself and causing Tim to sweat, at which point he put more pressure into his flames and even causing his hands to slowly begin and burn. The sword was releasing electrical sparks due to the activated bomb at which point his sleeves began burn and the fire was now beginning to melt his skin at which point Tim immediately began to lose his sturdiness and was being slide backward.

His illuminated eyes were being reflecting its illumination at which point the ground beneath him began to crack and shatter around.

"Damn that idiot! He's stuck down there and sure to be killed! He should've had just run!" Shouted Tsuneo while backing off, however Ayuka put her right hand onto her heart, giving an entrusting look. "Let's get out of here, Ayuka!"

But Ayuka tensed her muscle. "No..." That made Tsuneo stressed. "What do you mean?!"

"I trust him... He will be able to reflect that attack without a doubt. Everybody can see that his illuminated eyes don't tend to give up that easily. He'll fight to the very end to either reflect that attack or stop it..." Ayuka was very complexed with her usage of words at which Tsuneo became a bit upset. "You're really trying to get killed down here..." Sighed Tsuneo when exhaling. "But fine, if you plan on dying here, then I may consider it done as well." Tsuneo stepped to the edge and faced down at Tim with his crossed arms. "I know you don't know much about me, but... If you don't reflect that attack back, you can know that I will never forgive you for killing so many lives! Do you hear me, Shinkaku!!!" Tsuneo's voice spread through the air when Tim's eyes opened widely for an instant and then tightened. "Hah, I guess you aren't that bad of a kid at all." Tim sturdied his right foot on the floor while getting a full balance over his body at which point he pushed further and deeper into the bomb when a flame scorched his skin beneath his right eye at which point, he finally began to push the bomb back. ("But I'm not planning on dying! I've still got much to learn and I've still gotta support everyone I care about. If it means, helping them while I'm on the verge of death, I'll do just that... To define it... I don't plan on losing... Besides, this is for the humankind's survival!")

"Infernal..." The sword was shaking but then calmed itself down once Yasuhiro's eyes shook up and became terrified.

"Counter!" At once, Tim unleashed his Aura Pressure at which point it absorbed itself through the massive bomb and then spit out a wild burst of the Demon Bomb at which point, Yasuhiro froze on the spot. "Damn it! Damn it! What the hell?! I can't replensish the bombs energy! How did he manage to break it! Damn you! You hear me! You bastard! Our Lord will make you suck his nuts!" But right in that moment, the burning Demon Bomb caught Yasuhiro in it and his body was immediately getting vaporized at which point the Demon Bomb triggered and exploded into a shockwave which was sent througout the canyons of the Underworld and destroyed multiple mountain corners while spitting the hot lava around it, the wind surfed itself through the air, reaching Codey and Rez. once Tim's body felt kind of weak.

However, still holding his sword to show that he wasn't done fighting, his skin on both arms seemed to have been fully melted, and at once his aura disappeared at which point both Tsuneo and Ayuka showcased their stunning expressions once noticed Tim standing at the bottom of the distance while being wobbly. "O-only one remains..." And while Tim smiled, his body soon gave out and soon dropped toward the ground, however right on time, Ayuka appeared in front of him when catching him as his head leaned itself onto her chest when Tsuneo's eye flinched.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" Ayuka smiled while supporting his body before it would fall. Tim showed the weakened body, but smiled softly. "I'm fine, although, that really caused my Spiritual Symbolism to drop down to its minimum." Tim spoke, when he was helped to stand back up, right on the moment, Tsuneo appeared near them. "I can't believe it... You managed to actually reflect it..." Tsuneo spoke, amazed by what he has witnessed. "Huh? Y-yeah... As I said, I d-don't plan on giving up just to get killed in such a gruesome way... If I die, then my promise to protecting Ayuka, would fade away early..." While Tim spoke, Ayuka became embarrassed as usually. "Come on! You've gotta stop saying that!" But Tim just laughed while Tsuneo felt confused. "I told you! I'm serious! Hey!" Ayuka was yelling at Tim. "Yeah! All right! All right! I get it!"

("So that's it... That's the love that friends possess. No matter how difficult the event may end up, they always support each other and even if that means dying alongside them... Why was I never aware about that?") Tsuneo raised his palm and looked at it. ("But now.... I at least understand..." Claimed Tsuneo when smiling and hearing Ayuka's complains.

[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:42 p.m.]

Codey and Rez were both standing in the distance after seeing the distant event. "Did.... T-Tim do that? But-" Codey was frozen on the spot when he listened to his father. "That's very amusing... All of my Guard that had the title of being the 'Most Trusted' have been killed like a bunch of birds... Just what kind of people do I pick as my 'workers'..." Rez sighed at which point he was annoyed. "Codey!" Codey noticed that Tim, Ayuka and Tsuneo all came running from the distance and coming by. "Tim! Ayuka! Tsuneo! W-what happened?! All of you are so beat up, especially you Tim. What the hell happened to you?!" Codey asked while looking at Tim, whose arms were fully healed due to the 'Inner Fiend's Spirituality. "I suppose I just had some difficulties dealing with that guy. But don't only worry about me, look at you. Have you even managed to land a blow?" Tim asked while he was worried about him. "I-I did. But don't be so stupid to talk about this right now!" Codey yelled. "I mean-" But while Tim tried to say, he was interrupted by Rez's clapping, so everyone decided to look him in the eyes.

"Now that's something I love to call 'drama'. The members I have picked, they've all been defeated! I'm so amused by all the blood that they threw, and I would like to congratulate you for showing me just what you're capable off, I'm truly shocked, I can't believe those fools were defeated that easily, and you're all still fine, constantly seeking your revenge upon me. I underestimated you, so I would like to apologizing with a gift." To as much as Tim was confused, he became serious. "Oh? And how do you plan on doing that?" Tim asked, when seeing a grin on Rez's face.

"Like this..." In the instance, Rez disappeared and everybody soon became shocked, however they quickly faced the same spot.

Their eyes opened widely when Tim stood on the floor.

Rez was behind him while piercing Tim's heart with his bare arm, and Tim's eyes that were widely opened, they were dead fish, while his body continued to bleed. Everybody was caught in fear of frozen solitude, when Rez smiled and threw Tim's pierced body to the side. At last Tim's sword dropped on the floor at which point his Spiritual Symbolism was impossible to be felt, his clothes changed back to his daily clothes, once the sword changed back to normal and then shattered into particles.

Ayuka faced at Tim's dead fish eyes at which point her eyes widely opened and a loud cry of screaming pain was heard, as it echoed through the canyons.


To be continued...