298. The 'Curse' of the Restrained Awakening.

[Demon's War (Recovery of Allies): Arc 13]

Upon the Demon's Appearance, multiple soldiers have been killed and the God of Demons himself appeared out of nowhere and the humankind was in the verge of extinction.

However, the God of Demons himself dedicated his goal of stealing one's Spirituality and upon abuducting both, Tim and Ayuka, he then presumed hidden, but even so, Codey and his new found ally, Tsuneo, followed him and entered the 'Underworld' the world of where the Demons live.

To rescue Tim and Ayuka, they have then been blocked in their path by the group called as the 'Most Trusted' Guards and managed to successfully defeat each of them, but at last - After Tim and Codey met, Codey entrusted Tim to fight the final member and at successful rate defeated him, however as soon as they were about to congratulate... the unexpected happened...

"Oh? And how do you plan on doing that?"

"Like this."

In the instance, Rez disappeared and everybody soon became shocked, however they quickly faced the same spot.

Their eyes opened widely when Tim stood on the floor.

Rez was behind him while piercing Tim's heart with his bare arm, and Tim's eyes that were widely opened, they were dead fish, while his body continued to bleed. Everybody was caught in fear of frozen solitude, when Rez smiled and threw Tim's pierced body to the side. At last Tim's sword dropped on the floor at which point his Spiritual Symbolism was impossible to be felt, his clothes changed back to his daily clothes, once the sword changed back to normal and then shattered into particles.

Ayuka faced at Tim's dead fish eyes at which point her eyes opened even wider and a loud cry of screaming pain was heard, as it echoed through the canyons.


[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:43 p.m.]

Tim's dead body rested on the floor while his Ginken was nowhere to be seen. Codey and Tsuneo, their eyes were filled of frusturation and dismay.

Rez dropped his hand while releasing a soft aura that dispersed upon calm mind.

Instantanously, Ayuka dashed for Tim's thrown body while fell onto her knees and immediately opened her palm once trying to somehow heal the gruesome wound. "No, no, no! Hold on! Please! Come on, just breath!" Ayuka's eyes were heavily emotional, while the tears began to softly drop down her cheeks. "I know you can hear me! Tim, please! You have to wake up, please, you can't leave." As much as she tried... Ayuka was unable to heal his horrible wound, no matter how hard she tried. "This cannot be-" Ayuka tried to press her palm upon Tim's chest, however there was nothing she could do, the wound deep in the heart was unhealable. Ayuka quickly moved her pinch of the hair to the side when putting her lips upon Tim's own, grabbing his nose while commencing a resuscitation mouth-to-mouth. Her tears were then flowing down her neck and dripping down onto Tim's emotionless face. "Please... Tim...." However for as much as Ayuka tried, at the end her regeneration and resuscitation was ineffective, she gently moved her left hand behind Tim's head while grabbing his left arm in her soft and warm palm, twisting it.

"Why...? You've promised me that you wouldn't die... You even said... You even said that you won't allow it... So, why did you end up doing that? Please, I know you're still here, I know you can hear me... So, please... Just open them..." However Ayuka's expressed emotions were becoming deeper and heavier, her mind was unable to calm themselves, she was unable to let go, she was unable to wake him up, she was unable to heal, his heartbeat was fully gone at which she softly leaned her body onto him when moved her both arms beneath his waist, around near the shoulders and finished by leaning her warm chin onto his right shoulder, pressing his body up against her in a hug, when her eyes gave in and continued to loudly cry, as the tears gently splashed over the ground...

At the moment, while Codey saw such a devestating event, his heart beated louder for a second. "This cannot be true... Tim... What have you done? Y-you broke your own promise, to stay alive... W-why would you promise something of such a difficult task?" Codey's heart beated once again louder while his eyes reflected themselves in a shine.

He was seeing Ayuka, while she held Tim in her arms, devestated more than anyone else.


"Codey... Listen to me clearly... I'll devote myself to fighting Rez. The guy that's standing in front of us has much more stored power than we believe... I can tell, and I can assure you that you must go resolve this accident and kill their God of Demons.

"There's nothing I can do, I won't be able to defeat him by myself."

"Codey... I understand that you're afraid of your father's menacing Symbolism.... But fear is the last thing that should be occupied by your body... Spirit and Mind must be one. I can tell, your brains will see you through. You still have a powerful potential, and I'm afraid, that even with my help... I'd put you down a shell. We can't afford to lose both of our lives... And what you told me, about your father killing your mother.... I believe you still have that 'tense' hatred that is erupting from the flame inside your body... But if you don't teach him a lesson, that flame will soon burn out alongside your Spirituality.... I beg of you, fight Rez on your own and kill him... What he has done is unacceptable, and what he has created is a pure lie... I believe, with my help... That burning rage of the past won't be fully replenished by your sorrow fear, it must be done by your own power and your own intelligence... But keep in mind, by any chance, if I end up wounded extremely, you must not suffer the loss of focus and you must fight it...."

"... For as long as your Spirit counts as my friend, I won't be rested down so easily.... So, for the final time.... You - Yourself must kill the God of Demons, if that takes an immense toll onto your body, you fight it and push your limits, but never, never do give up like I almost did. Once I'm done with this vizard, I'll come after you and if needed, I will help you..."

"... But please... Don't you dare to die, not without giving him your true taste of power..."

"I will give him everything I got, if this means dying on the spot. Tim, promise me to stay safe and promise me to survive this lethal accident."

"I promise."}

"W-why did you tell me that...? D-did you know what would happen...? B-But even if so, how do you want me to restrain myself... H-How...?"

{"And what you told me, about your father killing your mother.... I believe you still have that 'tense' hatred that is erupting from the flame inside your body...}

"I-I think I understand..."


"I've told you to never let that foolish kid out of the home!"

"You don't even know how to take care of your own son! He's been inside of this stupid home ever since his birth! He must go out once in a while!"

"You know it yourself! How do you think he'll be able to do anything in future if he hasn't even seen what the World is like, are you ignorant?!"

"Don't try to act smart! That kid will burn in Hell as soon as he grows up! You understand that!"

"Do you understand what humanity is?! He was not born to be under your watch! He was born primarily as a human, that means himself must observe the World he lives in and see the light, I won't let you be so stricted about him and lock him up in the room all the time! You're the one who's meant for Hell, not him! If he intends to live in this world, then he may as well find some friends! Soon as this is over, we're leaving and just try to follow us!"

"You think there will be the next time?!"

"Let it happen! If you really believe killing me is the only option, then do it! I couldn't care less about your ignorant existence! But I tell you once again! Codey's my son as well and I'll let him do whatever I allow him! You may as well be known as a psychopath and doesn't deserve either a wife or his own son!"

Codey watched from behind the door.


"Codey! Please! You've got too run! Hurry!"

"M-mother, w-what's happening?"

"Don't give questions! Just go!"

"Aren't you the most annoying bitch! Don't worry, as soon as I'm clear of your life, that kid is next!"

Codey's heartbeat was beating rapidly.

"L-let her go.... Please.... You must let her go.... Please, let her go."

"Codey! S-stop! J-just leave t-this place! I beg you! This is not where you should stay, or you too will-"

But in the instance, Codey's eyes noticed a massive eruption of the blood as it splattered across the walls, causing his eyes to fell into the most heaviest shock, ever existing.}

"This world... It's cruel and it will always BE cruel..." Codey's hands began to change, as his skin began to harden.

Rez's expression turned into Codey's direction. "Tim... i-it was you who taught me how to be a human... All that happened in the past, it was you who I wanted to defeat, you put me on the verge of becoming better than you... B-But now... I-I understand, I will not be better, t-that's because I-I don't have the will to fight for as long as you. The moment I set foot in this world, I've already fell into terrification... You've allowed me to fight my own father, so that I would regain the revenge that I deserved... B-But... I-I'm sorry, how do you believe into me? How can you put me in a situation like this? How do you expect me to keep my anger?" Codey's body made a step when his body was purely soft while it began to release a black and red-ish aura, Codey's hair turned to pitch black when his veins almost began to pop out. "J-just how do you expect... How do you expect me to keep calm after seeing you get killed right in front of me?!" Codey's eyes lost their black iris once a devestating colour appeared.

The blood erupted from Codey's back when Ayuka and Tsuneo both looked at him, showing shock while Ayuka's tears continued to flow down.

"Ohohoh... Look at that. Somebody is planning a vengeance?" Laughed Rez, while turning his entire body to face Codey. At once, Codey's back grew black wings, once both of his eyes changed, his skin was greyed out at while his upper clothes got completely ripped apart, his trench coats bottom was still wavin, while his muscles tensed up just a little, while two horns appeared on the top of Codey.

"Ayuka..." In surprise, Ayuka's eyes of pure shock and sadness caused her to fear Codey, at which point she pulled Tim's body closer, standing on her knees. "Take Tim and go with Tsuneo... And get as far away as possible... Whenever I'm done here, I'll come to support you... We'll find a way out.. However, I must take responsibilities over Tim's death, I won't allow his killer to win, nor to escape... I'll slaughter him... I'll tear him apart... I'll even devour his body if necessary, but know this for sure. I won't let him accept what he has done, in fact... Regrets will be his last moments!" Codey shouted, and without words, Ayuka stood up when leaning Tim's body onto her back and immediately ran away.

"Everything is so cruel... C-Codey, please, at least you.... at least you must survive..." Ayuka spoke, while wiping her tears and was following Tsuneo.

But behind them in the distance, a 'Demonical' light, blew up in the air, around Codey's body when the air completely darkened and created an Underworld's 'storm', the area in the measures of his position was fully vaporized and destroyed, while Rez's grin awoke.

"Yes! Finally! Finally you'll prove me that you aren't a human!" The crazy laugh screamed over the air.

To be continued....