299. The 'Abyssal Demon'!

[Demon's War (Recovery of Allies): Arc 13]

Upon the Demon's Appearance, multiple soldiers have been killed and the God of Demons himself appeared out of nowhere and the humankind was in the verge of extinction.

However, the God of Demons himself dedicated his goal of stealing one's Spirituality and upon abuducting both, Tim and Ayuka, he then presumed hidden, but even so, Codey and his new found ally, Tsuneo, followed him and entered the 'Underworld' the world of where the Demons live.

To rescue Tim and Ayuka, they have then been blocked in their path by the group called as the 'Most Trusted' Guards and managed to successfully defeat each of them, but at last - After Tim and Codey met, Codey entrusted Tim to fight the final member and at successful rate defeated him, however as soon as they were about to congratulate... the unexpected happened...

"Take Tim and go with Tsuneo... And get as far away as possible... Whenever I'm done here, I'll come to support you... We'll find a way out.. However, I must take responsibilities over Tim's death, I won't allow his killer to win, nor to escape... I'll slaughter him... I'll tear him apart... I'll even devour his body if necessary, but know this for sure. I won't let him accept what he has done, in fact... Regrets will be his last moments!" Codey shouted, and without words, Ayuka stood up when leaning Tim's body onto her back and immediately ran away.

"Everything is so cruel... C-Codey, please, at least you.... at least you must survive..." Ayuka spoke, while wiping her tears and was following Tsuneo.

But behind them in the distance, a 'Demonical' light, blew up in the air, around Codey's body when the air completely darkened and created an Underworld's 'storm', the area in the measures of his position was fully vaporized and destroyed, while Rez's grin awoke.

"Yes! Finally! Finally you'll prove me that you aren't a human!" The crazy laugh screamed over the air.

[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:45 p.m.]

The right light finally dropped at its heavy shine, while Rez faced in front of him, seeing the new kind of 'body'.

"Prove you that I'm not a human?" Codey spoke at put Rez in surprise. "Maybe I don't have Human blood... But others see me as a human, not a filthy Demon. And to whichever case, I won't lose my humanity... I'll retrieve and I'll keep it hidden for the future. But if I must kill you using this, then I will." Without wasting time, Codey gently bent both of legs at which moment his body dashed forward and the floor behind him rose due to the force.

In surprise Rez noticed a palm in front of his face at which point he felt it grabbing, from that moment his body immediately went flying backward once Codey's wings strided the air and then simply slammed Rez's back of the head into the ground when dragging it across the floor, easily destroying Rez's hardening at which point, Codey immediately stomped on the floor with his right leg and slid over it when twisting his right ankle and spun on the place at which point he immediately sweeped with his right arm in a circle and threw Rez in the air with full force at which point he quickly aimed both of his horns at which point a red light continued to gather a tense energy at the middle of them, he leaned forward and unleashed a red Shodō which raged through the area even forcing the ground to collapse beneath him and forced his body to bounce in the air.

Rez quickly spun in the air after noticing Shodō and then quickly dragged out his sword and slashed from behind his back forward.

The heavy sword went slamming into the red Shodō but unlike any other Shodōs, this one was much more incredible and Rez could barely hold it back, but to break that, Codey instantly appeared above Rez's head, turned upside down when Codey stretched his right palm and unleashed another red Shodō from the tip of his palm which caught Rez in it and then went slamming at the floor, and right on the contact of touching the floor and a massive bomb occured when a red light began to spread in size and was seeable from the very distance, but it was as powerful as a nuke so the entire area of it was caught in the massive oblivion once the heavy wind even reached the the others who were inside of the Underworld.

Codey's wings flapped a few times at which point he flew in the air and faced down at the devestated floor, a massive crater appeared at which point Rez stood at the middle, with fully destroyed hardening. "That's more like it, my son! Your power is unimaginable! You can be the next Demon God! Just imagine the future and how many forces would be under your lead! Don't you want that?! You would be the 'king' of every Demon!" Rez laughed in a crazy expression. "I couldn't care less about that." Codey flew downward and put Rez in condition of seriousness.

When Codey came close by to Rez he instantly smashed with his right fist forward at which point Rez immediately dragged out his sword and made Codey punch in the metal, at which point the heavy sword crack at the middle and another shockwave flew through the area, the ground were cracked heavily deep at which point the lava prevailed underneath those cracks.

Due to Rez noticing the crack, he immediately pushed Codey back and triggered a blast of wind which easily pushed Codey back into the air and then spread his wings to stop, however, Rez flew after him making the crater even deeper at which point he appeared in front of Codey and slashed with his greatsword, but unlike Rez expected, Codey quickly used both of his arms and hardening to block the attack and then immediately vanished.

Due to Rez expecting him, he instantly slashed with his sword backward in a circular motion, however Codey was too quick and easily smashed Rez in the face, stunning him for a second when following up with a rounded kick into his opponent's stomach, sending Rez flying through the air at breakneck speed.

Codey hurried with his abilty to fly and unleashed a shockwave from behind his feet to which point he immediately caught up to Rez and raised both of his arms behind his head, when slamming them down at Rez's stomach, awakening the next impulse at which point Rez was blasted to the bottom of the ground, while getting dug through the top of it and to all the way to the bottom, however not much later, Rez exploded the ground, roared with a screeching shout and flew in the air, Codey's eyes tensed and both of them disappeared, once appeared in the air and swinging with their fists, beginning to make loud breaking noises through the sky.

Their signature aura lights were constantly shining throughout the 'Underworld's' weather while the walls around them were constantly shattering upong a single hit.

One of the walls shattered due to Codey getting hit into it and forced him to get stuck, however after breaking free, Codey pressed both of his feet into the wall and launched himself back at Rez who was flying in the middle.

The wall in which Codey was stuck was destroyed into rubble when he immediately bent his knee and kicked it forward, slamming Rez into the stomach and then quickly opening his palm and aiming it in front of Rez's face. Shodō was shot and pulled Rez with it into the distant mountain, which was pierced through by the beam. Codey immediately flew high up in the air and raised both of his arms high up in the air once creating a 'Demon Bomb' in less than 5 seconds.

He swung both of his arms and dropped the bomb which flew toward Rez who was just uncovered by the cloud of dust, after shaking his head he was stunned at the massive bomb heading into his direction, he immediately launched himself forward when sweeping with his blade, in no time the massive Demon Bomb exploded and unleashed a shockwave, however it was not the only thing to be destroyed, Rez's weapon was vaporized in it and was immediately shattered into particles at which point, Rez became surprised, instantly Codey appeared in front of him with a serious look, once grabbing Rez's face and began to squeeze it, while the final cracks of Rez's hardening began to drop.

It was heard that Rez was actually in pain and he barely had any energy to fight back. "How does it feel to be squeezed to death? I hope your death is much more terrible than Tim's. I'll tear every wormy genital that you have in the body, and then I'll slaughter you like a porkchop!" At his saying, Codey swung obliquely with his right arm when throwing Rez into the distance, managing to throw him through the entire moutain, once Rez quickly flipped through the air and slid backward on the floor when covering his face due to the wind that was blowing into his face. Codey appeared behind Rez once grabbed his right wing and began ti rip it out, immediately putting Rez in weakened state. "Damn you! L-let go of my wing! Let go you brat!!!" However, due to their wing being the weak spot, Codey was expressionless.

"Why should I let go of an idiot who killed two persons that I care about the most? Only torchering is a place at your life." Codey supported his left foot onto Rez's back when slowly pulling out the wing. "You bastard! You're a disgrace! You! You are mistake to have been born!" Yelled Rez while unable to do anything. "Tsch... If that's what you see me as, then so be it. But it won't change my mind, of ripping this ugly wing out!" With the final pull, the wing was ripped out when the blood erupted from Rez's back and his eyes shook in pain when Codey held the wing and then immediately melted it with the heat that his body was producing. "DAMN YOU!" Rez quickly swung back with his left arm and aimed at Codey's neck, however, even if he did, Codey caught Rez's wrist with his left arm and stood straight when beginning to squeeze Rez's wrist.

Rez opened his right palm when preparing a red Shodō. "You're going to regret making me pissed!" But before Rez could unleash that Shodō, Codey ripped out his left arm and forced the blood to erupt again, and then instantly kicked with his right leg, throwing Rez into the nearest wall, as a wide crack grew through the bottom of the mountain at the top and halved it in an instant.

Two parts of his body were completely ripped apart at which point, he yelled loudly with his eyes glowing. "You bastard!!" But right when Rez was about to unleash the Shodō with his free arm, he was caught in surprise when Codey appeared on the side of Rez and grabbed his other arm, in surprise Rez felt crack of his bones at which point Codey immediately ripped out the second arm and then unleashed a heavy explosion at which point, Rez was caught in it and his other wing was obliterated.

Codey looked at the ripped out arm and felt bored. "Such a disgusting arm, it's not even worth eating it." Codey then closed his eyes and threw it aside when turning around with a step and began walking toward Rez, who was standing on two legs, without four of his limbs, and his body was getting weaker and weaker, it was unable to regenerate. "I thought Demons could regenerate their limbs? So why won't you? Is it because your hardening is gone?" Codey wondered as he faced Rez. "Y-you bastard... I'll kill you! And then I'll kill everybody you love!" But right in that instant Codey appeared in front of Rez with a hop at which point he moved his right arm behind him, a boomerang went flying through the air and was then caught by Codey.

"Just shut up..." At last, Codey swung obliquely with his boomerang at which point it cut through Rez's face and chest at which point, Rez's body was caught and forced onto his knees. "H-how could y-you... Torcher y-your own father..." Spoke Rez with his voice weakened. "Y-you know I loved you..." And while Codey prepared to cut with his boomerang, his face immediately became surprised and before he could cut, he stopped and froze on the spot. "D-didn't you realize, all of that was to finally prove myself that y-you were stronger than me, that you could make friends and see the world..." While Codey's eyes were shaking, he bit his teeth. "Shut up..." But as he tried to cut, he just couldn't do it, he knew that the person he would kill is his father. "Just calm down... I'll let you live however you'd like." Rez was giving him a smile, after Codey called out. "Shut up! Just like you did in the past!!" Codey yelled while barely managing to move his boomerang. "All of that... It was the protect you... Don't you see, if you've been let out, you'd meet friends and then, if something happened to them, you would become emotional, just like today... So please, calm down." Smiled Rez, and at that point, Codey's arm continued to shake. "So please, move that weapon aside, and go live the life that you once needed." When Codey's eyes spoke so, his wings dispersed and his hardened skin completely cracked, his eyes returned to normal when he was weakened in his emotions.

"If I let you live... Do you promise that you'll leave Planet Earth and live down here without ever appearing again?" Codey asked, when Rez smiled. "Of course, I promise... Now go-" But right in that moment, while Codey backed away, Rez made a grin, when immediately leaped at Codey, and Codey's eyes shook when Rez unleashed a Shodō through his mouth and shot it when Codey immediately crossed his arms and was caught in it.

"How stupid can you be?! You really thought I would let you go! You're more stupid than I thought!" Rez laughed while he was going crazy. "Just because your friends promise you! I don't intend to keep my promises! Right now! I'll enjoy tearing you apart!" Laughed Rez, while unleashing a devestating aura.

Codey's eyes were closed when he stood up and his eyes were as dead as a fish. "... How pathetic ..." Codey spoke when Rez faced at him in a grin. "Well look at that. Even in your humanoid body, you're still alive after that attack?! What kind of a stupid kid did I made!" Laughed Rez, while standing up seriously.

But right in that instant, Codey's eyes became red when his hair and pants waved, instantly he outstretched his right arm when the boomerang flew back into his arm. "... You're the one who is stupid ..." Codey spoke, while his dead fish eyes continued to glance aat Rez and immediately, his own father fell into fear. "T-that a-aura, w-what? It... It can't be!" Rez's eyes were seeing Codey's dark aura, flowing around while at the same time, he only saw pitch black and red eyes, glowing behind Codey's back. "No! S-stay away! Stay back! Don't come any closer! Hey! Can you hear me! S-stay back!" Shouted Rez, while falling onto his bottom. However Codey was constantly walking slowly toward him. "You really thought I'd let you kill me in this kind of a stupid way? You've played with my emotional state too much already... In fact, ever since my birth, and now today, you've even killed one of my friends, and it was the one who I truly wanted to surpass him... But his death... His death will be the end of yours as well." The purple dust was constantly flowing over the ground, while Rez's eyes were shaking. "Y-you don't understand! G-go away! I- I was just doing that to protect you! Don't you know! T-that friend of yours had an 'Inner Fiend'! Don't you understand? M-my son, do you even hear me?!" However, for the first time it was unexpectable, the God of Demons was forced into fear, while Codey's dead eyes continued to glance. "Shut up..." Codey had now been standing right in front of Rez. "S-slow down! C-come on! We, we can talk this one out, and nobody here will get killed! Now! I promise, I truly promise that I'll leave your world and stay down here! I'll never show up again! Please, just stop! D-don't you see, I have barely any limbs!" However at once, Codey moved his boomerang behind his back, when swinging at Rez's neck. "WAIT! STOP! However. "Go die!" Codey's eyes widely opened at which point he heard Rez's fear and soon the his mother's boomerang that he held, went cutting through Rez's neck, and a purple wave exploded around the area like a tornado at which point, the walls shattered.

At once, Rez's body got teared apart and exploded into blood at which point Codey's right leg stood in front and his left back. The boomerang was stretched past his chest at which point Codey immediately stood still as the rubble scattered around and the lava bursted, forcing the lava to begin erupting from the ground, around him.

"Final Skill: Erupting Fury..."

To be continued...