300. The humankind's victory!

[Demon's War (Recovery of Allies): Arc 13]

Upon the Demon's Appearance, multiple soldiers have been killed and the God of Demons himself appeared out of nowhere and the humankind was in the verge of extinction.

However, the God of Demons himself dedicated his goal of stealing one's Spirituality and upon abuducting both, Tim and Ayuka, he then presumed hidden, but even so, Codey and his new found ally, Tsuneo, followed him and entered the 'Underworld' the world of where the Demons live.

To rescue Tim and Ayuka, they have then been blocked in their path by the group called as the 'Most Trusted' Guards and managed to successfully defeat each of them, but at last - After Tim and Codey met, Codey entrusted Tim to fight the final member and at successful rate defeated him, however as soon as they were about to congratulate... the unexpected happened...

But right in that instant, Codey's eyes became red when his hair and pants waved, instantly he outstretched his right arm when the boomerang flew back into his arm. "... You're the one who is stupid ..." Codey spoke, while his dead fish eyes continued to glance aat Rez and immediately, his own father fell into fear. "T-that a-aura, w-what? It... It can't be!" Rez's eyes were seeing Codey's dark aura, flowing around while at the same time, he only saw pitch black and red eyes, glowing behind Codey's back. "No! S-stay away! Stay back! Don't come any closer! Hey! Can you hear me! S-stay back!" Shouted Rez, while falling onto his bottom. However Codey was constantly walking slowly toward him. "You really thought I'd let you kill me in this kind of a stupid way? You've played with my emotional state too much already... In fact, ever since my birth, and now today, you've even killed one of my friends, and it was the one who I truly wanted to surpass him... But his death... His death will be the end of yours as well." The purple dust was constantly flowing over the ground, while Rez's eyes were shaking. "Y-you don't understand! G-go away! I- I was just doing that to protect you! Don't you know! T-that friend of yours had an 'Inner Fiend'! Don't you understand? M-my son, do you even hear me?!" However, for the first time it was unexpectable, the God of Demons was forced into fear, while Codey's dead eyes continued to glance. "Shut up..." Codey had now been standing right in front of Rez. "S-slow down! C-come on! We, we can talk this one out, and nobody here will get killed! Now! I promise, I truly promise that I'll leave your world and stay down here! I'll never show up again! Please, just stop! D-don't you see, I have barely any limbs!" However at once, Codey moved his boomerang behind his back, when swinging at Rez's neck. "WAIT! STOP! However. "Go die!" Codey's eyes widely opened at which point he heard Rez's fear and soon the his mother's boomerang that he held, went cutting through Rez's neck, and a purple wave exploded around the area like a tornado at which point, the walls shattered.

At once, Rez's body got teared apart and exploded into blood at which point Codey's right leg stood in front and his left back. The boomerang was stretched past his chest at which point Codey immediately stood still as the rubble scattered around and the lava bursted, forcing the lava to begin erupting from the ground, around him.

"Final Skill: Erupting Fury..."

[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:50 p.m.]

Far away in the distance, Ayuka and Tsuneo have witnessed the most brutal scene at which poing they were almost terrified. "Unbelivable... H-how much Spirituality does he possess?" Ayuka tensed her eyes while looking at the oblivion. "Being a Half-Demon, he possess both, Spiritual Duelist's Symbolism and Demonical one as well... So there is almost no limit to it." Ayuka claimed while seeing the purple 'energy' fade away. "Either way! We gotta hurry! I know where the exist should be! That's where me and Codey had entered!" Tsuneo called, while seeing that the entire Underworld was erupting lava. "And we gotta hurry! This Underworld is as long and gone! We have no more objections here, so let's hurry!" Tsuneo shouted after dashing for it. "W-wait! W-what about Codey?!" Ayuka asked, calmly. "If he managed to do that! He can get out himself as well!" Tsuneo spoke. "He did say that we should go far away, so hurry up and follow me!" Called Tsuneo, but as much as Ayuka tried to go back to help Codey, she listened to Codey's request.

[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:51 p.m.]

Codey stood in the middle of the erupting lava steams while seeing no more of his father's existence. "Mom... I did what you asked of me. I kept my promise, I killed him with your own weapon." Codey looked at his boomerang while turning around.

"I'm sorry Tim... I promised you to defeat him, and that's exactly what I did. Out of all people, you were the ones who I least wanted to see go and disappar from my life..." Codey looked at his aura. "But if necessary, I will hold your promise deep in my heart, you managed to protect Ayuka to the very end, and if that's what your main priority was... To keep your friends alive... Then I'll do just that. I'll keep Ayuka save until my very death, but know this, your death will never be forgotten by me." Codey turned around while he ran with his tears drowning.

[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:51 p.m.]

However, while Ayuka held Tim, her eyes noticed that Tim's body was disapparing in particles and she immediately stopped. "W-what is going on? T-Tim, h-hey...., you can't disappear! J-Jun, s-she can help you?" Ayuka gently dropped him on the floor when holding his arm, however while she was looking down at Tim's dead body, her hand soon phased through his body and at once, the blue particles scattered around when her eyes looked up and saw the blue particles slowly float high in the air and then slowly fade away.

"N-no... This is-" However, the sky soon was soon lighted up by the particles as they shined upon the sky, as they spread over the air and were then immediately noticed by Codey in the distance. He understood what it was and immediately closed his eyes, feeling proper emotional pain.

And there was no kind of his Spirituality, when his Spirit floated high up in the air, standing on the air, giving a precious smile, and slowly floated down when Ayuka's eyes shook for a little once Tim floated in front of her.

"Hey... I haven't seen you this upset before?" Tim reached for her left hand while she was worried. "Now, calm down. I understand you, but don't worry... You won't be forgotten by me, nor others, besides, remember, I gave you a promise, didn't I? I've told you that so many times, and I'm happy that I've acomplished it until the very end... Remember, I'll keep you protected even if I am far away from you, so please, don't forget that either." Tim gently fell into Ayuka's hug with his soft chin resting on her right shoulder. "Tim... W-why does this have to happen... You're too young to leave... Who will I have then too... Too-" However she couldn't speak it out. "There's still so much for you to learn, who you truly are and what your purpose is. You're young as well and there's still so much ahead of you, but this time, it's your turn to keep a promise. Promise me that you'll always remember what I've told you; Wherever I am, whatever I'm doing... I'll be there to protect you with my life, even if that means getting killed." Ayuka's eyes shook once she was frozen on the spot.

"Tim?" Codey was in the distance very beat up while he looked at Tim who gently let go of Ayuka. "Hey! Codey!" Tim smiled while facing at him. "I-I did what you asked of me." Codey spoke, when Tm gently stepped toward him. "I wasn't afraid one bit. I knew that you can do it and still have your own control... I'm just glad you didn't get anyone killed!" Tim smiled, gently. "B-but... I let him kill... You..." Codey spoke, while looking down at the floor. "Hey. Don't worry about it. Even I wouldn't be able to do much in that situation, so continue growing and continue learning." Tim prepared a fist bump, hovever Codey declined and made Tim confused. Without any regrets he immediately gave Tim a friendly hug, once Tim looked at him. "Just remember that you'll never be forgotten, all right." Codey spoke, once Tim remained happy. "Of course, I know." After returning Codey a hug, they let go in the next few seconds, when Tim faced at others. "Hey! Tsuneo! Try not to steal anymore pendants, all right!" Tim showed a thumbs up at which point Tsuneo became embarrassed. "I-Uh... Of course! I won't.. I'm sorry-" Tsuneo spoke. "Nah, don't worry about it." Tim gave a thumbs up when Tsuneo smiled and did the same. "Well... I better get going..." Tim slowly began to float in the air. "I'll see you from wherever I'll end up!" Tim raised his right arm while looking down at them. "Say 'hi' for me, to everyone else!" Tim smiled, and prepared to leave, however.

"Tim!" In surprise, he faced down at Ayuka who was embarrassed and looking up at him. "What you said. I promise you! I'll remember you for the very end! You can trust me! I promise!!" Ayuka shouted, once her tears sprinkled onto the floor, Tim gently leaned his head and smiled, once nodding and waving for the last time, while in that moment his Spirit disappeared into particles.

As much as Codey was upset, he noticed Ayuka. ("And even now, she still cannot confess...") Codey thought with a smile, once Ayuka stood up. "We gotta hurry and get out of here!" Codey shouted, and without wasting, everybody agreed.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - City Center - Friday,1:52 a.m.]

The portal that Zero was creating was at the very edge of 99%. "She's almost there!" Called Ume, while facing at her. "I hope everyone's all right, down there!" Called Midori, facing with a worry.

[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:52 p.m.]

"There it is! That is the entrance that me and Codey came from!" Tsuneo shouted, but what confused them was seeing the portal being made. "Somebody's already making the portal! Let's hurry up!" Codey added while all of them were followed by the Underworld's destruction, the lava was prevailing over while Codey stretched his arms. "Almost there! Almost!!" Shouted Codey at which point, the portal shined and immediately, they jumped through it when the Underworld behind them exploded into nothingness.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - City Center - Friday,1:52 a.m.]

"It's opened!" Called Zero, but right in that instant, Codey, Ayuka and Tsuneo came jumping through it when everybody became surprised, Zero's eyes got surprised. "Quick! Close the portal!" Shouted Codey when Zero immediately did as asked, at the end, there was only void that was left of the Underworld and others immediately faced. "You made it!" Shouted Midori while smiling. However, they seemed to have been rather upset. "W-wait, where's Tim?" Questioned Midori, concerned.

"He... He didn't - make it..." At that moment, everybody froze on the spot while feeling worried. "N-No...."

Zero seemed to have been a bit upset as well, but noticed her own daughter sitting on the floor while overwhelmingly depressed. Ayuka stood up, not saying any words. "But... How did he- Y'know, how did he 'disappear'?" Questioned Midori.

"I'll explain everything..." Codey sighed...

- At the end, the Humankind managed to flee off the Demons and finally defeat the God of Demons himself.

Multiple civilians have been killed, alongside Top Tier Duelists, the three Substitute-Duelists on Planet Earth, two of them have died while Kylin managed to survive in the nick of time, Saraki was the final Lieutenant left and was already being treated in the Guild's Hospital, while by the end the final Demons that roamed around the city have been killed and civilians managed to live another day and returned to their homes... But the victory didn't feel right... So many have died and even... Our Hero ended up disappearing, after a few weeks, everything began to return to normal and Ayuka was met in eyes with her mother.

Tsuneo and Ryoko were reunited while Codey and Kanji both felt upset...

The death of one Hero was their let down, and they couldn't stand it casually -

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Hill - Friday, 9:30 p.m.]

The bright stars shined upon the city and the forest, while Codey stood at the edge of the hill, watching the sky and the shining stars.

"Tim... I hope that we can meet again in the future... I'll miss you, and I'll keep you in my heart forever..." Codey noticed an illusion of Tim's smile which looked down upon him.

"Stay safe..."

To be continued...