301. The 'Chinese' Discovery! Sinuiyeong.

[The Eastern Duelists: Arc 14]

Two months have passed ever since Demon's roamed around the Innerlight City and Tim's existence was still completely gone.

[Planet Earth - Sinuiyeong - Sunday, 2:20 p.m.]

A girl was washing her hands and on the walls were different size katanas, a boy sat behind her.

"Huh, so you've come from the Tokyo City? That's admirable, must say your techniques are quite talented to their usage... What was your name again?" Wondered the girl after stopping the pipe from letting out water.

She looked into the mirror at which point her blue-ish hair reached all the way to her bottom, with her right side of the face, covered by them, her blue eyes reflected in the mirror.

"My name? It's Ken." Spoke the boy.

"Huh... Ken? That name sounds familiar..." Smiled the girl, appearing at the age of 17.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Guild (Storage Room), 2:30 p.m.]

"Codey... Here take this and take it to the Sinuiyeong, it's not too far from here. If they ask who you are, just tell them that I'm sending them this package." Claimed Zero, at which point she was in her human form. "I-I still can't believe that I'm actually helping somebody like you... B-but one more question. Shouldn't you return to wherever you come from?" Codey confusingly wondered, stressed. "It's better if I don't go there, now. Besides, Planet Earth is fine too." Smiled Zero when fixing her glasses and picking them in her hand. "You look kind of funny with those glasses..."

"Well, I have to wear them before people immediately know who I am... Besides, Ayuka still doesn't know who I truly am." Giggled Zero, looking at Codey. "But... Didn't she figure it out?" Wondered Codey, looking at Zero. "She did, but then I needed to erase her memories, before she'd figure it out who herself is... in fact, she's being busy right now, with.... Uh-"

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Guild (Library), 2:30 p.m.]

Ayuka reached up for the book while on the ladder. "Come on. I almpst have it!" Ayuka hoped to finally grab a specific book, but in that moment her ladder leaned back. "Oh no..." With a girly scream, Ayuka fell down from the book shelves when a 'tresk' was hard. "W-what's going on?!" Immediately, Kanji came running from the door and saw Ayuka on the floor, at which point she was scratching her hair. "Boy, that really hurt." But at raising her look, she noticed Kanji embarrassed and she soon realized that her 'underwear' beneath her skirt was seen. "D-don't look!" She immediately kneeled on the floor and covered it while embarrassed. "I'm not! Now please, what were you trying to do?!" Wondered Kanji, after seeing her be embarrassed.

"Reach for a book... What do you think?" She wondered while feeling uncomfortable. "You had the ladder put on incorrectly! That's why it let go and fell." Kanji claimed while feeling rather unamused. "W-well, s-sorry I never saw a library with this kind of ladder system!" While a sweat dripped down her forehead she became unamused. "Did I hear a girl's scream." Ellie immediately peeked from the door frame's corner. "Let me at her." However after Ellie smelled, Kanji kicked Ellie and knocked him through the balcony door, over the fence. "Haaaaaaaaa!" A splash of water was heard when Kanji had his arms crossed.

"At times like this, I just wish he'd never accepted to join the clan." But then Kanji faced back at Ayuka who stood up and fixed the ladder. "You can tell me that. He's been acting so weirdly lately..." Sighed Ayuka, finally climbing the ladder and taking the book. Kanji once again decided to face away and felt uncomfortable. ("Does she even realize that climbing up there makes a proper clearence of her underwear?") Kanji sighed while he spoke. "M-maybe he likes you." In that moment, Ayuka became surprised and once again fell back down. "Ayuka!" Shouted Kanji, quickly running toward her.

"Like me?! Are you crazy? That pervert can go die in a pitfall!" Ayuka annoyingly called, looking up at Kanji. "M-man, I didn't know you'd take that so seriously! Is it because you still have feelings for-" But before Kanji could speak out, Ayuka immediately pressed her palm up against his mouth. "Don't mention it again! You know what happened, and I'm trying to keep myself natural!" Ayuka called, when Kanji immediately nodded twice. "Mhrmmhrm! All right!" He finally managed to breathe again. "Besides, I told you to not remind me of that..." She crossed her arms and quickly faced away. "Y-yeah... I'm sorry. Anyway, the cafeteria has the lunch ready, so whenever you are ready, you can go eat. That's the only reason I came up here." Kanji explained, finally ignoring the fact of him being uncomfortable. "Y-yeah, all right... I'll come in a few minutes." Ayuka stepped toward the book registery and quickly registered her name for borrowing the book. "All right... Well, see you later." Kanji spoke, calm enough and exited the library.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - 2:34 p.m.]

Codey ventured out through the Innerlight City while checking his Zero Watch's map. "She said it's near the East of the City. Huh, but who am I supposed to give this package to... again?" Codey wondered while falling into mind.

{"Ask around for a girl named Lei Zhongying. She should be well known in that Chinese District."}

"Hm... Lei Zhongying? Chinese names are really confusing... I've never heard one." Codey sighed while facing around. "Hey! Codey! I see you're planning to go somewhere?" Giggled a girl. "Huh? Oh! Hey, what are you three doing here?" Codey came in contact with Tooru, Rachel and Chapple. "As always... We've been playing around the city... Anyway, we haven't been to the Guild, so how is Tim? I'm so close to asking him on a date!" Giggled Tooru while making fun. "Uhm! He-" Codey's eyes fell into sadness. "Huh? You don't seem very happy? Don't tell me that Tim got hurt!" Called Tooru, aggressively. "N-No, no worries. He's fine! Hehehe.... He's doing fine, but he 'told' me to leave him alone. So I really don't recommend visiting him!" Tooru and the others became confused. "W-well, that's something I wouldn't expect from him? He always loved company..." Rachel added, thinking. "W-well... E-everything comes alive at some point, so today was just that day, that he doesn't want any company... I'll tell you once he is free, but know this. He might actually be like that for quite some time..." ("If not for ever....") Codey fell in his mind. "Well! All right! So - What about you? Where are you going with that package?" Tooru asked, gigglish.

"Oh... Um... Lass. Miyuki sent me to Sinuiyeong. A Chinese District near the Innerlight City's outskirts." Codey smiled, while facing Tooru and the others. "Oh! Sinuiyeong! I've heard it's heavily populated by Chinese people - But I never managed to visit them, as I was too lazy. Either way, if that package is so important, then go on, we won't be bothering you anymore." Smiled Tooru, when letting Codey to pass. "Thank you." But as he left, Tooru immediately became serious. "Well, now let's go visit Tim!" In surprise, Rachel and Chapple looked at her. "B-But didn't you hear, what he said? He told us that Tim doesn't want company. So I feel like we should leave him for a while... There were many deaths at the last attack of the Demons." Chapple added. "Ah! Come on! Do you really think that he would intend to avoid people's company! Nah, let's just go visit him and if he'll say that he doesn't want to be bothered, then we'll leave.." Tooru began to walk forward with loud steps like a soldier. "Man, she just doesn't understand a single thing..." Rachel sighed, but followed her.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - 3:00 p.m.]

Kanji and the rest were gathered in the cafeteria, sitting in the middle of the students, while enjoying their lunch. "Y'know. This food became so much better ever since Lass. Zero came!" Giggled Ume while taking a sip into the spaghetti. "Yeah, I'm surprised she managed to hire so many great cooks. Her arrival really did put the Guild at a better spot." Kanji added, smiling. "Right, Kylin?" Wondered Kanji, giving a look. "Yes. I can't decline, this food is really delicious." Smiled Kylin while noticing Ayuka, barely able to eat. "Hey, Ayuka." With a quick disturbance, Ayuka raised her head and looked at Kylin. "Don't you plan on eating? Didn't you hear, the food is really delicious." Explained Kylin, looking at her. "Uh... Y-yeah! Of course, you don't need to worry, I just prefer to eat it slower." Upon her saying, Ayuka uncomfortable giggled and looked at her fork. "She's still been so upset about last month's event. I wish that she'd get better, soon." Added Midori, while taking the sip of spaghetti. "Yeah... I understand her emotions... She didn't only lose a close friend to her, she event lost a boy she loved..." Claimed Ume.

"Hey! I heard that!" Ayuka shouted, when everybody became surprised. "S-sorry! It was just the thought it came to my mind!" Ume waved with both of her hands. "But you weren't the only one who lost a close friend..." Ume was remembering Kaori who died due to the Overflow of the blood. "We've all lost somebody we cared about... Just look at Sakami. Her too is barely able to focus on eating, and she ends up losing a childhood friend." Kanji claimed, looking at Sakami who was hiding her emotions. "Yeah, and Ryoko almost lost her brother..." But when Midori said that, she faced at Ryoko and Tsuneo, who joined into the 1st year of the Dueling Classes.

"At least they made so many friends among the students, and now they at least have a place to sleep again." Smiled Kanji, looking at them with happiness. "Can't believe they were both outplayed by the one person that took care of them... And to realize that she worked under Demon God's commands... it's pathetic. I wish they could at least have some kind of proper parents." Ume twisted her spoon, looking behind them, but it looked that both, Ryoko and Tsuneo were having fun among the students, chatting.

[Planet Earth - Sinuiyeong - Sunday, 4:30 p.m.]

Codey was walking through the massive mountains, at which the top was covered by gentle mist. "Chinese Territories are so much different than I've expected... But they are so beautiful." Codey claimed once seagulls flew from the sea in the distance, he noticed a giant chinese district, with red buildings and chinese towers, extending around, and the district was filled with people.

Once Codey came to the district's entrance, he noticed two guards, standing on each corner of the wooden bridge. "U-um excuse me. I have't a package for Lei Zhongying, do you by any chance know where she lives in this district?" Codey wondered, while scratching the back of his hair. "Package? By who?" Wondered one of the guards. "Erm... Lass. Zero..." He was a bit worried that he said something wrong. "Oh? So you come from Innerlight City, correct?" Questioned the guard. "Y-yes..."

"Understandable... Lass. Lei Zhongying is straight from this bridge, walk up the 'siheyuan's stairs and you will come to a 'bridge' leading over to the other side of the 'siheyuan'. The third staircase up" Codey was a bit confused. "Siheyuan? That's what you call the buildings?" Codey looked a bit concerned. "Yes, correct."

"S-so, what about when I cross the 'siheyuan's bridge?" He faced at the other guard while confused. "Go up the stairs on the opposite side and knock on the door. She should be at home, right now." Both of the guards were quite serious. "Uh, all right. Thank you." Codey walked over the bridge once he looked to the right side, seeing a smaller waterfall, flowing down into a river which connected to the outer sea. "Whoa... The sea is so humongous, much larger than the one near Tokyo City." He noticed chinese boats, alongside 'sampans'. There were smaller rocks among the sea and the blue sky was much more fresh than the one in Innerlight City.

"So beautiful... Even though it took me 2 hours to come here, it was worth the view." Codey now came across the middle staircase, that lead to the other 'street'. He stepped past it, while passing so many people. ("It doesn't have to be huge, people here must have such a beautiful time, the mountains, the fresh air, the view over the ocean, the back streets and so many paths that lead to the paths through the large mountains.

"People are a bit differently dressed as well..." Codey walked up the stairs and circled to the top, when coming to the roofed bridge, with red fences and looked over the fences to see the great view of the district. He then reached the second stairs and walked up to the top, coming in front of another 'siheyuan'. He knocked on the door once he waited.

A girl walked from the room, with her showering towel around her and head once walking toward the door. "Coming!" Her voice was very beautiful and soft when the door opened. Codey immediately gulped as he was afraid, but he soon came in contact with a girl. "Oh. Hello, who may you be?" Wondered the girl.

"I-I... I... I-um.... I'm Katorishi Codey from the Innerlight City's Guild, sent to you by Lass. Zero. I have a package." He showed the package and felt embarrassed. "Of course, come on in, just wait for me to get dressed in the living room." Smiled the girl and stepped behind the corner. Codey was standing and didn't know what to do. "Go on, you may sit down." Without wasting any more time, Codey sat down like a robot and waited for the girl to get dressed in the opposite room.

("This is her? I thought she would be much older...") Codey blinked twice while facing through the window.

To be continued...