303. The 'Bond' among the three!

[The Eastern Duelists: Arc 14]

Year 2020, the Innerlight City was attacked by the Demon species, the humanity was on the verge of extinction, humanity was put at risk of losing multiple lives upon the moment the God of Demons appeared out of nowhere.

Duelists in condition to survive needed to sacrifice many lives to fight the ongoing threat, and as much as many lives were lost, the humanity successfully fled the Demons away.

In the Underworld, after two of the Duelists were abducted, Katorishi Codey and Sasaki Tsuneo ventured into the Abyssal Domain, at which point their paths were blocked by the Demon's God 'Most Trusted' guards.

To reach the God of Demons and rescue their allies, Codey and Tsuneo were in absolute need of fighting, however by the end they've prevailed.

Tim, one of the allies abducted managed to escape with his ally, Kirashito Ayuka while in the the next hour himself have met up with Codey, and just as they were about to reach the ever-lasting God, their path was once again blocked by the 'higher tier' Guard.

Due to short time to escape, Tim and Codey both split and fought their enemies and just when Tim successfully defeated his opponent, he breached through the 'Domain' and came across Codey who had been struggling to fight his own father... The Demon God.

And due to their stressed existence, the God of Demons successfully pierced Tim's heart, with bare hand. Because of such unacceptable action, Codey's 'Abyssal Rage' awoke and had overcame the limits of a Half-Demon.

After ordering his allies to take Tim to a safe place as far as possible, Codey fought against the God of Demons and managed to finally put an end to this disaster.

Upon Demon God's defeat, the humankind fell into victory, however, their victory was unimaginable, as many of the Duelist lives, have faded away...

[Planet Earth - Sinuiyeong - Tuesday, 2:00 p.m.]

After two day passed, Codey was back at workout while Lei once again sat on his back, and soon, the door opened. "Hey! Lei! I'm here." Codey and Lei turned to face at the door once Lei closed the book, however once the boy stepped in, he became quite a bit uncomfortable. "Well, hello there. You've showed up? Good that you've come." Lei's expression was soft and calm. But Codey, who faced at the boy's face, he conceringly received memories of Tim, the boy that stood in front of him, was very similar to Tim.

"Um... Who's-" But right in that instant, Codey jumped up and Lei's body went flying through the room. "Waaaaaah!" She fell near the bucket when a book slapped itself onto her face, she quickly dragged it away. "T-Tim! W-what the hell happened to you?!" Codey continued to move Ken's body part. "Hey! W-what are you talking about?! Who even are you?!" It was Ken when he was embarrassed after being touched. "Are you actually, back?!" Codey faced directly into Ken's face at which point he saw blue eyes twitching. "T-Tim? Excuse me... My name is Okuda Ken. I don't know who you're talking about, but I definetly am not whoever you see me as." Ken grabbed Codey's face and pulled him to the side.

"B-but-" But right while he believed that it was Tim, Codey faced on the floor where Lei sat and immediately became terrified. "I'm terribly sorry! Please! Don't punish me!" Codey was constantly bowing before her, once Lei stood up.

However, instantly, Lei began to tickle him, while his laughs were constantly heard. "How does it feel! Nobody allowed you to knock me over!" Codey was barely able to stand. "I! Ahahaha! I! I'm sorry! Ahahahaha!" Codey's eyes were sheding tears at which Ken felt a bit confused. "I'll be good! I promise! Just please, I beg of you to stop tickling me!" And at last, he was finally freed of the punishment.

"Anyway... I believe you've misjudged him. He's just another Duelist that is in control of Spirituality." Smiled Lei, introducing Ken when grabbing his hand and immediately caused him to become embarrassed. "Huh? What? You never mentioned that you had been training another Duelist." Codey blinked for a few times, while confused. "It's because he isn't here everyday like you. He also merely just began his training, actual on the same day as you." Lei helped Codey to stand up while he looked at Ken distracted. "But he's almost identical to a friend, I once knew." Codey confirmed while he noticed at the similarly shaped hair, but darker colors.

"I see... Anyway... I'm sorry for jumping at you like a dog... I'm Katorishi Codey." Codey reached with his right hand forward, once Ken smiled. "Don't worry. Everybody misjudges somebody over the looks. Nice to meet you, Katorishi Codey." The two of them shook hands. ("But, seriously. He almost represents Tim.") Codey took a sigh and accepted his hand shake.

"Anyway. If you won't mind, Ken will join you at your training." Lei smiled while explaining the situation. "Uh... Yeah, sure... But may I ask of you something..." Lei quickly faced at him, once her hair wobbled. "Yeah... Of course, what is it?"

"Why was I sent here? Are you even a Half-Demon?" Codey wondered while Lei's left eye flinched. "No. But I train in 'Essence' remember. I'm not the same type as you, however I know the important details about your training sessions. I've had many other Duelists training in the similar stages as yourself." After Lei declared words, Codey became confused. "But... How? You're 17..."

"I am. But I've been training other duelists from the age of 14." Both Ken and Codey instantly fell on the floor when a 'tresk' was heard. Lei gave them a confused blink after seeing them on the floor. "At the age of 14?! How are you so smart already?!" Both of the boys on the floor questioned. "I've been taught in younger years. I don't like to call myself 'smart'. I just know the main details about 'Demons' and 'Spirituality'. Is there something wrong about it?" But both of the boys denied. "N-no... We're just both equally surprised, that at such a young age, you're considered as a 'master'." Lei became unamused upon Ken's words. "'Master'? That sounds vaguely dirty... Either way are you two planning on slacking off, or will you go begin working out again?" Both of them confirmed and quickly listened to the commands that Lei ordered.

[Planet Earth - Sinuiyeong - Tuesday, 2:10 p.m.]

"Are you kidding us? You're using both of us as a 'chair table' to freaking read that book?" Ken wondered, looking up behind him. Lei sat on Codey's back while had her legs stretched onto Ken's own. "And why do I get the heavier part?! Your damn ass is heavy! You're pressing all of your heaviness onto my middle spine!" Codey shouted. "Did you call me heavy?" She looked down at her once closing the book. "N-No! I said you're very light and have a great taste of train-" However, not long after, Codey was beginning to get tickled once again. "Come on! Ahahaha! I was! Ahahaha! Joking!!!" Ken sat down when he noticed Lei's head turn into his direction. "I'm working!" He continued to do pushups again.

[Planet Earth - Sinuiyeong - Tuesday, 3:20 p.m.]

Codey and Ken were being stepped onto their feet while doing situps. "This is concering? Why do you have to make any type of contact with us?!" Questioned Codey, raising his head. "That way, it's more fun, for me at least." She spoke.

"Seriously? You see this as fun?!" Both of them asked while constantly leaning back and forward. "Yep. And it will be for as long as you two do as I say." She winked when both of them became embarrassed. ".... Look, I'm not a guy that likes girls that way... But I gotta admit it... For somebody who looks at girls, she's kind of cute..." Claimed Codey, Ken blinked several times. "E-excuse me?!"

"Did I hear you two talking about me?" Lei looked down upon them. "N-No! I promise! Just don't-" However, too late, Codey was once again getting tickled and laughed, but they seemed to have been having a fun time at times.

[Planet Earth - Sinuiyeong - Restaurant - Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.]

Codey and Ken were sitting in a restaurant at which point they were quickly eating the chinese food, payed by Lei. "I can't believe she payed for so much food! She must be rich!" Called Codey while falling in love with the food. "I know right! And she doesn't have any objections either!" Ken took a sip of the hotpot while slurping the sauce. "Yeah! I feel like I never had such an amazing taste in my mouth!" Codey called, and while Lei read her book, she raised her eye with a smile after seeing both of them bonding in friendship.

"I know right!"

[Planet Earth - Sinuiyeong - Bedroom - Tuesday, 8:00 p.m.]

Codey and Ken were preparing their bed to sleep, when Lei entered. "I've brought you some new blankets! They are warm, so hurry up and don't get cold!" She once again made a precious smile while both of them grabbed the blankets. "Thank you so much!" She looked at her hands, when blinking with her eyes. "H-Hey! You stole one of my own!" She called, checking her hands. "Uh! S-sorry!" But as they were afraid, at last both of them were tickled.

"We said we're sorry! Didn't we?!"

[Planet Earth - Sinuiyeong - Living Room - Tuesday, 9:00 p.m.]

Lei was washing her face once grabbing a bottle and drinking it. Because of Codey's and Ken's curiosity, they were looking over her behind the door, when she moved her eye with unamusement. "So, how long do you plan on staring at me?" Instantly the door shut and both of them jumped on their blankets, on the floor.

She smiled and walked into her own bedroom.

[Planet Earth - Sinuiyeong - Living Room - Wednesday, 10:00 a.m.]

As the night passed, Codey woke up to a smell of delicious food. "W-whoa, w-where did this come from?" Codey sat up and grabbed the paper, reading it.

"Good morning! Whenever you wake up, make sure to feel your tummies... Bon appetit!" Codey looked at the tray. "She made this for us?" He looked at Ken and gently shook him. "Hey. Ken, wake up. We have room service." Ken became confused when he stood up, sleepy. "What do you mean?" He faced to the side and immediately noticed the tray. "I think it was made by Lei." Codey explained, showing Ken the paper. "Really?" Ken as well faced at the paper and read it. "You're right..."

"Well then, bon appetit."

[Planet Earth - Sinuiyeong - Living Room - Wednesday, 10:25 a.m.]

Both Codey and Ken stepped from their room after sliding the door and faced at the table to where they noticed Lei, sitting and preparing some sort of a lantern. "Um, morning." Once the two boys said so, Lei looked at them with a precious smile. "Oh! Good morning! I hope you rested well! You're going to need it, anyway." They both became unamused. "Y-yeah, we'll get ourselves ready for the training-" However, they were interrupted. "Training? You won't be training today. We'll only go visiting the 'Yangcho' Hill. You two are free for today." But both of the boys froze. "W-what, did you really just say that?" Ken wondered. "Yes! Trust me 'Yangcho' Kill is absolutely beautiful. You'll have the day of your life!" Both of the boys looked at each other and smiled.

"All right! We'll get ready! And thank you for the morning service!" Codey smiled. "Of course! You're welcome and no need to rush, you two can sit back and relax, if you want, you can even go check our district, you might find something you like, and by any chance, if you wish to buy something, I've left you some of the money in that pouch." Both of them were confused but glad.

"Thank you so much!"

To be continued...