304. The 'Eastern Duelists' Gang?

[The Eastern Duelists: Arc 14]

Year 2020, the Innerlight City was attacked by the Demon species, the humanity was on the verge of extinction, humanity was put at risk of losing multiple lives upon the moment the God of Demons appeared out of nowhere.

Duelists in condition to survive needed to sacrifice many lives to fight the ongoing threat, and as much as many lives were lost, the humanity successfully fled the Demons away.

In the Underworld, after two of the Duelists were abducted, Katorishi Codey and Sasaki Tsuneo ventured into the Abyssal Domain, at which point their paths were blocked by the Demon's God 'Most Trusted' guards.

To reach the God of Demons and rescue their allies, Codey and Tsuneo were in absolute need of fighting, however by the end they've prevailed.

Tim, one of the allies abducted managed to escape with his ally, Kirashito Ayuka while in the the next hour himself have met up with Codey, and just as they were about to reach the ever-lasting God, their path was once again blocked by the 'higher tier' Guard.

Due to short time to escape, Tim and Codey both split and fought their enemies and just when Tim successfully defeated his opponent, he breached through the 'Domain' and came across Codey who had been struggling to fight his own father... The Demon God.

And due to their stressed existence, the God of Demons successfully pierced Tim's heart, with bare hand. Because of such unacceptable action, Codey's 'Abyssal Rage' awoke and had overcame the limits of a Half-Demon.

After ordering his allies to take Tim to a safe place as far as possible, Codey fought against the God of Demons and managed to finally put an end to this disaster.

Upon Demon God's defeat, the humankind fell into victory, however, their victory was unimaginable, as many of the Duelist lives, have faded away...

[Planet Earth - Sinuiyeong - Wednesday, 10:50 a.m.]

Ken and Codey were venturing around 'Sinuiyeong' and meet many new people, apart from meeting, both of them managed to visit a massage. "Boy. He might be a boy, but must I say is he incredible at doing a massage." Codey was enjoying his time while Ken agreed. "For sure..." Even Ken seemed to have been getting a massage.

[Planet Earth - Sinuiyeong - Wednesday, 11:00 a.m.]

Codey was standing in the Sinuiyeong's market area and was reading the boards. "Boy, they sure have a lot too read, wouldn't you agree?" However, right upon Codey faced behind his back, he instantly became unamused, after seeing Ken surrounded by dogs that were wandering around. "Who's a good puppy? Who? You? Yes you are!" Ken pet the dog behind its ears while he was licked into face. "He's got fun time around animals, must I say." Codey faced back at the board while opening a newspaper. "Huh, a boy was found around 'Sinuiyeong's district? But why would they put it in a newspaper?" Codey gently dropped the newspaper but never noticed the second page. "Hey, Ken! Let's go grab some lemonade!" Ken stood up straight after leaving the dog to wander off. "Right behind you." The two of them walked through the Sinuiyeong while finally paying for the lemonade and sat back.

[Planet Earth - Sinuiyeong - Ocean Docks - Wednesday, 11:10 a.m.]

The two of them were smelling flowers from a man which was selling them. "Where do they find so many fresh and nice flowers?" Codey wondered, as he had his palm leaned onto his chin. "Oh, they are all over the 'Mountain Sides and Mountain Peeks'. They aren't rare but barely anyone is able to reach them, since they must climb extremely high to even get one. And for girls, these type of flowers are the most bought." Explained Ken, pointing his palm at a specific flower type. "Huh... How come you know that much and you've visited Lei on the same time as I did?" Codey wondered, facing at him. "Oh, I managed to ask some people around 'Sinuiyeong'. And that's all I did." Explained Ken, quite friendly in fact.

[Planet Earth - Sinuiyeong - Wednesday, 11:30 a.m.]

While Codey and Ken returned back to the roads, Codey once again noticed some kind of 'ad' over the newspaper at which point he immediately fell into curiosity and bought it, just so he could read it. "Have you found anything in that newspaper that interests you?" But right in the moment, Codey exchanged the newspaper into Ken's palm. "I suppose... It just resembles some kind of a 'gang' that lurks around the Mountains. I'm not really sure but I think these people have some hatred toward them-" Ken listed through the newspaper and hoped to find some usefull information. "Yeah, it does look like that... But, there's barely any information about them." Ken turned the page and continued doing so to hopefully find something.

"That's why us three will go and find them..." A feminine voice sounded aloud, while the two boys turned around and faced at Lei who just stepped behind them. "Lei? W-what do you mean by that?" Ken wondered, while giving the newspaper to Lei. "The 'gang' you see on that newspaper has been endangering people ever since their first appearance, which was only a few weeks back. For now, they don't have an official name, but we do call them 'The Easter Duelists' since they were seen to have been having 'Ginkens'. Last time, there was around four of them, but lately their number has been increasing and we still haven't managed to scope them out." Explained Lei, once being dressed into her kimono. "W-what? So you're telling us that they've been lurking around for thus long, and they still haven't been scoped out? That's rather worrying... Do we really not have any kind of information, for at least some 'scouts' that people might of have took on?" Codey added.

"Well. Not exactly, we're guaranteed that they're in the 'Hamyong Canyon', that's at least what a hiking group came across. They believed that was their hideout, at the top of the canyons and through it. The small 'cabins' are held by wooden platforms and are connected through the entire canyoy by wooden bridges. What's surprising, is that they've managed to build that 'giant' hideout rather quickly." Explained Lei, while showing a photo on her phone. ("Huh... China District also has phones... That's unexpected...") Thought Codey, even if it was not important. ("Well it is, 2020...") But upon thinking, he looked at the built hideout.

"You know. If you ask me, this doesn't look like a hideout to me, if a hiking group found it, it's almost embarrassing..." Codey sighed. "Potentially. Yes. But don't worry, it may be that they aren't even trying to hide their existence. 'The Eastern Duelists' have been putting people on the most 'dangerous' events, such as forcing them to work under their command and use our money to be at their service, and if by any chance the people would not pay them, they threaten to kill their families and people, and even if that doesn't work, they will punish whoever disobeys their orders by killing them without regrets... This is why most of the people have been lately keeping a rather 'low' profile. It's just the fear that puts them at such case." Lei smiled, while moving her phone aside. "Huh? Even so, I thought people were rather happy once I entered your district." Because Codey was heavily confused, he was in automatic need to scratch his head.

"Same for me. I thought they were quite proud..." After Ken added, Lei quickly refered to a new sentence.

"I know I've promised you to go visit 'Yangcho Hill'. But now that you've seen the problematic, would you consider of joining me to hopefully prevent this shady 'gang'?" Questioned Lei, while a bit embarrassed. "Of course we will. We won't just let these people get 'abused' by losing their families and fortune. It's unacceptable. If people receive that money by their own hard-work, they shouldn't lose it. And children among the adults still need food and this kind of sources... Besides, if this keeps on going, at one point the families and people won't have anything to buy food with, nor to make it." Codey added, feeling very annoyed about their disgusting 'actions'.

"That's what I like to hear from you. Very well then, if you won't mind we should get going." Right upon Lei's smile, both of the boys agreed. "I'm worried that this 'gang' might at one point achieve victory..."Ken believed while trying to think of the best solution. "But, would you kindly lead us to the 'Hamyong Canyon'? We, sadly don't have much knowledge about where it is..." Ken embarrassingly spoke.

"Yes, of course, just follow me."

[Planet Earth - Hamyong Canyon - Wednesday, 12:00 p.m.]

Codey, Ken and Lei were already decently high up on the canyon's path, looking down at the bottom. "Man, that's deeper than I imagined..." At the gulp, Codey stepped up the wooden stairs. "It reaches around 14000 feet deep." Explained Lei while walking from around the corner. "That's almost as deep as the 'Yarlung Zango Grand Canyon' in Tibet." Codey gulped while looking down at the clouds. "How do you know that information, even? I never even heard of 'Yarlung Zangbo'?" Ken wondered, embarrassed. "I just do a lot of digging over the internet. I am interested, all right." Codey unamusingly added. "Yes, it's quite close to that size."

"You know. I won't even ask about 'Canyons'. However, can I ask about something else - Why the hell did people make the wooden boards so small, I can barely stand on it in the right position." But a few of the birds few from above them. "I agree. We must be at the bare middle to even manage and see the canyon's bottom." Codey added while looking to the wall. "We're at around 6000 feet mark, but not to worry. The hideout that we're looking for is still higher up, so we must continue using these wooden staricases and bridges to reach it. But be patient, because we might need to do this 'raid' at night. That way not so many guards will be alarmed." Explained Lei, while smiling. "Oooh! Ninja style!" Codey giggled while making a grin. "We have to assassinate as many of them as possible. So remember, this will be a part of your training. We won't just work on your 'Techniques', and also a proper way to assassinate, that's what most of us in China have been taught. Either way, if there are any sorts of 'prisoners' we must save them, prepare to learn stealthiness." Codey and Ken nodded while the three of them continued to move through the canyon.

[Planet Earth - Hamyong Mountain - Wednesday, 4:00 p.m.]

At once, Codey, Ken and Lei have all reached the entrance to the main 'hideout'. "You know... This canyon lead to a full on fledged mountain? Didn't expect that to see." But right in that moment, upon Codey's saying, Lei crouched. "Hurry, get down." Without wasting time, both of them did the same when they began to see multiple people on their guard duty. "A 'gang' and they have an entire guard army..." Ken looked around to see the surroundings. "We'll encounter many more of them along the way, for until we don't reach the bare middle." From rather 'energetic' emotion, Lei quickly changed into full calm and seriousness. "About these people? Do they only steal money for their own life, or why do they do it?" Ken questioned, giving a severe look toward Lei. "We can't imagine much, and we don't have the correct answer either... But we do know it must end... Ever since the Demon's number dropped down, more villanous people began appearing... It could potentially mean, that many more people increased their confidence... Speaking about the 'Demon God's' defeat. I've heard some rumors about the event. Was it back then when your friend died?" Lei questioned and Codey became a bit surprised after looking into his palm.

"Y-yeah... I just hate it. If I just moved a little, I still had a chance to save him... But n-no... My fear just absorbed my mind into stress, and all I could do was watch, sitting another friend crying out... Damn it, if I just moved!" Codey immediately tensed a fist while shaking, but was sonn grabbed by the right shoulder.

"I know it's a heavy responsibility that you see it as. However, he did not die in vain. Nor just that, many other people would fall under fear in that event, even I might of had... But the life will always be cruel, for as long as you have one... Now, try not to think about it too much, or that'll play with your mind and cause you to lose focus on our 'mission'. All right?" While Codey felt embarrassed, he nodded and became confident.

"Yeah, you're right."

To be continued...