305. I can 'feel' his Spirit.

[The Eastern Duelists: Arc 14]

Year 2020, the Innerlight City was attacked by the Demon species, the humanity was on the verge of extinction, humanity was put at risk of losing multiple lives upon the moment the God of Demons appeared out of nowhere.

Duelists in condition to survive needed to sacrifice many lives to fight the ongoing threat, and as much as many lives were lost, the humanity successfully fled the Demons away.

In the Underworld, after two of the Duelists were abducted, Katorishi Codey and Sasaki Tsuneo ventured into the Abyssal Domain, at which point their paths were blocked by the Demon's God 'Most Trusted' guards.

To reach the God of Demons and rescue their allies, Codey and Tsuneo were in absolute need of fighting, however by the end they've prevailed.

Tim, one of the allies abducted managed to escape with his ally, Kirashito Ayuka while in the the next hour himself have met up with Codey, and just as they were about to reach the ever-lasting God, their path was once again blocked by the 'higher tier' Guard.

Due to short time to escape, Tim and Codey both split and fought their enemies and just when Tim successfully defeated his opponent, he breached through the 'Domain' and came across Codey who had been struggling to fight his own father... The Demon God.

And due to their stressed existence, the God of Demons successfully pierced Tim's heart, with bare hand. Because of such unacceptable action, Codey's 'Abyssal Rage' awoke and had overcame the limits of a Half-Demon.

After ordering his allies to take Tim to a safe place as far as possible, Codey fought against the God of Demons and managed to finally put an end to this disaster.

Upon Demon God's defeat, the humankind fell into victory, however, their victory was unimaginable, as many of the Duelist lives, have faded away...

[Planet Earth - Hamyong Mountain - Wednesday, 9:30 p.m.]

The night had already fell upon the 'Hamyong Mountain' at which point, Codey camped near a wooden bridge with Lei and Ken, however both of the boys were listening to a flute that was played by Lei.

"Didn't know she was able to play a flute." Codey was a bit relaxed while listening to the music, once the final few notes were being played. "Yeah... No kidding... I'm surprised that these people can't hear it, we aren't that far from them..." Claimed Ken, while leaned onto his knees. "Yeah... I'm surprised that they don't... But I believe that we should relax while it lasts. Besides, we still have another 30 minutes before we'll begin the 'mission'." Codey smiled, while a fresh wind blew past them, gently refreshing their warmth.

"You're right...." Ken yawned but was patient. "... Times like this... I just wish that Tim was here... He'd finally feel relaxed, and so would myself..." Codey fixed his hair to the side while Lei dropped down her flute after the final notes were finished.

"You know. Maybe your friend isn't 'really' gone... Try to have some hopes... And if he truly is gone, then maybe you should keep his tradition going. Just like a traditional music that flows through the sky." Smiled Lei, once dropping the flute to the side. "Thank you for trying to calm me down... But, I've seen him disappear with my very own eyes... So there's nothing for us to do..." But right in that moment, Lei clapped, both of them faced at her.

"All right, you can show up now." Codey and Ken both looked up at the top of the mountain when a shadow dropped down from the top of the mountain, and landed in front of them at which point black clothes rippled alongside white hair.

"Huh. I didn't know you had such feelings for me..." Once the body straightened up, the blue eyes reflected in the fire, once a smile was shown.

Codey's eyes widely opened once a familiar face reflected itself within Codey's eyes. "It.... N-No... W-wait... It... Is this - No? But- Bu- H-how? How are you... - Tim?!" In the immediatey surprise, Ken felt confused, once Lei smiled.

"Huh, long time no see, I'd say." Tim raised his right hand once Codey couldn't hold it back, he immediately jumped into Tim's arms and immediately hugged him once the tears began to flow down his eyes.

"Are you actually, real?! Please, don't say that you're an illusion!" But Tim was a bit embarrassed. "I-Uh... If I was an illusion, would I have a physical body?" Tim wondered while seeing Codey backing away. "I don't understand! I saw you get killed! And I saw your Spirit! H-how are you alive?!" Questioned Codey, shocked.

Tim faced down at Lei once he spoke. "It's all thanks to her... She's a 'Grand Master' of the 'Draught'. She managed to 'resurrect' my Spirit." Explained Tim, putting his right hand on his hip. "I'm not a 'Grand Master'. I've already told you. I'm just a human like the rest of you. And it's not called 'resurrection', or it kind of is. It's just a 'Spiritual Meditation' that requires a 'Resurrection Statue', it requires for me to meditate with calm mind and calm body. So, in other words, you may as well 'name' it a resurrection. However, in medititation you must share your own Aura through the statue at which you are able to cast a spell... It's rather 'difficult' for you to understand, since you don't have proper knowledge about 'Spirituality' yet, see." In that moment Lei reached with her hand to her hair and swiped it to the side at which point, Ken and Codey became surprised.

"Your other eye? It's.... It's 'yellow'?" Questioned Ken, confused. "Correct. This is the result after using 'Spiritual Meditation'. By sharing your own soul to a hollowed 'spirit', there are always circumstances. We'll call it as a 'Spiritual Connection', it requires some kind of 'Spiritual Object' such as this one." Lei showed a ring on her right hand while Tim felt unamused. "S-so, w-what does it do?" Wondered Codey, still shocked. "It keeps the Spirit, but if in any chance, this ring is destroyed or held in the wrong hands, the Spirit will die." Explained Lei, once the gentle wind covered her right eye again.

"So that means..." Codey and Ken looked at her. "Correct. For as long as I maintain this 'ring', Tim will stay alive, meaning, if he lives for another 80 years without this ring breaking, he'll die like a normal human, and once that happens, the ring will shatter into particles, similar to Ginkens which get erased from the world upon their wielder's death." After explanation, Lei grabbed the ring and threw it into Tim's palm, once he caught it. "And as you can see, since his 'Spirituality' is connected to this ring, it will read the holder's body and if it's either me or Tim, it'll be active, however if by any chance it would of have been grabbed by either of the two, the ring would immediately shatter. This is why only us two are allowed to hold it in their palm." Explained Lei, while closing her eyes with a smile.

"You didn't need to throw me this thing, to show it off. You know that I hate being put under other's responsibility." Tim claimed, throwing her the ring back in the hand. "As always..." She put the ring back on her finger, once Codey dared to ask. "D-Does this still make him a human?" Questioned Codey, worried that there would be some problems. "Don't worry. He's counted as a human, not a Spirit. He already told you - If he were a Spirit, you would be unable to touch him... This means, his Humanity lies in this single, tiny ring..." Explained Lei, once leaning her right arm onto her knee.

"B-But, how long was he like this?! How long have you two know each other?" Codey questioned, annoyed a little. "3 weeks since that. I believe this was another reason why Zero decided to sent you here, because she knows everything that's happening around the World, even if she is in the 'Holy Archon' or not." Spoke Lei, looking at Codey, who had been kneeling on the floor. "I-I just can't believe that it's really you... It's almost unbelivable." Codey spoke, smiling once raising his look.

"I did say I won't allow myself to die." However as soon as Tim spoke, Lei leaned her head back and looked up. "Even thought you 'technically' did die and was then needed to be 'resurrected' by me. Keep that in mind!" But Tim immediately became unamused. "Come on... Nobody asked you to do it. Besides, I feel like a dog that being's responsible by their 'master'. Seriously, that ring reminds me of a dog's collar...." Tim had his arms crossed once he faced at the distance. "So, if he is alive, does that mean that his Ginken is back too?" Wondered Ken, sitting while looking at Lei. "Go ahead." Without wasting time, Tim summoned his Ginken as it was as good as new. "Yup... 'Nensho' is as the same as before." Tim smiled, while looking at his sword which was then put on his back and tied by cloth.

"So... his 'life' has returned, because of you? I'm so thankful for doing that... B-but why have you chose him to be resurrected? Isn't it like a one time thing?" Codey questioned once he felt embarrassed. "It was pure my knowledge. If it weren't for him and his friends, alongside you... Then this World would never be the same again... You've been doing an amazing job of protecting it. So my decision was simple. Besides, I've been waiting for the right opportunity to finally cast it, trust me. Holding it for a longer makes people annoyed." Lei explained.

"But... You still are so young? I'd never expect that somebody of this age would be able to cast such a heavy spell." Claimed Codey, surprised at what Lei was capable. "It's actually necessary for the 'summoner' to be the same age, it shares one's own Spirituality with an isolated Spirit, meaning that if somebody of the older age or even younger, would make the 'resurrected human' an abnormal, due to this strict rule, there's barely ever a casted Spell involving that. So that's another reason why not all of the Humans would be able to do resurrect their own lover, friend, or even a companion. And alongside the strict rule, they would need to know how to cast such a spell, and as you mentioned earlier, it can only be done once in a human's life. So I just dedicated my 'Share of Spirit' to Tim, so that he is able to live another day, alongside his friends."

"I'm really thankfull for doing it. But I really feel like it was unnecessary... Out of all the people, you've chose me... I understand that myself and others managed to keep this 'World' at somewhat peace, but I just don't feel like I deserved that, besides. I've been doing it to keep Humanity alive for future centuries." Tim explained, calmly. "Stop. You know it yourself. Wouldn't you do the same if I was in your spot and you were in my?" At that, Tim became unsure. "I would... You're right... But anyway. I didn't thought I would need to stay hidden for this long, just so that I would come here for the raid." Tim was unamused. "Hey. I may resurrected you, but this doesn't mean you must have peace, there's still a lot of work that you and your friends will have to do. So don't get your hopes up!"

"You know I didn't mean it in that way!" Tim complained.

"Wait. Now I'm curious." Everybody looked at Codey. "Great, what do you have on your mind now? I hope it's not something dumb." Tim faced down at him. "Now that he has been resurrected and had a 'Share of Spirituality'... Does that mean that..."

"He can still have children?" Everybody froze on the spot. "Excuse me! Where did that come from?!" Tim asked uncomfortably. "Uh... I was just wonder, because there's somebody who has much deeper feelings about you." Codey giggled.

Tim looked at him with a sincerely confused look.

"What do you mean by that?" Tim blinked with a few times, when Lei fell into a quiet laugh. "Hey! It's not funny!" Tim shouted, while embarrassed. "For me it is, but to answer your question... Yes he can." Tim immediately hung down his arms.

"Come on... This is what I get upon meeting with him?"

To be continued...