306. The 'assassinating' team's procedure.

[The Eastern Duelists: Arc 14]

Year 2020, the Innerlight City was attacked by the Demon species, the humanity was on the verge of extinction, humanity was put at risk of losing multiple lives upon the moment the God of Demons appeared out of nowhere.

Duelists in condition to survive needed to sacrifice many lives to fight the ongoing threat, and as much as many lives were lost, the humanity successfully fled the Demons away.

In the Underworld, after two of the Duelists were abducted, Katorishi Codey and Sasaki Tsuneo ventured into the Abyssal Domain, at which point their paths were blocked by the Demon's God 'Most Trusted' guards.

To reach the God of Demons and rescue their allies, Codey and Tsuneo were in absolute need of fighting, however by the end they've prevailed.

Tim, one of the allies abducted managed to escape with his ally, Kirashito Ayuka while in the the next hour himself have met up with Codey, and just as they were about to reach the ever-lasting God, their path was once again blocked by the 'higher tier' Guard.

Due to short time to escape, Tim and Codey both split and fought their enemies and just when Tim successfully defeated his opponent, he breached through the 'Domain' and came across Codey who had been struggling to fight his own father... The Demon God.

And due to their stressed existence, the God of Demons successfully pierced Tim's heart, with bare hand. Because of such unacceptable action, Codey's 'Abyssal Rage' awoke and had overcame the limits of a Half-Demon.

After ordering his allies to take Tim to a safe place as far as possible, Codey fought against the God of Demons and managed to finally put an end to this disaster.

Upon Demon God's defeat, the humankind fell into victory, however, their victory was unimaginable, as many of the Duelist lives, have faded away...

[Planet Earth - Hamyong Mountain - Wednesday, 10:00 p.m.]

At the glance upon the nightly village, to infiltrate the 'Eastern Duelist's' base, the preparation was on its way.

"So... To successfully eliminate this organization we have to assassinate most of them? Well, that is at least how it sounded to me." Ken gazed over the fence upon seeing quite a fewer number of enemies.

"In my opinion, we should just assassinate the ones who're blocking the main corridors and/or entrances." Lei reached for her robe and fixed it due to the tougher wind.

"... Assassinate them? But a tiny mistake could end up alarming an entire 'Gang' onto us. So are we really willing to do that?" Wondered Codey at times that he was quite worried.

"That's why this involves your training. It won't just improve your 'Technique' it'll also improve your combat abilities while your 'stealthiness' too." Calmly explained Lei while looking down at the guardings.

"Not just that. Tim, remember what I've taught you.. Try to use your 'Spiritual Sight' and try to reveal the enemies that roam behind buildings or mountains. That will put us in the advantage." Tim looked at Lei at which point he was a bit surprised.

"You'd like me to try it? But, if this 'gang' is that dangerous, I don't believe that I'm yet ready to use it..." Tim could not worry less about his abilities. "Huh? 'Spiritual Sight'? What is that anyway?" Both Ken and Codey were a bit confused about the newly told 'technique'. "Remember the 'circumstances' that might occur upon another's Spirit resurrection?" Codey understood. "Right... The eye?" Confirmed Codey once seeing how Lei pointed at her covered eye. "Those also occur on the 'resurrected' Spirit." Explained Lei, sliding her hair aside. "So, if that's true? Why doesn't Tim have identical 'circumstance' like you?" Codey questioned at which point he looked at him.

"On a Spirit, that's just as an addition... I don't have it, because it's not activated... But, if I do... Then it'll appear." Tim explained while Codey and Ken felt unamused.

"Oh... I think I understand a little... So because you were in 'resurrector' your body has fallen into a necessary change, specifically your eye. But due to the Spirit receiving such 'gift', this means they are able to activate it on and off? Like a light switch. As for the 'resurrector' in this case, you. You're stuck with one eye different for as long as you live." Codey smiled coming with an interest expression. "You're not wrong. In return, only I, who resurrected him had fallen at risk... Luckily the consequences weren't lethal, so I managed to survive." Explained Lei, while Ken became surprised.

"You really put your life on the line just to save him? Those are some brave confidences..." Claimed Ken, reassuring the situation. "Yes... But now, no more time wasting. Tim do it. If by any chance you fail... Then I'll do it myself." Explained Lei, smiling. "Uh... Right." Tim faced at the mountain village and immediately his left side of the hair wave upon his left eye changing to yellow.

He fell into a 'Spiritual Sight' while sensing and seeing the body temperatures of the people around.

"Whoa... That's kind of neat." Codey giggled while Tim's face was a bit tired.

"... There's still around nine guards of total ... I'm surprised so many of them have been allowed to rest." Tim's left eye was a bit hurtful while it quickly changed to normal. "I see... You're still not fully operative to use this technique." Claimed Lei, while being calm. "What are you talking about? I've managed to see them! Didn't I? I can do it again if you want me." And as soon as he was stubborn about it, his eye changed back to yellow when immediately Lei swung her hand and slapped Tim in the face, once both Codey and Ken became surprised and Tim's left eye changed back to blue. "W-what was that for?!" Codey surprisingly asked from his reaction, Tim's face was rather annoyed, when he grabbed his cheek. "You're not ready. Understand that. I asked of you to do it once and I quickly understood that you weren't capable of using it, so if I tell you that you aren't 'prepared'. Don't try to show it again, until I say so. That's of course if you don't intend to lose your vision." She claimed, being rather disappointed.

Tim dropped his hand. "Fine... Whatever... But I don't understand why would I not be ready. I managed to see them, wasn't that your request?" Tim questioned, annoyed. "You did see them, but at what cost? Your eye pushed an immediate pain on your face. Besides, you've only managed to spot nine out of fourteen." She claimed once a yellow glow shined through her right side of the hair, and in return she was perfectly fine unlike Tim. "So... Fourteen? That's quite a few when we look at it that way." Sighed Ken, once he made a step to the side.

"Yes... But now, we should continue and reach their 'gang leader'. If we manage to assassinate him, or at least 'scare' him, we won't have any further problems, understand?" She faced at the three boys while Codey felt rather confused. "She's much more 'tense' when on a mission." Codey blinked twice upon hearing Ken's wording. "Yeah, tell me about it." Tim on the other hand seemed to have been ignoring the fact and had his arms crossed.

"We should get going before we're too late, be as quiet as possible while moving across the wood or rocks." Ken and Codey both managed to agree at which point Lei leaped into the shadows, followed by Codey and Ken, lastly Tim.

[Planet Earth - Hamyong Mountain - Wednesday, 10:07 p.m.]

The guards were moving across the village's wooden floor while trying to keep a very close eye on any intruders.

And while the two guards walked under a bridge, four shadows dashed over when a guard look up. "Hey. What the hell are you staring at?" The guard besides him wondered while quite confused. "I thought I heard something..."

"Oh, don't be dumb. We're almost impossible to find, even if we would be found, all who come around here are stupid hikers, we don't need to mess around, we shouldn't be needing to mess around with this heavy duty, it's a waste of our sleep." The two guards stepped back forward, once shadows continued to move over their heads through the village.

Lei slid right at the edge before falling and crouched, once Codey and Ken stopped behind her.

By using her 'Spiritual Sight' she tracked the position of the guards that were around the main area. "Think you can count them down? How many?" Ken quietly asked, looking around. "In this area there's only four. We should be fine if we use the upper bridge." But right while she was making a plan, Tim sprinted and jumped across the gap of a guard's head, once landing on the brick roof and sliding on it, crouching.

Because of the gentle wind, the guard felt a bit suspect. "Dude, what the hell man?" Codey quietly questioned, hidden at the top, while looking over to him. "What? I just jumped..." Tim quietly spoke when he moved to the edge of the roof and peeked over. "That was not our plan..." Sighed Codey, staying hidden. "This way we'll get there quicker."

"Yeah, but it will also put us at a higher risk of being spotted." Sighed Codey, grabbing the hold of his forehead. "Then we'll just try harder to not get spotted." And at last, Codey, Ken and Lei all jumped on different roofs, while luckily never managed to get spotted. "So... Now what?" Codey wondered, quite harassive. "The entrance to the main 'park' is right through that frame. We should be able to use the roofs to get deeper in." Explained Lei while trying to see the guard's path. "So. Do we just go for it? If we waste time, we're bound to get spotted once." And while Ken questioned, Lei agreed.

The four of them skipped a few jumps while landing together on the top of the frame, but instantly. "Hey... Quick, hurry. This way, a guard is coming up here." Lei leaped over the the side of where a roof was once the three continued to follow and peeked from the roof.

The guard stood still and watched over the frame.

"Great. He's blocking the only path we have, without dropping down..." Sighed Codey, annoyed. But right in that moment the guard yawned. "Every night and ever day, it's the same. Can we not even get some rest..." But right on that moment, once the guard seemed to have been bored and lazy, Lei vaulted over the edge and dropped down once catching the guard behind the neck and his mouth, at which point she twisted his neck and broke it, killing him in the instant. "W-what the hell?! That looked brutal! Are you sure that this is even our place to be? Aren't we supposed to be the good guys?" Wondered Codey, giving a concerned look into Tim's direction.

"Aren't they our enemies? If we have to play dirty, then that's what we'll do... In fact, they've been killing people ever since their existence." Upon saying so, Tim noticed that Lei showed them to drop down. "Let's get going." Tim was the first to drop down and was then followed by Codey and Ken.

[Planet Earth - Hamyong Mountain - Wednesday, 10:12 p.m.]

The four shadows landed on the top of the wooden bridge that connected the buildings and then crouched stealthly, seeing a few of the guards standing down around the fire. "These must be the five that are guarding the middle, so how do we plan on going through them without getting spotted?" Ken questioned, swiping a look on the side. "Let me deal with this... I'll go down and act like I got lost, while they try to take me into imprisonment, I'll give you a sign, that's when you three will drop down on the remaining guards and assassinate them. I'll deal with the two guards who'll take me in. Don't worry, I can handle the two of them, piece of cake." Lei covered her right eye with her hair once the others agreed. "All right, got it."

[Planet Earth - Hamyong Mountain - Wednesday, 10:14 p.m.]

Lei walked beneath the bridge and entered the 'park'. "Hey! Stop right there! What are you doing there?!" Questioned a guard, once the rest immediately faced at her and pointed their spears. "Um, excuse me, I apologize, but I was passing through the mountains and stumbled upon this little village. I thought I could ask your help for some rest. I've been walking for a few days." She spoke, acting tired.

"She must not be from around here... Should we take her in and gift her to our boss? She would be a fine toy to play around with him...?" Questioned the guard while whispering so that she could not hear. "I think if we give her as a gift to him, we'll be promoted easily. Not everyone has the chance of seeing such a pretty young girl, she's a rare, so I believe we should." At last the guards agreed with each other, when the two of them stepped. "Alright, we'll gladly help." Smiled a guard, grabbing her right shoulder while the other one her left. "Uh, where are we going?" Questioned Lei, looking at them, acting confused. "Don't worry. We'll bring you to our boss, he'll 'help' you with a room." While the two guards smiled, they passed aside the rest when Lei gave back a half look and nodded, seriously.

"That's our hint, let's go." Codey spoke, and without wasting time, the three of them vaulted down upon the three standing guards while Tim grabbed the guards neck, Codey grabbed the guards neck and Ken grabbed the guard's neck, once they immediately in sync twisted their necks, and the two guards holding Lei faced back. "Hey! What the hell!" The man shouted. "Damn you, bitch!" The guard prepared to stab Lei with his speed, howver she immediately bent her right knee and kicked the guard's back muscle of the leg, forcing him to fall on his back and immediately smashed the fallen guard in the face with her foot, when immediately noticing the second guard and grabbed the other guard's arm, twsiting his arm and then immediately kneeled the guard in the stomach, stunning him when she immediately strike the guard's neck with an opened palm, dropping him down.

"... Didn't know these people were such perverts. Anyway, let's hurry up and reach the boss." Commanded Lei.

"Wow, I didn't know she had well trained 'martial arts'...." Claimed Codey, surprised.

"Let's hurry up..." Tim spoke and all of them dashed through the building in front of them prepared to face additional five guards that were put on duty on the interior.

To be continued...