307. Assembling 'Duelists' of the Hamyong!

[The Eastern Duelists: Arc 14]

Year 2020, the Innerlight City was attacked by the Demon species, the humanity was on the verge of extinction, humanity was put at risk of losing multiple lives upon the moment the God of Demons appeared out of nowhere.

Duelists in condition to survive needed to sacrifice many lives to fight the ongoing threat, and as much as many lives were lost, the humanity successfully fled the Demons away.

In the Underworld, after two of the Duelists were abducted, Katorishi Codey and Sasaki Tsuneo ventured into the Abyssal Domain, at which point their paths were blocked by the Demon's God 'Most Trusted' guards.

To reach the God of Demons and rescue their allies, Codey and Tsuneo were in absolute need of fighting, however by the end they've prevailed.

Tim, one of the allies abducted managed to escape with his ally, Kirashito Ayuka while in the the next hour himself have met up with Codey, and just as they were about to reach the ever-lasting God, their path was once again blocked by the 'higher tier' Guard.

Due to short time to escape, Tim and Codey both split and fought their enemies and just when Tim successfully defeated his opponent, he breached through the 'Domain' and came across Codey who had been struggling to fight his own father... The Demon God.

And due to their stressed existence, the God of Demons successfully pierced Tim's heart, with bare hand. Because of such unacceptable action, Codey's 'Abyssal Rage' awoke and had overcame the limits of a Half-Demon.

After ordering his allies to take Tim to a safe place as far as possible, Codey fought against the God of Demons and managed to finally put an end to this disaster.

Upon Demon God's defeat, the humankind fell into victory, however, their victory was unimaginable, as many of the Duelist lives, have faded away...

[Planet Earth - Hamyong Mountain - Wednesday, 10:17 p.m.]

Four of of Heroes were planning their next position, and upon that thought, each of them were cut in a corner, only one way to go.

"These corners of these corridors are so thin, we can barely manage to seek our enemies, nor can we hide much if somebody spots us." At Codey's whispering, Lei sneakily looked with her eyes behind the corner with her hair softing in a gentle wind which was passing through the opened door in the distance and freed windows.

"There's supposed to be more guards, but I only manage to see two. It's either they aren't on duty anymore, or that we've somehow miscounted. But if that were to be the case, I'd easily manage to shake off their Spirituality..." Claimed Lei, wondering at the guards position. "You are able to sense mere humans?" Ken wondered, calmly. "Every human has a Soul and every living Soul has their Spirituality, meaning that, yes I can." Explained Lei, calmly while the four of them quickly skipped an opened corridor.

"Hey, did you hear that?" A guard faced behind at which point his spear slowly prepared. "Yeah... I definitely heard something, we should go see if there are any intruders..." The two guards confirmed their position and passively walked through the hallway, holding their spears aimed ahead, but once they came from the corner, there was no sign of anybody.

"Was it just a mistake?" However, both guards were kind of confused while at the same time concerned about the situation. "It was probably our faulted thinking..." At right on the verge of finding their enemies, the two have gave up and turned back to their guard duty, at which point Lei dropped behind them and immediately alarmed them. "Hey! You, stop right there-" But on the moment, Lei immediately opened her palm once pressing it onto the guard's stomach and unleashed a powerful wind burst, causing the guard to lose his spear and getting knocked backward, right on the same phase, Lei noticed the spear stabbing toward her at which point she quickly turned her body sideways and slid her left palm under the spear and then quickly pulling it backward, at which she stepped with her right leg behind her left and then immediately spun on the spot and swung with her spear into the guard's helmet, quickly sensing another danger coming from behind her, but right on the moment she once again turned around after saw a flying spear.

She hurried along by stomping the ground and then kicked upward and throwing the spear at the ceiling at which point she then immediately circled on the ground and stretched her right leg and then immediately summoned a heavy gust which she manipulated and blew it through the thin corridor. "W-what the hell is that?!" But right on the third guard's saying, the gust pressed up against his chest and sent him flying backward at which point his body got stunned in the wall.

"I got you now!" The guard that Lei struck in the helmet now quickly prepared the next hit, however upon catching the spear that she kicked, Lei quickly slipped it behind and struck a blow into the guard's armor and then instantly leaned the spear forward and struck the guard in the chin with the spear's back part.

Upon stunning him for additional seconds, she quickly spun on the spot and immediately slammed her palm on his stomach and then instantly unleashed the next gust of wind at which point it forced the guard to be thrown through the corridor and slammed at the wall, causing the guard to fall on another.

At last, the gentle gust that she released disappeared and upon doing so, she immediately positioned her body still and straight, when the three boys dropped down behind her.

"How does this got anything to do with our 'training' if you're doing all the dirty work?" While Codey was rather annoyed to him not doing anything. Lei turned around. "This is the test. It involves sensing guards while at the same time staying hidden." Explained Lei, once she put her hands near her hips.

"Sure... I guess that works out. But truly, it feels we're kind of useless..." Codey claimed, holding his waist. "It may feel 'useless' to you, but I promise you the end results won't be as 'useless'. Now, we shall carry on. I knew something wasn't right about these guard's number. At first I thought there were in total of two guards in this area, but I've misjudged their position. We've managed to get rid of another three, but we still do have a few more to go, if not around couple." Explained Lei, once walking past them. "Guess you're right... Although, I must say... She fights somewhat differently than the 'Duelists' near the Japanese Districts..." Explained Ken, rather amused by the ongoing 'challenge'. "Chinese people and Japanese people have each got different style of Martial Arts, even Weapon Arts, just because they're fighting differently, this doesn't make them weaker than us... As you saw, she managed to handle those pity guards all by herself, even if she was caught off guard just by a little." Tim scratched the side of his head when resting his left palm on his waist.

[Planet Earth - Hamyong Mountain - Wednesday, 10:20 p.m.]

Upon walking down the stairs and standing in the middle of a rounded area, the four of them were caught in a blockade. Several guards surrounded them around while holding their spears. "Well damn! They came out of no where!" Codey looked around once the spears were aimed at them in sync.

"Well, well, well. I didn't ask for any visitors today, now did I? Explain to me... What is such a 'childish' group stalking our base? Has there been any problems involving the humanity's safety, or was it just a misguidance that you planned ahead?" Wondered a man who came stepping from the middle of the guards and having his hands in pockets, wearing a black jacket, worn over a white T-shirt while having blue jeans, smiling at them with his blonde hair and orange eyes, glancing ahead.

"It's one of those, might I say. But based on the fact that those guards let you through... This means that you're their main 'boss'?" Wondered Lei, talking politely. "Their boss? Oh, no, no. I'm just a mere 'Higher-Rank Duelist' under commands of our boss. You see, these precious guards are very loyal so they listen to what 'Ren Guoliang' commands us. Plan to say the least, my name is Feng Qingshan, a pleassure to meet you our lovely intruders." Smiled Feng, who bowed before them. "Oh, so you're just a 'deputy' that does all the dirty work instead of their boss? That's rather daft, may I say." Claimed Lei, who stood in the front of the others. "If you see me as a 'daft' then let it be. However, you're planning on breaching our boss, Ren Guolian, which is a bit busy with his lovely chums. Besides the ongoing 'business' I expect of you to leave and we won't need to devise an offensive strategy." Claimed Feng, upon explaining the sincere explanation.

"You're out of your mind... Do you assure of us leaving? If that's your goal, must I say we won't leave. The 'Sinuiyeong' has been taken advantage of, and those consist of many murderous planning or defined threats. I don't expect you to believe that we'll allow such treating, it has already been over used. So, for your recognitions - This is reliably our own 'exchange' of hatred." Explained Lei, while Tim and the others kept their high guard.

"Lei, I don't want to interupt your 'speech', but we have other duties to intend in. We should really hurry up and get rid of these diabolic guards." Tim faced with his left eye over his shoulder to face Lei, who sighed. "Suppose that's true, but really will I deafen their filthy excuses...? The answer is a big fat 'no'... meaning their insolence has been traumatised for far too long, so let's hurry, shall we?" Without comments back, the three boys prepared when Feng raised his right arm and smiled. "Guess there is no other way than show no mercy." He snapped with his fingers and the guard's shouts were yelled aloud.

The eight guards that were surrounding them all leaped into battle and prepared to take on the four Duelists.

The two guards that have tried to hold Ken back prepared and one of them had already swung with his large spear and hoped of stabbing Codey's neck.

But right in the try, Codey quickly bent down and quickly stretched his right foot and smashed it into the guard's bottom leg bone and caused the guard to slip into Codey's chest, however on doing so, Codey quickly bent his right knee and smashed it upward, striking the guard into his stomach and then quickly knocking him to the side by swiping his right arm. Upon landing a blow, the second guard spun with his spear in front at which point Codey quickly grabbed the guard's right arm and quickly twisted it, disarming the spear and then turned his own body sideways, he pulled the guard to the front of his stomach and then hurried along by giving a kneecap into the guard's chest, forcing him to lose breathing and then hurried over by slammed his elbow at top of the guard's back, striking him on the ground.

Ken quickly noticed how the third of the eight guards stabbed forward with his spear and aimed for his chest but luckily, Ken managed to maintain his position and then quickly slapped the guard's wrist, using pressure to force the guard to spin on the spot and then quickly opened his palm forward and unleashed a burst of orange fire, which heated up the guard's armor and even knocked the guard back into the other, knocking them off the fenced up village, into the river below.

Tim on the other hand used swift movements to quickly conduct the two guards, at which the first one stabbed with his spear, but without wasting time on the spot, Tim disappeared from the spot when the guard stabbed thin air and became confused.

Tim's body made a round-jump kick at which point it was struck into the guard's left side of the helmet knocking him aside and then dropping the spear. However another guard that came stepping behind Tim stabbed the spear, however Tim turned his body upside down and stretched his right arm, grabbing the guard's right wrist and then pulling him beneath him, he quickly made a flip with an outstretched and raised leg and then smashed the ankle at the top of the guard's helmet, smashing him onto the ground and even shattering his helmet, once landing aside and faced ahead.

Lei on the other hand simply just circled his right foot on the floor and awoke cold wind that was then manipulated in between the two palms and with and making an outstretched leg stance, when swinging both of her arms forward, opened palms and then unleashed a howling wind that pulsed through the air and pressed itself upon both of the guards easily knocking them backward and disarming them, leaving Feng alone, a bit surprised.

"Your pity guards have been stopped, do you plan on fighting us alone, or do you plan to bring us to your boss?" Wondered Lei, standing still and facing at him, rather intimidatingly.

But once he smirked, he snapped with his fingers at which point three of additional duelists appeared besides him, making our Heroes caught in surprise.

"You didn't really think that I'd be the only 'Duelist' that works under Ren's commands? Meet them; Wan Qui, Zhao Shun and Fu Xiuying..."

To be continued...