309. Raw Breath of Danger.

[The Eastern Duelists: Arc 14]

Year 2020, the Innerlight City was attacked by the Demon species, the humanity was on the verge of extinction, humanity was put at risk of losing multiple lives upon the moment the God of Demons appeared out of nowhere.

Duelists in condition to survive needed to sacrifice many lives to fight the ongoing threat, and as much as many lives were lost, the humanity successfully fled the Demons away.

In the Underworld, after two of the Duelists were abducted, Katorishi Codey and Sasaki Tsuneo ventured into the Abyssal Domain, at which point their paths were blocked by the Demon's God 'Most Trusted' guards.

To reach the God of Demons and rescue their allies, Codey and Tsuneo were in absolute need of fighting, however by the end they've prevailed.

Tim, one of the allies abducted managed to escape with his ally, Kirashito Ayuka while in the the next hour himself have met up with Codey, and just as they were about to reach the ever-lasting God, their path was once again blocked by the 'higher tier' Guard.

Due to short time to escape, Tim and Codey both split and fought their enemies and just when Tim successfully defeated his opponent, he breached through the 'Domain' and came across Codey who had been struggling to fight his own father... The Demon God.

And due to their stressed existence, the God of Demons successfully pierced Tim's heart, with bare hand. Because of such unacceptable action, Codey's 'Abyssal Rage' awoke and had overcame the limits of a Half-Demon.

After ordering his allies to take Tim to a safe place as far as possible, Codey fought against the God of Demons and managed to finally put an end to this disaster.

Upon Demon God's defeat, the humankind fell into victory, however, their victory was unimaginable, as many of the Duelist lives, have faded away...

[Planet Earth - Hamyong Mountain - Wednesday, 10:25 p.m.]

The moment that our Heroes entered the main park of the 'Hamyong' hideout, they've been cut off by another Spiritual Duelists from Chinese District and have been split in groups of one.

[Planet Earth - Hamyong Mountain - Wednesday, 10:25 p.m.]

Tim who was untaught about Chinese Combat styles was standing still to in hope learn their style of combat, but he wasn't doing that well.

Fu stepped with her front left arm ahead and swiped the sword from her left hip across her chest upwards at which point he quickly made a step backward with his right foot and quickly moved the sword in front of him and felt that Fu's katana slightly twisted and quickly knocked his sword to the side, alongside his hands when Fu quickly turned her katana and stabbed forward into Tim's stomach, however without wanting to get injured, he quickly stepped to the side upon quickly twisting the sword and lifted it alongside his right arm and with both arms holding it, sweeped with the sword, on return Fu quickly crouched with her left arm stretched forward and right bent once holding her katana high up in the air when Tim missed and then noticed that Fu quickly sweeped the left foot to the side and swiped with her sword obliquely, Tim quickly backed away and barely avoiding the katana's blade and quickly noticed another swing while he was moving back and then ducked.

Fu continued to push Tim alongside the roof while trying to make him fall at the edge.

"Come on. Your fighting style is so much different compared to my own, at least give me some hints!" Tim ducked and quickly realized that Fu made a step in front of him and slashed with her sword downwardly, Tim quickly lifted and hilted his sword once blocking the katana and then knocking it upward and backing away by lifting ankles, jumping to the very edge of the gap and ended up getting stuck at the fall, once he noticed the bridge behind him, and immediately upon Fu stepped in front and stabbed forward with her sword, Tim turned his sword around and pointed it downward, across his chest once blocking her swing, he continued by knocking the katana backward and quickly crouched after leaping backward and onto the wooden bridge.

Fu on the other hand followed him on the bridge when the wooden tied up bridge began to shake, making Tim unable to have proper balancing, however for Fu, she had no trouble and quickly moved closer when stabbing with her katana and making Tim to move alongside her movements.

He quickly made a step with his right leg backward when sweeped his sword shamefully in front with barely managing to blocking her swing and due to poor balancing, he needed to quickly sturdy his position and then immediately noticed once Fu quickly made an oustretched step and stabbed at his neck, however, Tim managed to turn his body sideways and stretch both of his arms when quickly noticing that Fu bent her right leg and kicked at front, Tim ducked while holding the ropes and noticed that the feminine leg was highly stretched above him while his head was near the girl's thighs, she kicked downward and switched her katana into her left hand at which point Tim immediately crossed his right leg with his left foot and spun on the rope moving to the side, quickly seeing how Fu's sword stabbed at him which forced him to use the rope as a spring and pushed himself to the other side, when sliding the left leg behind his back in a circle and quickly facing back at Fu and then instantly slashed with his sword in which moment, Fu ducked and felt a shiver above her head when she immediately bent her left arm holding the sword and then leaned her right over her wrist when having an opened palm aimed at Tim's stomach, she unleashed a powerful wind blast that immediately slammed Tim in the stomach and forcibly flung him backward over the deadly pit of river when soon feeling that he had no physical ground, however he noticed that Fu looked down at him from the top of the bridge, giving him a severe look.

Upon receiving that severe look his eyes immediately became serious at which point he immediately moved his right palm in front of his face once his palm and fingers began to emit out a black aura, Fu was caught in surprise when Tim's both scleras turned black and iris yellow at which point a white liquid shaped out an 'Akusei' Mask.

"Is that an 'Inner Fiend'?" Fu's eyes were shaking once Tim's face got fully covered by the mask and then instantly flipped his body when straightening it and then immediately stretched his left arm behind when crouching his other in front, he held the sword in his left palm, outstretched to the side once his hair waved and the air's gust flew from behind Tim's ankles, once he slid backwardly on the air, he immediately faced up when Fu's eyes noticed the terror in Tim's eyes, once he slid backwardly over the air he was trying to keep balance at the same time and just before hitting a distant mountain, stopped when he bented his upper body forward with a gathered his pressure on his both ankles and then immediately increased his pressure once the walls crated in on each side, making the bridge in the distance waving and making Fu to lose her balance.

Tim's handle slowly emitted out blue fire at which it slowly flowed down the blade to the very point and then immediately raged out like a wildfire, and while the blue fire was being emitted thoroughly, Tim bent his knees and immediately lifted both of his ankles and then instantly unleashed out a roaring pressure which shattered the wall behind him and allowed him to launch himself high up in the air while holding his sword, in the middle of flying through the air and unleashed steam from his covered mouth he ended up supporting the handle with his right hand while crossing it past his chest and stomach.

In no time, his body was launched above Fu's like a rocket fuel and without wasting his time, he tilted his sword in front, twisted it and immediately slashed the sword to the right obliquely, releasing out the blue fire and then formed the slash into a devoting spin, to which the blue fire raged out around his body like a cyclone and after fully spinning his body, he slashed with his sword to the right past his left shoulder when the blue wildfire erupted outwardly.

[Planet Earth - Hamyong Mountain - Wednesday, 10:25 p.m.]

Codey ducked when jumping backward and then quickly turning his body sideways after avoiding the flying claw and backing away, but right in that instant a blue light soon illuminated his area, he faced backward at which point a massive 'tresk' was heard, blue and fiery explosion awoke from behind him in the distance once it widened and immediately unleashed fliery particles over the air when the buildings in the distance shattered and several guards were blown in between them when screaming, at once the blue light prevailed over the night and in the end most of the Duelists froze on the spot.

"Tim? W-what the hell happened to your power while you were killed? How did it improve in such a better quality than before?" Questioned Codey, standing still but right in that moment, Tim came stepping from between the buildings with his right arm and sword unleashing blue fire when holding Fu over his left shoulder and then stopped in front of the others, with his mask covering his face.

Fu's clothes were burnt and her katana was no where to be seen, when Tim instantly threw Fu over his shoulder and then knocked her to the ground, as she loudly shouted

"Fu!" Instantly Zhao felt a bit shocked after seeing her dead body, lying on the floor.

[Planet Earth - Hamyong Mountain - Wednesday, 10:26 p.m.]

Feng was standing in the distance behind Lei who was uncomfortable, having her face covered by drops of sweat which flowed down. "What the Hell is that?" Feng angrily asked when instantly Zhao came jumping from the roof and crouched on the edge of the roof. "Feng. We've lost Fu, she's been knocked! We're low on guards and even Duelists! I recommend a retreat! We're not yet ready to face them head on, especially not that kid! He seems to be having some kind of 'Dark' power hidden!" Once Zhao warned Feng and exchanged looks, Feng's mouth shook. "Are you kidding? You expect us to retreat while leaving one of our comrades behind! Are you dumb?! We can-" But right in that moment, upon Feng faced right into Tim's mask, he soon felt fear, which he hid.

"Damn it... Hurry and prepare for the retreat. This is not the last of us!" Finally, Feng made a step back when Wan appeared on the other side. "Are you just gonna leave me with these idiots!" Angrily shouted Fu, annoyed. "We don't have free spots for a weakling!" Feng turned around. "Hey! Stop you-" However, upon Ken tried to call out, Lei turned around. "Remember, this is not our goodbye!" Without wasting time, the three of them disappeared leaving their killed comrade behind when Codey dropped down next to Tim.

"Are you... In control?" Codey gulped when Tim leaned his head backward and with his left hand sweeped past his face, the mask immediately disappeared and the black fire too, alongside his eyes changing back to normal, Tim shook his head and faced at Codey with a smile. "Of course I am... But man, this mask is getting heavily over my nerves." Tim sighed while his clothes changed back into normal.

Ken followed Lei who stepped in front of Tim.

"Won't lie. You kind of scared me that you've run out of control." Claimed Lei, being quite calm. "What even made you to use 'Akusei'?" Wondered Lei, calmly upon facing him. "Ugh, this girl gave me trouble with her unknown Combat Style. Either way, she's lucky to live this time." Tim faced down at her at which the other three became confused. "Would you untie me, you asshole!" Fu yelled when laying on the floor.

"I'm not untying you, not until you bring us to your 'boss'." Tim spoke, with his arms crossed. "Tsch... What a moron..." Codey pulled Fu up on her feet and sighed. "He's this way." Fu walked forward, followed by the others. "Did you really use the bridge's rope to tie her arms?" Codey wondered giving a concerned look into Tim's direction, kind of confused.

"But, where's her Ginken?" Tim faced at the river in which the katana fell in.

"Enough procrastinating, let's follow her." Lei added.

To be continued...