310. The everlasting friendship's rebirth.

[The Eastern Duelists: Arc 14]

Year 2020, the Innerlight City was attacked by the Demon species, the humanity was on the verge of extinction, humanity was put at risk of losing multiple lives upon the moment the God of Demons appeared out of nowhere.

Duelists in condition to survive needed to sacrifice many lives to fight the ongoing threat, and as much as many lives were lost, the humanity successfully fled the Demons away.

In the Underworld, after two of the Duelists were abducted, Katorishi Codey and Sasaki Tsuneo ventured into the Abyssal Domain, at which point their paths were blocked by the Demon's God 'Most Trusted' guards.

To reach the God of Demons and rescue their allies, Codey and Tsuneo were in absolute need of fighting, however by the end they've prevailed.

Tim, one of the allies abducted managed to escape with his ally, Kirashito Ayuka while in the the next hour himself have met up with Codey, and just as they were about to reach the ever-lasting God, their path was once again blocked by the 'higher tier' Guard.

Due to short time to escape, Tim and Codey both split and fought their enemies and just when Tim successfully defeated his opponent, he breached through the 'Domain' and came across Codey who had been struggling to fight his own father... The Demon God.

And due to their stressed existence, the God of Demons successfully pierced Tim's heart, with bare hand. Because of such unacceptable action, Codey's 'Abyssal Rage' awoke and had overcame the limits of a Half-Demon.

After ordering his allies to take Tim to a safe place as far as possible, Codey fought against the God of Demons and managed to finally put an end to this disaster.

Upon Demon God's defeat, the humankind fell into victory, however, their victory was unimaginable, as many of the Duelist lives, have faded away...

[Planet Earth - Hamyong Mountain - Wednesday, 10:30 p.m.]

Upon's Tim improved 'Akusei', and making sure that Fu was struck down, the four of our Heroes are now standing in face with the Hamyong Mountain's leader, Ren Guoliang.

[Planet Earth - Hamyong Mountain - Wednesday, 10:30 p.m.]

Immediately the door leading to Ren's domain opened and instantly his eyes popped out when bouncing up his forehead, Lei stepped through it. "W-w-what the hell?! Why are you here?!" Immediately, Lei stepped in front of Ren and grabbed his collar. "Yo! Don't touch my fresh clothes! They're-" But on that moment, Lei instantly raised her knee and slammed it into his nose, once he screamed and bled.

"I believe you know why we're here, Mister 'Ren Guoilang'!" His glasses were giving out and were becoming quite crushed. "W-what are you-" But before he could speak, once again the next knee went slamming into his forehead, right on that moment, Lei moved her right leg behind her back, bent it and then instantly round kicked Ren in the left side of the cheek, causing his chair to collapse and his glasses were flung away, into the distance, upon bleeding Lei quickly stepped above him and raised her foot, him being able to see her underwear, but right in that instant upon being a perverted old man, Lei stomped onto Ren's face, squeezing his head on the ground.

"Have you figured it out? I'm sure you know why we are here to do." Ren was barely able to talk, while his right side of the face was constantly being squeezed. "I-I don't! W-why are you-" But right in that instant, Lei swung her right foot and once again struck Ren in the face when his teeth flung out. "My teeth!" But while he was bleeding, Lei quickly reached for Ren's hair and raised him up, when looking at him in his face.

"Stop making a fool out of me. You know it clearly that we've come here to imprison you, after everything your commands caused, people getting their fortune stolen, their families killed and even cruel rape. For an old man like you, you've got some nerves but you definitely have no reason of fighting, because everything you do is, sit back and slack off, while your 'workers' do everything for you. But as for a Duelist, you're beneath expectations, you're a piece of skunk and garbage, so right now, before I change my mind about imprisoning you, you'll tell us where the 'slaves' are and from there you'll be taken into the custody! Understand?" Lei wondered, giving him a very disgraced look.

"And what if I don't. Maybe if I give you pleasure, then you might change your things, so why don't we raise that 'dress' of yours?" With his well knowing face and pervertness, Lei's right side of the hair uncovered when the light glow flashed aside. "That guy's even worse than Ellie and Myles!" Codey with fury shouted.

But right as he spoke... "Alright then, you don't need to tell us, we'll just find them ourselves." Right in that instant, Lei swung her elbow into Ren's face, once his body shook upon hit, instantly knocking him out and then threw him on the ground, into the pool of his nose bleed. "L-Lei, w-what about her?" Codey wondered, holding Fu's tied up hands. "She'll join these pervert alongside their guards. Let's hurry up now and get them to where we intended."

With that Lei grabbed Ren's clothes and dragged him on the floor behind her, once she passed Tim and the rest.

"Was that intentional, or was it just because of how he reacted?" Ken questioned once scratching the back of his head.

[Planet Earth - Sinuiyeong - Thursday, 6:00 a.m.]

In the next morning, Tim decided to return back to the Guild, while waiting for Codey and Ken to improve their skills.

Upon Tim holding a duffel bag, he raised his left arm. "Tim! Once I'm done here, I'll return to the Innerlight City's Guild and just show you what I am capable of! That's a promise!" Codey claimed, when raising his right arm. "I bet, either way, try not to abuse them too much, Lei!" Tim smiled when she became unamused, and right in that moment she threw a book in Tim's face which flapped and opened, he quickly dropped his left arm and caught the book, confused. "Man, hey. You didn't need to flung this at my face... You threw it almost like a rock!" Tim held his nose while almost bleeding.

"It's just my temper, dropping. Either way, you should read that book and work on your 'Spiritual Sight', but don't go overusing or it will have significant drawbacks." She explained, with her arms crossed. "Alright, I understand, I'll only use it if necessary, take good care of them, we need as much strength as possible. Demon God might of have been defeated, but I believe that more and more of the villains will appear out of nowhere. I'll be heading off now, anyways. See ya!" Tim turned around, waved for the final time and walked through the mountains, ready to return to Innerlight City.

"So... Now what?" Codey wondered, confused, when he was hitly slapped at the top of his back by Lei.

"Don't think you've improved much with this test! Let's get back to working on your 'Essence'." Lei exclaimed.

"Man, you didn't need to hit me that hard... Tim was right when he said you're rough at these stuff." At the end, Codey scratched the top of his back and with Ken and Lei entered.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Guild (Bedrooms) - Thursday 8:00 a.m.]

Ayuka's phone just went off when she had her face bashed in into the pillow. "Whaaaaat....?" Ayuka reached with her left arm out from beneath the blanket and tried to stop the alarm, but in a few misses she quickly hit the edge of the endtable. "Ow! Come on..." Ayuka immediately sat up straight and grabbed the alarm when pressed the button and stopped it and tried to go back to sleep, but right in that moment the alarm raged out and Ayuka jumped out of the bed with a scared sweat flying around her, as she waved, she quickly fell down the bed onto the floor when striking her head at the ground and in that moment the alarm slipped onto her chest and turned off when she looked up at the ceiling, unamused.

She stood up and yawned when standing up with her left side of the T-shirt hanging down, revealing the elastic that held her bra. She tiringly walked toward the mirror when barely able to have her eyes opened as she quickly raised her T-shirt over her head preparing to undress and dress into her daily outfit.

"Y'know, morning routines sure have gotten much worse than usually, Ayuka." A male voice spoke, when he immediately faced at her, his eyes opened widely and embarrassing upon seeing the back of Ayuka's skin which had the elastic tied behind her back, after blushing he immediately felt afraid when Ayuka moved her head over her shoulder. "I'm sorry! I'm not looking! I swear! I didn't know you would be dressing right there!!!" The boy immediately covered his eyes, while the sweat was spurting past his eyes, when Ayuka immediately stood frozen, with her expression confused. "Look! I'll let you dress!" The boy immediately made a step back, once Ayuka's view of sight instantly zoomed onto the boy's head, her eyes opened widely and immediately caused her to remember the one month past, upon her eyes shook.

".... Tim ... W-why are you- Is it...?" Ayuka dropped her T-shirt once finally covering her back skin, when Tim slowly dropped his palms and uncovering thee lue eyes, while still uncomfortable and confused. "Uhm... Morning?" He asked, giving her a precious smile while raising his hand near his head, but in that moment, Ayuka could barely move but finally she instantly jumped into Tim's warmth, wrapping her both arms behind his back when squeezing her face at his chest while Tim was somewhat concerned when feeling her tears on his chest.

"H-how are you- How are you here... I-I mean, h-how are you, alive?" Her voice was weak but Tim understood her emotiones. "W-whoa, hey. I didn't know you've been suffering so much for this month...." Tim was quite emotional after seeing her depression, when she squeezed her face deeper. "What do you mean - 'you've been suffering so much'? You've died, remember! Do you only expect me to be this emotional?!" But upon her saying, Tim smiled and lightened his body.

"I see your hair is as long as ever. You've been taking good care of them." Tim spoke when gently moving her front row of hair to the side, when she made a step back and let go, she reached with her right hand on the right side of wheir her hair were and gently moved them behind her ear. "What do you mean?" Her tears were no more to be seen. "To be honest, I've never properly seen you with your hair dropped down. How can you even sleep so relaxed at night? Don't they scratch your back?" Tim wondered while he was quite intrigued.

"N-no... They don't? M-maybe I just got used to it. Besides, it reminds me of someone that I care about, this specific colour." She calmly spoke, gently moving the hair past her cheek and mouth. "Huh? Who may that be?" Tim questioned, but in that instant moment, Ayuka smiled and sighed. "Never mind... Forget I ever said that..." ("Although, you haven't changed either, even after what had happened...") While she secretly thought and looked at his confused face, she smiled. "Now or never... Would you please explain, how are you here? I saw you 'die' with my own eyes..." Ayuka claimed, calm enough to speak.

"Oh... Even myself wouldn't properly understand, it's got something to do with 'Spiritual Resurrection' which was casted by Lei Zhongying..." Tim claimed, looking at his hand. "Isn't she the girl to where Zero sent Codey?" Wondered Ayuka, quite convinced. "Oh yeah. I forgot to mention it. I've already met up with Codey and his new friend. We had some urgen problems at Sinuiyeong but were taken care of for now. Right now both Codey and Ken are working their butts off training. I was finished with my own, so I just returned to Innerlight City, to finally come up and talk with the rest of the members... Although, I'm a bit hungry, so if you won't mind, could I-" But right in that moment, Tim's eyes became squiggly when he saw that Ayuka was already dressed into different clothes, just finishing putting on her jeans, making Tim feel a bit embarrassed.

"D-did you just-" Ayuka reached with her both arms behind her back and tied her hair into her daily ponytail. "Did I just, what?" She questioned when letting go of her hair. "Did you seriously just dress in front of me?!" He questioned, while luckily unable to see anything. "What's wrong with that? I've got underwear so I don't show much, besides the point, you were looking away so I took the opportunity." Tim's eyes blinked several times. "What do you mean?! Aren't you embarrassed at all?!" Wondered Tim, while a sweat dripped down his forehead. "You've dressed in front of guys and gals, haven't you? So I don't see what's the problem in here." She claimed

"Y-you don't understand? You always get embarrassed if somebody-" But before he spoke, Ayuka sight closing her eyes. "You weren't touching, like Myles, nor have you wished for it, it's much different than to the ones who are in lust of seeing a naked girl's body and touch it, alongside that, I don't have large problems dressing in front of others, for as long as I'm not completely undressed." She explained when grabbed Tim's left arm. "W-what are you-"

"You said you were hungry, didn't you? Well, then let's go grab our breakfast in the cafeteria, others will be happy to see you, and I bet Sakami will be one of the most happiest, due to what you did in the past." Claimed Ayuka when turning around with her head halved faced back at Tim. "But-"

"Oh shut it..."

Without wasting time, Tim was dragged down into the cafeteria.

To be continued...