311. The 'Holy Spirit'.

[The Eastern Duelists: Arc 14]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centruies over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Guild (Bedrooms) - Sunday 2:00 p.m.]

A few days later, the Innerlight City has fallen back into daily activities after Tim's return and Duelists spread through the '5' years were rather comfortable with how the results end up.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Guild (Cafeteria) - Sunday 2:00 p.m.]

Sakami picked up her phone after leaning forward, once Elliot peeked behind the counter of the cafeteria when instantly seeing a squishable body part of the girl. ".... Hihi ... I'll never get bored of checking her out." But right on the moment while Elliot was busy looking at Sakami's bottom, he noticed how an expresionless and scary face looked over Sakami's left shoulder, and with it, Ellie was put to gulp.

"Erm... Don't mind me, I was just picking up this fork and accidentally came in contact with your butt, I promise over my nails that it was mistake... Although, if I can touch it, that's be polite-" But in state of saying that, he was then instantly hit backward and into the counter's door, as the they closed behind him, and without any further interests, Sakami walked away, when the counter door slowly opened.

"Was it worth it?" He sighed and then crawled out of tie counter, while grabbing the cloth and continued drying the glass, once Tim stepped in front of him, holding a tray, ready to eat his lunch, but while he was talking to a third year student and smiled, he faced in front of him, confused. "Whoa... What are you doing behind the counter?" Tim confusingly wondered, when sliding his tray to the end and grabbing the glass.

"You had to ask? I was put here as my chores, due to slacking off the last two days." Ellie put the glass to the side when handing over a bowl of the mushroom soup. "You sure have gotten lazier ever since then... Either way, try not to hand over all of the food, or you might not get any..." Tim picked up the tray and backed away. "Don't worry about that. I've already asked for the food, after the lunch is over, so it's already prepared." Ellie pointed back with the cloth, once Tim nodded. "Well, alright, enjoy while it lasts." With that Tim stepped in the middle of the tables and chairs once sitting down at the middle line.

"Um, excuse me. Would you mind giving me a beef soup instead of the mushroom one?" The third year student wondered.

"Sure." Ellie hand over the soup, allowing the girl to pass by.

"Oi, Sakami." Sakami gently dropped the spoon and faced to the side, raising her look. "I haven't seen you much in casual clothes. I constantly saw you in your 'Captain' jacket. How's so that you've began dressing in similar fashion as us?" Tim sat down on the opposite side of Sakami, next to a few of the students. "Those clothes are uncomfortable to wear them everyday, and that is all there is too it." After her 'well-known' expression continued to rule over her face, Tim smiled. "Sure thing. By the way, I've heard that several of the 'Top Tier' Duelists ended up dying, huh? One of them being Yasu herself." Tim claimed, giving a look down at his plate.

"They've died at the sheer number of the Demons while you've been stuck down in the 'Underworld'. I'd be lying if I said that they tried their best... But, either way, their deaths are still respected by us, after all, they did clear out some of the Demons that might end up killing more of the people." Sakami pointed the fork at Tim, once twisting it back into her plate.

"Huh... Guess I really was useless..." Tim looked at his spoon, leaning his cheek on the left palm. "Try to turn it around. You've done a lot throughout the year that you became a full-on-fledged Duelist, if you weren't around to help, that doesn't make you useless, besides you did manage to strike down Maya and that one 'Half-Demon' in the Underworld." Claimed Sakami, but right then.

"... Maya ... I really don't like the thought of that..." Upon his saying, Sakami raised her look again and Tim immediately received flashbacks of what had happened, seeing a sorrow darkness, disastrously ruling over his body.

"That was one-time thing. For as long as you keep control, that shouldn't happen again. Remember, you're not a murderer, and you're not a villain, in fact you're the opposite like the rest of us, even if you may see that 'Inner Fiend' quite unamusing, it's still a part of you and due to that, you're still known to be a 'Hero', try to receive the good type of flashbacks, not only bad ones. After all, I believe everyone would snap out after seeing Ayuka pretty much dead on the floor." Sakami took a fork of the rice and allowed Tim to speak.

"Guess you're right. But still, it's another thing that consist my worry. What would happen - if in future this happens again and I won't be able to stop it. Always in the past, the 'Inner Fiend' broke out due to me being in disadvantage and even weak, but that time it happened because of Ayuka's injuries. Remember, that one 'Titanic Demon', then Fukashi, then Isora, Lucas and then for the last time, against Maya. Those were the fights that all had some sort of the 'Inner Fiends' essence, if there was at least something I could do to prevent that." Tim claimed, quite upset.

"But you did, didn't you? That 'Akusei Mask' that you mentioned, doesn't it involve using that 'Inner Fiend's body, or something?" Sakami questioned. "It doesn't fully provide the correct information, but it only uses the 'Inner Fiend's' and mine Spirituality combined and connected. Although it may decrease the chances of the 'Inner Fiend' breaking out, it still won't erase the other percentage of it rushing out. THere has to be something that could improve the stability on that 'breakout'." Tim sighed, when leaning back on the chair, but right in that moment somebody stepped by.

"If you would not mind, may I sit next to you?" With Tim's confusion looking at 'silverish' hair, he confirmed. "S-sure, no problem? Don't ask just sit." But because Tim was unaware of who she was, the girl sat down and smiled. "Thank you." After she dropped the tray, Tim noticed that Sakami was a bit stressed.

("What got her so tensed up?") Tim wondered, when seeing the girl sit down next to him. "So, Tim. I suppose you managed to return, I see?" But right in that moment, Tim almost gagged and looked to the side, leaning his palm in front of his neck. "W-Wha'- How do you know my name even?" He questioned. "Not to worry about that, I am quite interested, if I must say." Sakami raised her look when hiding the girl's identity. "Um... A-alright?" He wondered, worried.

"I'm very confused about what's going on? Why did Sakami became so quiet and tense while you came here? Is there something I am missing?"

"I am not sure, nobody is here to trouble her, no matter how she acts." The girl giggled, when Sakami sighed. "So, you are actually less strict than I thought..." Sakami spoke while Tim continued to shake his head, face at both of the girls. "W-what-" "Why would I be so strict about how you act, I have told you before, I truly do not mind what you do or how you act, I am just a casual 'worker' in this Guild." The girl took the fork of the rice, when Sakami faced aside. "A-alright..."

"Now, back to where we were. Tim I have heard there has been multiple problems for when the 'war' awoke. Not just many people died, you were one of them, correct?" And while Tim still felt concerned, he decided to nod. "But your death was able to have been brought back by Lei Zhongying. That was a brilliant choice."

Tim dropped his spoon and asked. "You know about Lei as well?! How's that even possible? She's on a completely different 'District'." Tim moved his cheek of the palm, looking at the girl. "Let us just say that we are quite 'aware' of each other, now, before I say too much, would we proceed with the lunch and after we are done, please if you come to Bedroom '0'." Smiled the girl, looking at him. "I thought bedroom '0' was supposed to be free for any upcoming Duelists, I suppose you must be one of them." Tim spoke, when looking back at his tray.

"You can call me that. But will it be doable?" And without declining, Tim agreed to meet the girl after the lunch.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Guild (Bedrooms) - Sunday 2:45 p.m.]

"Whaaaaaaat?! W-what the hell are you- I mean, w-why are you here Lass. Zero?!" Tim backed away, while the sweat dripped down his forehead and felt quite uncomfortable, standing in front of a such an important person. "Now, now, calm down, there is no need to get that shocked, there were just some needs that had to be figured out on your Planet, besides, right now I believe being in the 'Holy Archs' is quite unimportant. There are other lines that can take over there, I dedicated my body to live on Planet Earth due to the unexpected appearances of the Demons. There may or may not be any more trouble that lurk around Earth, however, I still prefer to have some 'human' time ahead." Zero smiled, while slowly waving with her palms up and down in front of her chest.

"B-But, how do you plan on hiding your identity for the future? Are you really that reasoned with your decision?" While he blinked, Zero gently reached with her index finger onto her lips, while she thought. "Not to worry, I am mostly lurking around this Guild and whenever I must go out, I use this body to hide my identity. And if there is a chance that civilians might figure out about my existence on Planet Earth, that shall not be much of a problem, but now, let's put that aside and let's begin with what I called you here for." She smiled, when Tim felt unamused.

"I don't like the sound of that- But, alright, w-what do you need me for?" Tim wondered, looking at her.

"I have heard the conversation between you and Sakami, about the 'Inner Fiend' so I decided to help." She explained. "W-what do you mean? My 'Inner Fiend'? But can you really do anything about it. I mean. I know you're a 'Godess' and all of that, but, I don't see this type of format being involved in any way of the 'Holy Arch' whatsoever." Tim claimed, embarrassed.

"Oh, are we doubting my abilities? I may have gotten weaker due to the massive injury that Ayuka had been put at, but I can still help you and train you in any way I can. I do not have that 'Title' for no reason." She smiled, when Tim looked at her.

"You want to 'Train' me? Is that a joke?" Tim wondered, confused. "No it is not a joke, and in other hand, I may not be able to erase the 'Inner Fiend' from your body or stop it, but I am able to teach you a well known technique that uses both, your Spirituality alongside your 'Inner Fiend's' while at the same time decrease the 'Inner Fiends Breakout' with this lesson."

While she explained, Tim instantly froze.

"However, unlike 'Kodachi' States or 'Henshin' States, this one is quite different among them..." She smiled.

"So, w-what is it?" Tim questioned.

"It does not have an official name yet, but it is known as 'Kettoshin'."

To be continued...