312. The process to achieve another.

[The Eastern Duelists: Arc 14]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centruies over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Kenkita Street - Monday, 8:00 a.m.]

The last time that Feng, alongside Zhao and Wan escaped, they've put their opponent as the nemesis priority.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Kenkita Street - Monday, 8:00 a.m.]

In sync the three of them landed on the top of the 'Innerlight City's' division building roof, which reached in height exactly 673.8 meters, and was known to be the second tallest building in the Innerlight City.

Feng and his companions were all facing at the 'Innerlight City's' Guild position while seeing a massive hatred to it.

"Feng, you're really up for that?" Questioned Wan, crouching while looking down. "That building in the distance is the main source of enpowering this city with electricity, if we are able to destroy the top generator, this city will fall into darkness, if we succeed we'll easily be able to eliminate our enemies while they're busy. Of course, the recommended time to do that is at midnight one of the days, that time there will be total darkness and nothing will be able to spot us easily." Explained Feng, seeing the building in the distance.

"Doesn't that building reach even higher than this building, the 'Innerlight City's' division building?" Wondered Wan, quite calm enough. "Yeah, that's correct. And the Generator Building makes up of a metal that is able to alarm them of any nearby 'Spiritual Force'. This is why, climbing it will be impossible with the 'Air Step'. But, if we'll be able to sneak through the enterance to the very top, we can overcharge the generator and we'll be done." Feng explained, slightly dillusional.

"Why's so important about stopping their generator? We could clearly just go for the kill at any time, not needing to go through that process..." Zhao claimed, facing him. "You're not aware of what risks we would be going through. This entire city is populated by over hundreds of Duelists, most of them are kept near the Guild alongside Higher-Ups and Lieutenants. We would have no chance of surviving or defeating them all. However, if we overcharge the generator and put the city into dark, most of the Duelists will be ordered to roam around the city until the generator is fixed, that will improve our chances of eliminating that 'Inner Fiend' user, alongside his companions." Exclaimed Feng, fixing his jacket.

"I suppose the most sense to do is breaking their power capacity. But there'll still be over fifty if not more around the Guild, we're expecting the Higher-Ups to guard the 'Innerlight City's' Guild, which means that's another worry to think about." Wan added, putting his arm on his hip, but Zhao looked up at him while crouching.

"I believe that most of them will go on the roaming as well, only a few of them will be left near the 'Innerlight City's' Guild, and because that Guild is the main source of gathering Duelists, it will be on high guard, alongside the main agency, meaning that these two areas will be probably guarded by the most talented Duelists, and if the teenager who has been sticking around Lei is truly one of the most talented, I believe that he'll stay at the Guild, alongside the top Spiritual Duelists." Explained Zhao, calm enough to think. "Makes sense, although, how come that you've managed to receive the data about him? How can you be sure that he returned back to the Guild?" Wan raised his look, giving him a sincere interests.

"I managed to catch their conversation among Lei and the other two, he was the only one who returned here, luckily they never managed to spot me, since I decreased my 'Spiritual Force' to the least capacity." Feng explained, while still calculating the plan.

"I see... Alright, so what is our plan?" Wondered Zhao.

"The two of you will go into the 'Agency's main charging room undercover, so I recommend you obtain their clothing and count as an employee. While you two slowly make your way to the top, I'll sneak through the 'Innerlight City's' Police Regiment' and obtain as much information I possibly can about the Guild's Duelists. Once I obtain the Dueling Datas, I'll send you a message about it, that's when the two of you will shut down the electricity by overcharging the generator, that'll make bettter chances for me to escape without getting spotted." Upon explanation of Feng, both Zhao and Wan confirmed. "And if by any chance any of us get spotted? What will we do then?" Wondered Wan, thinking of the possible risks.

"If that happens, then the entire population of Innerlight City will be alarmed, alongside the Duelists, so failing is not really our choice, keep in mind, being suspicious will raise the heads and if they discover your identities, they'll attack without a doubt." Explained Feng, standing calmly. "So, it's a simple, do and run, with additionas of elimination." Sighed Zhao, smiling. "Correct, now if you two are ready, let's get going." After agreeing, the three of them made a step and dropped down with head first with their bodies flying down the 'Innerlight City's' Division Building, while the wind circulated around them.

"No failure." The three of them stomped on the glass wall and began to ran down the building when sliding and instantly launching themselves into the distance, with the wind surrounding them and allowing them to balance their landing better, and once doing so, the three of them began to vault over building's by jumping across the roofs or over them.

[Planet Earth - Sinuiyeong - Monday, 8:10 a.m.]

Codey was stressing out while trying to remember the main details about his training.

"How does she expect me to remember all of that which is written on four papers?" Codey wondered, embarrassed while messing up his hair. "Well, in truth, the first page matters, the remaining papers are just additional details, so they aren't very important." Explained Ken, holding a similar paper. "Says you! Your paper only consists of the information about the 'Spiritual Force', mine's not even so basic like yours." Sighed Codey, rather annoyed.

"Well, it wasn't me who decided to train under the basic category. You're training on the 'Abyssal Essence', that's as far as I wouldn't be able to do, since I don't have a Demon Blood like you." Ken stepped aside and dropped his paper quietly on the table.

"Besides, I never intended to train under her watch at all... I was told to come here by Maki Akihiko... He's helped me with the 'Spiritual Symbolism's' training, however due to me unable to manipulate it well, I've been put under 'Spiritual Force' training." Sighed Ken, fixing his Zero Watch. "Talking about it. When you think about it, it's kind of sick that there's another stage to 'Spiritual Symbolism', such as 'Spiritual Force'." Codey mentioned while turning his page.

"Spiritual Force is considered as a 'mastered' version of the 'Spiritual Symbolism' but at the same time, it doesn't really improve it, all it does is to provide you with better control of your 'aura' specifically the pressure you release, after all - 'Spiritual Symbolism' is known to be the body's main source of piloting it, when it comes to Duelists. As for the 'Spiritual Force' it is the 'symbolism' that you release and let out, so completely opposite of the 'Spiritual Symbolism'. It also improves one's 'Kinetic Force' which none of us are able to awake, I believe that the only person who is able to do that, is 'Lei' herself and our 'Godess'.... Zero." Claimed Ken, taking a glass of water.

"Right... I've seen it, and so have you. Lei was able to effectively control other's Kineticism of the same type, unlike us who have no 'Spiritual Force' to current line. The only ones who're able to properly manipulate their Kineticism are the 'Manipulators'. I may be able to aim my the air at targets, but I am unable to manipulate it in perfect control. Not even Emitters are able to do so, they're able to control it around and through their bodies, but not touch to touch." Codey, sat down while thinking of some kind of a strategy to learning the 'Spiritual Force' alongside the 'Abyssal Essence'.

"Try not to worry too much, you've got enough time to study it, even I am unable to perfectly use 'Spiritual Force' to my advantage, as it is much harder to master than we'd think..." But in that moment claps were heard.

"Alright, you two, back to training, you had enough free time." Lei smiled, while the two of them agreed.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Guild (Training Grounds) - Monday, 8:12 a.m.]

Tim and Zero were in the 'Training Grounds' due to what he has been warned about. "I'm a bit concerned... What do you mean with 'Spiritual Force'? Isn't thatthe proper 'Spiritual Symbolism'?" Tim wondered, quite worried.

"Oh, you have never heard about it? Alrighty then we will start with declining. 'Spiritual Symbolism' is the body's main source of piloting it and is never released out of it, it only represents the 'Duelist's' pressure which is ONLY then available to be released, but the drawbacks of it are a sincere control of the 'Spiritual Symbolism', while the 'Spiritual Force' is an activation of a 'Duelist's' aura. Unlike 'Spiritual Symbolism' the 'Spiritual Force' is always unleashed and can never be kept in the body - it may sound a bit complex, but I am trying to explain to you is that - upon 'activating' Spiritual Force, it can never be sensed by another, unless it is released out like a 'wildfire'. It spreads through the biome while at the same time emit an extended danger, fire cannot be seen unless it is done, that is the easiest way to compare it. The 'Spiritual Force' also allows the user of improving their 'Kinetic Force' which is much more effective in battle. 'Kinetic Force' on the other hand is similar to the 'Spiritual Force', it improves the Elemental's capacity and talent while aat the same time improve the basic releases - length, height, strength, speed. If you wish to learn 'Kettoshin' it will require control of the 'Spiritual Force', but there are another problems that will occur upon activating 'Kettoshin'." Explained Zero, calmly.

"W-what do you mean by that?" Tim wondered, quite confused. "Quite simple but a problem... 'Kettoshin' requries a clean body's Spirit, meaning that whenever you would tend to use it, your 'Kientic Force' or 'Kineticism' will be unactivatable, meaning you will have to properly focus on your 'Spiritual Force' and Aura, as may as it may sound a bit 'stressful' remember. The cost of it will not erase your 'Kineticism' completely, and the other problem that will requrie you to do is..."

After she claimed, Tim became tensed, curious.

"It will cost your 'Humanity's' body for an entire day, this means I will have to make you starve, thirsty and kept in a geometric cube, it will force you to awake your 'Inner Fiend' forcing you to become a 'Fiend' yourself. But not to worry, once that process is done that will never be necessary again..." Claimed Zero, quite serious at it.

"Do... You mean-" Tim's eyes were shaking.

"Correct, you will be put on the same loss as you were back then when fighting Maya, losing your Humanity."

Upon hearing that, Tim's fear increased greatly.

To be continued...