318. The 'Warmth' of a Beach - Part 1

- (Warning: Please read the author's thought first) -

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Guild (Bedroom Area) - Thursday, 7:00 a.m.]

While Elliot was gently sneaking through the hallway he had a catchy face. "Almost there... Almost there and I'll be able to do it..." Elliot leaned his back onto the wall while moving alongside it and finally walked down the stairs when quickly swiping a keycard to the 3rd bedroom. He sneaked in and smiled, when ducking and crawling toward the bed, while quickly peeking over the bed and making a perverted face, seeing a bubbly part in front of him, itching outward. "You wouldn't mind that, would you..." After giggling he slowly reached for the breast and grabbing the right one, when squeezing immediately.

Instantly a loud scream was heard when the door swooped opened and Ayuka's shirt alongside her bra was quickly pulled off. "Elliot?!" Ayuka screeched.

"Elliot!!" Tim immediately jumped forward once Elliot's eyes popped out. "What the hell are you doing here?!" Elliot yelled when quickly pulling Ayuka's shirt and bra together, crawling away. "Stop right there you perv." Tim immediately jumped at him and hopped onto his back, squeezing him on the floor.

"Hey! Leave me! Let go! You're gonna kill me!" Shouted Elliot while hitting the floor like a baby. "HOW THE HELL DID YOU EVEN GET HERE SO FAST?!" Elliot wondered when unable to do anything. "I was passing by and heard a scream! How do you think you idiot, now get out of her room!" Tim dragged Elliot on the floor as hearing a boy's yelling. "Let me go, dude! Let me go! It was just a prank! A joke! Whatever you want to call it! It wasn't serious!!" But right in that moment, Tim raised Elliot and spun him and pulled him from the floor up, when throwing him through an opened window,

"ARE YOU CRAZY!!!" He shouted when a loud splash of water was heard.

After Tim cleaned his palms, he sighed. "Man, he never learns. Anyway, Ayuka. The breakfast is-" But as soon as Tim turned around, he froze and his entire body became red, after seeing Ayuka covering her naked body with her blanket, after pulling it up while she was confused.

Tim's nose released blood when he immediately turned around, covered his nose and was twitching when crying out loud. "Not this again. Damn it, my nose, again..." He quietly spoke, when quickly walked for the door and ran through the hallway.

"Somebody! Give me a tissue, please!" The door swooped back in to shut, while Ayuka had no idea what just happened.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Guild (Hallways) - Thursday, 7:01 a.m.]

"Man, what's all the screaming about?" Wondered Codey, while walking next to Kanji. "Watch out! Out of my way!" Tim swooped right past Codey when spinning him on the spot and forcing Codey's eyes to see circles. Codey's body froze on the spot, after shaking and blinked several times. "I don't understand what just happened? Why was Tim rushing through the hallway like a fool?" Kanji wondered when looking behind him and Codey.

"I-I have no idea... But I definitely know that I'm never walking in the middle of the hallway ever again..." Codey's body collapsed onto the floor.

"Codey?" Kanji added, looking down at Codey.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Guild (Cafeteria) - Thursday, 7:30 a.m.]

The breakfast was already ready for the students and everyone else, when Tim's body constantly had been leaned onto the chair, never blinking and looking up at the ceiling. "Hey, champ. What the hell happened to you? Seems as if you've seen a Ghost." Claimed a student, while taking a bite into his food. "You would never understand how it feels to see such a cruel thing that I just saw... If I get beat up by Ayuka, you better write my name on the gravestone..." He claimed, while seeing the light shine upon, but was then shadowed when a head looked over him, right down at the face.

Tim froze once he realized who it was. "Ayuka?" His eyes became white and his chair gave in when collapsing him backward. Now, Tim's back of the head was resting on the floor, looking up from Ayuka's feet into her face. "Would you get ready?" Tim's right eye twitched as he fell confused. "I already am, I will never forgive myself for what I have seen, go on, beat me up." Tim added.

"That's not what I'm talking about. Hurry up and get ready, remember, Shin had dedicated today for everyone to be free, we're going to the beach so get ready." She claimed, making Tim confused. "That's even worse! What was Toyama thinking?! Doesn't he realize that we have so many of the pervs. Lurking around the Guild, especially Elliot and Myles!" Tim shouted, when his eyes were almost popping out.

"Would you just get up and grab your stuff, or do you need me to pick you up by a hand?"

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Beach (Boy's dressing room) - Thursday, 8:00 a.m.]

Myles and Elliot were rushing to dress up. "Come on! Hurry up and get dressed Myles! We don't have time to waste!" Elliot shouted, once undressing his T-shirt and quickly revealing his skin and putting on the swimming shorts. "I am you idiot!" Myles shouted. "Why are you two in such a rush?" Kanji wondered, confused about them acting. Tim who held his duffel bag was just unzipping it. "What do you think?! There are so many of 'half-naked' chicks on this beach alongside Ayuka, Sakami, Kylin, Ume, Midori, even Jun and the female captains. Dude, you must be joking if you don't want to see Shion in her bra and underwear! You're missing out the point of her beauty!" Yelled Elliot, while grabbing his bag.

"Hey! You two are staying right here and now!" Yukito yelled when opening the curtain. Myles and Elliot looked at each other, once nodding, both of them jumped at Yukito and knocked him down. "See you later 'Icy kid'!" Yelled Elliot, turning around with Myles, showing their tongue and pulling down his eye-line. "Damn you two! Get back here!" Yukito shouted once trying to run after them.

"What else would you expect from those two idiots?" Wondered Codey, with a very heavy unamusement. "Shouldn't we do something about them?!" Asked Kanji when waving with his arms up and down. "Today, I could not care less. I am not spending my time on them while I have the opporunity to sunbathe in the sunlight and enjoy the fresh air and beauty of the ocean." After Codey spoke so, he stepped from the curtain, spread it and smiled.

"Beach! Sunlight! Water! Air! Here I come!" He immediately tried to dash but as soon as he did, his eyes popped out once he looked down. Codey's foot was pinched by a crab's pinchers. "You son of a-" Codey yelled once raising his left arm and hopping on one leg. The crab immediately crawled away. "Oh no you don't! Get back here, I'll make you pay for what you just did!" Codey shouted when running after a crab.

Kanji, Tim, Yukito were all left under unamusement when seeing Codey. "Is he really chasing down a crab?" Wondered Kanji and Tim at the same time.

"He sure is..." Yukito claimed, while the six hands were hanging down.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Beach (Girl's dressing room) - Thursday, 8:02 a.m.]

Elliot and Myles were sneaking on the wall toward the girl's dressing room when having already their perverted face ready. "Oh, we're so ready-" Elliot added.

"Ayuka's squishy boobs, Sakami's fine bottom and-" But right as they spoke, Elliot and Myles gently ducked their heads under the curtain and immediately noticed a bottom-swimming wear of Sakami, when their eyes immediately became activated into curiosity.

And because Sakami was unable to see them, due to her turning her backs, after she bent forward and closed in her bottom, Elliot and Myles looked up at Ayuka who was talking to Kylin and immediately were interested into ther breast. "Boy! You can see their breast size so clearly in their swimming wears. It's true, Ayuka's chests has grow so much ever since the first time I've met her!" Smild Myles but in that moment, their noses bursted out in blood when provoking the girls.

Both of them were busted once their lives flashed in front of their view.

"You perverts!!!" Immediately a powerful pressure was unleashed outwardly, by Kylin - once both Elliot and Myles went flying into the air. "Worth it! For sure!!" The two had shouted.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Beach - Thursday, 8:10 a.m.]

Tim, Kanji, Saraki, Yukito had walked on the outside while seeing several boys and girls walking around the beach, or sunbathing, alongside Codey who had still been chasing down a crab.

"He just doesn't give up.... Not even if a singular crab pinched him. He'd go at it like an assassin..." Tim sighed, when gripping his head. "Suppose he really hates being interrupted at his 'speeches'." Saraki said, while standing next to Tim. "And boy. Just look how many activities we can do. Swimming, surfing, boarding, volleyball, we can even go on the indoors and use the massive slides, alongside the yacht which serves an amazing sea food and additional, it's perfect for children like Yukito." Kanji smiled, instantly provoking Yukito who had his arms crossed and was alarmed with a red mark on his forehead.

"I swear, if another one of you calls me a kid-" But right in that moment, somebody grabbed Yukito's eyes and gently leaned her breasts onto his back. "Hey, Captain. Guess who is it." Spoke a girl. "Asuka.... Get off me!" He yelled when being embarrassed and uncomfortable. "Ohoho. Come on captain, that was too easy, let's go again!" Giggled Asuka. "What do you think you're doing. Shouldn't you be with your girly friends?" Questioned Yukito, uncomfortably pointing at her. "Oooh, good idea. You coming along?" She asked, reaching for his right shoulder. "I never mentioned myself, I'm going on the inside and I don't care. I don't plan on being out here on the heat, bye." Yukito slappd Asuka's right arm aside when he walked for the nearest bar and entered it.

"Well... He's had enough of us by now, probably..." Saraki sighed while giving a look at Asuka. "Where even are the rest of the girls?" Wondered Saraki, after having his arms softly leaned on his hips. Asuka smiled and pointed behind.

"Boys! Over here!" Called Ayuka with her left arm raised while drinking the lemonade, even covering most of her upper body with an opened shirt.

"That answers my question..." The three of the boys joined up with the girls.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Beach - Thursday, 8:12 a.m.]

Once the boys stepped toward an opened bar, they've already ordered their drinks. "Boy, these lemonades are quite sour, I like it." Smiled Kanji, sitting next to Kylin. "Right. Must I say they're very well mixed up... Not too much and not too little." Kylin added when putting the straw in her mouth, slurping out the lemonade. "I think it's like any kind of lemonades... Similar to the ones that Toyama made for us." Added Kanji, smiling. "Speaking about Shin, where's he anyway?" But when Tim asked, he then instantly fell into unamusement.

Shin stood at the water while already being surrounded by girls and boys. "I never thought I'd see Toyama Shin undressed! He's so hot!" Shouted a girl, additionally with a few others. However, Shin was uninterested in their activities and was trying to stay calm, when Elliot and Myles snapped a foot in front of the bar. "That's unfair! He's getting all the ladies we need!" Shouted Elliot, pointing at him, alongside Myles. "You bet! Let's show him a lessons or two!" Myles added.

"Shin, those are ours-" But while they ran, the boys sitting at the bar became unamused when hearing Elliot and Myles yelling, getting thrown through the air by the girls around them. "Blasting off like a bunch of morons..." Spoke Saraki, unamusingly. "Let's just sit back and enjoy the show." Tim said, sitting down when leaning his left arm on the bar and feeling kind of tired, while drinking from a straw.

To be continued...