319. The 'Warmth' of a Beach: A 'Splash' to never be forgotten - Part 2

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Beach - Thursday, 9:05 a.m.]

"Get over here!" Crab dashed past the bar, followed by Codey who was kicking sand into the air, his arms outstretched forward and chasing down the poor crab.

"Tell me that he is just messing around and not still trying to catch that crab?" Tim had his left elbow leaned onto the bar with the palm supporting his left chin. "Don't worry. He'll run out of stamina before he catches it." Added Kylin when behind the bar, leaning both of her arms on the bar counter while looking Codey next to his face. "I sure hope so, because people are already believing that he's being kind of foolish." Tim raised the glass with his right hand and began to drink lemonade from the straw.

"Oh well. What can you do with his personality. He'd get angry at everything at this point..." Kylin spoke, with her beach tees, opened while allowing the sun to shine onto her upper body. "Are you sunbathing or what? If you wish to do so, you might wanna use the deck chair?" Tim wondered, looking at Kylin. "You know. I'm not really here to sunbathe, I'm actually just to enjoy the time in water and nothing more." Claimed Kylin smiling.

"Hey, Sakami, would you help by putting the cream on?" Wondered Ayuka, having troubles, when Sakami stepped behind her and took the cream. "Thanks a lot."

"I suppose you've got a point." Tim claimed, taking another sip of the lemonade. "Speaking about that. Why are you dressed in a shirt? You're a boy so you don't have much to show." The moment Kylin said that, Tim almost gagged but ended up coughing when he was quickly hit by Kylin at the back.

"... Thanks ... I don't know. I don't want to get sunburned. I'm not very well with heat." But with that Kylin laughed. "Please tell me you're joking? Not good with heat? Your Kineticism literally is 'heat'. You're a real jokester." She claimed when hitting Tim on the shoulder, and making him unamused. "It was not my decision. Honestly, if I had to pick a Kineticism for myself, I'd definitely picked something cooler... I prefer cold in any way." Tim sighed once dropping the lemonade, but right in that moment, Codey dashed past him and once again yelling. "Stop moving!"

The sand was knocked in the air again, at which point Tim sighed and rested back onto his palm. "Hey, wanna go for a swim? We've been on surface for way too long, you know." Kylin wondered once looking Tim directly into his eyes. "Are you kidding me?! For a swim? I don't feel comfortable with that... Especially not with a girl..." Tim claimed, unamused at her and very embarrassed. "Aw, come on. I'm dressed aren't I? Besides, I rather go for a swim with you than those two perverts, just look at them." Both Kylin and Tim faced at Elliot and Myles when sneaking on the beach behind a firm woman, who was lying down on the deck chair and sunbathing.

"My god, she's so hot, I just wish to feel the softness." But before they could touch, Kanji appeared with a front kicked and slammed it into Myles, which was pushed into Elliot and both of their faces were dug down into sand. "Quit stalking them down!" Kanji ordered when walking past their twitching bodies.

They raised their arms and showed a thumbs up when pulling out their heads.

"I don't think anyone would love to be with them in a water, specifically girls..."

"So? What do ya say, would you come along?" Kylin questioned, finally making Tim relaxed. "Fine..." He noticed how Kylin stopped leaning on the bar and smiled. "Greatly done. Then let's go. Hey! Kanji! You coming too?" Kylin called, raising her left arm, quickly exchanging looks with her. "Uh? Sure..."

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Beach - Thursday, 9:07 a.m.]

Tim and Kanji were both uncomfortable after seeing Kylin undress her shirt. "I don't like where this is going...." Tim added. "I agree..." Kanji claimed, when looking at Kylin, unamused. "Here, would you please put that there?" Kylin threw her shirt into Tim's face, when it slowly slid down his face into his arms, soon changing his expression.

"Hey, you don't seem fine. Something wrong? Kanji was a bit concerned about Tim's stoic expression. "That's rose...." Tim claimed, when his nose twitched. "Whoa! Come on! Why would you smell her shirt?!" Kanji's both eyes twitched once his eyes bent. "Excuse me! She threw it into my face. Of course I'll be able to smell her perfume, idiot!" Tim and Kanji both fell into a short argue.

"Alright, sorry. I understand, now get that shirt off and let's go for a swim, who knows, somebody might join us." Kanji claimed when putting the shirt onto his deck chair, alongside Tim putting Kylin's. "Shouldn't I be more excited for this? Than what I am?" Tim wondered, when giving up his hopes and just undressing his shirt, resting it onto the deck chair.

At last, Kylin and Kanji both jumped into the ocean when immediately making Tim wet, when his unamused face foresaw the gentle drops of water surfing down his body. "Couldn't you've at least waited for me to enter into the water?" But at last, Tim stepped into water, when seeing multiple people, alongside Kanji and Kylin swimming around.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Beach - Thursday, 9:08 a.m.]

"See, it wasn't that bad..." Kylin claimed, having her hair already fully wet. "... I never mentioned that it were bad... Besides, I told you I prefer cold, and water is much better than standing by on the warm sand..." Claimed Tim, with his eyes still kind of unamused. "Oh don't be like that!" Kanji smiled, standing in front of Tim, a few feet away. "Like what?"

"Like that!" Instantly, Kanji swooped with both of his arms and letting the water to be splashed into Tim's face. "Hey! What are you-" When he was almost dunk underwater, Tim quickly stepped back up. "Come on! Don't do that!" But as he called out, Kyling and Kanji both laughed when both of them swooped with their arms. "Oh, no! Don't you-" But too late.

"Splash him!"

"HEY! STOP!" Tim shouted when an entire wave of water was sent at him and dunk him underwater, when both of them continued. "I didn't agree to splashing when you asked me to go for a swim!!" Tim yelled, while he was constantly being splashed. "Well now you are!" Kanji and Kylin yelled when continuing.

"Okay! That's too much, can we just talk about it- H-hey! Guys! No! Come on!" But right in that instant Tim felt something grabbing his leg. "Gah! What the hell is that?!" Tim continued to watch left and right when pulling his leg, but right in that instant, something splashed behind him when Tim's eyes popped out. "Who to a heaven's lord-" But right at that moment, Tim felt his stomach being wrapped. "What are you-"

Codey out of nowhere came splashing from behind Tim's back. "Time to go underwater, my matey!"

"CODEY? Wait! Weren't you just chasing down a cra-" But Tim immediately was interfered. "I have gave up! But I will for sure not give up on you! Come here!" Tim's body was raised up when throw into the air. "CODEY! That's not even fair!!!" But right in that moment, Tim and Codey were both pulled underwater, when a massive splash was sent into the air. Kanji and Kylin both looked at each other when smirked and nodded. The two of them quickly dunk underwater and noticed how, Tim was trying to break free and holding his breath alongside Codey.

Kylin and Kanji both grabbed Tim0s legs when his eyes whitened, he was unable to talk but his eyes once again popped out. Codey let go of Tim when his biody quickly swooped through the underwater, when Kanji and Kylin came splashing from the water, both pulling their arms and throwing Tim fromn the water. "You people are crazy!!!" Tim yelled once his body went flying into the distance, right down into the water again, when a massive wave came and prepared to catch Tim in it. At the point of where Tim quickly came to surface and breathe, his eyes immediately felt into squiggly expression, alongside his body becoming white.

"Shit..." At last, the wave surfed onto him and dunk him deeper under water. Codey came swimming in the middle of Kanji and Kylin, once all of them became a but uncomfortable. "Ooh, that must of have been bad for him..." Kylin claimed, with her right eye flinching. "He's fine, he'll get over it. Besides, he had barely any fun, so it's time. See, he's not angry." Codey giggled, but at the moment he spoke so, Tim came from the underwater and yelled. "Codey!!!"

"Welp... Better get going!" Shouted Codey when saluting and then immediately running through water. "Get over here!" Tim ran through the middle of Kanji and Kylin, when splashing them by accident, even causing Kylin's hair to wiggle down her face, she made an unamused face when supporting her wet hair and moving them aside. "Yeah, he definitely needs much more fun." She claimed, and Kanji made a smirk smile. "For sure!"

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Beach - Thursday, 9:10 a.m.]

But unlike the ones who were dealing with 'wet' problems, Elliot and Myles began to sneak on the sand in position of crawling, when quickly coming behind Sakami, who drank her lemonade, turned around from Elliot and Myles, but in quiet position, the two of them both made a perverted face while looking at Sakami's bikini on her bottom. "You can almost see it in full..." But while the two of them giggled like a bunch of mices, sand went flying onto them. "What the?!" Immediately, both of them were put under a sand pile, when Saraki looked down at them. "Why do we deal with them?" Saraki wondered, when Sakami's eyes flinched and was feeling very uncomfortable.

"Sakami!" Instantanouesly Ayuka came hopping from behind Sakami and landed on her back when hugging Sakami under her chest, at which point Sakami almost felt into uncomfortable expression. "Let's go play some volleyball! I asked Tim and the others, and they're ready for us. Girls versus boys!" Smiled Ayuka, while leaning her right chin onto Sakami's shoulder, smiling at her. "Yeah, Sakami, you seem like you would be very agile in that sport, so why don't we go bust their faces and win a volleyball match?" Laughed Ume, who formed a fist with her right hand. "Um... Sure..."

"Great! Saraki, you should join us. Elliot and Myles are busy smelling the sand, and there's four girls and three of the boys, you should be their fourth member! What do you say?" Ayuka smiled when still hanging onto Sakami's back. "Huh? I never played volleyball..." Saraki claimed, pointing at his face. "Nobody of the boys has, but either way. A fun match of volleyball will be a great moment to have some fun with the rest." Ayuka giggled.

"Uhm, fine...."

To be continued...