324. The tradition of the 'Holy Lights'.

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Yarao City - Pre Forest - Monday, 9:25 p.m.]

By the end of sudden appearance, the 'Time-Shifter' caused a ruckus for the Spiritual Duelists, and long lasting reality has finally ended up in Ayuka to understand the truce, and because of her being lied, herself could not bare to a minimum of anger and felt upset, even attacking Timoshī with her finally revealed spell, and now her priority of keeping the 'Planet Earth' to is safest, Ayuka has finally dared to visit the 'Holy Archs', with no proper knowledge of what she'll encounter.

[Planet Earth - Yarao City - Pre Forest - Monday, 9:26 p.m.]

With Tim, Codey and Elliot out in the woods, their reason of leaving the Innerlight City was only to return Ayuka to her senses, and bring her back to her proper life of a human.

The nightly sky kept reigning over, where a flame continued to softly wave throughout the air, surrounded by sitting Duelists. "We've been going for a week right now, and we haven't managed to come across a proper City in a long time, hope we get some place to stay the night tomorrow... Sleeping in the bags is nerve wracking, and my back hurts if I sleep to long on the floor." Sighed Codey, who had his right palm leaned onto his bent right knee.

"Yarao City is supposed to be rather close from this forest. I think we'll be able to make it there in time..." Tim bit into the boar that they managed to catch when Codey sighed. "Look at him. He's sleeping as if he was meant for that." The two had turned into Elliot's direction who had already been sleeping. "What can you do? We haven't been sleeping too well for a while now... I understand how uncomfortable that is, but it shouldn't provoke us much, we haven't even had hints about where Ayuka has gone off to, she really messed with my 'Spirituality'... And she only did that to keep me away from her..."

"... Well, I believe there wasn't mistaken. She knew you'd go chasing her down, no matter how weak you are, besides that, she wasn't told about the 'Spiritual Force'. If she erased that too, would you really have the chance of finding her. I wouldn't lie if I tell you this, but I believe she still knew you'll go after her, although she made it much more difficult for you to reach her..." Codey sighed, looking at Tim who just closed his eyes and pulled off the meat, when throwing the stick into the bin. "Yeah? It doesn't matter... Good night." Tim grabbed his sleeping bag and set himself on the floor, covering himself and falling asleep, leaving Codey awake for a few additional minutes.

"That's why nobody can replace you... You just keep going and going, no matter how weak you are, and by the end, truly manage to succeed..." By Codey giving a slight smile, he set himself aside, and followed Tim, falling asleep.

[Planet Earth - Yarao City - Pre Forest - Tuesday, 8:05 a.m.]

In the morning, Codey was the last one to wake up, while noticing that both of his friends weren't in their sleeping bags, but they've been spotted at the river. "You know. If you're really that stubborn about getting to her, wouldn't you try to use the watch and try to find her location?" As much as Elliot's solution was dumb and caused Tim to sigh, he reached into his pocket, when showing a white wrist watch. "She left her 'Zero Watch' the moment she left. If this thing isn't attached to her wrist, there's no way of locating her position..." Tim stepped away from the river, followed by Elliot's curiosity.

"Huh, she really thought of everything. Boy, so how do you expect us to find her?" Elliot wondered, who had his arms leaned onto his hip. Tim additionally stepped forward, turned around and put the wrist watch back in his pocket. "I don't know, but I'm not planning to aboard the goal, additionally the only way we'll be able to find her is a place where the same 'Title' people stay at..." The moment Tim mentioned, Codey raised his head.

"Something like 'Holy Archs'?" That instantaneously put Tim and Elliot in a line of understanding. "Exactly... But to get to it, that's the hardest part... We would need to gain the information about entrance - specifically, how to enter, and secondly, we would need a solution on what to do..." Tim sighed, stretching his left arm, supporting it by his right, under the elbow.

"Oh, yeah... 'Holy Arch'... I've completely forgot that, that's the place from where Zero had been lurking... But if that's the case, we could've just asked Zero..." Sighed Elliot, slapping his own forehead. "No. She doesn't even have enough adaptability ever since her decrease of power." Tim explained, calmed down.

"Oh, right. So then, how else would we get answers? There's no more associates who have such skill, so when you look at it in this way, only Zero could give us the answer...."

"We're not asking Zero. I'm doing this for Ayuka's sake, not her mother's... My plan won't involve her in any way, as I won't listen to her, I should've just told her from the very beginning I heard about her identity... It was us who lied, and listened to the commandswhich were dumb. If she worried about Ayuka's actions, of becoming the next 'Godess'... However, I'll be denying that, I don't intend to see her have such a role, and on the other hand all of us believe her 'humanity' is at sake and I believe her dumb thinking of protecting Earth at her age, is enough to get her in some kind of danger, or side effects..." Tim claimed, when putting on his hoodie and then rolling the sleeping bag together.

"You're not wrong. She took that responsibility way to harsh... Means we should hurry to Yarao City..." Codey claimed, standing still but picking up the bag. "Yeah..." The three of them nodded when quickly leaving the campsite behind and then dashing for the Yarao City.

[Heaven - Holy Archs - Tuesday, 8:10 a.m.]

A man was standing near the staricase, waiting. "Sir. Seiichi Anzai. The daughter of the 'Holy Light' has entered the 'Holy Archs'. Her appearance was unexpected and we do not have a perfect command on what to do with her?" A woman wondered, who knelt down near the staircase. "Her daughter?"

"Yes, Lord."

"I suppose 'Zero' was unable to keep her word and keep the secret hidden. I understand, let her to me." Anzai claimed, who had his arms crossed. "Of course, Lord." With that, the woman stood up and hitned at the 'Holy Soldiers' to unlock the door, and so have done, when a shoe stepped from the door, when long white hair rippled behind the girl's back, her daily clothes were bound to be exchanged for the 'Holy'.

"Welcome, Kirashito." Claimed the two 'Holy Soldiers' when bowing from aside her. "Thank you..." Without any further comments, Ayuka decided to step closer to the staircase, with her eyes constantly silver.

"Lass, Kirashito Ayuka, I may recall that your arrival was unknown to us. Would you proceed with an explanation to of why have you entered such domain?" Anzai claimed, looking at Ayuka, who stopped before him, and right with it, Anzai alongside the woman and two 'Holy Soldiers' knelt before her. "I would like to deny your 'kneeling'. I have only come here due to the lies that I have been cleansed from." And with it, the once kneeling before them stood up. "We understand. But may I ask for your confirmation? Are you aware of what typical expectations you must take on?" Wondered Anzai, standing in front of her.

"I have not yet heard, so I would be glad and honored if you explained to me, from what I must." She claimed, looking at him.

"We will accept your request. But before, my name is 'Seiichi Anzai' and I am the right hand of your mother. My responsibility is to prevent any intruders from entering the 'Holy Archs' as well as to puzzle together all of the requests for Lass. Zero, alongside her own daughter, so before we continue, you must know that, once you have took on the responsibility of the next 'Holy Light', it means that you must hold onto that tradition for as long as you live, and because this tradition must always stay for the future of the Planet Earth, there is a cost..." Explained Anzai, at which point Ayuka listened.

"I am here, you may command."

"Very well, Lass. Ayuka. To keep the Planet Earth from being erased, you must give birth to a successor with 'Holy Blood'. This is put onto our decision..." Anzai explained, making Ayuka outwardly confused. "It means, that you will have to marry another person of the 'Holy Blood' who is able to provoke that birth..." With that, Ayuka's eyes gently shook when she hid it. "So, by that must I say... If you ever had any kind of relationships within your 'Human Body', it must be forgotten, and no matter of the age. 'The Holy Blood' successors are forcibly put in a linee of such sight, those were the rules by our 'Holy Light'. And due to you being her daughter, it must mean, you absolutely must partake in this command... So with that I dare to ask... If you had been in relationship with someone, or far superior, you shall be denied as the next 'Holy Light' and be erased of your powers..." Explained Anzai, and with it Ayuka's memories of the past came gathering, it was clear that she had to deny her passionate love and feeling to the one she loved.

"So, with it. Have you been in any of those relations?" Wondered Anzai, when Ayuka's face became disappointed. "N-No, I had not..."

"Very well, so for the time being, stay within the 'Holy Archs' and wait for the next kind of 'Holy Blood' holder to be picked, and the man who will be your love, alongside the causer of your child... If there are any other interferences with our command, you may provide us with that information." But, denying to ask, Ayuka spoke.

"As the future and the next 'Holy Light', I will accept it with my honor, I will deny any kind of events that had happened on Planet Earth and support it with my responsibility. If I must give birth to a child and not pick my own lover, I shall do as you insist." At last, Anzai closed his eyes and took a sight.

"Very well... With it, you are not allowed to leave the 'Holy Archs' for as long as that child is born and for as long as you are known as the future's 'Holy Light'..."

To be continued...